Exemplo n.º 1
    private void Update()
        if (buttonActive && Input.anyKeyDown)
            // Find which key is pressed
            foreach (KeyCode keyCode in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode)))
                if (Input.GetKeyDown(keyCode))
                    // Key found
                    if (keyCode == KeyCode.Escape)
                        // Set button text/image as before

                        // Deactivate button

                    // Set button text/image
                    KeyDisplay buttonKeyDisplay = GetKeyDisplay(keyCode);

                    // If key is correct
                    if (buttonKeyDisplay != null)
                        // Set button value and display

                        // Deactivate button

Exemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Set button display values
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="buttonKeyDisplay">The KeyDisplay to display on the button</param>
    private void SetButtonDisplay(KeyDisplay buttonKeyDisplay)
        // Check if no error
        if (buttonKeyDisplay == null)

        if (buttonKeyDisplay.text != "")
            // Set button text
        else if (buttonKeyDisplay.image != null)
            // Set button image
            // No special display for this key
Exemplo n.º 3
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        score_txt.text = "" + score;

        if (currentDateBehavior.destinationReached)
            //On tire une touche au hasard si besoin
            if (_CurrentKey == KEY.INVALID && !nik)
                _CurrentKey = (KEY)Random.Range(0, System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(KEY)).Length - 1);

                // SON
                int rand_son    = Random.Range(0, sounds_list_keyboard.Length);
                int rand_source = Random.Range(0, 3);
                if (rand_source == 0)
                    if (InputType.Type == Control.Type.TYPE.KEYBOARD)
                        gauche.clip = sounds_list_keyboard [rand_son];
                        gauche.clip = sounds_list_xboxpad [rand_son];
                else if (rand_source == 1)
                    if (InputType.Type == Control.Type.TYPE.KEYBOARD)
                        droite.clip = sounds_list_keyboard [rand_son];
                        droite.clip = sounds_list_xboxpad [rand_son];
                else if (rand_source == 2)
                    if (InputType.Type == Control.Type.TYPE.KEYBOARD)
                        gauche.clip = sounds_list_keyboard [rand_son];
                        droite.clip = sounds_list_keyboard [rand_son];
                        gauche.clip = sounds_list_xboxpad [rand_son];
                        droite.clip = sounds_list_xboxpad [rand_son];

            if (_CurrentKey != KEY.INVALID && !KeyDisplay.IsDisplayed)

            if (ControlManager.InputPressed)
                // Pression sur la bonne touche
                if (ControlManager.IsKeyPressed(_CurrentKey))
                    score      += (int)main_timer.time_left;
                    _CurrentKey = KEY.INVALID;
                // Pression sur une mauvaise touche
                    _CurrentKey = KEY.INVALID;
                    nik         = true;

            else if (main_timer.oot)
                nik         = true;
                _CurrentKey = KEY.INVALID;

            if (!nik)
                // OnContinue d'afficher les touches
                if (score > high_score)
                    high_score          = score;
                    high_score_txt.text = "" + high_score;
                score = 0;

                //Il perd patience

                if (currentDateBehavior.patience <= 0)
                    currentDateBehavior.setDestination(outside.position);                      // Il Sort //Le Date se suicide

                    //On change de Date // Le Date n'est plus en place
                    currentDateIndex %= Dates.Count;

                    //Le Date suivant commence a bouger

                    //On fait avanceer la file d'attente
                    for (int i = 0; i < fileDattente.Count; i++)
                        DatesBehavior tmpDatesBehavior = Dates [(currentDateIndex + i + 1) % Dates.Count].GetComponent <DatesBehavior> ();
                        tmpDatesBehavior.setDestination(fileDattente [i].position);

                    nik = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
    public static GameScriptController[] GetLevel4Script(GameManager manager, KeyDisplay HeartKey, KeyDisplay BreathKey, KeyDisplay EyeKey, KeyDisplay IntestinesKey)
        return(new GameScriptController[]
            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 0.0f,
                Subtitle = "",
                VOClip = null,
                HeartEnabled = true,
                LungsEnabled = true,
                EyesEnabled = true,
                IntestinesEnabled = true,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = BreathKey,
                        TimeDown = 3f,
                        TimeUp = 3f
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = HeartKey,
                        TimeDown = 1f,
                        TimeUp = 1f
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = EyeKey,
                        TimeDown = 6f,
                        TimeUp = 6f
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = IntestinesKey,
                        TimeDown = 3f,
                        TimeUp = 3f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 8.0f,
                Subtitle = "Oh dear GOD, I should NOT have had that burrito for lunch.",
                VOClip = manager.VO4Burrito,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = IntestinesKey,
                        TimeDown = 3f,
                        TimeUp = 3f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 16.0f,
                Subtitle = "*Typing Noises*",
                VOClip = manager.VO4Typing1,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = IntestinesKey,
                        TimeDown = 4f,
                        TimeUp = 4f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 24.0f,
                Subtitle = "My poor stomach. My poor. . . uh oh!",
                VOClip = manager.VO4Stomach,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = IntestinesKey,
                        TimeDown = 3f,
                        TimeUp = 3f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 30.0f,
                Subtitle = "*Typing Intensifies*",
                VOClip = manager.VO4Typing2,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = BreathKey,
                        TimeDown = 2f,
                        TimeUp = 2f
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = IntestinesKey,
                        TimeDown = 4f,
                        TimeUp = 4f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 36.0f,
                Subtitle = "Just need to get this report in so I can go to the bath-{Hey! How's it going?}",
                VOClip = manager.VO4Report,
                Volume = .5f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 42.0f,
                Subtitle = "Oh, uh, just fine. H-how are you?",
                VOClip = manager.VO4JustFine,
                Volume = .5f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 53.0f,
                Subtitle = "{Not bad. Hey, I just wanted to tell you that I might need to postpone our date on Saturday.}",
                VOClip = manager.VO4Postpone,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = BreathKey,
                        TimeDown = 3f,
                        TimeUp = 3f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 58.0f,
                Subtitle = "Oh god, not now. PLEASE not now.",
                VOClip = manager.VO4OhGod,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = IntestinesKey,
                        TimeDown = 2f,
                        TimeUp = 2f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 66.0f,
                Subtitle = "Oh, y-yeah, no problem. Everything okay?",
                VOClip = manager.VO4NoProblem,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = IntestinesKey,
                        TimeDown = 6f,
                        TimeUp = 6f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 74.0f,
                Subtitle = "{Yeah, it's just that I had a friend suddenly decide to come to town and he really wanted to hang out.}",
                VOClip = manager.VO4Friend,
                Volume = .5f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 80.0f,
                Subtitle = "He!? HE wanted to hang out?",
                VOClip = manager.VO4He,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = BreathKey,
                        TimeDown = 2f,
                        TimeUp = 2f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 86.0f,
                Subtitle = "Oh, that's cool. . . yeah.",
                VOClip = manager.VO4Cool,
                Volume = .5f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 91.0f,
                Subtitle = "Burrito PLEASE!",
                VOClip = manager.VO4Please,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = IntestinesKey,
                        TimeDown = 1f,
                        TimeUp = 1f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 97.0f,
                Subtitle = "Maybe we can do something the next weekend?",
                VOClip = manager.VO4NextWeekend,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = IntestinesKey,
                        TimeDown = 3f,
                        TimeUp = 3f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 110.0f,
                Subtitle = "Yeah, maybe. . .",
                VOClip = manager.VO4Maybe,
                Volume = .5f
Exemplo n.º 5
    public static GameScriptController[] GetLevel1Script(GameManager manager, KeyDisplay HeartKey)
        return(new GameScriptController[]
            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 0.0f,
                Subtitle = "",
                VOClip = null,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = HeartKey,
                        TimeDown = 19.0f,
                        TimeUp = 19.0f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 4.0f,
                Subtitle = "Monday mornings are the worst.",
                VOClip = manager.VO1Monday,
                Volume = .5f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 10.0f,
                Subtitle = "Staring up at the ceiling, nothing but me and my heartbeat.",
                VOClip = manager.VO1Ceiling,
                Volume = .5f

            new GameScriptController {
                ScenarioTime = 11.0f, Subtitle = "", VOClip = null
            new GameScriptController {
                ScenarioTime = 12.0f, Subtitle = "*Heartbeat sounds*", VOClip = manager.VO1Heartbeat, Volume = .1f
            new GameScriptController {
                ScenarioTime = 13.0f, Subtitle = "*Heartbeat sounds*", VOClip = manager.VO1Heartbeat, Volume = .125f
            new GameScriptController {
                ScenarioTime = 14.0f, Subtitle = "*Heartbeat sounds*", VOClip = manager.VO1Heartbeat, Volume = .15f
            new GameScriptController {
                ScenarioTime = 15.0f, Subtitle = "*Heartbeat sounds*", VOClip = manager.VO1Heartbeat, Volume = .175f
            new GameScriptController {
                ScenarioTime = 16.0f, Subtitle = "*Heartbeat sounds*", VOClip = manager.VO1Heartbeat, Volume = .2f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 25.0f,
                Subtitle = "If I focus hard enough, it's like I can control it. Like tapping a key on my keyboard.",
                VOClip = manager.VO1Keyboard,
                Volume = .5f,
                HeartEnabled = true,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = HeartKey,
                        TimeDown = 1.0f,
                        TimeUp = 1.0f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 30.0f,
                Subtitle = "I can make it beat faster.",
                VOClip = manager.VO1Faster,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = HeartKey,
                        TimeDown = 0.7f,
                        TimeUp = 0.7f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 35.0f,
                Subtitle = "Or slower.",
                VOClip = manager.VO1Slower,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = HeartKey,
                        TimeDown = 1.3f,
                        TimeUp = 1.3f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 45.0f,
                Subtitle = "Probably best not to focus on it too much.",
                VOClip = manager.VO1Focus,
                Volume = .5f,

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 50.0f,
                Subtitle = "",
                VOClip = null,
                Volume = .5f,
Exemplo n.º 6
    public static GameScriptController[] GetLevel3Script(GameManager manager, KeyDisplay HeartKey, KeyDisplay BreathKey, KeyDisplay EyeKey)
        return(new GameScriptController[]
            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 0.0f,
                Subtitle = "",
                VOClip = null,
                HeartEnabled = true,
                LungsEnabled = true,
                EyesEnabled = true,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = BreathKey,
                        TimeDown = 1.5f,
                        TimeUp = 1.5f
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = HeartKey,
                        TimeDown = .75f,
                        TimeUp = .75f
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = EyeKey,
                        TimeDown = 4.5f,
                        TimeUp = 4.5f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 5.0f,
                Subtitle = "*heavy breathing*",
                VOClip = manager.VO3HeavyBreathing,
                Volume = .5f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 10.0f,
                Subtitle = "I don't even like running, what am I doing out here?",
                VOClip = manager.VO3Running,
                Volume = .5f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 17.0f,
                Subtitle = "Just because SHE likes it doesn't mean I need to, right?",
                VOClip = manager.VO3She,
                Volume = .5f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 21.0f,
                Subtitle = "",
                VOClip = null,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = BreathKey,
                        TimeDown = 1.1f,
                        TimeUp = 1.1f
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = HeartKey,
                        TimeDown = .6f,
                        TimeUp = .6f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 25.0f,
                Subtitle = "*choking on spit*",
                VOClip = manager.VO3Choking,
                Volume = .5f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 30.0f,
                Subtitle = "I think I swallowed a bug!",
                VOClip = manager.VO3Bug,
                Volume = .5f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 33.0f,
                Subtitle = "*struggling for air*",
                VOClip = manager.VO3Breathing2,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = BreathKey,
                        TimeDown = 1.5f,
                        TimeUp = 1.5f
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = HeartKey,
                        TimeDown = .75f,
                        TimeUp = .75f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 37.0f,
                Subtitle = "*struggling for air*",
                VOClip = null,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = EyeKey,
                        TimeDown = 1.0f,
                        TimeUp = 1.0f
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = BreathKey,
                        TimeDown = 1.2f,
                        TimeUp = 1.2f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 39.0f,
                Subtitle = "Stupid sun right on the stupid horizon, right in my stupid eyes.",
                VOClip = manager.VO3Eyes,
                Volume = .5f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 47.0f,
                Subtitle = "Stupid sun right on the stupid horizon, right in my stupid eyes.",
                VOClip = null,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = EyeKey,
                        TimeDown = 3.5f,
                        TimeUp = 3.5f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 49.0f,
                Subtitle = "*gasping for air on the side of the road*",
                VOClip = manager.VO3Gasping,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = BreathKey,
                        TimeDown = 0.8f,
                        TimeUp = 0.8f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 54.0f,
                Subtitle = "How much longer do I need to keep this up?",
                VOClip = manager.VO3Up,
                Volume = .5f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 63.0f,
                Subtitle = "*out-of-shape gasping*",
                VOClip = manager.VO3Gasping2,
                Volume = .5f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 70.0f,
                Subtitle = "I just wish she would call me back.",
                VOClip = manager.VO3CallMe,
                Volume = .5f
Exemplo n.º 7
    public static GameScriptController[] GetLevel2Script(GameManager manager, KeyDisplay HeartKey, KeyDisplay BreathKey)
        return(new GameScriptController[]
            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 2.0f,
                Subtitle = "",
                VOClip = null,
                Adjustment = null,
                HeartEnabled = true,
                LungsEnabled = true,

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 7.0f,
                Subtitle = "Looks like cereal again.",
                VOClip = manager.VO2Cereal,
                Adjustment = null,
                Volume = .5f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 14.0f,
                Subtitle = "*eating dry cereal*",
                VOClip = manager.VO2Crunching1,
                Adjustment = null,
                Volume = .5f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 19.0f,
                Subtitle = "I wonder if all this sugar is good for me?",
                VOClip = manager.VO2Sugar,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = HeartKey,
                        TimeDown = 0.9f,
                        TimeUp = 1.0f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 25.0f,
                Subtitle = "*eating pure sugar cereal*",
                VOClip = manager.VO2Crunching2,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = HeartKey,
                        TimeDown = 0.8f,
                        TimeUp = 1.0f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 35.0f,
                Subtitle = "*drinking tap water*",
                VOClip = manager.VO2Drink,
                Volume = .8f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = HeartKey,
                        TimeDown = 1.0f,
                        TimeUp = 1.0f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 45.0f,
                Subtitle = "Wait, did I forget to pay the power bill yesterday?",
                VOClip = manager.VO2Power,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = BreathKey,
                        TimeDown = 1.5f,
                        TimeUp = 1.5f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 50.0f,
                Subtitle = "*looking through various bills*",
                VOClip = manager.VO2Papers,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = BreathKey,
                        TimeDown = 1.0f,
                        TimeUp = 1.0f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 60.0f,
                Subtitle = "*Whew* I must have forgotten that I paid it earlier this month.",
                VOClip = manager.VO2Forgotten,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = BreathKey,
                        TimeDown = 1.8f,
                        TimeUp = 1.8f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 70.0f,
                Subtitle = "I wish it was Saturday.",
                VOClip = manager.VO2Saturday,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = new RhythmAdjustment[]
                    new RhythmAdjustment
                        Key = BreathKey,
                        TimeDown = 2.0f,
                        TimeUp = 2.0f

            new GameScriptController
                ScenarioTime = 80.0f,
                Subtitle = "*sadly eating cereal*",
                VOClip = manager.VO2Crunching3,
                Volume = .5f,
                Adjustment = null