Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Populates a new <see cref="KaguyaStatistics" /> with fresh information,
        ///     all from the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static async Task <KaguyaStatistics> GetFreshStats()
            int kaguyaUsers = await DatabaseQueries.GetCountAsync <User>();

            int guilds        = 0;
            int guildUsers    = 0;
            int textchannels  = 0;
            int voicechannels = 0;

            foreach (SocketGuild guild in ConfigProperties.Client.Guilds)
                guildUsers    += guild.MemberCount;
                textchannels  += guild.TextChannels.Count;
                voicechannels += guild.VoiceChannels.Count;

            int shardCount   = ConfigProperties.Client.Shards.Count;
            int commandCount = await DatabaseQueries.GetCountAsync <CommandHistory>();

            int commandCount24Hours = await DatabaseQueries.GetCountAsync <CommandHistory>(x =>
                                                                                           x.Timestamp >= DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24));

            int fish = await DatabaseQueries.GetCountAsync <Fish>();

            int points  = DatabaseQueries.GetTotalCurrency();
            int gambles = await DatabaseQueries.GetCountAsync <GambleHistory>();

            DateTime timestamp     = DateTime.Now;
            double   ram           = (double)GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / 1000000;
            int      latency       = ConfigProperties.Client.Latency;
            string   version       = ConfigProperties.Version;
            long     uptimeSeconds = (long)(DateTime.Now - Process.GetCurrentProcess().StartTime).TotalSeconds;

            var stats = new KaguyaStatistics
                KaguyaUsers         = kaguyaUsers,
                Guilds              = guilds,
                GuildUsers          = guildUsers,
                Shards              = shardCount,
                Commands            = commandCount,
                CommandsLast24Hours = commandCount24Hours,
                Fish                = fish,
                Points              = points,
                Gambles             = gambles,
                TimeStamp           = timestamp,
                TextChannels        = textchannels,
                VoiceChannels       = voicechannels,
                RamUsageMegabytes   = ram,
                LatencyMilliseconds = latency,
                UptimeSeconds       = uptimeSeconds,
                Version             = version

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static async Task Initialize()
            // Run this on init, then every 1 minute.
            KaguyaStatistics freshStats = await GetFreshStats();

            await DatabaseQueries.InsertAsync(freshStats);

            await ConsoleLogger.LogAsync("Fresh stats populated in memory cache!", LogLvl.INFO);

            var timer = new Timer(60000); // 1 Minute

            timer.Enabled   = true;
            timer.AutoReset = true;
            timer.Elapsed  += async(s, e) =>
                KaguyaStatistics stats = await GetFreshStats();

                await DatabaseQueries.InsertAsync(stats);
Exemplo n.º 3
 // Should only ever be used by KaguyaProjectV2.KaguyaBot.Core.Handlers.KaguyaStatsFactory
 // Is run on program startup by said class.
 public static void SetStats(KaguyaStatistics stats) => MostRecentStats = stats;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task Command()
            DiscordShardedClient client = Client;
            SocketUser           owner  = client.GetUser(ConfigProperties.BotConfig.BotOwnerId);

            KaguyaStatistics stats = MemoryCache.MostRecentStats;

            int totalGuilds        = stats.Guilds;
            int totalTextChannels  = stats.TextChannels;
            int totalVoiceChannels = stats.VoiceChannels;

            Dictionary <string, int> mostPopCommand = MemoryCache.MostPopularCommandCache;

            string mostPopCommandName  = mostPopCommand?.Keys.First();
            string mostPopCommandCount = mostPopCommand?.Values.First().ToString("N0");

            string mostPopCommandText;

            if (mostPopCommandName == null || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mostPopCommandCount))
                mostPopCommandText = "Data not loaded into cache yet.";
                mostPopCommandText = $"{mostPopCommandName} with {int.Parse(mostPopCommandCount.Replace(",", "")):N0} uses.";

            var fields = new List <EmbedFieldBuilder>
                new EmbedFieldBuilder
                    Name  = "Author",
                    Value = $"User: `{owner}`\n" +
                            $"Id: `{owner.Id}`"
                new EmbedFieldBuilder
                    Name  = "Command Stats",
                    Value = $"Commands Run (Last 24 Hours): `{stats.CommandsLast24Hours:N0}`\n" +
                            $"Commands Run (All-time): `{stats.Commands:N0}`\n" +
                            $"Most Popular Command: `{mostPopCommandText}`"
                new EmbedFieldBuilder
                    Name  = "Global Stats",
                    Value = $"Uptime: `{(DateTime.Now - DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-stats.UptimeSeconds)).Humanize(4, minUnit: TimeUnit.Second)}`\n" +
                            $"Guilds: `{totalGuilds:N0}`\n" +
                            $"Text Channels: `{totalTextChannels:N0}`\n" +
                            $"Voice Channels: `{totalVoiceChannels:N0}`\n" +
                            $"Users: `{stats.GuildUsers:N0}`\n" +
                            $"RAM Usage: `{stats.RamUsageMegabytes:N2} Megabytes`\n" +
                            $"Current Version: `{stats.Version}`"
                new EmbedFieldBuilder
                    Name  = "Kaguya User Stats",
                    Value = $"Unique Interactions (Users): `{stats.KaguyaUsers:N0}`\n" +
                            $"Total Points in Circulation: `{stats.Points:N0}`\n" +
                            $"Total Gambles: `{stats.Gambles:N0}`"

            var embed = new KaguyaEmbedBuilder
                Title  = "Kaguya Statistics",
                Fields = fields

            await ReplyAsync(embed : embed.Build());
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <string> Get()
            KaguyaStatistics data = MemoryCache.MostRecentStats;

            return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data, Formatting.Indented));