Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void GetKpiStats(int kpiId, string categoryId, string categoryItemId, int firstDayOfWeek, ref decimal currentValue, ref decimal lowestValue,
                                       ref decimal maxValue, ref decimal avgValue, ref decimal progress, ref decimal trend)
            if (kpiId <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.Kpi.MessageKpiIDZero);
            if (firstDayOfWeek <= 0 || firstDayOfWeek > 7)
                throw new ArgumentException("firstDayOfWeek value must be through 1 to 7");

            decimal?paramCurrentValue = 0;
            decimal?paramLowestValue  = 0;
            decimal?paramMaxValue     = 0;
            decimal?paramAvgValue     = 0;
            decimal?paramProgress     = 0;
            decimal?paramTrend        = 0;

            KPIDSTableAdapters.KPITableAdapter adapter = new KPITableAdapter();
            adapter.GetKpiStats(kpiId, categoryId, categoryItemId, firstDayOfWeek, ref paramCurrentValue, ref paramLowestValue, ref paramMaxValue, ref paramAvgValue, ref paramProgress, ref paramTrend);

            currentValue = paramCurrentValue == null ? decimal.MinValue : paramCurrentValue.Value;
            lowestValue  = paramLowestValue == null ? decimal.MinValue : paramLowestValue.Value;
            maxValue     = paramMaxValue == null ? decimal.MinValue : paramMaxValue.Value;
            avgValue     = paramAvgValue == null ? decimal.MinValue : paramAvgValue.Value;
            progress     = paramProgress == null ? decimal.MinValue : paramProgress.Value;
            trend        = paramTrend == null ? decimal.MinValue : paramTrend.Value;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static KPI GetKPIById(int kpiId)
            if (kpiId <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.Organization.MessageZeroAreaId);

            KPI theData = null;

                KPITableAdapter    localAdapter = new KPITableAdapter();
                KPIDS.KPIDataTable theTable     = localAdapter.GetKPIById(kpiId);
                if (theTable != null && theTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    KPIDS.KPIRow theRow = theTable[0];
                    theData = FillRecord(theRow);
            catch (Exception exc)
                log.Error(Resources.Kpi.MessageErrorKpiInformation + " KpiId: " + kpiId, exc);
                throw new Exception(Resources.Kpi.MessageErrorKpiInformation);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void DeletePermanentlyKPI(int kpiId)
            KPIDSTableAdapters.KPITableAdapter adapter = new KPITableAdapter();

            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error(Resources.Kpi.MessageErrorDelete, ex);
                throw new Exception(Resources.Kpi.MessageErrorDelete);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void DeleteKPI(int kpiId)
            KPIDSTableAdapters.KPITableAdapter adapter = new KPITableAdapter();

            string username = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

                adapter.DeleteKPI(kpiId, username);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error(Resources.Kpi.MessageErrorDelete, ex);
                throw new Exception(Resources.Kpi.MessageErrorDelete);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static decimal GetKpiProgress(int kpiId, string categoryId, string categoryItemId, int firstDayOfWeek, ref bool hasTarget, ref decimal currentValue)
            if (kpiId <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.Kpi.MessageKpiIDZero);

            bool?   paramHasTarget    = false;
            decimal?paramCurrentValue = 0;
            decimal?progress          = 0;

            KPIDSTableAdapters.KPITableAdapter adapter = new KPITableAdapter();
            adapter.GetKpiProgress(kpiId, categoryId, categoryItemId, firstDayOfWeek, ref paramHasTarget, ref paramCurrentValue, ref progress);

            hasTarget    = paramHasTarget == null ? false : paramHasTarget.Value;
            currentValue = paramCurrentValue == null ? 0 : paramCurrentValue.Value;
