Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// The <c>Initialize</c> function is called by KeePass when
        /// you should initialize your plugin (create menu items, etc.).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">Plugin host interface. By using this
        /// interface, you can access the KeePass main window and the
        /// currently opened database.</param>
        /// <returns>You must return <c>true</c> in order to signal
        /// successful initialization. If you return <c>false</c>,
        /// KeePass unloads your plugin (without calling the
        /// <c>Terminate</c> function of your plugin).</returns>
        public override bool Initialize(IPluginHost host)
            Debug.Assert(host != null);
            if (host == null)
            m_host = host;
            //m_docMgr = host.MainWindow.DocumentManager;

            // Get a reference to the 'Tools' menu item container
            m_tsMenu = m_host.MainWindow.ToolsMenu.DropDownItems;

            // Add a separator at the bottom
            ToolStripSeparator tsSeparator = new ToolStripSeparator();


            m_tsPopup      = new ToolStripMenuItem();
            m_tsPopup.Text = "KPEnhancedListview";
            //m_tsMenu.ToolTipText = tbToolTip;

            // We want a notification when the user tried to save the current database
            m_host.MainWindow.FileSaved += OnFileSaved;

            // Find the listview control
            //m_toolMain = (CustomToolStripEx)Util.FindControlRecursive(m_host.MainWindow, m_ctseName);
            m_lvEntries = (CustomListViewEx)Util.FindControlRecursive(m_host.MainWindow, m_clveName);
            //m_tsmiMenuView = (ToolStripMenuItem)Util.FindControlRecursive(m_host.MainWindow, m_tsmiName);
            //m_tvGroups = (CustomTreeViewEx)Util.FindControlRecursive(m_host.MainWindow, m_ctveName);
            //m_csceSplitVertical = (CustomSplitContainerEx)Util.FindControlRecursive(m_host.MainWindow, m_csceName);

            // Initialize Sub Plugins
            KPELInlineEditing  = new KPEnhancedListviewInlineEditing();
            KPELAddEntry       = new KPEnhancedListviewAddEntry();
            KPELOpenDirecotory = new KPEnhancedListviewOpenGroup();
            KPELEditableNotes  = new KPEnhancedListviewEditableNotes();

            // Add About dialog

            // Add About dialog
            ToolStripMenuItem m_tbItem = null;

            m_tbItem        = new ToolStripMenuItem();
            m_tbItem.Text   = "About";
            m_tbItem.Image  = Properties.Resources.B16x16_Help;
            m_tbItem.Click += OpenAbout;

            return(true); // Initialization successful
        /// <summary>
        /// The <c>Initialize</c> function is called by KeePass when
        /// you should initialize your plugin (create menu items, etc.).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">Plugin host interface. By using this
        /// interface, you can access the KeePass main window and the
        /// currently opened database.</param>
        /// <returns>You must return <c>true</c> in order to signal
        /// successful initialization. If you return <c>false</c>,
        /// KeePass unloads your plugin (without calling the
        /// <c>Terminate</c> function of your plugin).</returns>
        public override bool Initialize(IPluginHost host)
            Debug.Assert(host != null);
            if (host == null) return false;
            m_host = host;
            //m_docMgr = host.MainWindow.DocumentManager;

            // Get a reference to the 'Tools' menu item container
            m_tsMenu = m_host.MainWindow.ToolsMenu.DropDownItems;

            // Add a separator at the bottom
            ToolStripSeparator tsSeparator = new ToolStripSeparator();

            m_tsPopup = new ToolStripMenuItem();
            m_tsPopup.Text = "KPEnhancedListview";
            //m_tsMenu.ToolTipText = tbToolTip;
            // We want a notification when the user tried to save the current database
            m_host.MainWindow.FileSaved += OnFileSaved;

            // Find the listview control 
            //m_toolMain = (CustomToolStripEx)Util.FindControlRecursive(m_host.MainWindow, m_ctseName);
            m_lvEntries = (CustomListViewEx)Util.FindControlRecursive(m_host.MainWindow, m_clveName);
            //m_tsmiMenuView = (ToolStripMenuItem)Util.FindControlRecursive(m_host.MainWindow, m_tsmiName);
            //m_tvGroups = (CustomTreeViewEx)Util.FindControlRecursive(m_host.MainWindow, m_ctveName);
            //m_csceSplitVertical = (CustomSplitContainerEx)Util.FindControlRecursive(m_host.MainWindow, m_csceName);

            // Initialize Sub Plugins
            KPELInlineEditing = new KPEnhancedListviewInlineEditing();
            KPELAddEntry = new KPEnhancedListviewAddEntry();
            KPELOpenDirecotory = new KPEnhancedListviewOpenGroup();
			KPELEditableNotes = new KPEnhancedListviewEditableNotes(); 
            // Add About dialog

            // Add About dialog
            ToolStripMenuItem m_tbItem = null;
            m_tbItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
            m_tbItem.Text = "About";
            m_tbItem.Image = Properties.Resources.B16x16_Help;
            m_tbItem.Click += OpenAbout;

            return true; // Initialization successful