Exemplo n.º 1
        public XmlDocument getKML(int connID)
            String serverPath = "http://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"] + ":"
                                + HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_PORT"];

            //create new connection a populate fields to get the connection name for KMLGenerator
            Connection conn = new Connection(connID);

            string name = conn.getConnInfo().getConnectionName();

            //create a new kml genereator with the connection name as the placemark name
            KMLGenerator kmlGen = new KMLGenerator(name, serverPath);

            string kml = "";

            //generate the kml for the given connID
                kml = kmlGen.generateKML(connID);
            catch (Exception e)
                //if there was an error generating kml, return a kml file that contains only a screen overlay that states there was an error generating kml
                kml = "<ScreenOverlay>	<name>KML Error</name>	<Icon>		<href>"+ serverPath + "/graphics/kml-error.png</href>	</Icon>	<overlayXY x=\"0.5\" y=\"0.5\" xunits=\"fraction\" yunits=\"fraction\"/>	<screenXY x=\"0.5\" y=\"0.5\" xunits=\"fraction\" yunits=\"fraction\"/>	<rotationXY x=\"0\" y=\"0\" xunits=\"fraction\" yunits=\"fraction\"/>	<size x=\"1\" y=\"0.2\" xunits=\"fraction\" yunits=\"fraction\"/></ScreenOverlay>";
            //add the kml to an XMLDoc and return
            XmlDocument kmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void CrimeDataTest()
            DataBase database = new DataBase();

            m_dataBase = database;
            var watch0 = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            // TODO: takes 8895 ms for database small
            // TODO: takes 34 seconds for load dataset1
            Console.WriteLine("Process data takes " + watch0.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms");

            /// Test get coordinates in bounding box
            /// TODO: search coordinates in bbox take much more time than searching in bcircle
            var watch2 = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var c2     = database.BboxCoordinates(41.85776407, -87.73420671, 41.89993156, -87.60380377, mLevel);

            var elapsedMs2 = watch2.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("BboxCoordinates, Time elapsed: " + elapsedMs2 + " ms | " + c2.Length + " results get");
            KMLGenerator.GenerateKMLcoordinates(c2, "box coordinates");

            /// Display search process

            /// Test get coordinates in bounding circle
            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            Coordinates[] c = database.BcircleCoordinates(mLat, mLon, mRadius, mLevel, mLimit);
            var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("BcircleCoordinates, Time elapsed: " + elapsedMs + " ms | " + c.Length + " results get");
            KMLGenerator.GenerateKMLcoordinates(c, "circle coordinates");

            /// Display search process
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void BoundingCircleTest()
            Coordinates c = new Coordinates {
                Lat = mLat, Lon = mLon

            Console.WriteLine("point latitude " + c.Lat + ", longitude " + c.Lon);
            var encoded = GeoHash.Encode(c.Lat, c.Lon, mLevel);

            Console.WriteLine("encoded = " + encoded);

            var decoded   = GeoHash.Decode(encoded);
            var latitude  = decoded.Coordinates.Lat;
            var longitude = decoded.Coordinates.Lon;

            Console.WriteLine("decoded box latitude " + latitude + ", longitude " + longitude);

            BoundingBox box    = GeoHash.DecodeBbox(encoded);
            var         maxLat = box.Maximum.Lat;
            var         minLat = box.Minimum.Lat;
            var         maxLon = box.Maximum.Lon;
            var         minLon = box.Minimum.Lon;

            // Measure the box size in meters
            var oneSide     = DataBase.Measure(maxLat, minLon, minLat, minLon);
            var anotherSide = DataBase.Measure(maxLat, maxLon, maxLat, minLon);

            // Bounding circle
            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            string[] hashList = DataBase.Bcircle(c.Lat, c.Lon, mRadius, mLevel);
            var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            //foreach (var h in hashList)
            //    Console.WriteLine(h);

            Console.WriteLine("box size: " + oneSide + " meters * " + anotherSide + " meters");
            Console.WriteLine("bounding circle radius " + mRadius + " meters, level " + mLevel);
            Console.WriteLine("Get bounding circle, time elapsed: " + elapsedMs + " ms | " + hashList.Length + " results get");
            string filename = "bounding circle" + c.Lat.ToString() + "-" + c.Lon.ToString() + "-" + mRadius.ToString() + "-" + mLevel.ToString();

            KMLGenerator.GenerateKMLBoundingCircle(hashList, c.Lat, c.Lon, mRadius, filename);
            Console.WriteLine("save as file name " + filename);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void BoundingBoxTest()
            // Bounding box
            Coordinates coor1 = new Coordinates {
                Lat = 41.85776407, Lon = -87.73420671
            Coordinates coor2 = new Coordinates {
                Lat = 41.89993156, Lon = -87.60380377
            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            string[] hashlist = GeoHash.Bboxes(coor1.Lat, coor1.Lon, coor2.Lat, coor2.Lon, mLevel);
            var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("Get bounding box, time elapsed: " + elapsedMs + " ms | " + hashlist.Length + " results get");
            KMLGenerator.GenerateKMLBoundingBoxes(hashlist, coor1, coor2, "bounding box");