Exemplo n.º 1
        private void ButtonPlayToFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (CheckTextIsEmpty())
            SaveFileDialog fDlg = new SaveFileDialog();

            //fDlg.Filter = "Wave File(*.wav)|*.wav|All File(*.*)|*.*";
            if (iFileFormat == Jtts.FORMAT_WAV ||
                iFileFormat == Jtts.FORMAT_WAV_8K8B || iFileFormat == Jtts.FORMAT_WAV_8K16B ||
                iFileFormat == Jtts.FORMAT_WAV_16K8B || iFileFormat == Jtts.FORMAT_WAV_16K16B ||
                iFileFormat == Jtts.FORMAT_WAV_11K8B || iFileFormat == Jtts.FORMAT_WAV_11K16B ||
                ((iFileFormat == Jtts.FORMAT_ALAW_8K || iFileFormat == Jtts.FORMAT_uLAW_8K) &&
                 (iFileHead == Jtts.PLAYTOFILE_ADDHEAD)))
                fDlg.Filter = "Wave File (*.wav)|*.wav|All Files(*.*)|*.*";
            else if (iFileFormat == Jtts.FORMAT_VOX_6K || iFileFormat == Jtts.FORMAT_VOX_8K)
                fDlg.Filter = "Vox File (*.vox)|*.vox|All Files(*.*)|*.*";
                fDlg.Filter = "ALaw or uLaw File (*.law)|*.law|All Files(*.*)|*.*";
            if (DialogResult.OK == fDlg.ShowDialog(this))
                Jtts.JTTS_CONFIG config = new Jtts.JTTS_CONFIG();
                int iErr = Jtts.jTTS_Get(out config);
                Jtts.jTTS_PlayToFile(textBoxContent.Text, fDlg.FileName, 0, ref config, 0, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
        //Initialize dialog's state according to in-param[config].
        public void SetJttsConfig(Jtts.JTTS_CONFIG config)
            int i = 0;
            //Get all voice and add to "comboBoxVoice".
            int iVoiceCount        = Jtts.jTTS_GetVoiceCount();
            int iDefaultVoiceIndex = 0;                 //Index of default voice.

            for (i = 0; i < iVoiceCount; i++)
                Jtts.JTTS_VOICEATTRIBUTE vAtt = new InfoQuick.SinoVoice.Tts.Jtts.JTTS_VOICEATTRIBUTE();
                Jtts.jTTS_GetVoiceAttribute(i, out vAtt);

                Jtts.JTTS_LANGATTRIBUTE lAtt = new InfoQuick.SinoVoice.Tts.Jtts.JTTS_LANGATTRIBUTE();
                Jtts.jTTS_GetLangAttributeByValue(vAtt.nLanguage, out lAtt);

                string strVoiceDescribe = vAtt.szName + '(' + lAtt.szName + " " + strGender[vAtt.nGender] + ')';

                //Get index of default voice.
                if (config.szVoiceID == vAtt.szVoiceID)
                    iDefaultVoiceIndex = i;
            //Set default voice.
            comboBoxVoice.SelectedIndex = iDefaultVoiceIndex;

            comboBoxDomain.SelectedIndex   = config.nDomain;
            comboBoxCodePage.SelectedIndex = CodePageFromValueToIndex(config.nCodePage);
            comboBoxDigital.SelectedIndex  = config.nDigitMode;
            comboBoxEnglish.SelectedIndex  = config.nEngMode;
            comboBoxTag.SelectedIndex      = config.nTagMode;

            trackBarVolume.Value = config.nVolume;
            trackBarSpeed.Value  = config.nSpeed;
            trackBarPitch.Value  = config.nPitch;

            checkBoxPunctuation.Checked       = ((config.nPuncMode & (short)0x01) != 0)? true : false;
            checkBoxReturnCutSentence.Checked = ((config.nPuncMode & (short)0x02) != 0)? true : false;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void GetJttsConfig(ref Jtts.JTTS_CONFIG config)
            config.szVoiceID  = textBoxVoiceID.Text;
            config.nDomain    = (short)comboBoxDomain.SelectedIndex;
            config.nCodePage  = (ushort)CodePageFromIndexToValue(comboBoxCodePage.SelectedIndex);
            config.nDigitMode = (short)comboBoxDigital.SelectedIndex;
            config.nEngMode   = (short)comboBoxEnglish.SelectedIndex;
            config.nTagMode   = (short)comboBoxTag.SelectedIndex;
            config.nVolume    = (short)trackBarVolume.Value;
            config.nSpeed     = (short)trackBarSpeed.Value;
            config.nPitch     = (short)trackBarPitch.Value;

            config.nPuncMode = 0;
            if (checkBoxPunctuation.Checked)
                config.nPuncMode |= (short)0x01;
            if (checkBoxReturnCutSentence.Checked)
                config.nPuncMode |= (short)0x02;