Exemplo n.º 1
    public void BeginCapture(CaptureHeadbox headbox, string capture_dir, int max_frames, CaptureStatus status_interface)
        start_time_ = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        headbox_          = headbox;
        dynamic_range_    = headbox_.dynamic_range_;
        samples_per_face_ = (int)headbox_.samples_per_face_;
        capture_dir_      = capture_dir;
        capture_frame_    = 0;
        status_interface_ = status_interface;
        max_frames_       = max_frames;
        status_interface_.SendProgress("Capturing Images...", 0.0f);
        List <Vector3> samples = new List <Vector3>();

        // Use Hammersly point set to distribute samples.
        for (int position_sample_index = 0; position_sample_index < samples_per_face_; ++position_sample_index)
            Vector3 headbox_position = new Vector3(
                (float)position_sample_index / (float)(samples_per_face_ - 1),
                RadicalInverse((ulong)position_sample_index, 2),
                RadicalInverse((ulong)position_sample_index, 3));
            headbox_position -= headbox.size_ * 0.5f;
            // Headbox samples are in camera space; transform to world space.
            headbox_position = headbox.transform.TransformPoint(headbox_position);

        // Sort samples by distance from center of the headbox.
        samples.Sort(delegate(Vector3 a, Vector3 b) {
            float length_a = a.sqrMagnitude;
            float length_b = b.sqrMagnitude;
        // Replace the sample closest to the center of the headbox with a sample at
        // exactly the center. This is important because Seurat requires
        // sampling information at the center of the headbox.
        samples[0] = headbox.transform.position;

        samples_ = samples;
        // Note this uses a modified version of Unity's standard internal depth
        // capture shader. See the shader in Assets/builtin_shaders/
        // DefaultResourcesExtra/Internal-DepthNormalsTexture.shader.
        render_depth_shader_ = Shader.Find("GoogleVR/Seurat/CaptureEyeDepth");

        capture_manifest_ = new JsonManifest.Capture();

        // Setup cameras
        color_camera_ = headbox_.ColorCamera;

        depth_camera_object_ = new GameObject("Depth Camera");
        depth_camera_        = depth_camera_object_.AddComponent <Camera>();
        //Checks if we are using HDRP, if so, we need to add additional components.
        OverrideMaterialRenderer overrideMaterialRenderer = depth_camera_object_.AddComponent <OverrideMaterialRenderer>();
Exemplo n.º 2
    public void EndCapture()
        if (capture_manifest_ != null)
            string json_data = JsonUtility.ToJson(capture_manifest_, true);
            File.WriteAllText(PathCombine(export_path_, "manifest.json"), json_data);
            capture_manifest_ = null;

            color_camera_ = null;

            Debug.Log("Total Capture time: " + (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - start_time_ + " seconds."));
