Exemplo n.º 1
        public static JObject Expand(JToken swidTag)
            // then, expand it out so we can walk it with strong types
            var expanded = JsonLdProcessor.Expand(Compact(swidTag), _options).FirstOrDefault().ToJObject();

        public static JObject Run()
            var doc       = JObject.Parse(_docJson);
            var context   = JObject.Parse(_contextJson);
            var opts      = new JsonLdOptions();
            var compacted = JsonLdProcessor.Compact(doc, context, opts);


             * Output:
             * {
             *  "@id": "ld-experts",
             *  "member": {
             *      "image": "http://manu.sporny.org/images/manu.png",
             *      "name": "Manu Sporny",
             *      "homepage": "http://manu.sporny.org/",
             *  },
             *  "name": "LD Experts",
             *  "@context": . . .
             * }

Exemplo n.º 3
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        String sparql = File.ReadAllText("../query.sparql");
        var parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>();

        parameters["query"]  = sparql;
        parameters["format"] = "text/turtle";

        var                 client      = new HttpClient();
        StringContent       queryString = new StringContent(sparql);
        HttpResponseMessage resp        = client.PostAsync("http://virhp07.libris.kb.se/sparql", new FormUrlEncodedContent(parameters)).Result;

        Console.WriteLine("Hello Mono World" + resp.StatusCode);
        var turtle = resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

        var options = new JsonLdOptions()
            format = "text/turtle"

        var expanded    = JsonLdProcessor.FromRDF(turtle, options);
        var context     = File.ReadAllText("../context.jsonld");
        var compOptions = new JsonLdOptions();

        var compacted = JsonLdProcessor.Frame(expanded, context, compOptions);

        public override async Task <ValidationResult> ValidateAsync(JToken proof, ProofOptions options)
            var result = await base.ValidateAsync(proof, options);

            var verificationMethodId = Options.VerificationMethod["id"].ToString();
            var controllerId         = Controller ?? GetVerificationMethod() ??
                                       throw new ProofValidationException("Controller or VerificationMethod not found");

            var framed = JsonLdProcessor.Frame(
                new JObject
                { "@context", Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL },
                { "id", controllerId },
                { Term, new JObject
                      { "@embed", "@never" },
                      { "id", verificationMethodId }
                  } }

            if (framed[Term] is JArray keys && keys.Any(x => x.ToString() == verificationMethodId))
                result.Controller = framed["id"].ToString();

            throw new ProofValidationException($"Verification method '{verificationMethodId}' not authorized " +
                                               $"by controller for proof purpose '{Term}'.");
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void Save(IGraph graph, TextWriter output)
            JToken data = (_context != null ? JsonLdProcessor.Compact(MakeExpandedForm(graph), _context, new JsonLdOptions()) : MakeExpandedForm(graph));

Exemplo n.º 6
        public bool VerifyProof(VerifyProofOptions proofOptions)
            var suite = suiteFactory.GetSuite(proofOptions.LdSuiteType) ?? throw new Exception($"Suite not found for type '{proofOptions.LdSuiteType}'");

            var processorOptions = new JsonLdProcessorOptions
                CompactToRelative = false,
                DocumentLoader    = documentLoader.GetDocumentLoader()

            if (proofOptions.CompactProof)
                proofOptions.Document = JsonLdProcessor.Compact(
                    input: proofOptions.Document,
                    context: Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL,
                    options: processorOptions);

            var proof = (JObject)proofOptions.Document["proof"].DeepClone();

            proof["@context"] = Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL;

            proofOptions.Proof = proof;

            return(suite.VerifyProof(proofOptions, processorOptions));
        public static void Run()
            var doc       = JObject.Parse(_docJson);
            var frame     = JObject.Parse(_frameJson);
            var opts      = new JsonLdOptions();
            var flattened = JsonLdProcessor.Frame(doc, frame, opts);


             * Output:
             * {
             *  "@context": . . .,
             *  "@graph": [
             *      {
             *          "@id": "_:b0",
             *          "@type": "Person",
             *          "image": "http://manu.sporny.org/images/manu.png",
             *          "name": "Manu Sporny",
             *          "homepage": "http://manu.sporny.org/"
             *      }
             *  ]
             * }
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Cryptographically signs the provided document by adding a `proof` section,
        /// based on the provided suite and proof purpose.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document"></param>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <JToken> SignAsync(JToken document, ProofOptions options)
            if (options.Purpose is null)
                throw new Exception("Proof purpose is required.");
            if (options.Suite is null)
                throw new Exception("Suite is required.");

            options.AdditonalData["originalDocument"] = document;
            var documentCopy = document.DeepClone();

            documentCopy = options.CompactProof
                ? JsonLdProcessor.Compact(documentCopy, Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL, options.GetProcessorOptions())
                : document.DeepClone();

            // create the new proof (suites MUST output a proof using the security-v2
            // `@context`)
            options.Input = documentCopy;
            var proof = await options.Suite.CreateProofAsync(options);

            // TODO: Check compaction again

            var result = proof.UpdatedDocument ?? document.DeepClone();

            result["proof"] = proof.Proof;
        public JToken CreateProof(CreateProofOptions options, JsonLdProcessorOptions processorOptions)
            if (!(options.VerificationMethod is Bls12381VerificationKey2020 verificationMethod))
                throw new Exception(
                          $"Invalid verification method. " +
                          $"Expected '{nameof(Bls12381VerificationKey2020)}'. " +
                          $"Found '{options.VerificationMethod?.GetType().Name}'.");

            // Prepare proof
            var compactedProof = JsonLdProcessor.Compact(
                input: new BbsBlsSignature2020
                Context  = Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL,
                TypeName = "https://w3c-ccg.github.io/ldp-bbs2020/context/v1#BbsBlsSignature2020"
                context: Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL,
                options: processorOptions);

            var proof = new BbsBlsSignature2020(compactedProof)
                Context            = Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL,
                VerificationMethod = options.VerificationMethod switch
                    VerificationMethodReference reference => (string)reference,
                    VerificationMethod method => method.Id,
                    _ => throw new Exception("Unknown VerificationMethod type")
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static IEnumerable <VerificationMethod> FindVerificationMethods(DidDocument didDocument, string proofPurpose, IDocumentLoader documentLoader)
            var processorOptions = new JsonLdProcessorOptions {
                DocumentLoader = documentLoader.Load

            processorOptions.ExpandContext = Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL;

            var result = JsonLdProcessor.Frame(
                input: didDocument,
                frame: new JObject
                { "@context", Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL },
                { "@explicit", true },
                { proofPurpose, new JObject {
                      { "@embed", "@always" }
                  } }
                options: processorOptions);

            if (result[proofPurpose] == null || !(result[proofPurpose] is JArray purposes))
                throw new Exception($"No verification keys found for prupose `{proofPurpose}`");

            return(purposes.Select(x => new VerificationMethod(x as JObject)).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 11
        public JToken CreateProof(CreateProofOptions options)
            if (options.VerificationMethod is null)
                throw new Exception("Verification method is required.");
            if (options.ProofPurpose is null)
                throw new Exception("Proof purpose is required.");
            if (options.LdSuiteType is null)
                throw new Exception("Suite type is required.");

            var suite            = suiteFactory.GetSuite(options.LdSuiteType) ?? throw new Exception($"Suite not found for type '{options.LdSuiteType}'");
            var processorOptions = new JsonLdProcessorOptions
                CompactToRelative = false,
                DocumentLoader    = documentLoader.GetDocumentLoader()

            if (options.CompactProof)
                options.Document = JsonLdProcessor.Compact(
                    input: options.Document,
                    context: Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL,
                    options: processorOptions);

            return(suite.CreateProof(options, processorOptions));
Exemplo n.º 12
        public Task <IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <Iri, IEnumerable <Statement> > > > Read(StreamReader streamReader)
            if (streamReader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(streamReader));

            var defaultGraph = new TypePrioritizingStatementCollection();
            var graphMap     = new Dictionary <Iri, IEnumerable <Statement> >();
            var dataset      = (RDFDataset)JsonLdProcessor.ToRDF(JSONUtils.FromReader(streamReader));

            foreach (var graphName in dataset.GraphNames())
                var graphIri = (graphName == "@default" ? null : (graphName.StartsWith("_:") ? new Iri() : new Iri(graphName)));
                IEnumerable <Statement> statements;
                if (graphIri == null)
                    statements = defaultGraph;
                else if (!graphMap.TryGetValue(graphIri, out statements))
                    graphMap[graphIri] = statements = new TypePrioritizingStatementCollection();

                var statementsCollection = (ICollection <Statement>)statements;
                foreach (var quad in dataset.GetQuads(graphName))

            return(Task.FromResult(new[] { new KeyValuePair <Iri, IEnumerable <Statement> >(null, defaultGraph) }.Concat(graphMap)));
        public static void Run()
            var doc       = JObject.Parse(_docJson);
            var context   = JObject.Parse(_contextJson);
            var opts      = new JsonLdOptions();
            var flattened = JsonLdProcessor.Flatten(doc, context, opts);


             * Output:
             * {
             *  "@context": . . .,
             *  "@graph": [
             *      {
             *          "@id": "_:b0",
             *          "image": "http://manu.sporny.org/images/manu.png",
             *          "name": "Manu Sporny",
             *          "homepage": "http://manu.sporny.org/"
             *      },
             *      {
             *          "@id": "ld-experts",
             *          "member": {
             *              "@id": "_:b0"
             *          },
             *          "name": "LD Experts"
             *      }
             *  ]
             * }
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static void Run()
            var doc           = JObject.Parse(_docJson);
            var remoteContext = JObject.Parse("{'@context':'http://example.org/context.jsonld'}");
            var opts          = new JsonLdOptions {
                documentLoader = new CustomDocumentLoader()
            var compacted = JsonLdProcessor.Compact(doc, remoteContext, opts);


             * Output:
             * {
             *  "@id": "http://example.org/ld-experts",
             *  "member": {
             *      "@type": "Person",
             *      "image": "http://manu.sporny.org/images/manu.png",
             *      "name": "Manu Sporny",
             *      "homepage": "http://manu.sporny.org/"
             *  },
             *  "name": "LD Experts"
             * }
        public void Load(IGraph g, TextReader input)
            JToken json;

            using (JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(input))
                json = JToken.Load(jsonReader);
                JArray flattened = (JArray)JsonLdProcessor.Flatten(json, new JsonLdOptions());

                foreach (JObject subjectJObject in flattened)
                    string subject = subjectJObject["@id"].ToString();

                    JToken type;
                    if (subjectJObject.TryGetValue("@type", out type))
                        if (type is JArray)
                            foreach (JToken t in (JArray)type)
                                Assert(g, subject, "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type", new Uri(t.ToString()), null);
                            Assert(g, subject, "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type", new Uri(type.ToString()), null);

                    foreach (JProperty property in subjectJObject.Properties())
                        if (property.Name == "@id" || property.Name == "@type")

                        foreach (JObject objectJObject in property.Value)
                            JToken id;
                            JToken value;
                            if (objectJObject.TryGetValue("@id", out id))
                                Assert(g, subject, property.Name, new Uri(id.ToString()), null);
                            else if (objectJObject.TryGetValue("@value", out value))
                                string datatype = null;
                                JToken datatypeJToken;
                                if (objectJObject.TryGetValue("@type", out datatypeJToken))
                                    datatype = datatypeJToken.ToString();
                                Assert(g, subject, property.Name, value.ToString(), datatype);
        public JToken CreateProof(CreateProofOptions options, JsonLdProcessorOptions processorOptions)
            var(document, proofs) = options.Document.GetProofs(processorOptions);
            var proof = new BbsBlsSignature2020(proofs.FirstOrDefault() ?? throw new Exception("Proof not found"));

            proof.Context = Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL;

            var signature    = Convert.FromBase64String(proof.ProofValue);
            var derivedProof = JsonLdProcessor.Compact(new BbsBlsSignatureProof2020(), Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL, processorOptions);

            var documentStatements = BbsBlsSignature2020Suite.CreateVerifyDocumentData(document, processorOptions);
            var proofStatements    = BbsBlsSignature2020Suite.CreateVerifyProofData(proof, processorOptions);

            var transformedInputDocumentStatements = documentStatements.Select(TransformBlankNodeToId).ToArray();

            var compactInputDocument = Helpers.FromRdf(transformedInputDocumentStatements);

            var revealDocument           = JsonLdProcessor.Frame(compactInputDocument, options.ProofRequest, processorOptions);
            var revealDocumentStatements = BbsBlsSignature2020Suite.CreateVerifyDocumentData(revealDocument, processorOptions);

            var numberOfProofStatements = proofStatements.Count();

            var proofRevealIndicies    = EnumerableFromInt(numberOfProofStatements).ToArray();
            var documentRevealIndicies = revealDocumentStatements.Select(x => Array.IndexOf(transformedInputDocumentStatements, x) + numberOfProofStatements).ToArray();

            if (documentRevealIndicies.Count() != revealDocumentStatements.Count())
                throw new Exception("Some statements in the reveal document not found in original proof");

            var revealIndicies = proofRevealIndicies.Concat(documentRevealIndicies);

            derivedProof["nonce"] = options.Nonce ?? Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            //Combine all the input statements that
            //were originally signed to generate the proof
            var allInputStatements = proofStatements.Concat(documentStatements);

            var verificationMethod = BbsBlsSignature2020Suite.GetVerificationMethod(proofs.First(), processorOptions);

            var outputProof = BbsProvider.CreateProof(new CreateProofRequest(
                                                          publicKey: verificationMethod.ToBlsKeyPair().GeyBbsKeyPair((uint)allInputStatements.Count()),
                                                          messages: GetProofMessages(allInputStatements.ToArray(), revealIndicies).ToArray(),
                                                          signature: signature,
                                                          blindingFactor: null,
                                                          nonce: derivedProof["nonce"].ToString()));

            // Set the proof value on the derived proof
            derivedProof["proofValue"] = Convert.ToBase64String(outputProof);

            // Set the relevant proof elements on the derived proof from the input proof
            derivedProof["verificationMethod"] = proof["verificationMethod"];
            derivedProof["proofPurpose"]       = proof["proofPurpose"];
            derivedProof["created"]            = proof["created"];

            revealDocument["proof"] = derivedProof;

Exemplo n.º 17
        public static void Run()
            var json     = "{'@context':{'test':'http://www.example.org/'},'test:hello':'world'}";
            var document = JObject.Parse(json);
            var expanded = JsonLdProcessor.Expand(document);

Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the <see cref="RDFDataset" /> from the REST API response.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response">The REST API response.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="RDFDataset"/> from the REST API response.</returns>
        protected override RDFDataset LoadEntity(IRestResponse response)
            var token = JSONUtils.FromString(response.Content);

            model        = (RDFDataset)JsonLdProcessor.ToRDF(token, options);
            defaultQuads = model.GetQuads("@default");

        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes the JSON-LD object into a typed model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">destination entity model</typeparam>
        /// <param name="jsonLd">a JSON-LD object</param>
        public T Deserialize <T>(JObject jsonLd)
            var jsonLdContext = _contextProvider.GetContext(typeof(T));

            if (jsonLdContext == null)
                return(jsonLd.ToObject <T>(_jsonSerializer));

            return(JsonLdProcessor.Compact(jsonLd, jsonLdContext, new JsonLdOptions()).ToObject <T>(_jsonSerializer));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public static IGraph CreateGraph(JToken compacted)
            JToken flattened = JsonLdProcessor.Flatten(compacted, new JsonLdOptions());

            IRdfReader rdfReader = new JsonLdReader();
            IGraph     graph     = new Graph();

            rdfReader.Load(graph, new StringReader(flattened.ToString()));

        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes the NQuads into a typed model
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">destination entity model type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="nQuads">RDF data in NQuads.</param>
        public T Deserialize <T>(string nQuads)
            var jsonLdObject  = JsonLdProcessor.FromRDF(nQuads);
            var jsonLdContext = _contextProvider.GetContext(typeof(T));

            if (jsonLdContext == null)
                throw new ContextNotFoundException(typeof(T));

            return(JsonLdProcessor.Compact(jsonLdObject, jsonLdContext, new JsonLdOptions()).ToObject <T>(_jsonSerializer));
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetches a JSON-LD document from a URL and, if necessary, compacts it to
        /// the security v2 context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document"></param>
        /// <param name="isRoot"></param>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <JObject> FetchInSecurityContextAsync(JToken document, bool isRoot = false, JsonLdProcessorOptions options = null)
            await Task.Yield();

            if (document.Type == JTokenType.Object &&
                document["@context"]?.Value <string>() == Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL &&
                return(document as JObject);

            return(JsonLdProcessor.Compact(document, Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V2_URL, options));
            public static Page Create(Uri address, JToken compacted)
                Page newPage = new Page(address);

                List <JToken> nodes  = new List <JToken>();
                int           marker = 0;

                Mark(compacted, ref marker, nodes);
                JToken expanded = JsonLdProcessor.Expand(compacted, new JsonLdOptions());

                Load(expanded, newPage._fragments, address, nodes);
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes the NQuads into a typed model
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">destination entity model type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="nQuads">RDF data in NQuads.</param>
        public T Deserialize <T>(string nQuads)
            var jsonLd  = JsonLdProcessor.FromRDF(nQuads);
            var context = this.contextResolver.GetContext(typeof(T));
            var frame   = this.frameProvider.GetFrame(typeof(T));

            if (context == null)
                throw new ContextNotFoundException(typeof(T));

            return(this.Deserialize <T>(jsonLd, context, frame));
Exemplo n.º 25
        private static void Example3()
            var data = new Graph();

            data.Assert("http://person.com#bob", "http://schema.com#employer", "http://person.com#acme");
            data.Assert("http://person.com#bob", "http://schema.com#name", "http://person.com#bob/name");
            data.Assert("http://person.com#bob/name", "http://schema.com#first", GraphObject.FromData("Bob"));
            data.Assert("http://person.com#bob/name", "http://schema.com#second", GraphObject.FromData("Dylan"));

            Console.WriteLine(JsonLdProcessor.Frame(new Context {
                Base = "http://schema.com#"
            }, data, "http://person.com#bob"));
Exemplo n.º 26
    public void Should_serialize_URI_values_as_expanded_object()
        // given
        var serialized = this.serializer.Serialize(new UriPropertyForcedToExpand {
            Property = new IriRef(UriValue)

        // when
        // to remove @context, an empty JObject can be passed
        var noContext = JsonLdProcessor.Compact(serialized, new JObject(), new JsonLdOptions());

        // then
        Assert.That(noContext[PropertyUri]["@id"].ToString(), Is.EqualTo(UriValue));
Exemplo n.º 27
    public void Should_serialize_URI_values_as_strings()
        // given
        var serialized = this.serializer.Serialize(new UriPropertyMappedToAbsoluteUri {
            Property = new Uri(UriValue)

        // when
        // to remove @context, an empty JObject can be passed
        var noContext = JsonLdProcessor.Compact(serialized, new JObject(), new JsonLdOptions());

        // then
        Assert.That(noContext[PropertyUri].ToString(), Is.EqualTo(UriValue));
Exemplo n.º 28
    public void Should_serialize_URI_values_as_strings_with_context()
        // given
        var serialized = this.serializer.Serialize(new UriPropertyWithContext {
            Property = new Uri(UriValue)

        // when
        // to remove @context, an empty JObject can be passed
        var noContext = JsonLdProcessor.Compact(serialized, new JObject(), new JsonLdOptions());

        // then
        Assert.Equal(UriValue, noContext[PropertyUri]["@id"].ToString());
        internal static void Run()
            var serialized = Sample6_ToRDF.Run();
            var opts       = new JsonLdOptions();
            var jsonld     = JsonLdProcessor.FromRDF(serialized, opts);


             * Output:
             * [
             *  {
             *      "@id": "_:b0",
             *      "http://schema.org/image": [
             *          {
             *                  "@id": "http://manu.sporny.org/images/manu.png"
             *          }
             *      ],
             *      "http://schema.org/name": [
             *          {
             *              "@value": "Manu Sporny"
             *          }
             *      ],
             *      "http://schema.org/url": [
             *          {
             *              "@id": "http://manu.sporny.org/"
             *          }
             *      ],
             *      "@type": [
             *          "http://schema.org/Person"
             *      ]
             *  },
             *  {
             *      "@id": "http://example.org/ld-experts",
             *      "http://schema.org/member": [
             *          {
             *              "@id": "_:b0"
             *          }
             *      ],
             *      "http://schema.org/name": [
             *          {
             *              "@value": "LD Experts"
             *          }
             *      ]
             *  }
             * ]
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void Save(IGraph g, TextWriter output)
            JToken flattened = MakeExpandedForm(g);

            if (Frame == null)
                JObject framed    = JsonLdProcessor.Frame(flattened, Frame, new JsonLdOptions());
                JObject compacted = JsonLdProcessor.Compact(framed, framed["@context"], new JsonLdOptions());