Exemplo n.º 1
        public int explore(string json, int from, int to, JsonExploreListener listener,
                           string currentPropertyName = null)
            int pos = from;

            for (; pos <= to; pos++)
                int?nextPos = json.firstCharPosition(cin => cin != ',' && !Char.IsWhiteSpace(cin), pos, to);;  //firstNonWhiteSpaceCharacterIndex(json, pos, to);
                if (nextPos == null)
                    string strError = String.Format("expected whitespace char after char {0}", pos);
                    throw new Exception(strError);
                pos = nextPos.Value;
                char c = json[pos];
                if (c == '}')
                // read a property Name

                int?propertyNameEnd = json.firstCharPosition(cin => cin == ':', pos, to);
                if (null == propertyNameEnd)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("no end found to property name at char {0} property starts with {1} in json {2}", pos, json.Substring(pos), json.Substring(from)));
                currentPropertyName = json.Substring(pos, propertyNameEnd.Value - pos);
                if (currentPropertyName[0] == '"')
                    currentPropertyName = currentPropertyName.Substring(1);
                if (currentPropertyName.EndsWith("\""))
                    currentPropertyName = currentPropertyName.Substring(0, currentPropertyName.Length - 1);

                pos = propertyNameEnd.Value + 1;
                int?valueStartPos = firstNonWhiteSpaceCharacterIndex(json, pos, to);
                if (valueStartPos == null)
                    string strError = String.Format("no value found for property {0} at position {1} in json {2}", currentPropertyName, pos, json);
                    throw new Exception(strError);
                c = json[valueStartPos.Value];
                if (c == ObjectStart)
                    listener.JsonStartObject(currentPropertyName, valueStartPos.Value);
                    pos = explore(json, valueStartPos.Value + 1, to, listener, currentPropertyName);
                else // read a non object
                    pos = readNonObject(json, valueStartPos.Value, to, listener, currentPropertyName);
 public void explore(string json, JsonExploreListener listener)
     int? firstNWSCharIndex = firstNonWhiteSpaceCharacterIndex(json);
     int? lastNonWSCharIndex = lastNonWhiteSpaceCharacterIndex(json);
     if (firstNWSCharIndex == null || lastNonWSCharIndex == null || json[firstNWSCharIndex.Value] != ObjectStart || json[lastNonWSCharIndex.Value] != ObjectEnd)
         throw new Exception(String.Format("expected json to start with {0} and end with {1}", ObjectStart, ObjectEnd));
     listener.JsonStartObject(null, 0);
     explore(json, firstNWSCharIndex.Value + 1, lastNonWSCharIndex.Value, listener);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void explore(string json, JsonExploreListener listener)
            int?firstNWSCharIndex  = firstNonWhiteSpaceCharacterIndex(json);
            int?lastNonWSCharIndex = lastNonWhiteSpaceCharacterIndex(json);

            if (firstNWSCharIndex == null || lastNonWSCharIndex == null || json[firstNWSCharIndex.Value] != ObjectStart || json[lastNonWSCharIndex.Value] != ObjectEnd)
                throw new Exception(String.Format("expected json to start with {0} and end with {1}", ObjectStart, ObjectEnd));
            listener.JsonStartObject(null, 0);
            explore(json, firstNWSCharIndex.Value + 1, lastNonWSCharIndex.Value, listener);
        public int explore(string json, int from, int to, JsonExploreListener listener,
              string currentPropertyName = null)
            int pos = from;
            for (; pos <= to; pos++)
                int? nextPos = json.firstCharPosition(cin => cin != ',' && !Char.IsWhiteSpace(cin), pos, to); ;//firstNonWhiteSpaceCharacterIndex(json, pos, to);
                if (nextPos == null)
                    string strError = String.Format("expected whitespace char after char {0}", pos);
                    throw new Exception(strError);
                pos = nextPos.Value;
                char c = json[pos];
                if (c == '}')
                    return pos;
                // read a property Name

                int? propertyNameEnd = json.firstCharPosition(cin => cin == ':', pos, to);
                if (null == propertyNameEnd)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("no end found to property name at char {0} property starts with {1} in json {2}", pos, json.Substring(pos), json.Substring(from)));
                currentPropertyName = json.Substring(pos, propertyNameEnd.Value - pos);
                if (currentPropertyName[0] == '"') currentPropertyName = currentPropertyName.Substring(1);
                if (currentPropertyName.EndsWith("\"")) currentPropertyName = currentPropertyName.Substring(0, currentPropertyName.Length - 1);

                pos = propertyNameEnd.Value + 1;
                int? valueStartPos = firstNonWhiteSpaceCharacterIndex(json, pos, to);
                if (valueStartPos == null)
                    string strError = String.Format("no value found for property {0} at position {1} in json {2}", currentPropertyName, pos, json);
                    throw new Exception(strError);
                c = json[valueStartPos.Value];
                if (c == ObjectStart)
                    listener.JsonStartObject(currentPropertyName, valueStartPos.Value);
                    pos = explore(json, valueStartPos.Value + 1, to, listener, currentPropertyName);
                else // read a non object
                    pos = readNonObject(json, valueStartPos.Value, to, listener, currentPropertyName);

            return pos;
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected void testInBuiltAndNativeJson(Object o, JsonExpectationBlock jsonExpectation, string testDescription)
            System.Console.WriteLine("starting " + testDescription + " ************");

            MemoryStream stream1           = new MemoryStream();
            DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(o.GetType());

            ser.WriteObject(stream1, o);

            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream1);

            stream1.Position = 0;
            string strBuiltInJson       = sr.ReadToEnd();
            var    mocks                = new MockRepository();
            JsonExploreListener theMock = null;

            RhinoMocks.Logger = new TextWriterExpectationLogger(Console.Out);

            Object2Json o2j = new Object2Json();

            o2j.NodeExpander              = new DataContractFieldNodeExpander();
            o2j.isDefaultLeafValue        = DataContractDefaultUtil.isDefaultLeafValue;
            o2j.OmitDefaultLeafValuesInJs = true;
            string           nativejson       = o2j.toJson(o);
            JSONExplorerImpl jsonExplorerImpl = new JSONExplorerImpl();

            string        json         = null;
            Func <string> runWithMocks = () =>
                theMock = mocks.StrictMock <JsonExploreListener>();
                using (mocks.Ordered())
                    jsonExpectation(theMock, json);
                jsonExplorerImpl.explore(json, theMock);

            Console.WriteLine("testing inbuilt json=" + strBuiltInJson);
            json = strBuiltInJson;

            Console.WriteLine("testing json=" + nativejson);
            json = nativejson;

            System.Console.WriteLine("completed " + testDescription + " ************");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void testJsonStructure(string json, JsonExpectationBlock expectation, string testname)
            RhinoMocks.Logger = new TextWriterExpectationLogger(Console.Out);
            System.Console.WriteLine("test: " + testname + "testing json=" + json);
            var mocks = new MockRepository();
            JsonExploreListener theMock = mocks.StrictMock <JsonExploreListener>();

            using (mocks.Ordered())
                expectation(theMock, json);
            (new JSONExplorerImpl()).explore(json, theMock);
Exemplo n.º 7
 internal int exploreList(string json, int from, int to, JsonExploreListener listener, char terminatingChar,
                          Func <int, bool> terminate, string listType)
     // read arguments
     for (int pos = from + 1; pos <= to; pos++)
         int?nextPos = json.firstCharPosition(cin => !Char.IsWhiteSpace(cin), pos, to);
         if (nextPos == null)
             string strError = String.Format("expected whitespace char after char {0}", pos);
             throw new Exception(strError);
         pos = nextPos.Value;
         char c = json[pos];
         if (c == ',')
             //throw new Exception("multiple javascript list items not supported");
         if (c == terminatingChar)
         else if (c == ObjectStart)
             listener.JsonStartObject(/*currentPropertyName*/ null, pos);
             pos = explore(json, pos + 1, to, listener, null /*currentPropertyName*/);
         else // process a leaf !
             pos = readNonObject(json, pos, to, listener, null);
     throw new Exception(listType + " not terminated");
Exemplo n.º 8
 internal int exploreArray(string json, int from, int to, JsonExploreListener listener)
     return(exploreList(json, from, to, listener, ']', (p) => { listener.JsonEndArray(p); return true; }, "array"));
Exemplo n.º 9
 internal int exploreFunctionCall(string json, int from, int to, JsonExploreListener listener,
                                  string functionName)
     return(exploreList(json, from, to, listener, ')', (p) => { listener.JsonEndFunction(p); return true; }, "function call"));
Exemplo n.º 10
        internal int readNonObject(string json, int valueStartPos, int to, JsonExploreListener listener, string currentPropertyName)
            int pos = -1;
            //Predicate<char> valueEndCondition;
            Predicate <char> isQuoteChar = cin => cin == '"' || cin == '\'';

            StringUtils.Match valueEndCondition;
            //Predicate<char> isQuoteChar = cin=> cin=='"' || cin == '\'';
            char   c              = json[valueStartPos];
            bool   isQuoted       = isQuoteChar(c);
            string value          = null;
            bool   isFunctionCall = false;
            bool   isArray        = false;

            if (!isQuoted)
                valueEndCondition = (cin, strin, posin) => Char.IsWhiteSpace(cin) || cin == ',' ||
                                    cin == ObjectEnd || cin == '(' || cin == ')' || cin == ']';
                valueEndPos = json.firstCharPosition(valueEndCondition, valueStartPos, to);

                if (valueEndPos != null)
                    value = json.Substring(valueStartPos, valueEndPos.Value - valueStartPos);
                    // is this a function start ?
                    char lastchar = json[valueEndPos.Value];
                    if (lastchar == '(')
                        listener.JsonStartFunction(value, valueEndPos.Value, currentPropertyName);
                        isFunctionCall = true;
                        pos            = exploreFunctionCall(json, valueEndPos.Value, to, listener, value);
                    else if (value[0] == '[')
                        listener.JsonStartArray(currentPropertyName, valueStartPos);
                        isArray = true;
                        pos     = exploreArray(json, valueStartPos, to, listener);
                    if (value.Equals(JavaScriptNullDesignator))
                        value = null;
                // this is wrong - whabout double, triple escaping !
                // read escaped quoted value
                // todo - remove object creation !
                StringBuilder sbValue = new StringBuilder();
                valueEndPos = readEscapedQuotedString(json, valueStartPos + 1, c, to, sbValue);
                //valueEndCondition = (cin, strin, posin) => isQuoteChar(cin) && !(posin>0 && strin[posin-1]=='\\' );
                if (valueEndPos != null)
                    value = sbValue.ToString();

            if (null == valueEndPos)
                string strError = String.Format("no end  found for property {0} at position {1} in json {2}", currentPropertyName, valueStartPos, json);
                throw new Exception(strError);

            // check here if it is a function call
            if (!isFunctionCall && !isArray)
                listener.JsonLeaf(currentPropertyName, value, isQuoted);
                pos = valueEndPos.Value - 1; // point to the last char processed
            if (pos == -1)
                throw new Exception("pos not assigned correctly");
            if (isQuoted)
        internal int readNonObject(string json, int valueStartPos, int to, JsonExploreListener listener, string currentPropertyName)
            int pos=-1;
            int? valueEndPos;
            //Predicate<char> valueEndCondition;
            Predicate<char> isQuoteChar = cin => cin == '"' || cin == '\'';
            StringUtils.Match valueEndCondition;
            //Predicate<char> isQuoteChar = cin=> cin=='"' || cin == '\'';
            char c = json[valueStartPos];
            bool isQuoted = isQuoteChar(c);
            string value = null;
            bool isFunctionCall = false;
            bool isArray = false;
            if (!isQuoted)
                valueEndCondition = (cin, strin, posin) => Char.IsWhiteSpace(cin) || cin == ','
                      || cin == ObjectEnd || cin == '(' || cin==')' || cin==']';
                valueEndPos = json.firstCharPosition(valueEndCondition, valueStartPos, to);

                if (valueEndPos != null)
                    value = json.Substring(valueStartPos, valueEndPos.Value - valueStartPos);
                    // is this a function start ?
                    char lastchar = json[valueEndPos.Value];
                    if (lastchar == '(')
                        listener.JsonStartFunction(value, valueEndPos.Value, currentPropertyName);
                        isFunctionCall = true;
                        pos = exploreFunctionCall(json, valueEndPos.Value, to, listener, value);
                    else if (value[0] == '[')
                        listener.JsonStartArray(currentPropertyName, valueStartPos);
                        isArray = true;
                        pos = exploreArray(json, valueStartPos, to, listener);
                    if (value.Equals(JavaScriptNullDesignator)) value = null;
                // this is wrong - whabout double, triple escaping !
                // read escaped quoted value
                // todo - remove object creation !
                StringBuilder sbValue = new StringBuilder();
                valueEndPos = readEscapedQuotedString(json, valueStartPos + 1, c, to, sbValue);
                //valueEndCondition = (cin, strin, posin) => isQuoteChar(cin) && !(posin>0 && strin[posin-1]=='\\' );
                if (valueEndPos != null) value = sbValue.ToString();

            if (null == valueEndPos)
                string strError = String.Format("no end  found for property {0} at position {1} in json {2}", currentPropertyName, valueStartPos, json);
                throw new Exception(strError);

            // check here if it is a function call
            if (!isFunctionCall && !isArray)
                listener.JsonLeaf(currentPropertyName, value, isQuoted);
                pos = valueEndPos.Value - 1; // point to the last char processed
            if (pos == -1) throw new Exception("pos not assigned correctly");
            if (isQuoted) pos++;
            return pos;
 internal int exploreList(string json, int from, int to, JsonExploreListener listener, char terminatingChar,
        Func<int, bool> terminate, string listType)
     // read arguments
     for (int pos = from+1; pos <= to; pos++)
         int? nextPos = json.firstCharPosition(cin => !Char.IsWhiteSpace(cin), pos, to);
         if (nextPos == null)
             string strError = String.Format("expected whitespace char after char {0}", pos);
             throw new Exception(strError);
         pos = nextPos.Value;
         char c = json[pos];
         if (c==',')
             //throw new Exception("multiple javascript list items not supported");
         if (c == terminatingChar)
             return pos;
         else if (c == ObjectStart)
             listener.JsonStartObject(/*currentPropertyName*/null, pos);
             pos = explore(json, pos + 1, to, listener, null/*currentPropertyName*/);
         else // process a leaf !
             pos = readNonObject(json, pos, to, listener, null);
     throw new Exception(listType + " not terminated");
 internal int exploreFunctionCall(string json, int from, int to, JsonExploreListener listener,
       string functionName)
     return exploreList(json, from, to, listener, ')', (p) => { listener.JsonEndFunction(p); return true; }, "function call");
 internal int exploreArray(string json, int from, int to, JsonExploreListener listener)
     return exploreList(json, from, to, listener, ']', (p) => { listener.JsonEndArray(p); return true; }, "array");