// Converts RemoteJointList pose to PoseData pose public static PoseData Remote2PoseData(RemoteJointList rjl) { // format in lightweight-human-pose-estimation-3d-demo.pytorch // Lightweight human pose estimation (https://github.com/Daniil-Osokin/lightweight-human-pose-estimation-3d-demo.pytorch) (Apache-2.0 License) /* * 0: Neck * 1: Nose * 2: BodyCenter(center of hips) * 3: lShoulder * 4: lElbow * 5: lWrist, * 6: lHip * 7: lKnee * 8: lAnkle * 9: rShoulder * 10: rElbow * 11: rWrist * 12: rHip * 13: rKnee * 14: rAnkle * 15: rEye * 16: lEye * 17: rEar * 18: lEar */ // format in Kinect Body Tracking SDK // HipLeft 18 KneeLeft 19 AnkleLeft 20 // HipRight 22 KneeRight 23 AnkleRight 24 // ShoulderLeft 5 // ShoulderRight 12 // HipLeft 18 HipRight 22 // ElbowLeft 6 WristLeft 7 // ElbowRight 13 WristRight 14 // LeftEye 28 // RightEye 30 // Neck 3 // Nose 27 // Left Ear 29 // Right Ear 31 IDictionary <int, int> dict = new Dictionary <int, int>(); // map kinect keys to Pytorch keys // in total 31 kinect and 18 Pytorch keys dict.Add(18, 6); dict.Add(19, 7); dict.Add(20, 8); dict.Add(22, 12); dict.Add(23, 13); dict.Add(24, 14); dict.Add(5, 3); dict.Add(12, 9); dict.Add(6, 4); dict.Add(7, 5); dict.Add(13, 10); dict.Add(14, 11); dict.Add(28, 16); dict.Add(30, 15); dict.Add(3, 0); dict.Add(27, 1); dict.Add(29, 18); dict.Add(31, 17); JointData[] joint_data_received_array = new JointData[(int)JointId.Count]; Debug.Log(JsonUtility.ToJson(rjl)); List <List <double> > joint_data = rjl.values; Debug.Log(joint_data); float scaling = 10.0f; for (JointId jt = 0; jt < JointId.Count; jt++) { if (dict.ContainsKey((int)jt)) { int pytorch_index = dict[(int)jt]; List <double> jtd = joint_data[pytorch_index]; Debug.Log(jtd); Vector3 v_rcv = new Vector3(scaling * (float)jtd[0], scaling * (float)jtd[1], scaling * (float)jtd[2]); Quaternion r_rcv = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0); var joint_data_live = new JointData { Position = v_rcv, Orientation = r_rcv }; joint_data_received_array[(int)jt] = joint_data_live; } else { // just fill empty value as placeholder Vector3 v_rcv = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); Quaternion r_rcv = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0); var joint_data_live = new JointData { Position = v_rcv, Orientation = r_rcv }; joint_data_received_array[(int)jt] = joint_data_live; } } PoseData received_data = new PoseData { data = joint_data_received_array }; return(received_data); }
private void OnTouchEnter(KinectButton button, JointId bone) { _particles.Play(); }
public HandJoint Get(FingerId finger, JointId joint) => fingers[(int)finger * 5 + (int)joint];
public bool JointCompare(JointId a, JointId b, PositionCompare c) => JointCompare(trackedJoints, a, b, c);
public HandJoint this[FingerId finger, JointId joint] => fingers[(int)finger * 5 + (int)joint];