public void JogCancel() { while ( != 0) { ; }; // Cancel jog jogMode = JogMode.None; }
public void JogCancel() { this.streamingState = StreamingState.Idle; while ( != 0) { Application.DoEvents(); //?? }; // Cancel jog this.jogMode = JogMode.None; }
public bool ProcessKeypress(KeyEventArgs e, bool allowJog, UserControl context = null) { bool isJogging = IsJogging, jogkeyPressed = false; double[] dist = new double[4] { 0d, 0d, 0d, 0d }; if (e.IsUp && isJogging) { bool cancel = !allowJog; isJogging = false; for (int i = 0; i < N_AXIS; i++) { if (axisjog[i] == e.Key) { axisjog[i] = Key.None; cancel = true; } else { isJogging = isJogging || (axisjog[i] != Key.None); } } isJogging &= allowJog; if (cancel && !isJogging && jogMode != JogMode.Step) { JogCancel(); } } if (!isJogging && allowJog && != 0) { return(true); } this.allowJog = allowJog; if (IsJoggingEnabled && e.IsDown && CanJog) { // Do not respond to autorepeats! if (e.IsRepeat) { return(true); } N_AXIS = GrblInfo.AxisFlags.HasFlag(AxisFlags.A) ? 4 : 3; switch (e.Key) { case Key.PageUp: isJogging = axisjog[GrblConstants.Z_AXIS] != Key.PageUp; axisjog[GrblConstants.Z_AXIS] = Key.PageUp; break; case Key.PageDown: isJogging = axisjog[GrblConstants.Z_AXIS] != Key.PageDown; axisjog[GrblConstants.Z_AXIS] = Key.PageDown; break; case Key.Left: isJogging = axisjog[GrblConstants.X_AXIS] != Key.Left; axisjog[GrblConstants.X_AXIS] = Key.Left; break; case Key.Up: isJogging = axisjog[GrblConstants.Y_AXIS] != Key.Up; axisjog[GrblConstants.Y_AXIS] = Key.Up; break; case Key.Right: isJogging = axisjog[GrblConstants.X_AXIS] != Key.Right; axisjog[GrblConstants.X_AXIS] = Key.Right; break; case Key.Down: isJogging = axisjog[GrblConstants.Y_AXIS] != Key.Down; axisjog[GrblConstants.Y_AXIS] = Key.Down; break; case Key.Home: if (N_AXIS == 4) { isJogging = axisjog[GrblConstants.A_AXIS] != Key.Home; axisjog[GrblConstants.A_AXIS] = Key.Home; } break; case Key.End: if (N_AXIS == 4) { isJogging = axisjog[GrblConstants.A_AXIS] != Key.End; axisjog[GrblConstants.A_AXIS] = Key.End; } break; } } else { jogkeyPressed = !(Keyboard.FocusedElement is System.Windows.Controls.TextBox) && (e.Key == Key.Left || e.Key == Key.Right || e.Key == Key.Up || e.Key == Key.Down || e.Key == Key.PageUp || e.Key == Key.PageDown); } if (isJogging) { string command = string.Empty; if (GrblInfo.LatheModeEnabled) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { switch (axisjog[i]) { case Key.Left: dist[GrblConstants.Z_AXIS] = -1d; command += "Z-{3}"; break; case Key.Up: dist[GrblConstants.X_AXIS] = -1d; command += "X-{1}"; break; case Key.Right: dist[GrblConstants.Z_AXIS] = 1d; command += "Z{3}"; break; case Key.Down: dist[GrblConstants.X_AXIS] = 1d; command += "X{1}"; break; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < N_AXIS; i++) { switch (axisjog[i]) { case Key.PageUp: dist[GrblConstants.Z_AXIS] = 1d; command += "Z{3}"; break; case Key.PageDown: dist[GrblConstants.Z_AXIS] = -1d; command += "Z-{3}"; break; case Key.Left: dist[GrblConstants.X_AXIS] = -1d; command += "X-{1}"; break; case Key.Up: dist[GrblConstants.Y_AXIS] = 1d; command += "Y{2}"; break; case Key.Right: dist[GrblConstants.X_AXIS] = 1d; command += "X{1}"; break; case Key.Down: dist[GrblConstants.Y_AXIS] = -1d; command += "Y-{2}"; break; case Key.Home: dist[GrblConstants.A_AXIS] = 1d; command += "A{4}"; break; case Key.End: dist[GrblConstants.A_AXIS] = -1d; command += "A-{4}"; break; } } } if ((isJogging = command != string.Empty)) { if ((Keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Control) == ModifierKeys.Control) { for (int i = 0; i < N_AXIS; i++) { axisjog[i] = Key.None; } preCancel = !(jogMode == JogMode.Step || jogMode == JogMode.None); jogMode = JogMode.Step; JogDistances[(int)jogMode] = grbl.JogStep; } else if (IsContinuousJoggingEnabled) { preCancel = true; if ((Keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Shift) == ModifierKeys.Shift) { jogMode = JogMode.Fast; } else { jogMode = JogMode.Slow; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < N_AXIS; i++) { axisjog[i] = Key.None; } jogMode = JogMode.None; } if (jogMode != JogMode.None) { if (GrblInfo.IsGrblHAL || !SoftLimits) { var distance = JogDistances[(int)jogMode].ToInvariantString(); SendJogCommand("$J=G91G21" + string.Format(command + "F{0}", JogFeedrates[(int)jogMode].ToInvariantString(), distance, distance, distance, distance)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < N_AXIS; i++) { if (dist[i] != 0d) { dist[i] = grbl.MachinePosition.Values[i] + JogDistances[(int)jogMode] * dist[i]; if (i == GrblConstants.A_AXIS && GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[GrblConstants.A_AXIS] == 0d) { continue; } if (GrblInfo.ForceSetOrigin) { if (!GrblInfo.HomingDirection.HasFlag(GrblInfo.AxisIndexToFlag(i))) { if (dist[i] > 0) { dist[i] = 0; } else if (dist[i] < (-GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[i] + LimitSwitchesClearance)) { dist[i] = (-GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[i] + LimitSwitchesClearance); } } else { if (dist[i] < 0d) { dist[i] = 0d; } else if (dist[i] > (GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[i] - LimitSwitchesClearance)) { dist[i] = GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[i] - LimitSwitchesClearance; } } } else { if (dist[i] > -LimitSwitchesClearance) { dist[i] = -LimitSwitchesClearance; } else if (dist[i] < -(GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[i] - LimitSwitchesClearance)) { dist[i] = -(GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[i] - LimitSwitchesClearance); } } } } SendJogCommand("$J=G53G21" + string.Format(command.Replace('-', ' ') + "F{0}", JogFeedrates[(int)jogMode].ToInvariantString(), dist[GrblConstants.X_AXIS].ToInvariantString(), dist[GrblConstants.Y_AXIS].ToInvariantString(), dist[GrblConstants.Z_AXIS].ToInvariantString(), dist[GrblConstants.A_AXIS].ToInvariantString())); } } return(jogMode != JogMode.None); } } IsRepeating = e.IsRepeat; if (Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Alt) { var handler = handlers.Where(k => k.modifiers == Keyboard.Modifiers && k.key == e.SystemKey && k.onUp == e.IsUp && k.context == context).FirstOrDefault(); if (handler != null) { return(handler.Call(e.SystemKey)); } else { handler = handlers.Where(k => k.modifiers == Keyboard.Modifiers && k.key == e.SystemKey && k.onUp == e.IsUp && k.context == null).FirstOrDefault(); if (handler != null) { return(handler.Call(e.SystemKey)); } } } else if (Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.None || Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Control || Keyboard.Modifiers == (ModifierKeys.Control | ModifierKeys.Shift)) { var handler = handlers.Where(k => k.modifiers == Keyboard.Modifiers && k.key == e.Key && k.onUp == e.IsUp && k.context == context).FirstOrDefault(); if (handler != null) { return(handler.Call(e.Key)); } else { handler = handlers.Where(k => k.modifiers == Keyboard.Modifiers && k.key == e.Key && k.onUp == e.IsUp && k.context == null).FirstOrDefault(); if (handler != null) { return(handler.Call(e.Key)); } } } return(jogkeyPressed); }
public bool ProcessKeypress(ref Message msg) { Keys keycode = (Keys)msg.WParam.ToInt32(); string command = ""; if (keycode == Keys.Space && this.grblState.State != GrblStates.Idle) { SendRTCommand(GrblConstants.CMD_FEED_HOLD); return(true); } if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt) { if (keycode == Keys.S) { SetStreamingState(StreamingState.Stop); return(true); } if (keycode == Keys.R) { this.CycleStart(); return(true); } } bool isJogging = this.jogMode != JogMode.None; if (msg.Msg == WM_KEYUP && (isJogging || this.grblState.State == GrblStates.Jog)) { bool cancel = false; isJogging = false; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (axisjog[i] == keycode) { axisjog[i] = Keys.None; cancel = true; } else { isJogging = isJogging || (axisjog[i] != Keys.None); } } if (cancel && !isJogging && this.jogMode != JogMode.Step) { this.JogCancel(); } } if (!isJogging && != 0) { return(true); } // if ((keycode == Keys.ShiftKey || keycode == Keys.ControlKey) && !this.isJogging) // return false; if (msg.Msg == WM_KEYDOWN && this.canJog) { // Do not respond to autorepeats! if ((msg.LParam.ToInt32() & (1 << 30)) != 0) { return(true); } switch (keycode) { case Keys.PageUp: isJogging = axisjog[2] != Keys.PageUp; axisjog[2] = Keys.PageUp; break; case Keys.PageDown: isJogging = axisjog[2] != Keys.PageDown; axisjog[2] = Keys.PageDown; break; case Keys.Left: isJogging = axisjog[0] != Keys.Left; axisjog[0] = Keys.Left; break; case Keys.Up: isJogging = axisjog[1] != Keys.Up; axisjog[1] = Keys.Up; break; case Keys.Right: isJogging = axisjog[0] != Keys.Right; axisjog[0] = Keys.Right; break; case Keys.Down: isJogging = axisjog[1] != Keys.Down; axisjog[1] = Keys.Down; break; } } if (isJogging) { if (GrblInfo.LatheMode) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { switch (axisjog[i]) { case Keys.Left: command += "Z-{0}"; break; case Keys.Up: command += "X-{0}"; break; case Keys.Right: command += "Z{0}"; break; case Keys.Down: command += "X{0}"; break; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { switch (axisjog[i]) { case Keys.PageUp: command += "Z{0}"; break; case Keys.PageDown: command += "Z-{0}"; break; case Keys.Left: command += "X-{0}"; break; case Keys.Up: command += "Y{0}"; break; case Keys.Right: command += "X{0}"; break; case Keys.Down: command += "Y-{0}"; break; } } } if ((isJogging = command != "")) { if ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control) { this.jogMode = JogMode.Step; } else if ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift) { this.jogMode = JogMode.Fast; } else { this.jogMode = JogMode.Slow; } this.SendJogCommand("$J=G91" + string.Format(command + "F{1}", jogDistance[(int)this.jogMode].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), jogSpeed[(int)this.jogMode].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } } return(isJogging); }
public bool ProcessKeypress(KeyEventArgs e) { string command = ""; if (e.Key == Key.Space && grblState.State != GrblStates.Idle) { btnHold_Click(null, null); return(true); } if (Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Alt) { if (e.SystemKey == Key.S) { streamingHandler.Call(StreamingState.Stop, false); return(true); } if (e.SystemKey == Key.R) { CycleStart(); return(true); } } bool isJogging = jogMode != JogMode.None; if (e.IsUp && (isJogging || grblState.State == GrblStates.Jog)) { bool cancel = false; isJogging = false; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (axisjog[i] == e.Key) { axisjog[i] = Key.None; cancel = true; } else { isJogging = isJogging || (axisjog[i] != Key.None); } } if (cancel && !isJogging && jogMode != JogMode.Step) { JogCancel(); } } if (!isJogging && != 0) { return(true); } // if ((keycode == Keys.ShiftKey || keycode == Keys.ControlKey) && !isJogging) // return false; if (e.IsDown && canJog) { // Do not respond to autorepeats! if (e.IsRepeat) { return(true); } switch (e.Key) { case Key.PageUp: isJogging = axisjog[2] != Key.PageUp; axisjog[2] = Key.PageUp; break; case Key.PageDown: isJogging = axisjog[2] != Key.PageDown; axisjog[2] = Key.PageDown; break; case Key.Left: isJogging = axisjog[0] != Key.Left; axisjog[0] = Key.Left; break; case Key.Up: isJogging = axisjog[1] != Key.Up; axisjog[1] = Key.Up; break; case Key.Right: isJogging = axisjog[0] != Key.Right; axisjog[0] = Key.Right; break; case Key.Down: isJogging = axisjog[1] != Key.Down; axisjog[1] = Key.Down; break; } } if (isJogging) { if (GrblInfo.LatheModeEnabled) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { switch (axisjog[i]) { case Key.Left: command += "Z-{0}"; break; case Key.Up: command += "X-{0}"; break; case Key.Right: command += "Z{0}"; break; case Key.Down: command += "X{0}"; break; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { switch (axisjog[i]) { case Key.PageUp: command += "Z{0}"; break; case Key.PageDown: command += "Z-{0}"; break; case Key.Left: command += "X-{0}"; break; case Key.Up: command += "Y{0}"; break; case Key.Right: command += "X{0}"; break; case Key.Down: command += "Y-{0}"; break; } } } if ((isJogging = command != "")) { if ((Keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Control) == ModifierKeys.Control) { jogMode = JogMode.Step; } else if ((Keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Shift) == ModifierKeys.Shift) { jogMode = JogMode.Fast; } else { jogMode = JogMode.Slow; } SendJogCommand("$J=G91" + string.Format(command + "F{1}", jogDistance[(int)jogMode].ToInvariantString(), jogSpeed[(int)jogMode].ToInvariantString())); } } return(isJogging); }
public bool ProcessKeypress(KeyEventArgs e) { bool isJogging = jogMode != JogMode.None; if (e.IsUp && (isJogging || grbl.GrblState.State == GrblStates.Jog)) { bool cancel = false; isJogging = false; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (axisjog[i] == e.Key) { axisjog[i] = Key.None; cancel = true; } else { isJogging = isJogging || (axisjog[i] != Key.None); } } if (cancel && !isJogging && jogMode != JogMode.Step) { JogCancel(); } } if (!isJogging && != 0) { return(true); } // if ((keycode == Keys.ShiftKey || keycode == Keys.ControlKey) && !isJogging) // return false; if (e.IsDown && canJog) { // Do not respond to autorepeats! if (e.IsRepeat) { return(true); } switch (e.Key) { case Key.PageUp: isJogging = axisjog[2] != Key.PageUp; axisjog[2] = Key.PageUp; break; case Key.PageDown: isJogging = axisjog[2] != Key.PageDown; axisjog[2] = Key.PageDown; break; case Key.Left: isJogging = axisjog[0] != Key.Left; axisjog[0] = Key.Left; break; case Key.Up: isJogging = axisjog[1] != Key.Up; axisjog[1] = Key.Up; break; case Key.Right: isJogging = axisjog[0] != Key.Right; axisjog[0] = Key.Right; break; case Key.Down: isJogging = axisjog[1] != Key.Down; axisjog[1] = Key.Down; break; } } if (isJogging) { string command = string.Empty; if (GrblInfo.LatheModeEnabled) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { switch (axisjog[i]) { case Key.Left: command += "Z-{0}"; break; case Key.Up: command += "X-{0}"; break; case Key.Right: command += "Z{0}"; break; case Key.Down: command += "X{0}"; break; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { switch (axisjog[i]) { case Key.PageUp: command += "Z{0}"; break; case Key.PageDown: command += "Z-{0}"; break; case Key.Left: command += "X-{0}"; break; case Key.Up: command += "Y{0}"; break; case Key.Right: command += "X{0}"; break; case Key.Down: command += "Y-{0}"; break; } } } if ((isJogging = command != string.Empty)) { if ((Keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Control) == ModifierKeys.Control) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { axisjog[i] = Key.None; } preCancel = !(jogMode == JogMode.Step || jogMode == JogMode.None); jogMode = JogMode.Step; jogDistance[(int)jogMode] = grbl.JogStep; } else if (fullJog) { preCancel = true; if ((Keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Shift) == ModifierKeys.Shift) { jogMode = JogMode.Fast; } else { jogMode = JogMode.Slow; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { axisjog[i] = Key.None; } jogMode = JogMode.None; } if (jogMode != JogMode.None) { SendJogCommand("$J=G91" + string.Format(command + "F{1}", jogDistance[(int)jogMode].ToInvariantString(), jogSpeed[(int)jogMode].ToInvariantString())); } return(jogMode != JogMode.None); } } if (e.IsUp) { if (Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Alt) { var handler = handlers.Where(k => k.modifiers == Keyboard.Modifiers && k.key == e.SystemKey).FirstOrDefault(); if (handler != null) { return(handler.Call(e.SystemKey)); } } else if (Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.None) { var handler = handlers.Where(k => k.modifiers == Keyboard.Modifiers && k.key == e.Key).FirstOrDefault(); if (handler != null) { return(handler.Call(e.Key)); } else { switch (e.Key) { case Key.NumPad4: { var step = grbl.JogStep / 10d; grbl.JogStep = grbl.IsMetric ? (step < 0.01d ? 0.01d : step) : (step < 0.001d ? 0.001d : step); } return(true); // break; case Key.NumPad6: { var step = grbl.JogStep * 10d; grbl.JogStep = grbl.IsMetric ? (step > 1d ? 1d : step) : (step > 0.1d ? 0.1d : step); } return(true); // break; } } } } return(false); }
public bool ProcessKeypress(KeyEventArgs e, bool allowJog) { bool isJogging = IsJogging; double[] dist = new double[3] { 0d, 0d, 0d }; if (e.IsUp && isJogging) { bool cancel = !allowJog; isJogging = false; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (axisjog[i] == e.Key) { axisjog[i] = Key.None; cancel = true; } else { isJogging = isJogging || (axisjog[i] != Key.None); } } isJogging &= allowJog; if (cancel && !isJogging && jogMode != JogMode.Step) { JogCancel(); } } if (!isJogging && allowJog && != 0) { return(true); } if (e.IsDown && CanJog && allowJog) { // Do not respond to autorepeats! if (e.IsRepeat) { return(true); } switch (e.Key) { case Key.PageUp: isJogging = axisjog[GrblConstants.Z_AXIS] != Key.PageUp; axisjog[GrblConstants.Z_AXIS] = Key.PageUp; break; case Key.PageDown: isJogging = axisjog[GrblConstants.Z_AXIS] != Key.PageDown; axisjog[GrblConstants.Z_AXIS] = Key.PageDown; break; case Key.Left: isJogging = axisjog[GrblConstants.X_AXIS] != Key.Left; axisjog[GrblConstants.X_AXIS] = Key.Left; break; case Key.Up: isJogging = axisjog[GrblConstants.Y_AXIS] != Key.Up; axisjog[GrblConstants.Y_AXIS] = Key.Up; break; case Key.Right: isJogging = axisjog[GrblConstants.X_AXIS] != Key.Right; axisjog[GrblConstants.X_AXIS] = Key.Right; break; case Key.Down: isJogging = axisjog[GrblConstants.Y_AXIS] != Key.Down; axisjog[GrblConstants.Y_AXIS] = Key.Down; break; } } if (isJogging) { string command = string.Empty; if (GrblInfo.LatheModeEnabled) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { switch (axisjog[i]) { case Key.Left: dist[GrblConstants.Z_AXIS] = -1d; command += "Z-{3}"; break; case Key.Up: dist[GrblConstants.X_AXIS] = -1d; command += "X-{1}"; break; case Key.Right: dist[GrblConstants.Z_AXIS] = 1d; command += "Z{3}"; break; case Key.Down: dist[GrblConstants.X_AXIS] = 1d; command += "X{1}"; break; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { switch (axisjog[i]) { case Key.PageUp: dist[GrblConstants.Z_AXIS] = 1d; command += "Z{3}"; break; case Key.PageDown: dist[GrblConstants.Z_AXIS] = -1d; command += "Z-{3}"; break; case Key.Left: dist[GrblConstants.X_AXIS] = -1d; command += "X-{1}"; break; case Key.Up: dist[GrblConstants.Y_AXIS] = 1d; command += "Y{2}"; break; case Key.Right: dist[GrblConstants.X_AXIS] = 1d; command += "X{1}"; break; case Key.Down: dist[GrblConstants.Y_AXIS] = -1d; command += "Y-{2}"; break; } } } if ((isJogging = command != string.Empty)) { if ((Keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Control) == ModifierKeys.Control) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { axisjog[i] = Key.None; } preCancel = !(jogMode == JogMode.Step || jogMode == JogMode.None); jogMode = JogMode.Step; jogDistance[(int)jogMode] = grbl.JogStep; } else if (fullJog) { preCancel = true; if ((Keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Shift) == ModifierKeys.Shift) { jogMode = JogMode.Fast; } else { jogMode = JogMode.Slow; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { axisjog[i] = Key.None; } jogMode = JogMode.None; } if (jogMode != JogMode.None) { if (GrblInfo.IsGrblHAL || !softLimits) { var distance = jogDistance[(int)jogMode].ToInvariantString(); SendJogCommand("$J=G91G21" + string.Format(command + "F{0}", jogSpeed[(int)jogMode].ToInvariantString(), distance, distance, distance)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (dist[i] != 0d) { if (GrblInfo.HomingDirection.HasFlag(GrblInfo.AxisIndexToFlag(i))) { dist[i] = dist[i] < 0d ? grbl.MachinePosition.Values[i] : Math.Max(0d, GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[i] - grbl.MachinePosition.Values[i] - .5d); } else { dist[i] = dist[i] > 0d ? (-grbl.MachinePosition.Values[i] - .5d) : Math.Max(0d, GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[i] + grbl.MachinePosition.Values[i] - .5d); } } } SendJogCommand("$J=G91G21" + string.Format(command + "F{0}", jogSpeed[(int)jogMode].ToInvariantString(), dist[GrblConstants.X_AXIS].ToInvariantString(), dist[GrblConstants.Y_AXIS].ToInvariantString(), dist[GrblConstants.Z_AXIS].ToInvariantString())); } } return(jogMode != JogMode.None); } } if (e.IsUp) { if (Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Alt) { var handler = handlers.Where(k => k.modifiers == Keyboard.Modifiers && k.key == e.SystemKey).FirstOrDefault(); if (handler != null) { return(handler.Call(e.SystemKey)); } } else if (Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.None || Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Control || Keyboard.Modifiers == (ModifierKeys.Control | ModifierKeys.Shift)) { var handler = handlers.Where(k => k.modifiers == Keyboard.Modifiers && k.key == e.Key).FirstOrDefault(); if (handler != null) { return(handler.Call(e.Key)); } else { switch (e.Key) { case Key.NumPad4: JogControl.JogData.StepDec(); return(true); // break; case Key.NumPad6: JogControl.JogData.StepInc(); return(true); case Key.NumPad8: JogControl.JogData.FeedInc(); return(true); case Key.NumPad2: JogControl.JogData.FeedDec(); return(true); // break; } } } } return(false); }