public static bool Extract(Job job, Motif motif)
            IOHelper.CreateDirectory(JobPathHelper.GetLocalJobAnimatedMotifDiretory(job.Production, motif));

            string sourcePath = JobPathHelper.GetLocalJobMotifPath(job, motif);
            string targetPath = Path.Combine(JobPathHelper.GetLocalJobAnimatedMotifDiretory(job.Production, motif), @"motif_F%04d.tga");

            string parameters = "-i " + sourcePath + " " + targetPath;

            VCProcess process = new VCProcess(job);

            process.StartInfo.FileName               = Settings.LocalFfmpegExePath;
            process.StartInfo.Arguments              = parameters;
            process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow         = true;
            process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
            process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError  = false;
            process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
            process.StartInfo.WindowStyle            = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;

            motif.Frames = Directory.GetFiles(JobPathHelper.GetLocalJobAnimatedMotifDiretory(job.Production, motif), "*.tga").Length;
            //motif.Extension = ".tga";

            return(motif.Frames > 0);
 //transfers a motif from remote user account to local filesystem
 public TransferPacket(Job job, Motif motif)
     ItemID     = motif.ID;
     Parent     = motif;
     SourcePath = Settings.FtpUserSubdirectory + "/" + job.AccountID + "/motifs/" + motif.DownloadName;
     TargetPath = JobPathHelper.GetLocalJobMotifPath(job, motif);
     Type       = TransferType.DownloadMotif;
     LoginData  = Settings.MasterLogin;
        public static bool Transcode(Job job, Motif motif)
            bool result = true;

            MagickReadSettings settings = new MagickReadSettings();

            // Settings the density to 300 dpi will create an image with a better quality
            settings.Density = new Density(300, 300);

            string motifPath = JobPathHelper.GetLocalJobMotifPath(job, motif);

            MagickImage image = new MagickImage();

                image.Read(motifPath, settings);
            catch (Exception ex)
                job.LogText("Ghostscript not installed.");

            if ((image.Format != MagickFormat.Jpg && image.Format != MagickFormat.Jpeg) || image.ColorSpace != ColorSpace.sRGB ||
                image.Width > 2000 || image.Height > 2000)
                job.LogText(string.Format("Transcoding image from format {0}, colorspace {1} to Jpg and sRGB", image.Format, image.ColorSpace));

                image.Format            = MagickFormat.Jpg;
                image.ColorSpace        = ColorSpace.sRGB;
                motif.OriginalExtension = motif.Extension;
                motif.Extension         = ".jpg";

                if (image.Width > 2000 || image.Height > 2000)
                    job.LogText(string.Format("Resizing image from {0}x{1} to 1024x{2}", image.Width, image.Height, (1024f / 2000f) * image.Height));
                    image.Resize(1024, 0);

                string motifOutputPath = JobPathHelper.GetLocalJobMotifPath(job, motif);
