public void CreateMarshalToManagedExpression_DirectMethod()
            Action <IntPtr, IntPtr> a = DirectInvocation;
            var e = new JavaCallableAttribute()
                Signature = "()V",

            CheckCreateMarshalToManagedExpression(e, a.Method.DeclaringType, a.Method, typeof(Action <IntPtr, IntPtr>),
                                                  @"void (IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr context)
	JniTransition __envp;
	JniRuntime __jvm;

	__envp = new JniTransition(jnienv);
		__jvm = JniEnvironment.Runtime;
		MarshalMemberBuilderTest.DirectInvocation(jnienv, context);
	catch (Exception __e) if (__jvm.ExceptionShouldTransitionToJni(__e))
        public void CreateMarshalFromJniMethodExpression_StaticActionInt32String()
            var t = typeof(ExportTest);
            var m = ((Action <int, string>)ExportTest.StaticActionInt32String);
            var e = new JavaCallableAttribute()
                Signature = "(ILjava/lang/String;)V",

            CheckCreateMarshalToManagedExpression(e, t, m.Method, typeof(Action <IntPtr, IntPtr, int, IntPtr>),
                                                  @"void (IntPtr __jnienv, IntPtr __class, int i, IntPtr v)
	JniTransition __envp;
	JniRuntime __jvm;
	string v_val;

	__envp = new JniTransition(__jnienv);
		__jvm = JniEnvironment.Runtime;
		v_val = Strings.ToString(v);
		ExportTest.StaticActionInt32String(i, v_val);
	catch (Exception __e) if (__jvm.ExceptionShouldTransitionToJni(__e))
        static void CheckCreateMarshalToManagedExpression(JavaCallableAttribute export, Type type, MethodInfo method, Type expectedDelegateType, string expectedBody)
            export = export ?? new JavaCallableAttribute();
            var b = CreateBuilder();
            var l = b.CreateMarshalToManagedExpression(method, export, type);

            CheckExpression(l, method.Name, expectedDelegateType, expectedBody);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void CreateMarshalFromJniMethodExpression_FuncIJavaObject()
            var t = typeof(ExportTest);
            var m = t.GetMethod("FuncIJavaObject");
            var e = new JavaCallableAttribute()
                Signature = "()Ljava/lang/Object;",

            CheckCreateMarshalToManagedExpression(e, t, m, typeof(Func <IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr>),
                                                  @"IntPtr (IntPtr __jnienv, IntPtr __this)
	JniTransition __envp;
	JniRuntime __jvm;
	JniValueManager __vm;
	JavaObject __mret;
	ExportTest __this_val;
	JniObjectReference __mret_ref;
	IntPtr __mret_handle;
	IntPtr __mret_rtn;

	__envp = new JniTransition(__jnienv);
		__jvm = JniEnvironment.Runtime;
		__vm = __jvm.ValueManager;
		__this_val = __vm.GetValue<ExportTest>(__this);
		__mret = __this_val.FuncIJavaObject();
		if (null == __mret)
			return __mret_ref = new JniObjectReference();
			return __mret_ref = __mret.PeerReference;
		__mret_handle = __mret_ref.Handle;
		__mret_rtn = References.NewReturnToJniRef(__mret_ref);
		return __mret_rtn;
	catch (Exception __e) if (__jvm.ExceptionShouldTransitionToJni(__e))
		return default(IntPtr);
        public void GetJniMethodSignature()
            var    builder = CreateBuilder();
            Action a       = () => {};
            var    export  = new JavaCallableAttribute()
                Signature = "(I)V",

            // Note: no validation between actual MethodInfo & existing signature
            // Validation would be done by CreateMarshalFromJniMethodRegistration().
            Assert.AreEqual("(I)V", builder.GetJniMethodSignature(export, a.Method));
            Assert.AreEqual("(I)V", export.Signature);

            export = new JavaCallableAttribute()
                Signature = null,
            Assert.AreEqual("()V", builder.GetJniMethodSignature(export, a.Method));
            // Note: export.Signature updated
            Assert.AreEqual("()V", export.Signature);

            Action <string> s = v => {};

            Assert.AreEqual("(Ljava/lang/String;)V", builder.GetJniMethodSignature(new JavaCallableAttribute(), s.Method));

            Action <IntPtr, IntPtr, string> ds = (e, c, v) => {};

            Assert.AreEqual("(Ljava/lang/String;)V", builder.GetJniMethodSignature(new JavaCallableAttribute(), ds.Method));

            Func <string> fs = () => null;

            Assert.AreEqual("()Ljava/lang/String;", builder.GetJniMethodSignature(new JavaCallableAttribute(), fs.Method));

            Func <IntPtr, IntPtr, string> dfs = (e, c) => null;

            Assert.AreEqual("()Ljava/lang/String;", builder.GetJniMethodSignature(new JavaCallableAttribute(), dfs.Method));

            // Note: AppDomain currently has no builtin marshaling defaults
            // TODO: but should it? We could default wrap to JavaProxyObject...?
            Action <AppDomain> aad = v => {};

            Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException> (() => builder.GetJniMethodSignature(new JavaCallableAttribute(), aad.Method));

            Func <AppDomain> fad = () => null;

            Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException> (() => builder.GetJniMethodSignature(new JavaCallableAttribute(), fad.Method));
        public void CreateMarshalFromJniMethodExpression_StaticFuncMyLegacyColorMyColor_MyColor()
            var t = typeof(ExportTest);
            var m = ((Func <MyLegacyColor, MyColor, MyColor>)ExportTest.StaticFuncMyLegacyColorMyColor_MyColor);
            var e = new JavaCallableAttribute()
                Signature = "(II)I",

            CheckCreateMarshalToManagedExpression(e, t, m.Method, typeof(Func <IntPtr, IntPtr, int, int, int>),
                                                  @"int (IntPtr __jnienv, IntPtr __class, int color1, int color2)
	JniTransition __envp;
	JniRuntime __jvm;
	MyColor __mret;
	MyLegacyColor color1_val;
	MyColor color2_val;
	int __mret_p;

	__envp = new JniTransition(__jnienv);
		__jvm = JniEnvironment.Runtime;
		color1_val = new MyLegacyColor(color1);
		color2_val = new MyColor(color2);
		__mret = ExportTest.StaticFuncMyLegacyColorMyColor_MyColor(color1_val, color2_val);
		__mret_p = __mret.Value;
		return __mret_p;
	catch (Exception __e) if (__jvm.ExceptionShouldTransitionToJni(__e))
		return default(int);
        public void CreateMarshalFromJniMethodExpression_FuncInt64()
            var t = typeof(ExportTest);
            var m = t.GetMethod("FuncInt64");
            var e = new JavaCallableAttribute()
                Signature = "()J",

            CheckCreateMarshalToManagedExpression(e, t, m, typeof(Func <IntPtr, IntPtr, long>),
                                                  @"long (IntPtr __jnienv, IntPtr __this)
	JniTransition __envp;
	JniRuntime __jvm;
	JniValueManager __vm;
	long __mret;
	ExportTest __this_val;

	__envp = new JniTransition(__jnienv);
		__jvm = JniEnvironment.Runtime;
		__vm = __jvm.ValueManager;
		__this_val = __vm.GetValue<ExportTest>(__this);
		__mret = __this_val.FuncInt64();
		return __mret;
	catch (Exception __e) if (__jvm.ExceptionShouldTransitionToJni(__e))
		return default(long);