Exemplo n.º 1
			public Version(JSONDoc o)
				if (o == null) { return; }
				version = o["version"];
				year = o["year"];
				api = o["api"];
				apiVersions = null;
				if (o.ContainsKey("apiVersions"))
					JSONArray a = o["apiVersions"] as JSONArray;
					if (a != null)
						apiVersions = new List<string>();
						foreach (JSONField f in a.Value)
				if (apiVersions == null)
					apiVersions = new List<string>();

Exemplo n.º 2
			public ReviewList(JSONDoc jdoc)
				lastSeen = jdoc["lastSeen"];
				totalCount = jdoc["totalCount"];

				JSONArray reviews = jdoc["reviews"] as JSONArray;
                if (reviews != null)
                    foreach (JSONObject review in reviews.Value)
                        this.Add(new Review(review));
Exemplo n.º 3
			public Review(JSONDoc jdoc)
				: this(jdoc as JSONObject)
Exemplo n.º 4
		public JSONDoc HttpPost(string RequestUrl, string RequestContent)
			JSONDoc jDoc = null;
			HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(RequestUrl);

			SetBasicAuthHeader(req, credentials);

			req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
			req.Method = "POST";
				byte[] bytedata = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(RequestContent);
                req.ContentLength = bytedata.Length;
				req.GetRequestStream().Write(bytedata, 0, bytedata.Length);

				WebResponse res = req.GetResponse();

				if (req.HaveResponse && (res != null) && (res.GetResponseStream() != null))
					if (res.ContentLength > 0)
						// the easy way, we know how much we need to read
						byte[] buff;
						buff = new byte[res.ContentLength];
						int cnt = 0;
						while (cnt < (int)res.ContentLength)
							int bytesLeft = (int)res.ContentLength - cnt;
							cnt += res.GetResponseStream().Read(buff, cnt, bytesLeft);
						string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buff);
						jDoc = new JSONParser.JSONDoc(str);
						TextReader str = new StreamReader(res.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8);
						jDoc = new JSONParser.JSONDoc(str);

				return jDoc;
			catch (WebException ex)
				if ((ex.Response != null) && (ex.Response.GetResponseStream() != null))
					if (ex.Response.ContentLength > 0)
						// the easy way, we know how much we need to read
						byte[] buff;
						buff = new byte[ex.Response.ContentLength];
						int cnt = 0;
						while (cnt < (int)ex.Response.ContentLength)
							int bytesLeft = (int)ex.Response.ContentLength - cnt;
							cnt += ex.Response.GetResponseStream().Read(buff, cnt, bytesLeft);
						string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buff);
						jDoc = new JSONParser.JSONDoc(str);
						throw new SwarmException(jDoc.ToString(), ex);
						TextReader str = new StreamReader(ex.Response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8);
						jDoc = new JSONParser.JSONDoc(str);
						throw new SwarmException(jDoc.ToString());
				logger.Trace("Exception in SwarmServer.HttpPost: {0}", ex.Message);

				throw new SwarmException(ex.Message);
			catch (Exception ex)
				logger.Trace("Exception in SwarmServer.HttpPost: {0}", ex.Message);

Exemplo n.º 5
		public JSONDoc HttpGet(string RequestUrl)
			JSONDoc jDoc = null;

				HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(RequestUrl);
				SetBasicAuthHeader(req, credentials);
				req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
				req.Credentials = credentials;
				req.Method = "GET";

				WebResponse res = req.GetResponse();
				if (req.HaveResponse && (res.GetResponseStream() != null))
					// Sometimes the stream reader 'stalls' when we try to tokenize while reading 
					//  the stream and only returns the partial result, so need to read the entire
					//  response stream before passing it to the JSON parser
					//TextReader str = new StreamReader(res.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8);
					//jDoc = new JSONParser.JSONDoc(str);

					// read the entire response buffer into a string
					string str = string.Empty;
					if (res.ContentLength > 0)
						// the easy way, we know how much we need to read
						byte[] buff;
						buff = new byte[res.ContentLength];
						int cnt = 0;
						while (cnt < (int)res.ContentLength)
							int bytesLeft = (int)res.ContentLength - cnt;
							cnt += res.GetResponseStream().Read(buff, cnt, bytesLeft);

						str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buff);
						// we didn't get a length, so read the response in chunks and dynamically build the string
						// the easy way, we know how much we need to read
						byte[] buff = new byte[buffSize];

						StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(stringBuilderSize);
						int bytesRead = 1; // trick it first time through
						while (bytesRead > 0)
							bytesRead = res.GetResponseStream().Read(buff, 0, buffSize);
							if (bytesRead > 0)
								sb.Append(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buff, 0, bytesRead));
						str = sb.ToString();
					jDoc = new JSONParser.JSONDoc(str);

				return jDoc;
			catch (WebException ex)
				if ((ex.Response != null) && (ex.Response.GetResponseStream() != null))
					if (ex.Response.ContentLength > 0)
						// the easy way, we know how much we need to read
						byte[] buff;
						buff = new byte[ex.Response.ContentLength];
						int cnt = 0;
						while (cnt < (int)ex.Response.ContentLength)
							int bytesLeft = (int)ex.Response.ContentLength - cnt;
							cnt += ex.Response.GetResponseStream().Read(buff, cnt, bytesLeft);

						string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buff);

						jDoc = new JSONParser.JSONDoc(str);

						throw new SwarmException(jDoc.ToString(), ex);
						TextReader str = new StreamReader(ex.Response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8);
						jDoc = new JSONParser.JSONDoc(str);

						throw new SwarmException(jDoc.ToString(), ex);
				logger.Trace("Exception in SwarmServer.HttpPost: {0}", ex.Message);

				throw new SwarmException(ex.Message, ex);
			catch (Exception ex)
				logger.Trace("Exception in SwarmServer.HttpPost: {0}", ex.Message);
