private IEnumerator SetupCoroutine()
                while (!ResourcesPrefabManager.Instance.Loaded)
                    yield return(null);

                // Prefabs are loaded

                // Elemental Discharge Object ID 8200310
                var _elementalDischargeID = 8200310;

                // check to make sure it is a skill
                if (ResourcesPrefabManager.Instance.GetItemPrefab(_elementalDischargeID) is Skill _skill)
                    // maintain compatibility with other mods by checking if unique effects added
                    if (_skill.transform.Find("Effects") is Transform effects)
                        // add component to child
                        effects.gameObject.AddComponent <RemoveImbueEffects>();
                        // create new child
                        var removeImbueEffect = new GameObject("Effects");
                        removeImbueEffect.transform.parent = _skill.transform;
                        // add component to the child
                        removeImbueEffect.AddComponent <RemoveImbueEffects>();

                    // change item description (copied from sinai's side loader)
                    string name = "Elemental Discharge";
                    string desc = String.Format("Required: Infused Weapon\n\nThrust your weapon forward, removing the elemental infusion to shoot a projectile of that element.");

                    ItemLocalization loc = new ItemLocalization(name, desc);

                    typeof(Item).GetField("m_name", flags).SetValue(_skill, name);

                    if (typeof(LocalizationManager).GetField("m_itemLocalization", flags).GetValue(LocalizationManager.Instance) is Dictionary <int, ItemLocalization> dict)
                        if (dict.ContainsKey(_skill.ItemID))
                            dict[_skill.ItemID] = loc;
                            dict.Add(_skill.ItemID, loc);
                        typeof(LocalizationManager).GetField("m_itemLocalization", flags).SetValue(LocalizationManager.Instance, dict);

                    // make sure safe through loading screens
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary> Set both name and description. Used by SetName and SetDescription. </summary>
        public static void SetNameAndDescription(Item item, string _name, string _description)
            var name = _name ?? "";
            var desc = _description ?? "";

            // set the local fields on the item (this should be enough for 99% of cases)

            At.SetField(item, "m_name", name);
            At.SetField(item, "m_localizedName", name);
            At.SetField(item, "m_lastNameLang", LocalizationManager.Instance.CurrentLanguage);

            At.SetField(item, "m_localizedDescription", desc);
            At.SetField(item, "m_lastDescLang", LocalizationManager.Instance.CurrentLanguage);

            // set the localization to the LocalizationManager dictionary

            var loc = new ItemLocalization(name, desc);

            if (References.ITEM_LOCALIZATION.ContainsKey(item.ItemID))
                References.ITEM_LOCALIZATION[item.ItemID] = loc;
                References.ITEM_LOCALIZATION.Add(item.ItemID, loc);

            // keep track of the custom localization in case the user changes language

            if (s_customLocalizations.ContainsKey(item.ItemID))
                s_customLocalizations[item.ItemID] = loc;
                s_customLocalizations.Add(item.ItemID, loc);

            // If the item is in the "duplicate" localization dicts, remove it.

            if (References.LOCALIZATION_DUPLICATE_NAME.ContainsKey(item.ItemID))

            if (References.LOCALIZATION_DUPLICATE_DESC.ContainsKey(item.ItemID))
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void SetNameAndDesc(Item item, string name, string desc)
            ItemLocalization loc = new ItemLocalization(name, desc);

            At.SetValue(name, typeof(Item), item, "m_name");

            if (At.GetValue(typeof(LocalizationManager), LocalizationManager.Instance, "m_itemLocalization") is Dictionary <int, ItemLocalization> dict)
                if (dict.ContainsKey(item.ItemID))
                    dict[item.ItemID] = loc;
                    dict.Add(item.ItemID, loc);
                At.SetValue(dict, typeof(LocalizationManager), LocalizationManager.Instance, "m_itemLocalization");
        // Token: 0x0600001C RID: 28 RVA: 0x00002920 File Offset: 0x00000B20
        public static void SetNameAndDesc(ImbueEffectPreset imbueEffect, string name, string desc)
            ItemLocalization value = new ItemLocalization(name, desc);
            Dictionary <int, ItemLocalization> dictionary = At.GetValue(typeof(LocalizationManager), LocalizationManager.Instance, "m_itemLocalization") as Dictionary <int, ItemLocalization>;
            bool flag = dictionary != null;

            if (flag)
                bool flag2 = dictionary.ContainsKey(imbueEffect.PresetID);
                if (flag2)
                    dictionary[imbueEffect.PresetID] = value;
                    dictionary.Add(imbueEffect.PresetID, value);