Exemplo n.º 1
        private void IssueTicket(PlayerSession from, PlayerSession to)
            var newTicket = new IssuedTicket();

            newTicket.From = from.SteamId.m_SteamID;
            newTicket.To   = to.SteamId.m_SteamID;
Exemplo n.º 2
        void GiveTicket(PlayerSession player, string command, string[] args)
            //get the ID of the player for whom to give the ticket
            PlayerSession ticketTo = null;

            ticketTo = getPlayerFromName(string.Join(" ", args));
            if (ticketTo == null)
                hurt.SendChatMessage(player, "Ticket was not issued. Unable to locate the player.");
                int  currentTicketCount = 1;
                bool alreadyIssued      = false;

                foreach (var t in tickets)
                    if (t.To == ticketTo.SteamId.m_SteamID)
                    if (t.From == player.SteamId.m_SteamID)
                        //this player has already issued a ticket to this
                        alreadyIssued = true;

                if (alreadyIssued)
                    hurt.SendChatMessage(player, "You can only issue a single ticket to a player.");

                if (currentTicketCount >= ticketsBeforeJail)
                    //Jail the player here and clear out all the tickets for jailed player

                    //Send the player to jail
                    int repeats = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Round(jailLength / 5d));
                    timer.Repeat(5, repeats, () => player.WorldPlayerEntity.transform.position = GetJailCoords());

                    //Create the time for unjailing the player
                    timer.Once(jailLength, () => UnJailPlayer(ticketTo));

                    //Send a message to the issuer
                    hurt.BroadcastChat(ticketTo.Name + " has been put in jail.");

                    //send a message to the defendant
                    hurt.SendChatMessage(ticketTo, player.Name + " has issued you a ticket for griefing. You have exceeded the maximum number of tickets and have now been transported to jail.");
                    //add a ticket
                    var newTicket = new IssuedTicket();
                    newTicket.From = player.SteamId.m_SteamID;
                    newTicket.To   = ticketTo.SteamId.m_SteamID;
                    //Send a message to the issuer
                    hurt.SendChatMessage(player, "A ticket has been issued to " + ticketTo.Name);

                    //send a message to the defendant
                    hurt.SendChatMessage(ticketTo, player.Name + " has issued you a ticket for griefing. You have a total of " + currentTicketCount.ToString() + ". If you get " + ticketsBeforeJail.ToString() + ", you will be sent to jail for " + getTimeStringFromSeconds(jailLength) + ".");