Exemplo n.º 1
        public bool TryCreateTimelineQuery(IssueKind kind, GitHubIssueKey issueKey, string text)
            if (TryGetTimelineQuery(issueKey, out var timelineQuery))

            timelineQuery = new ModelTimelineQuery()
                GitHubOrganization = issueKey.Organization,
                GitHubRepository   = issueKey.Repository,
                IssueNumber        = issueKey.Number,
                SearchText         = text

            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public AnalyzerConfig(
            bool isEnabled,
            IssueKind issueKind,
            Importance infoImportance,
            TimeSpan[] analyzerServiceCallRetryTimeSpans,
            string[] sourcePathExclusionPatterns,

            bool childCanDependOnParentImplicitly,
            Dictionary <NamespaceDependencyRule, TypeNameSet> allowRules,
            HashSet <NamespaceDependencyRule> disallowRules,
            Dictionary <Namespace, TypeNameSet> visibleTypesByNamespace,
            int maxIssueCount,
            IssueKind maxIssueCountSeverity,
            bool autoLowerMaxIssueCount)
            IsEnabled = isEnabled;
            DependencyIssueSeverity           = issueKind;
            InfoImportance                    = infoImportance;
            AnalyzerServiceCallRetryTimeSpans = analyzerServiceCallRetryTimeSpans;
            SourcePathExclusionPatterns       = sourcePathExclusionPatterns;

            ChildCanDependOnParentImplicitly = childCanDependOnParentImplicitly;
            AllowRules              = allowRules;
            DisallowRules           = disallowRules;
            VisibleTypesByNamespace = visibleTypesByNamespace;
            MaxIssueCount           = maxIssueCount;
            MaxIssueCountSeverity   = maxIssueCountSeverity;
            AutoLowerMaxIssueCount  = autoLowerMaxIssueCount;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void WriteJsonIssue(string binary, string ruleId, string message, IssueKind issueKind)
            Issue issue = new Issue();

            issue.RuleId                  = ruleId;
            issue.FullMessage             = message;
            issue.Properties              = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            issue.Properties["issueKind"] = issueKind.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()[0] + issueKind.ToString().Substring(1);
            issue.Locations               = new[] {
                new Sarif.DataContracts.Location {
                    AnalysisTarget = new[]
                        new PhysicalLocationComponent
                            // Why? When NewtonSoft serializes this Uri, it will use the
                            // original string used to construct the Uri. For a file path,
                            // this will be the local file path. We want to persist this
                            // information using the file:// protocol rendering, however.
                            Uri      = binary.CreateUriForJsonSerialization(),
                            MimeType = MimeType.Binary

Exemplo n.º 4
        protected GameObjectIssueRecord(IssueKind kind, RecordLocation location, string path, GameObject gameObject, Type componentType, string componentName, int componentIndex, string propertyPath) : this(kind, location, path, gameObject, componentType, componentName, componentIndex)
            this.propertyPath = propertyPath;

            if (propertyPath.EndsWith("].m_MethodName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                missingEventMethod = true;
Exemplo n.º 5
 protected GameObjectIssueRecord(IssueKind kind, RecordLocation location, string path, GameObject gameObject, Type componentType, string componentName, int componentIndex) : this(kind, location, path, gameObject)
     this.componentName  = componentName;
     this.componentIndex = componentIndex;
     if (this.componentIndex > 0 && componentType != null && gameObject.GetComponents(componentType).Length > 1)
         componentNamePostfix = " (#" + this.componentIndex + ")";
        protected ScriptableObjectIssueRecord(IssueKind kind, string path, string typeName, string propertyPath) : this(kind, path, typeName)
            this.propertyPath = propertyPath;

            if (propertyPath.EndsWith("].m_MethodName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                missingEventMethod = true;
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected GameObjectIssueRecord(IssueKind kind, RecordLocation location, string path, GameObject gameObject) : base(kind, location, path)
            var transform = gameObject.transform;

            transformPath = CSEditorTools.GetFullTransformPath(transform);

            if (kind != IssueKind.MissingPrefab)
                objectId = CSObjectTools.GetUniqueObjectId(gameObject);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public CodeIssue(int line, IssueKind kind, string message)
            if (line < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("line", "line must be >= 0.");
            if (message == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("message");

            Line = line;
            Kind = kind;
            Message = message;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public AnalyzerConfig(bool isEnabled, IssueKind issueKind, Importance infoImportance, bool childCanDependOnParentImplicitly, Dictionary <NamespaceDependencyRule, TypeNameSet> allowRules, HashSet <NamespaceDependencyRule> disallowRules, Dictionary <Namespace, TypeNameSet> visibleTypesByNamespace, int maxIssueCount, int?maxWarningErrorThreshold)
            IsEnabled      = isEnabled;
            IssueKind      = issueKind;
            InfoImportance = infoImportance;

            ChildCanDependOnParentImplicitly = childCanDependOnParentImplicitly;
            AllowRules               = allowRules;
            DisallowRules            = disallowRules;
            VisibleTypesByNamespace  = visibleTypesByNamespace;
            MaxIssueCount            = maxIssueCount;
            MaxWarningErrorThreshold = maxWarningErrorThreshold;
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Translates from Codartis.NsDepCop.Core.IssueKind to Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.DiagnosticSeverity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="issueKind">An IssueKind value.</param>
        /// <returns>A Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.DiagnosticSeverity value.</returns>
        public static DiagnosticSeverity ToDiagnosticSeverity(IssueKind issueKind)
            switch (issueKind)
            case IssueKind.Error:

            case IssueKind.Info:

            case IssueKind.Hidden:

            case IssueKind.Warning:

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(issueKind), issueKind, "Unexpected value.");
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        ///   Writes an issue, using the VSTS logging commands if running inside VSTS. Forwards to stderr if outside of VSTS.
        /// </summary>
        public static void LogIssue(this IConsole console, IssueKind kind, string message, string file = null, int?line = null, int?column = null)
            var(type, color) = (kind) switch
                IssueKind.Warning => ("warning", ConsoleColor.Yellow),
                IssueKind.Error => ("error", ConsoleColor.Red),
                _ => throw new ArgumentException("Invalid IssueKind", nameof(kind)),
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AGENT_ID")))
                console.Error(VerbosityLevel.Quiet, $"##vso[task.logissue type={type};sourcepath={file};linenumber={line};columnnumber={column};]{message}\n", ConsoleColor.Black);
                if (kind == IssueKind.Error)
                    console.Error(VerbosityLevel.Quiet, "##vso[task.complete result=Failed;]", ConsoleColor.Black);
                var m = new StringBuilder();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file))
                    if (line != null)
                        if (column != null)

                    m.Append(": ");

                m.Append($"{type} : {message}\n");
                console.Error(VerbosityLevel.Quiet, m.ToString(), color);
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void LogBuildEvent(IssueKind issueKind, string message, MessageImportance messageImportance, string code = null,
                                   string path = null, int startLine = 0, int startColumn = 0, int endLine = 0, int endColumn = 0)
            switch (issueKind)
            case IssueKind.Error:
                _buildEngine.LogErrorEvent(new BuildErrorEventArgs(
                                               null, code, path, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn, message, code, ProductConstants.ToolName));

            case IssueKind.Warning:
                _buildEngine.LogWarningEvent(new BuildWarningEventArgs(
                                                 null, code, path, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn, message, code, ProductConstants.ToolName));

                var formattedMessage = $"[{ProductConstants.ToolName}] {message}";
                _buildEngine.LogMessageEvent(new BuildMessageEventArgs(
                                                 null, code, path, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn, formattedMessage, code, ProductConstants.ToolName, messageImportance));
Exemplo n.º 13
 internal static SceneSettingsIssueRecord Create(SceneSettingsKind settingsKind, IssueKind issueKind, string path, string propertyPath)
     return(new SceneSettingsIssueRecord(settingsKind, issueKind, path, propertyPath));
        private static Diagnostic CreateTooManyIssuesDiagnostic(SyntaxNode node, string message, IssueKind issueKind)
            var location = Location.Create(node.SyntaxTree, node.Span);

            return(CreateDiagnostic(IllegalDependencyDescriptor, location, message, issueKind));
        private static Diagnostic CreateIllegalDependencyDiagnostic(SyntaxNode node, string message, IssueKind issueKind)
            // TODO: get location from typeDependency.SourceSegment?
            var location = Location.Create(node.SyntaxTree, node.Span);

            return(CreateDiagnostic(IllegalDependencyDescriptor, location, message, issueKind));
Exemplo n.º 16
        private static Diagnostic CreateIllegalDependencyDiagnostic(SyntaxNode node, TypeDependency typeDependency, IssueKind issueKind)
            // TODO: get location from typeDependency.SourceSegment?
            var location = Location.Create(node.SyntaxTree, node.Span);
            var message  = IssueDefinitions.IllegalDependencyIssue.GetDynamicDescription(typeDependency);

            return(CreateDiagnostic(IllegalDependencyDescriptor, location, message, issueKind));
Exemplo n.º 17
 protected SettingsIssueRecord(AssetSettingsKind settingsKind, IssueKind kind, string body) : base(kind, RecordLocation.Asset, null)
     SettingsKind = settingsKind;
     bodyExtra    = body;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public TooManyIssuesMessage(int maxIssueCount, IssueKind issueKind)
     MaxIssueCount = maxIssueCount;
     IssueKind     = issueKind;
Exemplo n.º 19
 internal static SettingsIssueRecord Create(AssetSettingsKind settingsKind, IssueKind type, string path, string propertyPath)
     return(new SettingsIssueRecord(settingsKind, type, path, propertyPath));
Exemplo n.º 20
 internal static GameObjectIssueRecord Create(IssueKind type, RecordLocation location, string path, GameObject gameObject)
     return(new GameObjectIssueRecord(type, location, path, gameObject));
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides the color associated to the issue kind
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kind"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Color IssueColor(IssueKind? kind)
            Color retVal = Colors.IndianRed;

            if (kind == IssueKind.Comment)
                retVal = Colors.LightGreen;
            else if (kind == IssueKind.Question)
                retVal = Colors.LightGoldenrodYellow;
            else if (kind == IssueKind.OutOfScope)
                retVal = Colors.MediumPurple;
            else if (kind == null)
                retVal = Colors.Transparent;

            return retVal;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public IssueDescriptor(string id, IssueKind defaultKind, string staticDescription)
     Id                = id;
     DefaultKind       = defaultKind;
     StaticDescription = staticDescription;
Exemplo n.º 23
 protected IssueMessageBase(IssueType issueType, IssueKind issueKind)
     IssueType = issueType;
     IssueKind = issueKind;
 public IllegalDependencyMessage(TypeDependency illegalDependency, IssueKind issueKind)
     IllegalDependency = illegalDependency;
     IssueKind         = issueKind;
Exemplo n.º 25
 public IssueDescriptor(string id, IssueKind defaultKind, string title)
     Id          = id;
     DefaultKind = defaultKind;
     Title       = title;
Exemplo n.º 26
 protected SceneSettingsIssueRecord(SceneSettingsKind settingsKind, IssueKind issueKind, string path, string propertyPath) : base(issueKind, RecordLocation.Scene, path)
     SettingsKind = settingsKind;
     PropertyPath = propertyPath;
Exemplo n.º 27
 internal static GameObjectIssueRecord Create(IssueKind type, RecordLocation location, string path, GameObject gameObject, Type componentType, string componentName, int componentIndex, string propertyPath)
     return(new GameObjectIssueRecord(type, location, path, gameObject, componentType, componentName, componentIndex, propertyPath));
Exemplo n.º 28
        public static FixResult FixObjectIssue(GameObjectIssueRecord issue, Object obj, Component component, IssueKind type)
            FixResult result;

            if (type == IssueKind.MissingComponent)
                var hasIssue = GameObjectHasMissingComponent(obj as GameObject);

                if (hasIssue)
                    FixMissingComponents(issue, obj as GameObject, false);
                    if (!GameObjectHasMissingComponent(obj as GameObject))
                        result = new FixResult(true);
                        result = FixResult.CreateError("Fix attempt failed!");
                    result = new FixResult(true);
            else if (type == IssueKind.MissingReference)
                result = FixMissingReference(component != null ? component : obj, issue.propertyPath, issue.Location);
                result = FixResult.CreateError("IssueKind is not supported!");

Exemplo n.º 29
 internal static SettingsIssueRecord Create(AssetSettingsKind settingsKind, IssueKind type, string body)
     return(new SettingsIssueRecord(settingsKind, type, body));
Exemplo n.º 30
        private void WriteJsonIssue(string binary, string ruleId, string message, IssueKind issueKind)
            Issue issue = new Issue();
            issue.RuleId = ruleId;
            issue.FullMessage = message;
            issue.Properties = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            issue.Properties["issueKind"] = issueKind.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()[0] + issueKind.ToString().Substring(1);
            issue.Locations = new[]{
                new Location {
                    AnalysisTarget = new[]
                        new PhysicalLocationComponent
                            // Why? When NewtonSoft serializes this Uri, it will use the
                            // original string used to construct the Uri. For a file path,
                            // this will be the local file path. We want to persist this
                            // information using the file:// protocol rendering, however.
                            Uri = binary.CreateUriForJsonSerialization(),
                            MimeType = MimeType.Binary

Exemplo n.º 31
 public TooManyIssuesMessage(int maxIssueCount, IssueKind issueKind)
     : base(IssueType.TooManyIssues, issueKind)
     MaxIssueCount = maxIssueCount;
 public TestIssueMessage(string code, IssueKind issueKind, string title)
     Code      = code;
     IssueKind = issueKind;
     Title     = title;
Exemplo n.º 33
 protected SettingsIssueRecord(AssetSettingsKind settingsKind, IssueKind kind, string path, string propertyPath) : base(kind, RecordLocation.Asset, path)
     SettingsKind = settingsKind;
     PropertyPath = propertyPath;