public IsoFileSystem(IsoImage image, String rootpath) { Assert.IsNotNull(image, nameof(image)); Assert.IsNotNull(rootpath, nameof(rootpath)); Image = image; RootPath = rootpath; }
static void Main(string[] args) { string Dir = ""; string BootImg = null; if (args.Length == 1) { if (!Directory.Exists(args[0])) { Error(string.Format("Not valid directory `{0}´", args[0])); } Dir = args[0]; } else if (args.Length == 2) { if (!Directory.Exists(args[0])) { Error(string.Format("Not valid directory `{0}´", args[0])); } Dir = args[0]; if (args[1] != "-" && !File.Exists(args[1])) { Error(string.Format("Not a valid boot image `{0}´", args[1])); } BootImg = args[1]; } else { Error("mkisofs2 rootdir [bootimg]"); } if (BootImg != null) { if (BootImg == "-") { Console.WriteLine("Boot image is internal boot_hybrid.img"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Boot image is {0}", BootImg); } } Dir = Path.GetFullPath(Dir); string Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Dir); Console.Write("Creating {0} ... ", Name + ".iso"); IsoImage ISO = new IsoImage("ISOIMAGE"); ISO.AddTree(Dir); if (BootImg != null) { if (BootImg == "-") { ISO.AddDirectory("boot"); ISO.AddDirectory("boot/grub"); ISO.AddDirectory("boot/grub/fonts"); ISO.AddDirectory("boot/grub/i386-pc"); ISO.AddDirectory("boot/grub/locale"); ISO.AddDirectory("boot/grub/roms"); ISO.AddFile("boot/grub/fonts/unicode.pf2", Properties.Resources.unicode); ISO.AddFile("boot/grub/locale/", Properties.Resources.en_GB); ISO.AddFile("boot/grub/locale/", Properties.Resources.en_AU); ISO.AddFile("boot/grub/locale/", Properties.Resources.en_CA); ISO.AddFile("boot/grub/locale/",; ISO.AddFile("boot.catalog", Properties.Resources.boot_catalog); MemoryStream i386pc = new MemoryStream(Properties.Resources.i386pc); using (ZipArchive Arch = new ZipArchive(i386pc, ZipArchiveMode.Read, false)) { foreach (var E in Arch.Entries) { using (Stream ES = E.Open()) ISO.AddFile("boot/grub/i386-pc/" + E.FullName, ES); } } ISO.SetBootImage(Properties.Resources.boot_hybrid); } else { ISO.SetBootImage(File.ReadAllBytes(BootImg)); } } ISO.WriteToFile(Name + ".iso"); Console.WriteLine("OK"); }
public void Test() { string root = Path.GetDirectoryName(Environment.CurrentDirectory); string token = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SACLOUD_TOKEN"); string secret = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SACLOUD_SECRET"); string zone = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SACLOUD_ZONE"); API api = API.Authorize(token, secret, zone); string name = "!cs_nunit-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + "-" + (new Regex(@"-.+")).Replace(System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), ""); string description = "This instance was created by saklient.cs NUnit"; string tag = "saklient-test"; // create/upload { IsoImage iso = api.IsoImage.Create(); iso.Name = name; iso.Description = description; iso.Tags = new List <string> { tag }; iso.SizeMib = 5120; iso.Save(); // FtpInfo ftp = iso.FtpInfo; Assert.IsNotNull(ftp.HostName); Assert.IsNotNull(ftp.User); Assert.IsNotNull(ftp.Password); FtpInfo ftp2 = iso.OpenFtp(true).FtpInfo; Assert.IsNotNull(ftp2.HostName); Assert.IsNotNull(ftp2.User); Assert.IsNotNull(ftp2.Password); Assert.AreNotEqual(ftp.Password, ftp2.Password); // Console.WriteLine("FTPS: " + ftp2.User + ":" + ftp2.Password + "@" + ftp2.HostName); ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (object s, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) => true; Uri uri = new Uri("ftp://" + ftp2.HostName + "/image.iso"); FtpWebRequest ftpReq = FtpWebRequest.Create(uri) as FtpWebRequest; ftpReq.EnableSsl = true; ftpReq.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ftp2.User, ftp2.Password); ftpReq.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile; // ftpReq.KeepAlive = true; // ftpReq.UseBinary = true; // ftpReq.UsePassive = true; // ftpReq.ContentLength = 1024 * 256; Stream stream = ftpReq.GetRequestStream(); Random rnd = new Random(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { rnd.NextBytes(buffer); stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } stream.Close(); FtpWebResponse ftpRes = ftpReq.GetResponse() as FtpWebResponse; Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", ftpRes.StatusCode, ftpRes.StatusDescription); ftpRes.Close(); iso.CloseFtp(); // iso.Destroy(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // insert/eject { // search iso images Console.WriteLine("searching iso images..."); List <IsoImage> isos = api.IsoImage .WithNameLike("CentOS 6. 64bit") .WithSharedScope() .Limit(1) .Find(); Assert.Greater(isos.Count, 0); IsoImage iso = isos[0]; // create a server Console.WriteLine("creating a server..."); Server server = api.Server.Create(); server.Name = name; server.Description = description; server.Tags = new List <string> { tag }; server.Plan = api.Product.Server.GetBySpec(1, 1); server.Save(); // insert iso image while the server is down Console.WriteLine("inserting an ISO image to the server..."); server.InsertIsoImage(iso); Assert.AreEqual(iso.Id, server.Instance.IsoImage.Id); // eject iso image while the server is down Console.WriteLine("ejecting the ISO image from the server..."); server.EjectIsoImage(); Assert.IsNull(server.Instance.IsoImage); // boot Console.WriteLine("booting the server..."); server.Boot(); Thread.Sleep(3); // insert iso image while the server is up Console.WriteLine("inserting an ISO image to the server..."); server.InsertIsoImage(iso); Assert.AreEqual(iso.Id, server.Instance.IsoImage.Id); // eject iso image while the server is up Console.WriteLine("ejecting the ISO image from the server..."); server.EjectIsoImage(); Assert.IsNull(server.Instance.IsoImage); // stop Thread.Sleep(1); Console.WriteLine("stopping the server..."); if (!server.Stop().SleepUntilDown()) { Assert.Fail("サーバが正常に停止しません"); } // delete the server Console.WriteLine("deleting the server..."); server.Destroy(); } }