Exemplo n.º 1
 public void OnEnable()
     if (m_brush == null)
         m_brush = new IslandBrush();
Exemplo n.º 2
    public override void Paint(Island island)
        IslandBrush brush       = new IslandBrush();
        IslandBrush detailBrush = new IslandBrush();

        brush.m_detailBrush = false;
        brush.m_solidBrush  = false;
        brush.m_color       = new Color(0.6f, 0.2f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        brush.m_opacity     = 1.0f;

        detailBrush.m_detailBrush = true;
        detailBrush.m_solidBrush  = false;
        detailBrush.m_color       = new Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        detailBrush.m_opacity     = 1.0f;

        brush.m_brushSizeX = (int)island.WorldSizeToTexel(transform.localScale.x) * 2;

        detailBrush.m_brushSizeX = 40;                //(int)island.WorldSizeToTexel(transform.localScale.x);

        island.PaintPixel(transform.position.x, transform.position.z, brush);
        island.PaintPixel(transform.position.x, transform.position.z, detailBrush);
        //island.PaintPixel(m_instancePositions[i].x, m_instancePositions[i].z, detailBrush);
        //island.PaintPixel(m_instancePositions[i].x, m_instancePositions[i].z, detailBrush);
Exemplo n.º 3
    /// plonk the brush down at the given point.
    /// More complicated than I would have liked thanks to the sliced terrain.
    /// TODO: Sort the importing so that read/write is disabled on the splat maps when building
    /// outside the editor. Re-enable compression so the splat-maps aren't a meg each.
    public void PaintPixel(float x, float y, IslandBrush brush)
        m_sectionSize = (MaxBounds.x - MinBounds.x) / (float)SectionsX;

        if (x > MinBounds.x && y > MinBounds.y && x < MaxBounds.x && y < MaxBounds.y)
            SectionPixelPair pair = GetPair(x, y);

            int xStart = pair.pixelX - brush.m_brushSizeX / 2;
            int xEnd   = pair.pixelX + brush.m_brushSizeX / 2;

            int yStart = pair.pixelY - brush.m_brushSizeX / 2;
            int yEnd   = pair.pixelY + brush.m_brushSizeX / 2;

            for (int currentX = xStart; currentX < xEnd; currentX++)
                for (int currentY = yStart; currentY < yEnd; currentY++)
                    int sectionX = pair.sectionX;
                    int sectionY = pair.sectionY;
                    int pixelX   = currentX;
                    int pixelY   = currentY;

                    while (pixelX < 0)
                        pixelX += 512;

                    while (pixelX >= 512)
                        pixelX -= 512;

                    while (pixelY < 0)
                        pixelY += 512;

                    while (pixelY >= 512)
                        pixelY -= 512;

                    if (sectionX >= SectionsX || sectionY >= SectionsY || sectionX < 0 || sectionY < 0)

                    int index = (currentY - yStart) * brush.m_brushSizeX + (currentX - xStart);

                    Color current = m_editTextures[sectionY * SectionsX + sectionX].colors[pixelY * 512 + pixelX];

                    if (brush.m_detailBrush)
                        // TODO: What a complete hack.
                        // The brush's alpha channel is being used to store the brush dynamics, so when trying to write alpha I just
                        // bung the target value into R. How shameful.
                        float newColor = brush.m_brushPixels[index].r;
                        m_editTextures[sectionY * SectionsX + sectionX].colors[pixelY * 512 + pixelX].a = Mathf.Lerp(current.a, newColor, brush.m_brushPixels[index].a);
                        float   alpha    = current.a;                    // Don't lerp alpha in this scenario, else you'll bugger t'detail
                        Vector3 newColor = (Vector3)((Vector4)(brush.m_brushPixels[index]));
                        m_editTextures[sectionY * SectionsX + sectionX].colors[pixelY * 512 + pixelX]   = Vector4.Lerp(current, newColor, brush.m_brushPixels[index].a);
                        m_editTextures[sectionY * SectionsX + sectionX].colors[pixelY * 512 + pixelX].a = alpha;

                    m_editTextures[sectionY * SectionsX + sectionX].dirty        = true;
                    m_editTextures[sectionY * SectionsX + sectionX].saveRequired = true;

                    saveRequired = true;