public bool Open(Iori iori) { ThingGraphContent source = null; var sinkIo = ThingGraphIoManager.GetSinkIO(iori, IoMode.Read) as ThingGraphIo; try { // TODO: check if iori already in use source = sinkIo.Open(iori); OnProgress("", -1, -1); AttachCurrent(source, iori.Name); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Registry.Pooled <IExceptionHandler>() .Catch(new Exception("Open failed: " + ex.Message, ex), MessageType.OK); try { if (source != null) { sinkIo.Close(source); } } catch { } return(false); } }
protected override ThingGraphContent OpenInternal(Iori source) { var gateway = new Limaki.Data.db4o.Gateway(); try { gateway.Open(source); var sink = new ThingGraphContent { Data = new ThingGraph(gateway), Source = source, ContentType = Db4oThingGraphSpot.Db4oThingGraphContentType, }; return(sink); } catch (DatabaseFileLockedException ex) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.InnerException != null && ex.InnerException is DatabaseFileLockedException) { throw ex.InnerException; } else { var olderVersion = ProveIfOlderVersion(gateway); if (olderVersion != null) { throw new NotSupportedException(olderVersion, ex); } else { throw; } } } }
public virtual GraphSceneDisplayMemento ReadDisplay(XElement node) { var memento = new GraphSceneDisplayMemento(); var iori = ReadElement(node, NodeNames.Source); if (iori != null) { memento.Iori = Iori.FromFileName(Read <string> (iori, NodeNames.File)); } memento.Info = new SceneInfoXmlSerializer().ReadSceneInfo(node);; var vp = ReadElement(node, NodeNames.Viewport); memento.Offset = Read <Point> (vp, NodeNames.Offset); memento.ZoomState = Read <ZoomState> (vp, NodeNames.ZoomState); memento.Zoom = Read <double> (vp, NodeNames.Zoom); var thingGraph = Mesh.BackGraph(memento.Iori); memento.Scene = Mesh.BackHandler <IThing, ILink>().CreateScene(thingGraph); var layout = ReadElement(node, NodeNames.Layout); memento.StyleSheetName = Read <string> (layout, NodeNames.StyleSheet); var styleSheet = Registry.Pooled <StyleSheets> ()[memento.StyleSheetName]; // NEVER use the tempLayout in memento-Layout; this brings troubles if data changes // creating layout is done in memento.Restore Func <IGraphScene <IVisual, IVisualEdge> > scene = () => memento.Scene; var tempLayout = Registry.Create <IGraphSceneLayout <IVisual, IVisualEdge> > (scene, styleSheet); var serializer = new VisualThingXmlSerializer(); serializer.VisualThingGraph = memento.Scene.Graph.Source <IVisual, IVisualEdge, IThing, ILink> (); serializer.Layout = tempLayout; serializer.XThings = ReadElement(node, VisualThingXmlSerializer.NodeNames.Things); serializer.ReadXThings(); new GraphSceneFacade <IVisual, IVisualEdge> (() => memento.Scene, tempLayout) .Add(serializer.VisualsCollection, true, false); var sceneDetails = ReadElement(node, NodeNames.Scene); var foc = Read <long> (sceneDetails, NodeNames.Focused); if (foc != 0) { var focThing = thingGraph.GetById(foc); if (focThing != null) { memento.Scene.Focused = memento.Scene.Graph.VisualOf(focThing); } } memento.Scene.ClearSpatialIndex(); return(memento); }
public void ContentProviders() { Iori input = null; IPipe <Iori, Stream> file = null; IPipe <Stream, Content <Stream> > contentProvider = null; IPipe <Iori, Content <Stream> > contentIoProvider = null; IPipe <Content <Stream>, IThing> contentThingProvider = null; }
public void GraphProviders() { Iori input = null; IPipe <Iori, Stream> file = null; IPipe <Stream, IThingGraph> thingGraphProvider = null; IPipe <IThingGraph, IGraphScene <IVisual, IVisualEdge> > sceneProvider = null; var scene = sceneProvider.Use(thingGraphProvider.Use(file.Use(input))); }
public void ImportRawSource() { Save(); Close(Data); bool tryIt = true; while (tryIt && MessageBoxShow("Open a new, non exisiting file", "RawImport", MessageBoxButtons.OkCancel) == DialogResult.Ok) { var fileDialog = new FileDialogMemento(); DefaultDialogValues(fileDialog, WriteFilter); DefaultDialogValues(OpenFileDialog, ReadFilter); if (FileDialogShow(fileDialog, true) == DialogResult.Ok) { var sinkFile = fileDialog.FileName; fileDialog.ResetFileName(); if (File.Exists(sinkFile)) { continue; } if (tryIt = MessageBoxShow("Open the file to import", "RawImport", MessageBoxButtons.OkCancel) == DialogResult.Ok) { if (FileDialogShow(OpenFileDialog, true) == DialogResult.Ok) { var sourceFile = OpenFileDialog.FileName; if (!File.Exists(sourceFile)) { MessageBoxShow("File does not exist", "RawImport", MessageBoxButtons.Ok); break; } tryIt = false; var sourceInfo = Iori.FromFileName(sourceFile); var sinkIo = ThingGraphIoManager.GetSinkIO(Iori.FromFileName(sinkFile), IoMode.Write) as ThingGraphIo; ThingGraphContent sink = null; try { sink = sinkIo.Open(Iori.FromFileName(sinkFile)); var repairer = Registry.Pooled <ThingGraphRepairPool>() .Find(sourceInfo.Extension, IoMode.Read) as IPipe <Iori, IThingGraph>; this.AttachProgress(repairer as IProgress); repairer.Use(Iori.FromFileName(sourceFile), sink.Data); } catch (Exception ex) { Registry.Pooled <IExceptionHandler>() .Catch(new Exception("Raw import failed: " + ex.Message, ex), MessageType.OK); sinkIo.Close(sink); File.Delete(sinkFile); } sinkIo.Close(sink); MessageBoxShow("Import successfull", "RawImport", MessageBoxButtons.Ok); this.Open(Iori.FromFileName(sinkFile)); OpenFileDialog.ResetFileName(); } } } } }
public void Close() { if (Current != null) { Close(Current); Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("DataBase closed {0}", Iori.ToFileName())); Current = null; } }
public void SaveAs() { DefaultDialogValues(SaveFileDialog, WriteFilter); SaveFileDialog.OverwritePrompt = false; if (FileDialogShow(SaveFileDialog, false) == DialogResult.Ok) { SaveAs(Iori.FromFileName(SaveFileDialog.FileName)); SaveFileDialog.ResetFileName(); } }
public virtual ThingGraphContent CreateGraphContent(Iori iori) { if (ThingGraphIo != null) { var result = ThingGraphIo.Open(iori); ReportDetail("*** file:\t" + iori.Name + ThingGraphIo.Extension()); return(result); } return(new ThingGraphContent { Data = new ThingGraph() }); }
public static IThingGraph OpenGraph(Iori iori) { if (iori == null) { return(null); } var io = new ThingGraphIoManager().GetSinkIO(iori, IoMode.Read) as ThingGraphIo; var ct = io.Open(iori); return(ct.Data); }
public void ExportSceneView(IGraphScene <IVisual, IVisualEdge> scene) { DefaultDialogValues(SaveFileDialog, WriteFilter); if (scene != null && scene.HasThingGraph()) { SaveFileDialog.OverwritePrompt = false; if (FileDialogShow(SaveFileDialog, false) == DialogResult.Ok) { ExportSceneView(Iori.FromFileName(SaveFileDialog.FileName), scene); SaveFileDialog.ResetFileName(); } } }
public void IntGraphTest() { Gateway.Open(Iori.FromFileName(FileName)); var graphTest = new IntGraphTest(); Limaki.Data.db4o.Graph <int, Edge <int> > graph = new Limaki.Data.db4o.Graph <int, Edge <int> > (Gateway); graphTest.Graph = graph; graphTest.Setup(); graphTest.AllTests(); graph.Clear(); Gateway.Close(); }
public void EdgeIsItemTest() { Gateway.Open(Iori.FromFileName(FileName)); var graphTest = new EdgeIsItemGraphTest(); Limaki.Data.db4o.Graph <Item <string>, EdgeItem <string> > graph = new Limaki.Data.db4o.Graph <Item <string>, EdgeItem <string> >(Gateway); graphTest.Graph = graph; graphTest.Setup(); graphTest.AllTests(); graph.Clear(); Gateway.Close(); }
protected void GetAppSettings(Iori iori) { var appSettings = AppSettingsGetter();//; for (int i = 0; i < appSettings.Count; i++) { string key = appSettings.GetKey(i); string data = appSettings.Get(i); if (key == "DataBaseFileName") { if (Path.GetDirectoryName(data) == "") { data = ApplicationPhysicalPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + data; } IoriExtensions.FromFileName(iori, data); } if (key == "DataBaseServer") { iori.Server = data; } if (key == "DataBaseName") { iori.Name = data; } if (key == "DataBasePath") { iori.Path = data; } if (key == "DataBaseUser") { iori.User = data; } if (key == "DataBasePassword") { iori.Password = data; } if (key == "DataBaseProvider") { iori.Provider = data; } if (key == "SiteName") { SiteName = data; } } }
public void StringGraphTest() { var graphTest = new StringGraphTest(); Gateway.Open(Iori.FromFileName(FileName)); Limaki.Data.db4o.Graph <string, Edge <string> > graph = new Limaki.Data.db4o.Graph <string, Edge <string> > (Gateway); graphTest.Graph = graph; graphTest.Setup(); graphTest.AllTests(); graph.Clear(); Gateway.Close(); }
public void ExportSceneView(Iori iori, IGraphScene <IVisual, IVisualEdge> scene) { if (scene.HasThingGraph()) { var sinkIo = ThingGraphIoManager.GetSinkIO(iori, IoMode.Write) as ThingGraphIo; if (sinkIo != null) { var source = Registry.Create <ISceneViz <IVisual, IThing, IVisualEdge, ILink> > () .CreateThingsView(scene); var sink = sinkIo.Open(iori); new ThingGraphExporter { Progress = this.Progress }.Use(source, sink.Data); sinkIo.Close(sink); } } }
public override string ToString() { return($@" Version: {Version} {Company} {Copyright} ToolKitType: {ToolKitType ?? ""} Database: {Iori?.ToString() ?? ""} Credits: {Credits} "); }
public void BenchmarkOneTest() { var sceneFactory = new BenchmarkOneGraphFactory <IGraphEntity, IGraphEdge> (); Gateway.Open(Iori.FromFileName(FileName)); var graph = new Limaki.Data.db4o.Graph <IGraphEntity, IGraphEdge>(Gateway); sceneFactory.Count = 10; sceneFactory.Populate(graph); //graph.Clear(); Gateway.Close(); ReportSummary(); }
public void Open() { if (this.IsUnsaved(this.Data)) { if (MessageBoxShow("You have an unsaved document. Do you want to save it?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { SaveAs(); } } DefaultDialogValues(OpenFileDialog, ReadFilter); if (FileDialogShow(OpenFileDialog, true) == DialogResult.Ok) { Open(Iori.FromFileName(OpenFileDialog.FileName)); OpenFileDialog.ResetFileName(); } }
protected override ThingGraphContent OpenInternal(Iori source) { Iori sourceInfo = null; using (var file = File.OpenRead(source.ToFileName())) { sourceInfo = Read(file); if (sourceInfo != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceInfo.Path)) { sourceInfo.Path = source.Path; } } } var sinkIo = ThingGraphIoManager.GetSinkIO(sourceInfo, IoMode.Read) as ThingGraphIo; var sourceContent = sinkIo.Open(sourceInfo); return(sourceContent); }
public bool ImportFiles(IEnumerable <string> sourceFiles) { var result = true; if (sourceFiles.Count() > 0) { var progressSaved = this.Progress; var progressHandler = Registry.Pooled <IProgressHandler> (); this.Progress = (m, i, max) => progressHandler.Write(m, i, max); try { foreach (var sourceFile in sourceFiles) { if (File.Exists(sourceFile)) { progressHandler.Show("Importing file " + sourceFile); var sourceIori = Iori.FromFileName(sourceFile); var sourceIo = ThingGraphIoManager.GetSinkIO(sourceIori, IoMode.Read) as ThingGraphIo; if (sourceIo != null) { ThingGraphContent source = null; try { source = sourceIo.Open(sourceIori); new ThingGraphMerger { Progress = this.Progress }.Use(source.Data, Data.Data); } catch (Exception ex) { Registry.Pooled <IExceptionHandler> () .Catch(new Exception("Add file failed: " + ex.Message, ex), MessageType.OK); result = false; } finally { sourceIo.Close(source); } } } } Progress = null; progressHandler.Close(); } finally { Progress = progressSaved; } } return(result); }
public virtual void Save(ThingGraphContent source, Iori sinkInfo) { if (source == null) { return; } using (var sink = new FileStream(sinkInfo.ToFileName(), FileMode.Create)) { var serializer = new ThingXmlSerializer { Graph = source.Data, Things = source.Data.Elements().ToList() }; serializer.Write(sink); sink.Flush(); sink.Close(); } source.Source = sinkInfo; }
public bool SaveAs(Iori iori) { // save current: var oldSource = ""; ThingGraphIo sinkIo = null; if (Data.Source != null) { oldSource = this.Data.Source.ToString(); sinkIo = ThingGraphIoManager.GetSinkIO(Data.ContentType, IoMode.Write) as ThingGraphIo; if (sinkIo != null) { sinkIo.Flush(Data); } } // get the new: sinkIo = ThingGraphIoManager.GetSinkIO(iori, IoMode.Write) as ThingGraphIo; if (sinkIo == null) { return(false); } var sink = sinkIo.Open(iori); // saveAs: var merger = new ThingGraphMerger { Progress = this.Progress }; merger.Use(Data.Data, sink.Data); merger.AttachThings(sink.Data); // close and reopen; flush and attach does't work in all cases sinkIo.Close(sink); sink = sinkIo.Open(iori); AttachCurrent(sink, iori.Name); OnProgress(string.Format("{0} saved as {1}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(oldSource), iori.Name), -1, -1); return(true); }
public bool OpenCommandLine() { var result = false; var sourceFiles = new List <string>(); string fileToOpen = null; string resumeFile = null; var exitAfterImport = false; var p = new OptionSet() { { "add=", a => sourceFiles.Add(a) }, { "file=", a => fileToOpen = a }, { "resume=", a => resumeFile = a }, { "exit", a => exitAfterImport = a != null }, }; var options = p.Parse(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()); if (fileToOpen == null) { if (options.Count > 1) { fileToOpen = options[1]; } } if (fileToOpen != null && File.Exists(fileToOpen)) { result = Open(Iori.FromFileName(fileToOpen)); } if (result) { result = ImportFiles(sourceFiles); } if (exitAfterImport && ApplicationQuit != null) { ApplicationQuit(); } return(result); }
public virtual void TestDocumentWithTestData() { IThingGraph thingGraph = new ThingGraph(); var prov = new Limada.IO.Db4oThingGraphIo(); var d = prov.Open(Iori.FromFileName(TestLocations.GraphtestDir + "")); thingGraph = d.Data; this.ReportDetail("**** TestDocumentWithTestData"); var factory = new DigidocSampleFactory(); var digidoc = new DigidocSchema(); var graph = new SchemaThingGraph(thingGraph); Limada.Schemata.Schema.IdentityGraph.ForEach(s => graph.Add(s)); var root = DigidocSchema.DocumentsRoot; var path = TestLocations.BlobSource; var document = digidoc.CreateDocument(graph, path); graph.Add(Factory.CreateEdge(root, document, DigidocSchema.Document)); factory.ReadPagesFromDir(graph, document, path); var docs = graph.Edges(root).Where(l => l.Marker == DigidocSchema.Document).Select(l => l.Leaf); foreach (var doc in docs) { var title = graph.ThingToDisplay(doc); this.ReportDetail(title.ToString()); var pages = graph.Edges(doc).Where(l => l.Marker == DigidocSchema.DocumentPage).Select(l => l.Leaf); foreach (var page in pages) { var number = graph.ThingToDisplay(page); Assert.IsNotNull(number); this.ReportDetail(number.ToString()); } } prov.Flush(d); }
protected override ThingGraphContent OpenInternal(Iori source) { try { IThingGraph thingGraph = null; var fileName = source.ToFileName(); if (File.Exists(fileName)) { using (var file = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open)) thingGraph = Open(file); } else { thingGraph = new ThingGraph(); } return(new ThingGraphContent { Data = thingGraph, Source = source, ContentType = XmlThingGraphSpot.ContentType }); } catch (Exception ex) { Registry.Pooled <IExceptionHandler>() .Catch(new Exception("File load failed: " + ex.Message, ex), MessageType.OK); } return(null); }
public void Open() { if (Current != null) { Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Provider already opened {0}", Current.Description)); var conn = Current.Data as IGatewayConnection; if (conn != null) { Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Connection already opened {0}/{1}", conn.Gateway.IsOpen, conn.Gateway.Iori.ToFileName())); } } else { var ioManager = new ThingGraphIoManager { }; var sinkIo = ioManager.GetSinkIO(Iori, IoMode.Read) as ThingGraphIo; try { var sink = sinkIo.Open(Iori); if (sink != null) { Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("DataBase opened {0}", Iori.ToFileName())); Current = sink; var graph = new SchemaThingGraph(Current.Data); PrepareGraph(graph); _thingGraph = graph; } else { throw new Exception("Database not found: " + Iori.ToString()); } } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e.Message); _thingGraph = new ThingGraph(); Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Empty Graph created {0}", Iori.ToFileName())); } } }
public IThingGraph Use(Iori source, IThingGraph sink) { return(this.RawImport(source, sink, true)); }
public IThingGraph RawImport(Iori source, IThingGraph sink, bool repair) { this.Log = new StringWriter(); var links = new List <ILink>(); if (repair) { var db4oGraph = sink as ThingGraph; if (db4oGraph != null) { ReportClazzes(db4oGraph.Gateway as Gateway); } } var gateway = new Gateway(); if (!repair) { gateway.Configuration.AllowVersionUpdates = true; gateway.Configuration.DetectSchemaChanges = true; //gateway.Configuration.RecoveryMode(true); } ConfigureAliases(gateway.Configuration); gateway.Open(source); var session = gateway.Session; ReportClazzes(gateway); SchemaFacade.InitSchemata(); var cache = new Dictionary <IReflectClass, Tuple <IReflectClass, List <IReflectField>, Type> >(); foreach (var item in session.Query <object>()) { var thing = item as IThing; if (thing != null) { ReportDetail(thing.Id.ToString()); } var go = item as GenericObject; if (go != null) { IReflectClass clazz = go.GetGenericClass(); Tuple <IReflectClass, List <IReflectField>, Type> defs = null; if (!cache.TryGetValue(clazz, out defs)) { var name = clazz.GetName(); name = name.Substring(0, name.LastIndexOf(',')); var newType = typeof(IThing).Assembly.GetType(name); var fields = new List <IReflectField>(); var iClazz = clazz; while (iClazz != null) { fields.AddRange(iClazz.GetDeclaredFields()); iClazz = iClazz.GetSuperclass(); } defs = Tuple.Create(clazz, fields, newType); cache.Add(clazz, defs); } var newThing = Activator.CreateInstance(defs.Item3, new object[] { null }); foreach (var field in defs.Item2) { var val = field.Get(go); FieldInfo info = null; var type = defs.Item3; while (info == null && type != null) { info = type.GetField(field.GetName(), BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy); if (info == null) { info = type.GetField(field.GetName(), BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy); } if (info == null && field.GetName() == "_writeDate") { info = type.GetField("_changeDate", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy); } type = type.BaseType; } if (info != null && val != null && val.GetType() == info.FieldType) { info.SetValue(newThing, val); } } ReportDetail(newThing.ToString()); if (repair) { var link = newThing as Link; if (link != null) { link.GetByID = (id) => sink.GetById(id); links.Add(newThing as ILink); } else if (newThing is IThing) { sink.Add(newThing as IThing); } else if (newThing is IIdContent <long> ) { sink.ContentContainer.Add(newThing as IIdContent <long>); } } } } if (repair) { ReportDetail("write links..."); foreach (var link in links) { var idLink = link as ILink <Id>; if (link.Marker == null && idLink.Marker != 0) { IThing marker = null; if (Schema.IdentityMap.TryGetValue(idLink.Marker, out marker)) { link.Marker = marker; } } if (link.Marker == null) { link.Marker = CommonSchema.EmptyMarker; } if (link.Root != null && link.Leaf != null) { sink.Add(link); } } } gateway.Close(); ReportDetail("done:\t"); if (this.Log != null) { var logfilename = source.ToFileName() + ".log"; if (File.Exists(logfilename)) { File.Delete(logfilename); } var logfile = new StreamWriter(logfilename); logfile.Write(this.Log.ToString()); logfile.Close(); } return(sink); }
public IThingGraph Use(Iori source) { throw new ArgumentException("Repairer needs a Graph to store into"); }