Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void Figure_EffectOfTemperature_Simple()
            var ionTable = new IonTable();

            double[] temps = ScottPlot.DataGen.Consecutive(50);
            double[] ljps  = new double[temps.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < temps.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine($"Calculating for {temps[i]}C...");
                var ionSet = new List <Ion> {
                    new Ion("Zn", 9, 0.0284), new Ion("K", 0, 3), new Ion("Cl", 18, 3.0568)
                ljps[i] = Calculate.Ljp(ionTable.Lookup(ionSet), temps[i]).mV;

            var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(800, 600);

            plt.PlotScatter(temps, ljps);
            plt.Title("JLJP Screenshot Ion Set");
            plt.YLabel("LJP (mV)");
            plt.XLabel("Temperature (C)");

            string filePath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath("Figure_EffectOfTemperatureSimple.png");

            Console.WriteLine($"Saved: {filePath}");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public IonLookup()
            var    mdTableBytes  = Properties.Resources.IonTable;
            string mdTableString = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(mdTableBytes);

            string[] mdTableLines = mdTableString.Split("\n");
            Table = new IonTable(mdTableLines);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Test_KnownIonSets_LjpWithinExpectedRange()
            var ionTable  = new IonTable();
            var knownSets = new KnownIonSets(ionTable);

            foreach (var ionSet in knownSets.ionSets)
                Console.WriteLine($"Testing known ion set: {ionSet.name}");
                var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet.ions, ionSet.temperatureC);
                Assert.AreEqual(ionSet.expectedLjp_mV, ljp.mV, ionSet.expectedAccuracy_mV);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_ExampleFromSourceCode()
            /* From JLJP: https://github.com/swharden/JLJP/blob/2.0.0/src/Example.java */

            Ion Zn = new Ion("Zn", MolsPerCubicMeter(9), MolsPerCubicMeter(0.0284));
            Ion K  = new Ion("K", MolsPerCubicMeter(0), MolsPerCubicMeter(3));
            Ion Cl = new Ion("Cl", MolsPerCubicMeter(18), MolsPerCubicMeter(3.0568));

            var ionSet = new List <Ion> {
                Zn, K, Cl
            var ionTable = new IonTable();

            ionSet = ionTable.Lookup(ionSet);
            var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet);

            Assert.AreEqual(-20.79558643, ljp.mV, 1e-6);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_Harper003()
            // ion set from Harper (1985) Table I
            // https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/j100255a022

            var ionSet = new List <Ion>
                new Ion("Ca", .29, .00545),
                new Ion("Cl", .29 * 2, .00545 * 2)

            var ionTable = new IonTable();

            ionSet = ionTable.Lookup(ionSet);

            var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet);

            Assert.AreEqual(-35, ljp.mV, 0.5);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_Harper004()
            // ion set from Harper (1985) Table I
            // https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/j100255a022

            var ionSet = new List <Ion>
                new Ion("Zn", .4, .0186),
                new Ion("SO4", .4, .0186),

            var ionTable = new IonTable();

            ionSet = ionTable.Lookup(ionSet);

            var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet);

            Assert.AreEqual(-8.1, ljp.mV, 0.5);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_ExampleFromScreenshot()
            /* Test came from screenshot on original JLJP website */

            var ionSet = new List <Ion>
                new Ion("Zn", 9, 0.0284),
                new Ion("K", 0, 3),
                new Ion("Cl", 18, 3.0568)

            var ionTable = new IonTable();

            ionSet = ionTable.Lookup(ionSet);

            var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet);

            Assert.AreEqual(-20.79558643, ljp.mV, 1e-6);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_NgAndBarry001()
            /* LJP for this test came from Ng and Barry (1994) Table 2 */

            // 50 mM NaCl : 50 mM KCl
            var ionSet = new List <Ion>
                new Ion("Na", 50, 0),
                new Ion("K", 0, 50),
                new Ion("Cl", 50, 50)

            var ionTable = new IonTable();

            ionSet = ionTable.Lookup(ionSet);

            var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet);

            Assert.AreEqual(-4.3, ljp.mV, 0.5);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_NgAndBarry005()
            /* LJP for this test came from Ng and Barry (1994) Table 2 */

            // 100 CaCl2 : 100 MgCl2
            // Ca (100), Cl (200) : Mg (100) Cl (200)
            var ionSet = new List <Ion>
                new Ion("Ca", 100, 0),
                new Ion("Mg", 0, 100),
                new Ion("Cl", 200, 200)

            var ionTable = new IonTable();

            ionSet = ionTable.Lookup(ionSet);

            var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet);

            Assert.AreEqual(+0.6, ljp.mV, 0.5);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_JPWin002()
            // ion set shown in JPCalcWin manual (page 10)
            // https://tinyurl.com/wk7otn7

            var ionSet = new List <Ion>
                new Ion("Cs", 145, 0),
                new Ion("Na", 0, 145),
                new Ion("F", 125, 0),
                new Ion("Cl", 20, 145)

            var ionTable = new IonTable();

            ionSet = ionTable.Lookup(ionSet);

            var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet);

            Assert.AreEqual(+8.71, ljp.mV, 0.5);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_NgAndBarry007()
            /* LJP for this test came from Ng and Barry (1994) Table 2 */

            // 50 CaCl2 + 50 MgCl2 : 100 LiCl
            // Ca (50), Cl (200), Mg (50) : Li (100), Cl (100)
            var ionSet = new List <Ion>
                new Ion("Ca", 50, 0),
                new Ion("Cl", 200, 100),
                new Ion("Mg", 50, 0),
                new Ion("Li", 0, 100)

            var ionTable = new IonTable();

            ionSet = ionTable.Lookup(ionSet);

            var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet);

            Assert.AreEqual(-8.2, ljp.mV, 0.5);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_NgAndBarry006()
            /* LJP for this test came from Ng and Barry (1994) Table 2 */

            // 100 KCl + 2 CaCl2 : 100 LiCl + 2 CaCl2
            // K (100), Cl (104), Ca (2) : Li (100), Cl (104), Ca (2)
            var ionSet = new List <Ion>
                new Ion("Ca", 2, 2),
                new Ion("K", 100, 0),
                new Ion("Li", 0, 100),
                new Ion("Cl", 104, 104)

            var ionTable = new IonTable();

            ionSet = ionTable.Lookup(ionSet);

            var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet);

            Assert.AreEqual(+6.4, ljp.mV, 0.5);
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void LoadIonTable()

                ionTable = new IonTable();
                foreach (var ion in ionTable.ions)
                IonTableListbox.IsEnabled = false;
                    "The ion table failed to load. Calculations will work, but ion values cannot be looked up and example ion sets will not be available.",
                    "Ion Table Error",
Exemplo n.º 14
 public IonMasses(TypedMass precursorMass, IonTable <TypedMass> fragmentMasses)
     PrecursorMass  = precursorMass;
     FragmentMasses = fragmentMasses;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public static void Figure_EffectOfTemperature_SeveralSets()
            /* this study calculates one of several known ionSets at every temperature between 0C and 50C */

            var ionTable = new IonTable();

            double[] temps             = ScottPlot.DataGen.Consecutive(50);
            double[] jljpResults       = new double[temps.Length];
            double[] ngAndBarryResults = new double[temps.Length];
            double[] HarperResults     = new double[temps.Length];
            double[] jpWinResults      = new double[temps.Length];

            List <Ion> ionSet;

            for (int i = 0; i < temps.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine($"Calculating for {temps[i]}C...");

                // see LjpCalculationTests.cs for ion set citations

                // create a new ion set for each iteration to prevent modifications due to solving from carrying to the next solve

                ionSet = new List <Ion> {
                    new Ion("Zn", 9, 0.0284), new Ion("K", 0, 3), new Ion("Cl", 18, 3.0568)
                jljpResults[i] = Calculate.Ljp(ionTable.Lookup(ionSet), temps[i]).mV;

                ionSet = new List <Ion> {
                    new Ion("Ca", 2, 2), new Ion("K", 100, 0), new Ion("Li", 0, 100), new Ion("Cl", 104, 104)
                ngAndBarryResults[i] = Calculate.Ljp(ionTable.Lookup(ionSet), temps[i]).mV;

                ionSet = new List <Ion> {
                    new Ion("Ca", .29, .00545), new Ion("Cl", .29 * 2, .00545 * 2)
                HarperResults[i] = Calculate.Ljp(ionTable.Lookup(ionSet), temps[i]).mV;

                ionSet = new List <Ion> {
                    new Ion("Na", 10, 145), new Ion("Cl", 10, 145), new Ion("Cs", 135, 0), new Ion("F", 135, 0)
                jpWinResults[i] = Calculate.Ljp(ionTable.Lookup(ionSet), temps[i]).mV;

            var mplt = new ScottPlot.MultiPlot(800, 600, 2, 2);

            mplt.subplots[0].PlotScatter(temps, jljpResults);
            mplt.subplots[0].Title("JLJP screenshot");

            mplt.subplots[1].PlotScatter(temps, ngAndBarryResults);
            mplt.subplots[1].Title("Ng and Barry (1994)");

            mplt.subplots[2].PlotScatter(temps, HarperResults);
            mplt.subplots[2].Title("Harper (1985)");

            mplt.subplots[3].PlotScatter(temps, jpWinResults);
            mplt.subplots[3].Title("JPWin screenshot");

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                mplt.subplots[i].YLabel("LJP (mV)");
                mplt.subplots[i].XLabel("Temperature (C)");

            string filePath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath("Figure_EffectOfTemperature.png");

            Console.WriteLine($"Saved: {filePath}");
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static Adduct CalcProductCharge(TypedMass productPrecursorMass,
                                               Adduct precursorCharge,
                                               IList <IonType> acceptedIonTypes,
                                               IonTable <TypedMass> productMasses,
                                               IList <IList <ExplicitLoss> > potentialLosses,
                                               double productMz,
                                               double tolerance,
                                               MassType massType,
                                               MassShiftType massShiftType,
                                               out IonType?ionType,
                                               out int?ordinal,
                                               out TransitionLosses losses,
                                               out int massShift)
            // Get length of fragment ion mass array
            int len = productMasses.GetLength(1);

            // Check all possible ion types and offsets
            double?          minDelta      = null;
            var              bestCharge    = Adduct.EMPTY;
            IonType?         bestIonType   = null;
            int?             bestOrdinal   = null;
            TransitionLosses bestLosses    = null;
            int              bestMassShift = 0;

            // Check to see if it is the precursor
            foreach (var lossesTrial in TransitionGroup.CalcTransitionLosses(IonType.precursor, 0, massType, potentialLosses))
                var productMass = productPrecursorMass - (lossesTrial != null ? lossesTrial.Mass : 0);
                int potentialMassShift;
                int nearestCharge;
                var charge = CalcProductCharge(productMass, productMz, tolerance, false, precursorCharge,
                                               massShiftType, out potentialMassShift, out nearestCharge);
                if (Equals(charge, precursorCharge))
                    double potentialMz = SequenceMassCalc.GetMZ(productMass, charge) + potentialMassShift;
                    double delta       = Math.Abs(productMz - potentialMz);

                    if (CompareIonMatch(delta, lossesTrial, potentialMassShift, minDelta, bestLosses, bestMassShift) < 0)
                        bestCharge    = charge;
                        bestIonType   = IonType.precursor;
                        bestOrdinal   = len + 1;
                        bestLosses    = lossesTrial;
                        bestMassShift = potentialMassShift;

                        minDelta = delta;

            var categoryLast = -1;

            foreach (var typeAccepted in GetIonTypes(acceptedIonTypes))
                var type     = typeAccepted.IonType;
                var category = typeAccepted.IonCategory;

                // Types have priorities.  If changing type category, and there is already a
                // suitable answer stop looking.
                if (category != categoryLast && minDelta.HasValue && MatchMz(minDelta.Value, tolerance))
                categoryLast = category;

                for (int offset = 0; offset < len; offset++)
                    foreach (var lossesTrial in TransitionGroup.CalcTransitionLosses(type, offset, massType, potentialLosses))
                        // Look for the closest match.
                        var productMass = productMasses[type, offset];
                        if (lossesTrial != null)
                            productMass -= lossesTrial.Mass;
                        int potentialMassShift;
                        int nearestCharge;
                        var chargeFound = CalcProductCharge(productMass, productMz, tolerance, false, precursorCharge,
                                                            massShiftType, out potentialMassShift, out nearestCharge);
                        if (!chargeFound.IsEmpty)
                            var    charge      = chargeFound;
                            double potentialMz = SequenceMassCalc.GetMZ(productMass, charge) + potentialMassShift;
                            double delta       = Math.Abs(productMz - potentialMz);
                            if (CompareIonMatch(delta, lossesTrial, potentialMassShift, minDelta, bestLosses, bestMassShift) < 0)
                                bestCharge  = charge;
                                bestIonType = type;
                                // The peptide length is 1 longer than the mass array
                                bestOrdinal   = Transition.OffsetToOrdinal(type, offset, len + 1);
                                bestLosses    = lossesTrial;
                                bestMassShift = potentialMassShift;

                                minDelta = delta;

            ionType   = bestIonType;
            ordinal   = bestOrdinal;
            losses    = bestLosses;
            massShift = bestMassShift;
Exemplo n.º 17
        public static Adduct CalcProductCharge(TypedMass productPrecursorMass,
                                               Adduct precursorCharge,
                                               IList <IonType> acceptedIonTypes,
                                               IonTable <TypedMass> productMasses,
                                               IList <IList <ExplicitLoss> > potentialLosses,
                                               double productMz,
                                               double tolerance,
                                               MassType massType,
                                               MassShiftType massShiftType,
                                               out IonType?ionType,
                                               out int?ordinal,
                                               out TransitionLosses losses,
                                               out int massShift)
            // Get length of fragment ion mass array
            int len = productMasses.GetLength(1);

            // Check all possible ion types and offsets
            double?minDelta = null;
            double?minFragmentMass = null, maxFragmentMass = null, maxLoss = null;

            if (massShiftType == MassShiftType.none)
                if (!productZ.HasValue)
                    minFragmentMass = productMz - tolerance;
                    minFragmentMass = SequenceMassCalc.GetMH(productMz - tolerance, productZ.Value);
                    maxFragmentMass = SequenceMassCalc.GetMH(productMz + tolerance, productZ.Value);

            var              bestCharge    = Adduct.EMPTY;
            IonType?         bestIonType   = null;
            int?             bestOrdinal   = null;
            TransitionLosses bestLosses    = null;
            int              bestMassShift = 0;

            // Check to see if it is the precursor
            foreach (var lossesTrial in TransitionGroup.CalcTransitionLosses(IonType.precursor, 0, massType, potentialLosses))
                var productMass = productPrecursorMass;
                if (lossesTrial != null)
                    productMass -= lossesTrial.Mass;
                    maxLoss      = Math.Max(maxLoss ?? 0, lossesTrial.Mass);
                int potentialMassShift;
                int nearestCharge;
                var charge = CalcProductCharge(productMass, productZ, productMz, tolerance, false, precursorCharge,
                                               massShiftType, out potentialMassShift, out nearestCharge);
                if (Equals(charge, precursorCharge))
                    double potentialMz = SequenceMassCalc.GetMZ(productMass, charge) + potentialMassShift;
                    double delta       = Math.Abs(productMz - potentialMz);

                    if (CompareIonMatch(delta, lossesTrial, potentialMassShift, minDelta, bestLosses, bestMassShift) < 0)
                        bestCharge    = charge;
                        bestIonType   = IonType.precursor;
                        bestOrdinal   = len + 1;
                        bestLosses    = lossesTrial;
                        bestMassShift = potentialMassShift;

                        minDelta = delta;

            if (maxLoss.HasValue)
                maxFragmentMass += maxLoss.Value;

            var categoryLast = -1;

            foreach (var typeAccepted in GetIonTypes(acceptedIonTypes))
                var type     = typeAccepted.IonType;
                var category = typeAccepted.IonCategory;

                // Types have priorities.  If changing type category, and there is already a
                // suitable answer stop looking.
                if (category != categoryLast && minDelta.HasValue && MatchMz(minDelta.Value, tolerance))
                categoryLast = category;

                // The peptide length is 1 longer than the mass array
                for (int ord = len; ord > 0; ord--)
                    int offset          = Transition.OrdinalToOffset(type, ord, len + 1);
                    var productMassBase = productMasses[type, offset];
                    // Until below the maximum fragment mass no possible matches
                    if (maxFragmentMass.HasValue && productMassBase > maxFragmentMass.Value)
                    // Once below the minimum fragment mass no more possible matches, so stop
                    if (minFragmentMass.HasValue && productMassBase < minFragmentMass.Value)

                    foreach (var lossesTrial in TransitionGroup.CalcTransitionLosses(type, offset, massType, potentialLosses))
                        // Look for the closest match.
                        var productMass = productMassBase;
                        if (lossesTrial != null)
                            productMass -= lossesTrial.Mass;
                        int potentialMassShift;
                        int nearestCharge;
                        var chargeFound = CalcProductCharge(productMass, productZ, productMz, tolerance, false, precursorCharge,
                                                            massShiftType, out potentialMassShift, out nearestCharge);
                        if (!chargeFound.IsEmpty)
                            var    charge      = chargeFound;
                            double potentialMz = SequenceMassCalc.GetMZ(productMass, charge) + potentialMassShift;
                            double delta       = Math.Abs(productMz - potentialMz);
                            if (CompareIonMatch(delta, lossesTrial, potentialMassShift, minDelta, bestLosses, bestMassShift) < 0)
                                bestCharge    = charge;
                                bestIonType   = type;
                                bestOrdinal   = ord;
                                bestLosses    = lossesTrial;
                                bestMassShift = potentialMassShift;

                                minDelta = delta;

            ionType   = bestIonType;
            ordinal   = bestOrdinal;
            losses    = bestLosses;
            massShift = bestMassShift;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public IonMasses ChangeFragmentMasses(IonTable <TypedMass> fragmentMasses)
     return(ChangeProp(ImClone(this), im => im.FragmentMasses = fragmentMasses));