Exemplo n.º 1
        public void InvokeIfNeededTest1()
            Control ctl  = new Control();
            Action  doit = new Action(() => ctl.Text = "Contorl");

            InvokeExtension.InvokeIfNeeded(ctl, doit);
Exemplo n.º 2
 void mPlugin_TimeChanged()
     InvokeExtension.Invoke(this, () =>
                            timeLabel.Text = mPlugin.ExperimentState == State.Running || mPlugin.ExperimentState == State.Finished ?
                                             string.Format("{0}m {1}s", (int)mPlugin.Time.TotalMinutes, mPlugin.Time.Seconds) :
                                             "Ready to start"
Exemplo n.º 3
        //使用 ClassInitialize 在运行类中的第一个测试前先运行代码
        //public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
        //使用 ClassCleanup 在运行完类中的所有测试后再运行代码
        //public static void MyClassCleanup()
        //使用 TestInitialize 在运行每个测试前先运行代码
        //public void MyTestInitialize()
        //使用 TestCleanup 在运行完每个测试后运行代码
        //public void MyTestCleanup()

        /// <summary>
        ///InvokeIfNeeded 的测试
        public void InvokeIfNeededTestHelper <T>()
            Control         ctl  = new Control();
            Action <string> doit = new Action <string>((item) => ctl.Text = item);
            string          args = "Control";

            InvokeExtension.InvokeIfNeeded <string>(ctl, doit, args);
Exemplo n.º 4
        void mPlugin_StateChanged()
            InvokeExtension.Invoke(this, () => {
                stateLabel.Text   = "State: " + mPlugin.ExperimentState.ToString();
                prepCheck.Checked = mPlugin.Prep;

                timeLabel.Text = mPlugin.ExperimentState == State.Running || mPlugin.ExperimentState == State.Finished ?
                                 string.Format("{0}m {1}s", (int)mPlugin.Time.TotalMinutes, mPlugin.Time.Seconds) :
                                 "Ready to start";
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        ///InvokeIfNeeded 的测试
        public void InvokeIfNeededTest2Helper <T, S>()
            Control ctl = new Control();
            Action <string, string> doit = new Action <string, string>((a, b) =>
                ctl.Text = a;
                ctl.Tag  = b;
            string arg1 = "";
            string arg2 = "";

            InvokeExtension.InvokeIfNeeded <string, string>(ctl, doit, arg1, arg2);