Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the value of the targetValues.Target attribute equal to the value of the sourceValues.Source attribute.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceValues">The source values to assign from.</param>
        /// <param name="targetValues">The target values to assin to.</param>
        /// <param name="evaluator">An evaluator function providing an opportunity to inspect or modify the final value to assign.</param>
        public void Assign(ValueBag sourceValues, ValueBag targetValues, Func <string, string, dynamic, dynamic> evaluator = null)
            evaluator = evaluator ?? ((source, target, value) => value);

            // find all of the source names delimited within {} braces.
            // scan the tokens, if source element ends in } then we have a column source value
            if (Interpolator.Interpolations(this.Source).Count == 0)
                // if this is a literal assignment the source will begin with a single quote
                var sourceValue = this.Source.StartsWith("'")
                    ? this.Source.Trim("'".ToCharArray())
                    : sourceValues.GetValue(this.Source) ?? this.Default;

                // if we have a global values clause resolve the sourceValue to a value in the list
                sourceValue = ResolveToConstrainedValue("*", sourceValue);

                // if we have a source specific values clause; resolve the sourceValue to a value in the list
                sourceValue = ResolveToConstrainedValue(this.Source, sourceValue);

                // finally bind the result of the evaluator to our sources
                targetValues.SetValue(this.Target, evaluator(this.Source, this.Target, sourceValue));
                targetValues.SetValue(this.Target, evaluator(this.Source, this.Target,
                                                             Interpolator.Interpolate(this.Source, sourceValues, (src, value) => {
                    // if we have a global values clause resolve the sourceValue to a value in the list
                    value = ResolveToConstrainedValue("*", value ?? this.Default);

                    // if we have a source specific values clause; resolve the sourceValue to a value in the list
                    value = ResolveToConstrainedValue(src, value);

                    // finally bind the result of the evaluator
                    return(evaluator(src, this.Target, value));

            //// {colA} -- {colB} ==> colA}, -- , colB}
            //var sources = new Dictionary<string, dynamic>();
            //var results = expression.Matches(this.Source);
            //foreach (Match match in results) {
            //    var token = match.Value.Trim('{', '}');

            //    if (!sources.ContainsKey(token))
            //        sources.Add(token, null);

            //// If no braces present then use the source statement as is
            //if (sources.Count == 0)
            //    sources.Add(this.Source, null);

            //// bind the source values to our sources
            //foreach (var source in sources.Keys.ToList()) {
            //    // if this is a literal assignment the source will begin with a single quote
            //    var sourceValue = source.StartsWith("'")
            //        ? source.Trim("'".ToCharArray())
            //        : sourceValues.GetValue(source) ?? this.Default;

            //    // if we have a global values clause resolve the sourceValue to a value in the list
            //    sourceValue = ResolveToConstrainedValue("*", sourceValue);

            //    // if we have a source specific values clause; resolve the sourceValue to a value in the list
            //    sourceValue = ResolveToConstrainedValue(source, sourceValue);

            //    // finally bind the result of the evaluator to our sources
            //    sources[source] = evaluator(source, this.Target, sourceValue);

            //// assign the value
            //if (sources.Count > 1) {
            //    string interpolation = this.Source;

            //    foreach (var source in sources.Keys)
            //        interpolation = interpolation.Replace(string.Concat("{", source, "}"), string.Format("{0}", sources[source]));

            //    targetValues.SetValue(this.Target, interpolation);
            //} else
            //    targetValues.SetValue(this.Target, sources[this.Source]);

            //targetValues.SetValue(this.Target, Console.Interpolate(this.Source, sourceValues, (src, value) => {
            //        // if we have a global values clause resolve the sourceValue to a value in the list
            //        value = ResolveToConstrainedValue("*", value ?? this.Default);

            //        // if we have a source specific values clause; resolve the sourceValue to a value in the list
            //        value = ResolveToConstrainedValue(src, value);

            //        // finally bind the result of the evaluator
            //        return evaluator(src, this.Target, value);
            //    }));