Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Add to the sequence of Transforms; Scale the entity over a period of time.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scale">The scale to transition to.</param>
 /// <param name="duration">Time taken to reach the goal scale. (seconds)</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Transformer ScaleTo(Vector2 size, float duration, Interpolation.InterpolationMethod interpolation)
     ScaleTransform transform = ScaleTransform.Create(_entity, size, duration);
     transform.InterpolationMethod = interpolation;
     return this;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// gets a key value of defined time using interpolation method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">defined time</param>
        /// <param name="mode">interpolation method</param>
        /// <returns>key value</returns>
        public float GetKeyFrame(float t, Interpolation mode)
            int idx = -1;
            float s = 0.0f;

            if (Time != null && Time.Count > 0)
                idx = GetTimeIndex(t);
                idx = GetIndex(t);

            if (idx >= Count)
                idx = Count - 1;

            switch (mode)
                case Interpolation.Lerp:
                        if (idx < (Count - 1))
                            if( Time != null && Time.Count > 0)
                                s = (t - Time[idx]) / (Time[idx + 1] - Time[idx]);
                                s = (t - ((float)idx * step)) * (float)Count;

                            return Table[idx] + ((Table[idx + 1] - Table[idx]) * s);

                        return Table[idx];
                        return Table[idx];
Exemplo n.º 3
 public Slider(PercentChanged onChanged, float current = 1, float min = 0, float max = 1)
     _onChanged = onChanged;
     _valueToCurrent = new Interpolation(min, max, 0, 1);;
     _currentToValue = new Interpolation(0, 1, min, max);
     Current = _valueToCurrent.From(current);
     Size = new Size(150, 15f);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public MouseZoomController(float minZoom = 0.01f, float maxZoom = 2, UpdateTime updateTime = UpdateTime.Sim)
            _updateTime = updateTime;
            _minZoom = minZoom;
            _maxZoom = maxZoom;

            _wheelIndexToZoomValue = new Interpolation(_minWheel, _maxWheel, _minZoom, _maxZoom, Ease);
            CurrentZoom = _wheelIndexToZoomValue.From(_currentWheelIndex);
            Add(new MouseWheelBinding(ChangeWheelIndex));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public SoundTest()
            const string soundFilePath = @"C:\docs\music\Daft Punk - Random Access Memories (2013) [320 Kbps]\CD\08 Get Lucky (Feat. Pharrell Williams).mp3";
            var sound = Add(new SoundFx(soundFilePath));
            _lowpass = new LowPassFilter();

            _lpInterp = new Interpolation(-500, 500, 10, 8000, Sine.EaseOut);
            _resInterp = new Interpolation(-1000, 1000, 0, .4f, Sine.EaseIn);

            Add(new MouseButtonBinding(MouseButton.Left, ApplyLowpass, StopLowpass));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void Test()
            Interpolation ip = new Interpolation(10, Interpolation.Method.CSpline);
            double[] x = new double[10];
            double[] y = new double[10];
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                x[i] = i + 0.5 * Math.Sin(i);
                y[i] = i + Math.Cos(i * i);
            ip.Initialize(x, y);
            using (StreamWriter sWriter = new StreamWriter("out.csv"))
                for (double xi = x[0]; xi <= x[9]; xi += 0.01)
                    sWriter.WriteLine(xi + "," + ip.Evaluate(xi));

            using (StreamReader sReader = new StreamReader("interpolate.csv"))
            using (StreamWriter sWriter = new StreamWriter("interpolateResult.csv"))
                string[] xs = sReader.ReadLine().Split(',');
                string[] ys = sReader.ReadLine().Split(',');
                x = new double[xs.Length];
                y = new double[ys.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < xs.Length; i++) x[i] = double.Parse(xs[i]);
                for (int i = 0; i < ys.Length; i++) y[i] = double.Parse(ys[i]);
                double[,] z = new double[x.Length, y.Length];
                string[] zs;
                for (int i = 0; i < ys.Length; i++)
                    zs = sReader.ReadLine().Split(',');
                    for (int j = 0; j < zs.Length; j++) z[j, i] = double.Parse(zs[j]);
                SurfaceInterpolation ips = new SurfaceInterpolation((uint)x.Length, (uint)y.Length, Interpolation.Method.CSpline);
                ips.Initialize(x, y, z);

                double dx = (x[x.Length - 1] - x[0]) / 20d;
                double dy = (y[y.Length - 1] - y[0]) / 20d;
                for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 21; j++)
                        sWriter.Write(ips.Evaluate(x[0] + dx * j, y[0] + dy * i) + ",");
 public static double Interpolate(Interpolation interpolationToUse, double currentXVal, double startYVal, double endYVal, double beforeStartYVal = 0.0, double afterEndYVal = 0.0)
         case Interpolation.LINEAR:
             return LinearlyInterpolate(currentXVal, startYVal, endYVal);
         case Interpolation.COSINE:
             return CosineInterpolate(currentXVal, startYVal, endYVal);
         case Interpolation.CUBIC:
             return CubicInterpolate(currentXVal, startYVal, endYVal, beforeStartYVal, afterEndYVal);
             return 0.0;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public EditorCameraController()
            Add(new MouseWheelBinding(ChangeWheelIndex));
            Add(new KeyBinding(Keys.W, () => ApplyForce(0, -1), true));
            Add(new KeyBinding(Keys.S, () => ApplyForce(0, 1), true));
            Add(new KeyBinding(Keys.A, () => ApplyForce(-1, 0), true));
            Add(new KeyBinding(Keys.D, () => ApplyForce(1, 0), true));
            Add(new UpdateComponent(Update, UpdateTime.Always));

            _zoomToForce = new Interpolation(0, 10, .01f, 10f);
            Force = 1;
            MaxVelocity = 10;
            Inertia = .9f;

            Add(new StateRecorder("EditorCameraController", Save, Restore));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public SoundEmitter2D(SoundFx sound, Body body, float far, float close = 1, float panFactor = .3f)
            Close = close;
            _panFactor = panFactor;
            Far = far;

            _range = far - close;

            _body = body;
            _sound = sound;

            _lowpass = new LowPassFilter();

            _interp = new Interpolation(0, 1, 0, 1, Quart.EaseIn);
Exemplo n.º 10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            System.Console.WriteLine("The problem of the algebraic interpolation.");
            Interpolation i = new Interpolation();
            Function f = new EFunction();
            float a = 0.4f;
            float b = 1;

            int m = 15;
            int n = 5;

            System.Console.Write("Function: ");

            System.Console.WriteLine("Segment: [{0}, {1}]", a, b);
            System.Console.WriteLine("Params: m = {0}, n = {1}", m, n);

            i.Func = f;
            i.Init(m, n, a, b);

            float fx;
            while (true)
                System.Console.WriteLine("What method you wanna use? (0 - Lagrange, 1 - Newton)");
                string val = System.Console.ReadLine();

                System.Console.WriteLine("Input X");
                float x = Convert.ToSingle(System.Console.ReadLine(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                if (Convert.ToInt32(val) == 0)
                    fx = i.Calc(x, new LagrangeMethod());
                    fx = i.Calc(x, new NewtonMethod());

                System.Console.WriteLine("Pn(x) = {0}", (double)fx);
                System.Console.WriteLine("efn(x) = {0}", Math.Abs((float)f.f(x) - (float)fx));

Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new resized WriteableBitmap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bmp">The WriteableBitmap.</param>
        /// <param name="width">The new desired width.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The new desired height.</param>
        /// <param name="interpolation">The interpolation method that should be used.</param>
        /// <returns>A new WriteableBitmap that is a resized version of the input.</returns>
        public static WriteableBitmap Resize(this WriteableBitmap bmp, int width, int height, Interpolation interpolation)
            using (var srcContext = bmp.GetBitmapContext(ReadWriteMode.ReadOnly))
                var pd = Resize(srcContext, srcContext.Width, srcContext.Height, width, height, interpolation);

                var result = BitmapFactory.New(width, height);
                using (var dstContext = result.GetBitmapContext())
                    BitmapContext.BlockCopy(pd, 0, dstContext, 0, SizeOfArgb * pd.Length);
Exemplo n.º 12
 protected override double CalculateAverageFrameTime() => Interpolation.Damp(AverageFrameTime, ElapsedFrameTime - SleptTime, 0.01, Math.Max(ElapsedFrameTime, 0) / 1000);
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Texture 2D resize.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="destSize"></param>
        /// <param name="interpMethod">Interpolation Method</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Texture2D ResizeTexture2D(this Texture2D source, Vector2 destSize, Interpolation interpMethod)
            Color[] sourceColors = source.GetPixels(0);
            Vector2 sourceSize   = new Vector2(source.width, source.height);

            float destWidth  = destSize.x;
            float destHeight = destSize.y;

            Texture2D newTex = new Texture2D((int)destWidth, (int)destHeight, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);

            int len = (int)destWidth * (int)destHeight;

            Color[] destColors = new Color[len];

            if (interpMethod == Interpolation.Average)
                Vector2 pixelSize = new Vector2(sourceSize.x / destWidth, sourceSize.y / destHeight);

                Vector2 center = new Vector2();

                float x, y;
                int   xFrom, xTo, yFrom, yTo;
                float gridCount;
                Color colorTemp;

                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    x = (float)i % destWidth;
                    y = Mathf.Floor((float)i / destWidth);

                    center.x = (x / destWidth) * sourceSize.x;
                    center.y = (y / destHeight) * sourceSize.y;

                    xFrom = (int)Mathf.Max(Mathf.Floor(center.x - (pixelSize.x * 0.5f)), 0);
                    xTo   = (int)Mathf.Min(Mathf.Ceil(center.x + (pixelSize.x * 0.5f)), sourceSize.x);
                    yFrom = (int)Mathf.Max(Mathf.Floor(center.y - (pixelSize.y * 0.5f)), 0);
                    yTo   = (int)Mathf.Min(Mathf.Ceil(center.y + (pixelSize.y * 0.5f)), sourceSize.y);

                    colorTemp = new Color();

                    gridCount = 0;
                    for (int yy = yFrom; yy < yTo; yy++)
                        for (int xx = xFrom; xx < xTo; xx++)
                            colorTemp += sourceColors[(int)(((float)yy * sourceSize.x) + xx)];


                    // Average
                    destColors[i] = colorTemp / (float)gridCount;
            else if (interpMethod == Interpolation.NearestNeighbor)
                int width  = (int)destWidth;
                int height = (int)destHeight;

                float coef_widthDestToSource  = sourceSize.x / destSize.x;
                float coef_heigthDestToSource = sourceSize.y / destSize.y;

                for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                    for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                        destColors[x + y * width] = sourceColors[(int)(x * coef_widthDestToSource) + (int)(y * coef_heigthDestToSource) * (int)sourceSize.x];
            // IDW for adjacent 4 pixels
            else if (interpMethod == Interpolation.InverseDistanceWeighted)
                int width  = (int)destWidth;
                int height = (int)destHeight;

                float coef_widthDestToSource  = sourceSize.x / destSize.x;
                float coef_heigthDestToSource = sourceSize.y / destSize.y;

                float sourceX, sourceY;

                 * p_1      p_2
                 *      p'
                 * p_3      p_4

                float d1, d2, d3, d4; // distance for 4 adjacent pixels

                float w1, w2, w3, w4; // weight for 4 adjacent pixels

                for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                    for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                        sourceX = x * coef_widthDestToSource;
                        sourceY = y * coef_heigthDestToSource;

                        d1 = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(sourceX - Mathf.Floor(sourceX), 2) + Mathf.Pow(sourceY - Mathf.Floor(sourceY), 2));
                        d2 = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(sourceX - Mathf.Ceil(sourceX), 2) + Mathf.Pow(sourceY - Mathf.Floor(sourceY), 2));
                        d3 = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(sourceX - Mathf.Floor(sourceX), 2) + Mathf.Pow(sourceY - Mathf.Ceil(sourceY), 2));
                        d4 = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(sourceX - Mathf.Ceil(sourceX), 2) + Mathf.Pow(sourceY - Mathf.Ceil(sourceY), 2));

                        // handle Border Exception
                        //if (sourceX > sourceSize.x || sourceY > sourceSize.y)
                        //    destColors[x + y * width] = sourceColors[(int)((int)sourceX + (int)sourceY * sourceSize.x)];
                        // handle Zero Division Exception
                        // Note that Floor and Ceil contain Equality => Check d1 is enough.
                        if (d1 == 0)
                            destColors[x + y * width] = sourceColors[(int)((int)sourceX + (int)sourceY * sourceSize.x)];
                            w1 = 1 / d1;
                            w2 = 1 / d2;
                            w3 = 1 / d3;
                            w4 = 1 / d4;

                            destColors[x + y * width] =
                                (sourceColors[(int)((int)sourceX + (int)sourceY * sourceSize.x)] * w1 +
                                 sourceColors[(int)((int)sourceX + 1 + (int)sourceY * sourceSize.x)] * w2 +
                                 sourceColors[(int)((int)sourceX + (int)(sourceY + 1) * sourceSize.x)] * w3 +
                                 sourceColors[(int)((int)sourceX + 1 + (int)(sourceY + 1) * sourceSize.x)] * w4) / (w1 + w2 + w3 + w4);


Exemplo n.º 14
        public static int[] Resize(int[] pixels, int widthSource, int heightSource, int width, int height, Interpolation interpolation)
            var pd = new int[width * height];
            var xs = (float)widthSource / width;
            var ys = (float)heightSource / height;

            float fracx, fracy, ifracx, ifracy, sx, sy, l0, l1, rf, gf, bf;
            int   c, x0, x1, y0, y1;
            byte  c1a, c1r, c1g, c1b, c2a, c2r, c2g, c2b, c3a, c3r, c3g, c3b, c4a, c4r, c4g, c4b;
            byte  a, r, g, b;

            // Nearest Neighbor
            if (interpolation == Interpolation.NearestNeighbor)
                var srcIdx = 0;
                for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        sx = x * xs;
                        sy = y * ys;
                        x0 = (int)sx;
                        y0 = (int)sy;

                        pd[srcIdx++] = pixels[y0 * widthSource + x0];

            // Bilinear
            else if (interpolation == Interpolation.Bilinear)
                var srcIdx = 0;
                for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        sx = x * xs;
                        sy = y * ys;
                        x0 = (int)sx;
                        y0 = (int)sy;

                        // Calculate coordinates of the 4 interpolation points
                        fracx  = sx - x0;
                        fracy  = sy - y0;
                        ifracx = 1f - fracx;
                        ifracy = 1f - fracy;
                        x1     = x0 + 1;
                        if (x1 >= widthSource)
                            x1 = x0;
                        y1 = y0 + 1;
                        if (y1 >= heightSource)
                            y1 = y0;

                        // Read source color
                        c   = pixels[y0 * widthSource + x0];
                        c1a = (byte)(c >> 24);
                        c1r = (byte)(c >> 16);
                        c1g = (byte)(c >> 8);
                        c1b = (byte)(c);

                        c   = pixels[y0 * widthSource + x1];
                        c2a = (byte)(c >> 24);
                        c2r = (byte)(c >> 16);
                        c2g = (byte)(c >> 8);
                        c2b = (byte)(c);

                        c   = pixels[y1 * widthSource + x0];
                        c3a = (byte)(c >> 24);
                        c3r = (byte)(c >> 16);
                        c3g = (byte)(c >> 8);
                        c3b = (byte)(c);

                        c   = pixels[y1 * widthSource + x1];
                        c4a = (byte)(c >> 24);
                        c4r = (byte)(c >> 16);
                        c4g = (byte)(c >> 8);
                        c4b = (byte)(c);

                        // Calculate colors
                        // Alpha
                        l0 = ifracx * c1a + fracx * c2a;
                        l1 = ifracx * c3a + fracx * c4a;
                        a  = (byte)(ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1);

                        // Red
                        l0 = ifracx * c1r + fracx * c2r;
                        l1 = ifracx * c3r + fracx * c4r;
                        rf = ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1;

                        // Green
                        l0 = ifracx * c1g + fracx * c2g;
                        l1 = ifracx * c3g + fracx * c4g;
                        gf = ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1;

                        // Blue
                        l0 = ifracx * c1b + fracx * c2b;
                        l1 = ifracx * c3b + fracx * c4b;
                        bf = ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1;

                        // Cast to byte
                        r = (byte)rf;
                        g = (byte)gf;
                        b = (byte)bf;

                        // Write destination
                        pd[srcIdx++] = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new resized bitmap.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="srcContext">The source context.</param>
 /// <param name="widthSource">The width of the source pixels.</param>
 /// <param name="heightSource">The height of the source pixels.</param>
 /// <param name="width">The new desired width.</param>
 /// <param name="height">The new desired height.</param>
 /// <param name="interpolation">The interpolation method that should be used.</param>
 /// <returns>A new bitmap that is a resized version of the input.</returns>
 public static int[] Resize(BitmapContext srcContext, int widthSource, int heightSource, int width, int height, Interpolation interpolation)
     return Resize(srcContext.Pixels, widthSource, heightSource, width, height, interpolation);
        public void TestColourInterpolatesInLinearSpace()
            FillFlowContainer interpolatingLines = null;

            AddStep("load interpolated colours", () =>
                Child = new FillFlowContainer
                    Anchor       = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                    Origin       = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                    AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                    Direction    = FillDirection.Vertical,
                    Margin       = new MarginPadding(20),
                    Children     = new Drawable[]
                        new SpriteText
                            Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Text   = "d3.interpolateRgb.gamma(2.2)(\"red\", \"blue\")"
                        new SampleSpriteD3
                            Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Size   = new Vector2(750f, 50f),
                        new SpriteText
                            Margin = new MarginPadding {
                                Top = 20f
                            Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Text   = $"{nameof(ColourInfo)}.{nameof(ColourInfo.GradientHorizontal)}(Blue, Red)"
                        new Box
                            Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Size   = new Vector2(750f, 50f),
                            Colour = ColourInfo.GradientHorizontal(Color4.Red, Color4.Blue),
                        new SpriteText
                            Margin = new MarginPadding {
                                Top = 20f
                            Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Text   = $"{nameof(Interpolation)}.{nameof(Interpolation.ValueAt)}(Red, Red) with 1px boxes",
                        interpolatingLines = new FillFlowContainer
                            Anchor             = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            Origin             = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                            AutoSizeAxes       = Axes.X,
                            Height             = 50f,
                            ChildrenEnumerable = Enumerable.Range(0, 750).Select(i => new Box
                                Width            = 1f,
                                RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Y,
                                Colour           = Interpolation.ValueAt(i, Color4.Red, Color4.Blue, 0, 750),

            AddAssert("interpolation in linear space", () =>
                var middle = interpolatingLines.Children[interpolatingLines.Children.Count / 2];
                return(middle.Colour.AverageColour.Linear == new Color4(0.5f, 0f, 0.5f, 1f));
Exemplo n.º 17
        private void CalculateInitialConfigurationData(IElement element, out double[][] tx_i)
            double[] E;
            double[] ni;

            IReadOnlyList <double[]> shapeFunctions            = Interpolation.EvaluateFunctionsAtGaussPoints(QuadratureForStiffness);
            IReadOnlyList <Matrix>   shapeFunctionsDerivatives = Interpolation.EvaluateNaturalGradientsAtGaussPoints(QuadratureForStiffness);

            (Matrix[] ll1, Matrix[] J_0a) = JacobianShell8Calculations.Getll1AndJ_0a(
                QuadratureForStiffness, tk, shapeFunctions, shapeFunctionsDerivatives);
            //TODO J_0, J_0b etc. can be cached for not large scale models

            tx_i        = new double[8][];
            (tU, tUvec) = Shell8DirectionVectorUtilities.GetInitialDirectionVectorValues(oVn_i);
            double[][] oV1_i = new double[8][]; //tangent vector ''1'' initial configuration
            for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                tx_i[j]  = new double[] { element.Nodes[j].X, element.Nodes[j].Y, element.Nodes[j].Z, };
                oV1_i[j] = new double[3];

                oV1_i[j][0] = tUvec[j][0];
                oV1_i[j][1] = tUvec[j][1];
                oV1_i[j][2] = tUvec[j][2];

            (Matrix[] J_0inv, double[] detJ_0) =
                JacobianShell8Calculations.GetJ_0invAndDetJ_0(J_0a, element.Nodes, oVn_i, nGaussPoints);

            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                double[] V3 = new double[3];
                double   V3_norm;
                double[] V1 = new double[3];
                double   V1_norm;

                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    V3[k] = 0; V1[k] = 0; /* V2[k] = 0; */

                for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
                    for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                        V3[l] += shapeFunctions[j][k] * oVn_i[k][l];
                        V1[l] += shapeFunctions[j][k] * oV1_i[k][l];
                V3_norm = Math.Sqrt(V3[0] * V3[0] + V3[1] * V3[1] + V3[2] * V3[2]);
                V1_norm = Math.Sqrt(V1[0] * V1[0] + V1[1] * V1[1] + V1[2] * V1[2]);
                for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                    V3[l] = V3[l] / V3_norm;
                    V1[l] = V1[l] / V1_norm;

                materialsAtGaussPoints[j].NormalVectorV3  = V3;
                materialsAtGaussPoints[j].TangentVectorV1 = V1;

            integrationCoefficient = new double[nGaussPoints];
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                integrationCoefficient[j] += QuadratureForStiffness.IntegrationPoints[j].Weight * detJ_0[j];
Exemplo n.º 18
            public override void Draw(Action <TexturedVertex2D> vertexAction)

                if (texture?.Available != true || points == null || points.Count == 0)


                Vector2 localInflationAmount = new Vector2(0, 1) * DrawInfo.MatrixInverse.ExtractScale().Xy;

                // We're dealing with a _large_ number of points, so we need to optimise the quadToDraw * drawInfo.Matrix multiplications below
                // for points that are going to be masked out anyway. This allows for higher resolution graphs at larger scales with virtually no performance loss.
                // Since the points are generated in the local coordinate space, we need to convert the screen space masking quad coordinates into the local coordinate space
                RectangleF localMaskingRectangle = (Quad.FromRectangle(GLWrapper.CurrentMaskingInfo.ScreenSpaceAABB) * DrawInfo.MatrixInverse).AABBFloat;

                float separation = drawSize.X / (points.Count - 1);

                for (int i = 0; i < points.Count - 1; i++)
                    float leftX  = i * separation;
                    float rightX = (i + 1) * separation;

                    if (rightX < localMaskingRectangle.Left)

                    if (leftX > localMaskingRectangle.Right)
                        break; // X is always increasing
                    Color4 frequencyColour = baseColour;

                    // colouring is applied in the order of interest to a viewer.
                    frequencyColour = Interpolation.ValueAt(points[i].MidIntensity / midMax, frequencyColour, midColour, 0, 1);
                    // high end (cymbal) can help find beat, so give it priority over mids.
                    frequencyColour = Interpolation.ValueAt(points[i].HighIntensity / highMax, frequencyColour, highColour, 0, 1);
                    // low end (bass drum) is generally the best visual aid for beat matching, so give it priority over high/mid.
                    frequencyColour = Interpolation.ValueAt(points[i].LowIntensity / lowMax, frequencyColour, lowColour, 0, 1);

                    ColourInfo finalColour = DrawColourInfo.Colour;

                    Quad quadToDraw;

                    switch (channels)
                    case 2:
                        float height = drawSize.Y / 2;
                        quadToDraw = new Quad(
                            new Vector2(leftX, height - points[i].Amplitude[0] * height),
                            new Vector2(rightX, height - points[i + 1].Amplitude[0] * height),
                            new Vector2(leftX, height + points[i].Amplitude[1] * height),
                            new Vector2(rightX, height + points[i + 1].Amplitude[1] * height)

                    case 1:
                        quadToDraw = new Quad(
                            new Vector2(leftX, drawSize.Y - points[i].Amplitude[0] * drawSize.Y),
                            new Vector2(rightX, drawSize.Y - points[i + 1].Amplitude[0] * drawSize.Y),
                            new Vector2(leftX, drawSize.Y),
                            new Vector2(rightX, drawSize.Y)

                    quadToDraw *= DrawInfo.Matrix;

                    if (quadToDraw.Size.X != 0 && quadToDraw.Size.Y != 0)
                        DrawQuad(texture, quadToDraw, finalColour, null, vertexBatch.AddAction, Vector2.Divide(localInflationAmount, quadToDraw.Size));

Exemplo n.º 19
        private void updateColour()
            Color4 newColour = Interpolation.ValueAt((float)rollingHits / rolling_hits_for_engaged_colour, colourIdle, colourEngaged, 0, 1);

            (MainPiece.Drawable as IHasAccentColour)?.FadeAccent(newColour, 100);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public static Orthotope2Double Interpolate(Orthotope2Double orthotope1, Orthotope2Double orthotope2, Interpolation <double> interpolate, double fraction)
     return(new Orthotope2Double(OrderedRanges.Interpolate(orthotope1.rangeX, orthotope2.rangeX, interpolate, fraction), OrderedRanges.Interpolate(orthotope1.rangeY, orthotope2.rangeY, interpolate, fraction)));
Exemplo n.º 21
 //Get the height below the given vector
 public float GetLandingHeight(Vector3 playerPos)
     return(Interpolation.CircularIn(GetAirborneDelta(playerPos)) * m_XScale);
Exemplo n.º 22
 //Set the angle of the pipe to below the player when they are airborne
 //While airborne, the circular movement mod does not apply
 public void SetAngleToAirbornePos(Vector3 playerPos)
     m_CurrentAngle = Mathf.Lerp(0, 90, Interpolation.CircularIn(GetAirborneDelta(playerPos)));
Exemplo n.º 23
        public static void WarpPerspective(Mat src, Mat dst, Mat M, CvSize dsize,
            Interpolation flags = Interpolation.Linear, BorderType borderMode = BorderType.Constant, CvScalar? borderValue = null)
            if (src == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("src");
            if (dst == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dst");
            if (M == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("M");

            CvScalar _borderValue = borderValue.GetValueOrDefault(CvScalar.ScalarAll(0));

            CppInvoke.cv_warpPerspective(src.CvPtr, dst.CvPtr, M.CvPtr, dsize, flags, borderMode, _borderValue);
Exemplo n.º 24
        private double [] UpdateForces(IElement element)
            IReadOnlyList <double[]> shapeFunctions            = Interpolation.EvaluateFunctionsAtGaussPoints(QuadratureForStiffness);
            IReadOnlyList <Matrix>   shapeFunctionsDerivatives = Interpolation.EvaluateNaturalGradientsAtGaussPoints(QuadratureForStiffness);

            (Matrix[] ll1, Matrix[] J_0a) = JacobianShell8Calculations.Getll1AndJ_0a(QuadratureForStiffness, tk, shapeFunctions, shapeFunctionsDerivatives);

            //BL11a etc. are not cached currently(declare here)
            (Matrix[] J_0inv, double[] detJ_0) =
                JacobianShell8Calculations.GetJ_0invAndDetJ_0(J_0a, element.Nodes, oVn_i, nGaussPoints);
            Matrix[] BL11a;
            BL11a = GetBL11a(J_0inv);
            Matrix[] BL12;
            BL12 = GetBL12(J_0inv);
            Matrix[] BL13;
            BL13 = GetBL13(shapeFunctionsDerivatives, tUvec, J_0a);

            Matrix[] BL;
            BL = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            Matrix[] BL01plus1_2;
            BL01plus1_2 = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                BL[j]          = Matrix.CreateZero(6, 40);
                BL01plus1_2[j] = Matrix.CreateZero(6, 9);

            double[][] Fxk = new double [nGaussPoints + 1] [];
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints + 1; j++)
                Fxk[j] = new double[40];

            Matrix ll2;

            ll2 = Matrix.CreateZero(24, 3);
            for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    ll2[3 * j + 0, k] = tU[j][k];
                    ll2[3 * j + 1, k] = tU[j][3 + k];
                    ll2[3 * j + 2, k] = oVn_i[j][k];

            Matrix[] l_circumflex;
            l_circumflex = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                l_circumflex[j] = Matrix.CreateZero(3, 3);
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                l_circumflex[j] = ll1[j] * ll2;

            Matrix[] BL11b;
            BL11b = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                BL11b[j] = Matrix.CreateZero(9, 9);
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                        for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)
                            BL11b[j][3 * k + l, 3 * k + m] = l_circumflex[j][l, m];
                        }                                                           //don;t change that

            Matrix[] BL11;
            BL11 = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                BL11[j] = BL11a[j] * BL11b[j];

            Matrix[] BL1_2;
            BL1_2 = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                BL1_2[j] = BL11[j] * BL12[j];

                for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                    for (int l = 0; l < 9; l++)
                        BL01plus1_2[j][k, l] = BL1_2[j][k, l] + BL11a[j][k, l];

                BL[j] = BL01plus1_2[j] * BL13[j];

            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < 40; k++)
                    Fxk[j][k] = 0;
                    for (int m = 0; m < 6; m++)
                        Fxk[j][k] += BL[j][m, k] * materialsAtGaussPoints[j].Stresses[m];
            for (int k = 0; k < 40; k++)
                Fxk[nGaussPoints][k] = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                    Fxk[nGaussPoints][k] += integrationCoefficient[j] * Fxk[j][k];

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a new resized bitmap.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="srcContext">The source context.</param>
    /// <param name="widthSource">The width of the source pixels.</param>
    /// <param name="heightSource">The height of the source pixels.</param>
    /// <param name="width">The new desired width.</param>
    /// <param name="height">The new desired height.</param>
    /// <param name="interpolation">The interpolation method that should be used.</param>
    /// <returns>A new bitmap that is a resized version of the input.</returns>
    public static int[] Resize(BitmapContext srcContext, int widthSource, int heightSource, int width, int height, Interpolation interpolation)
      var pixels = srcContext.Pixels;
      var pd = new int[width * height];
      var xs = (float)widthSource / width;
      var ys = (float)heightSource / height;

      float sx, sy;
      int x0;
      int y0;

      // Nearest Neighbor
      switch (interpolation)
        case Interpolation.NearestNeighbor:
          var srcIdx = 0;
          for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
              sx = x * xs;
              sy = y * ys;
              x0 = (int)sx;
              y0 = (int)sy;

              pd[srcIdx++] = pixels[y0 * widthSource + x0];
        } break;
        case Interpolation.Bilinear:
          var srcIdx = 0;
          for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
              sx = x * xs;
              sy = y * ys;
              x0 = (int)sx;
              y0 = (int)sy;

              // Calculate coordinates of the 4 interpolation points
              var fracx = sx - x0;
              var fracy = sy - y0;
              var ifracx = 1f - fracx;
              var ifracy = 1f - fracy;
              var x1 = x0 + 1;
              if (x1 >= widthSource)
                x1 = x0;
              var y1 = y0 + 1;
              if (y1 >= heightSource)
                y1 = y0;

              // Read source color
              var c = pixels[y0 * widthSource + x0];
              var c1A = (byte)(c >> 24);
              var c1R = (byte)(c >> 16);
              var c1G = (byte)(c >> 8);
              var c1B = (byte)(c);

              c = pixels[y0 * widthSource + x1];
              var c2A = (byte)(c >> 24);
              var c2R = (byte)(c >> 16);
              var c2G = (byte)(c >> 8);
              var c2B = (byte)(c);

              c = pixels[y1 * widthSource + x0];
              var c3A = (byte)(c >> 24);
              var c3R = (byte)(c >> 16);
              var c3G = (byte)(c >> 8);
              var c3B = (byte)(c);

              c = pixels[y1 * widthSource + x1];
              var c4A = (byte)(c >> 24);
              var c4R = (byte)(c >> 16);
              var c4G = (byte)(c >> 8);
              var c4B = (byte)(c);

              // Calculate colors
              // Alpha
              var l0 = ifracx * c1A + fracx * c2A;
              var l1 = ifracx * c3A + fracx * c4A;
              var a = (byte)(ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1);

              // Red
              l0 = ifracx * c1R * c1A + fracx * c2R * c2A;
              l1 = ifracx * c3R * c3A + fracx * c4R * c4A;
              var rf = ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1;

              // Green
              l0 = ifracx * c1G * c1A + fracx * c2G * c2A;
              l1 = ifracx * c3G * c3A + fracx * c4G * c4A;
              var gf = ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1;

              // Blue
              l0 = ifracx * c1B * c1A + fracx * c2B * c2A;
              l1 = ifracx * c3B * c3A + fracx * c4B * c4A;
              var bf = ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1;

              // Divide by alpha
              if (a > 0)
                rf = rf / a;
                gf = gf / a;
                bf = bf / a;

              // Cast to byte
              var r = (byte)rf;
              var g = (byte)gf;
              var b = (byte)bf;

              // Write destination
              pd[srcIdx++] = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
        } break;
      return pd;
Exemplo n.º 26
        private Matrix UpdateKmatrices(IElement element)
            double[][] kck;// 1 per node and (one per Gauss point+1 for the addition) -->[GP][8 dofs_per_node*nodes]
            Matrix[]   KNL;
            Matrix[]   KL;
            double[][] BL01plus1_2tSPKvec;

            IReadOnlyList <double[]> shapeFunctions            = Interpolation.EvaluateFunctionsAtGaussPoints(QuadratureForStiffness);
            IReadOnlyList <Matrix>   shapeFunctionsDerivatives = Interpolation.EvaluateNaturalGradientsAtGaussPoints(QuadratureForStiffness);

            (Matrix[] ll1, Matrix[] J_0a)      = JacobianShell8Calculations.Getll1AndJ_0a(QuadratureForStiffness, tk, shapeFunctions, shapeFunctionsDerivatives);
            (Matrix[] J_0inv, double[] detJ_0) =
                JacobianShell8Calculations.GetJ_0invAndDetJ_0(J_0a, element.Nodes, oVn_i, nGaussPoints);
            Matrix[] BNL1;
            BNL1 = GetBNL1(J_0inv);
            Matrix[] BL13;
            BL13 = GetBL13(shapeFunctionsDerivatives, tUvec, J_0a); //TODO: maybe cached from calcForces for problems of normal memory requirements
            double[][,] ck;
            ck = CalculateCk(J_0a, tU);

            Matrix[] BL11a; //TODO: maybe cached from calcForces for problems of normal memory
            BL11a = GetBL11a(J_0inv);
            Matrix[] BL12;
            BL12 = GetBL12(J_0inv);
            Matrix[] BL; //TODO: maybe cached from calcForces for problems of normal memory
            BL = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            Matrix[] BL01plus1_2;
            BL01plus1_2 = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                BL[j]          = Matrix.CreateZero(6, 40);
                BL01plus1_2[j] = Matrix.CreateZero(6, 9);
            var ll2 = Matrix.CreateZero(24, 3);

            for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    ll2[3 * j + 0, k] = tU[j][k];
                    ll2[3 * j + 1, k] = tU[j][3 + k];
                    ll2[3 * j + 2, k] = oVn_i[j][k];

            Matrix[] l_circumflex;
            l_circumflex = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                l_circumflex[j] = Matrix.CreateZero(3, 3);
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                l_circumflex[j] = ll1[j] * ll2;

            Matrix[] BL11b;
            BL11b = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                BL11b[j] = Matrix.CreateZero(9, 9);
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                        for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)
                            BL11b[j][3 * k + l, 3 * k + m] = l_circumflex[j][l, m];

            Matrix[] BL11;
            BL11 = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                BL11[j] = Matrix.CreateZero(6, 9);
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                BL11[j] = BL11a[j] * BL11b[j];

            Matrix[] BL1_2;
            BL1_2 = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                BL1_2[j] = Matrix.CreateZero(6, 9);
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                BL1_2[j] = BL11[j] * BL12[j];

                for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                    for (int l = 0; l < 9; l++)
                        BL01plus1_2[j][k, l] = BL1_2[j][k, l] + BL11a[j][k, l];

                BL[j] = BL01plus1_2[j] * BL13[j];

            KL  = new Matrix[nGaussPoints + 1];
            KNL = new Matrix[nGaussPoints + 1];
            kck = new double[nGaussPoints + 1][];
            BL01plus1_2tSPKvec = new double[nGaussPoints][];
            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints + 1; j++)
                KL[j]  = Matrix.CreateZero(40, 40);
                KNL[j] = Matrix.CreateZero(40, 40);

            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                var SPK_circumflex = Matrix.CreateZero(9, 9);
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                        SPK_circumflex[3 * k + l, 3 * k + l] = materialsAtGaussPoints[j].Stresses[l];
                    SPK_circumflex[3 * k, 3 * k + 1]     = materialsAtGaussPoints[j].Stresses[3];
                    SPK_circumflex[3 * k, 3 * k + 2]     = materialsAtGaussPoints[j].Stresses[5];
                    SPK_circumflex[3 * k + 1, 3 * k + 2] = materialsAtGaussPoints[j].Stresses[4];

                    SPK_circumflex[3 * k + 1, 3 * k]     = materialsAtGaussPoints[j].Stresses[3];
                    SPK_circumflex[3 * k + 2, 3 * k]     = materialsAtGaussPoints[j].Stresses[5];
                    SPK_circumflex[3 * k + 2, 3 * k + 1] = materialsAtGaussPoints[j].Stresses[4];

                var BNL = BNL1[j] * BL13[j];

                BL01plus1_2tSPKvec[j] = new double[9];
                for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++)
                    for (int m = 0; m < 6; m++)
                        BL01plus1_2tSPKvec[j][k] += BL01plus1_2[j][m, k] * materialsAtGaussPoints[j].Stresses[m];

                kck[j] = new double[8];
                for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
                    for (int m = 0; m < 9; m++)
                        kck[j][k] += ck[j][k, m] * BL01plus1_2tSPKvec[j][m];

                var ConsBL = Matrix.CreateZero(6, 40);
                for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                    for (int l = 0; l < 40; l++)
                        for (int m = 0; m < 6; m++)
                            ConsBL[k, l] += materialsAtGaussPoints[j].ConstitutiveMatrix[k, m] * BL[j][m, l];

                var S_BNL = SPK_circumflex * BNL;
                KNL[j] = BNL.Transpose() * S_BNL;
                KL[j]  = BL[j].Transpose() * ConsBL;

            var Kt = Matrix.CreateZero(40, 40);

            for (int j = 0; j < nGaussPoints; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < 40; k++)
                    for (int l = 0; l < 40; l++)
                        Kt[k, l] += integrationCoefficient[j] * (KL[j][k, l] + KNL[j][k, l]);

                for (int l = 0; l < 8; l++)
                    Kt[5 * l + 3, 5 * l + 3] += integrationCoefficient[j] * kck[j][l];
                    Kt[5 * l + 4, 5 * l + 4] += integrationCoefficient[j] * kck[j][l];

        private void AddAlphaInterpolation(GUIControl control)
            Interpolation i = new Interpolation();
            i.Time = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);
            i.elapsed = TimeSpan.Zero;
            i.from = control.BackgroundColor;
            i.to = Color.Orange * 0.6f;
            i.Compleate = false;

            i.UpdatedValue += x => control.BackgroundColor = x;

            Interpolation i1 = new Interpolation();
            i1.Time = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);
            i1.elapsed = TimeSpan.Zero;
            i1.from = Color.Orange * 0.6f;
            i1.to = control.BackgroundColor;
            i1.Compleate = false;

            i1.UpdatedValue += x => control.BackgroundColor = x;

            control.FocusLost += (s, e) =>
                i.Compleate = true;
Exemplo n.º 28
        private void load(OsuColour colours)
            InternalChildren = new Drawable[]
                new FillFlowContainer
                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both,
                    Direction        = FillDirection.Vertical,
                    Anchor           = Anchor.TopCentre,
                    Origin           = Anchor.TopCentre,
                    Padding          = new MarginPadding(20),
                    Spacing          = new Vector2(0, 10),
                    Children         = new Drawable[]
                        new OsuSpriteText
                            Margin = new MarginPadding {
                                Vertical = 10
                            Anchor = Anchor.TopCentre,
                            Origin = Anchor.TopCentre,
                            Font   = OsuFont.GetFont(size: 20),
                            Text   = "Let's create an account!",
                        usernameTextBox = new OsuTextBox
                            PlaceholderText          = "username",
                            RelativeSizeAxes         = Axes.X,
                            TabbableContentContainer = this
                        usernameDescription = new ErrorTextFlowContainer
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                            AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.Y
                        emailTextBox = new OsuTextBox
                            PlaceholderText          = "email address",
                            RelativeSizeAxes         = Axes.X,
                            TabbableContentContainer = this
                        emailAddressDescription = new ErrorTextFlowContainer
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                            AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.Y
                        passwordTextBox = new OsuPasswordTextBox
                            PlaceholderText          = "password",
                            RelativeSizeAxes         = Axes.X,
                            TabbableContentContainer = this,
                        passwordDescription = new ErrorTextFlowContainer
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                            AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.Y
                        new Container
                            RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                            AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.Y,
                            Children         = new Drawable[]
                                registerShake = new ShakeContainer
                                    RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X,
                                    AutoSizeAxes     = Axes.Y,
                                    Child            = new SettingsButton
                                        Text   = "Register",
                                        Margin = new MarginPadding {
                                            Vertical = 20
                                        Action = performRegistration
                processingOverlay = new ProcessingOverlay {
                    Alpha = 0

            textboxes = new[] { usernameTextBox, emailTextBox, passwordTextBox };

            usernameDescription.AddText("This will be your public presence. No profanity, no impersonation. Avoid exposing your own personal details, too!");

            emailAddressDescription.AddText("Will be used for notifications, account verification and in the case you forget your password. No spam, ever.");
            emailAddressDescription.AddText(" Make sure to get it right!", cp => cp.Font = cp.Font.With(Typeface.Exo, weight: FontWeight.Bold));

            passwordDescription.AddText("At least ");
            characterCheckText = passwordDescription.AddText("8 characters long");
            passwordDescription.AddText(". Choose something long but also something you will remember, like a line from your favourite song.");

            passwordTextBox.Current.ValueChanged += password => { characterCheckText.ForEach(s => s.Colour = password.NewValue.Length == 0 ? Color4.White : Interpolation.ValueAt(password.NewValue.Length, Color4.OrangeRed, Color4.YellowGreen, 0, 8, Easing.In)); };
      public static int[] Resize(int[] pixels, int widthSource, int heightSource, int width, int height, Interpolation interpolation)
            var pd = new int[width * height];
            var xs = (float)widthSource / width;
            var ys = (float)heightSource / height;

            float fracx, fracy, ifracx, ifracy, sx, sy, l0, l1, rf, gf, bf;
            int c, x0, x1, y0, y1;
            byte c1a, c1r, c1g, c1b, c2a, c2r, c2g, c2b, c3a, c3r, c3g, c3b, c4a, c4r, c4g, c4b;
            byte a, r, g, b;

            // Nearest Neighbor
            if (interpolation == Interpolation.NearestNeighbor)
                var srcIdx = 0;
                for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        sx = x * xs;
                        sy = y * ys;
                        x0 = (int)sx;
                        y0 = (int)sy;

                        pd[srcIdx++] = pixels[y0 * widthSource + x0];

               // Bilinear
            else if (interpolation == Interpolation.Bilinear)
                var srcIdx = 0;
                for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        sx = x * xs;
                        sy = y * ys;
                        x0 = (int)sx;
                        y0 = (int)sy;

                        // Calculate coordinates of the 4 interpolation points
                        fracx = sx - x0;
                        fracy = sy - y0;
                        ifracx = 1f - fracx;
                        ifracy = 1f - fracy;
                        x1 = x0 + 1;
                        if (x1 >= widthSource)
                            x1 = x0;
                        y1 = y0 + 1;
                        if (y1 >= heightSource)
                            y1 = y0;

                        // Read source color
                        c = pixels[y0 * widthSource + x0];
                        c1a = (byte)(c >> 24);
                        c1r = (byte)(c >> 16);
                        c1g = (byte)(c >> 8);
                        c1b = (byte)(c);

                        c = pixels[y0 * widthSource + x1];
                        c2a = (byte)(c >> 24);
                        c2r = (byte)(c >> 16);
                        c2g = (byte)(c >> 8);
                        c2b = (byte)(c);

                        c = pixels[y1 * widthSource + x0];
                        c3a = (byte)(c >> 24);
                        c3r = (byte)(c >> 16);
                        c3g = (byte)(c >> 8);
                        c3b = (byte)(c);

                        c = pixels[y1 * widthSource + x1];
                        c4a = (byte)(c >> 24);
                        c4r = (byte)(c >> 16);
                        c4g = (byte)(c >> 8);
                        c4b = (byte)(c);

                        // Calculate colors
                        // Alpha
                        l0 = ifracx * c1a + fracx * c2a;
                        l1 = ifracx * c3a + fracx * c4a;
                        a = (byte)(ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1);

                        // Red
                        l0 = ifracx * c1r + fracx * c2r;
                        l1 = ifracx * c3r + fracx * c4r;
                        rf = ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1;

                        // Green
                        l0 = ifracx * c1g + fracx * c2g;
                        l1 = ifracx * c3g + fracx * c4g;
                        gf = ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1;

                        // Blue
                        l0 = ifracx * c1b + fracx * c2b;
                        l1 = ifracx * c3b + fracx * c4b;
                        bf = ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1;

                        // Cast to byte
                        r = (byte)rf;
                        g = (byte)gf;
                        b = (byte)bf;

                        // Write destination
                        pd[srcIdx++] = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
            return pd;
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void GetHyperTransformSpectrum(
            ref DeconToolsV2.HornTransform.clsHornTransformResults[] marr_transformResults, double mostAbundantMW,
            short charge, ref float[] sumMZs, ref float[] sumIntensities, ref float[] mzs,
            ref float[] intensities)
            var vectIndicesToConsider = new List <int>();
            // go through all the transforms and find which ones have most abundant mass between current value and
            // x Daltons
            var    numResults = marr_transformResults.Length;
            short  maxCharge  = 0;
            double massRange  = 0;

            for (var transformNum = 0; transformNum < numResults; transformNum++)
                var result        = marr_transformResults[transformNum];
                var massDiff      = System.Math.Abs((result.MostIntenseMw - mostAbundantMW) / 1.003);
                var massDiffRound = (double)((int)(massDiff + 0.5));
                if (massDiffRound > 3)
                var toleranceDiff = System.Math.Abs(massDiff - massDiffRound * 1.003);
                if (toleranceDiff < System.Math.Max(0.2, result.FWHM * 5))
                    // consider this peak for addition.
                    if (result.ChargeState > maxCharge)
                        maxCharge = (short)result.ChargeState;
                    if (result.MostIntenseMw - result.MonoMw > 2 * massRange)
                        massRange = 2 * (result.MostIntenseMw - result.MonoMw);

            if (massRange < 8)
                massRange = 8;
            if (massRange > 16)
                massRange = 16;

            var       minMZForOut     = (mostAbundantMW - massRange / 2) / charge + 1.00727638;
            var       maxMZForOut     = (mostAbundantMW + massRange / 2) / charge + 1.00727638;
            const int numPointsForOut = 4 * 1024;
            var       currentMZ       = minMZForOut;
            var       mzInterval      = (maxMZForOut - minMZForOut) / numPointsForOut;

            sumMZs         = new float[numPointsForOut];
            sumIntensities = new float[numPointsForOut];
            for (var ptNum = 0; ptNum < numPointsForOut; ptNum++)
                sumMZs[ptNum]         = (float)currentMZ;
                sumIntensities[ptNum] = 0;
                currentMZ            += mzInterval;

            var interp        = new Interpolation();
            var vectMz        = new List <double>();
            var vectIntensity = new List <double>();
            var numPts        = mzs.Length;

            for (var ptNum = 0; ptNum < numPts; ptNum++)
                double mz = mzs[ptNum];
                double intense = intensities[ptNum];

            interp.Spline(vectMz, vectIntensity, 0, 0);
            for (var index = 0; index < (int)vectIndicesToConsider.Count; index++)
                var result =
                currentMZ = ((minMZForOut - 1.00727638) * charge) / result.ChargeState + 1.00727638;
                for (var ptNum = 0; ptNum < numPointsForOut; ptNum++)
                    sumIntensities[ptNum] += (float)interp.Splint(vectMz, vectIntensity, currentMZ);
                    currentMZ             += (mzInterval * charge) / result.ChargeState;
Exemplo n.º 31
    public IEnumerator Shoot(Player player)
        Transform  oldParent  = player.transform.parent;
        Quaternion oldRot     = player.transform.localRotation;
        DamageType resistance = player.health.Resistance;

        player.transform.position = Barrel.transform.position;
        player.transform.SetParent(Barrel.transform, true);
        player.transform.up = Barrel.transform.forward;

        // Immune to all...
        player.health.Resistance = DamageType.BASIC | DamageType.EXPLOSIVE | DamageType.FIRE | DamageType.ICE | DamageType.LIGHTNING | DamageType.EARTH | DamageType.TRUE;

        player.CanWalk   = false;
        player.CanMove   = false;
        player.CanRotate = false;
        player.CanAttack = false;

        while (aligning)
            yield return(null);

        // Charge Animation
            Vector3 startPos  = Barrel.transform.position;
            Vector3 endPos    = BarrelChargePos.position;
            float   startTime = Time.time;
            while (Time.time < startTime + ChargeTime)
                float t = (Time.time - startTime) / ChargeTime;

                t = Interpolation.BounceOut(t);

                Vector3 pos = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, endPos, t);

                player.transform.position = pos;
                yield return(null);

        player.CanRotate = true;

        // Launch Animation
            AudioManager.Instance.PlaySoundWithParent("cannon", ESoundChannel.SFX, gameObject);

            Vector3 startPos  = BarrelChargePos.position;
            float   startTime = Time.time;
            while (Time.time < startTime + LeapTime)
                float t = (Time.time - startTime) / LeapTime;

                Vector3 pos = Utility.BezierCurve(startPos, Peak.position, Target.position, t);

                player.transform.position = pos;

                player.rotation += Vector3.right * PlayerRotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

                yield return(null);
            player.transform.position = Target.position;

        if (DestoryObjectOnImpact && DestroyableObject)

        AudioManager.Instance.PlaySoundWithParent("thud", ESoundChannel.SFX, player.gameObject);

        player.CanWalk   = true;
        player.CanMove   = true;
        player.CanAttack = true;
        player.transform.SetParent(oldParent, true);
        player.transform.localRotation = oldRot;
        player.health.Resistance       = resistance;
Exemplo n.º 32
 private static double GetTemperature(byte intensity) => Interpolation.Lerp(0, 1, intensity / 255f);
Exemplo n.º 33
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the filter on the specified image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceData">Source image data.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationData">Destination image data.</param>
        protected override unsafe void ProcessFilter(UnmanagedImage sourceData, UnmanagedImage destinationData)
            // get source image size
            int width  = sourceData.Width;
            int height = sourceData.Height;

            int    pixelSize = sourceData.PixelSize;
            int    srcStride = sourceData.Stride;
            int    dstOffset = destinationData.Offset;
            double xFactor   = (double)width / newWidth;
            double yFactor   = (double)height / newHeight;

            // do the job
            byte *src = (byte *)sourceData.ImageData.ToPointer();
            byte *dst = (byte *)destinationData.ImageData.ToPointer();

            // width and height decreased by 1
            int ymax = height - 1;
            int xmax = width - 1;

            // check pixel format
            if (destinationData.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed)
                // grayscale
                for (int y = 0; y < newHeight; y++)
                    // Y coordinates
                    double oy  = (double)y * yFactor - 0.5;
                    int    oy1 = (int)oy;
                    double dy  = oy - (double)oy1;

                    for (int x = 0; x < newWidth; x++, dst++)
                        // X coordinates
                        double ox  = (double)x * xFactor - 0.5f;
                        int    ox1 = (int)ox;
                        double dx  = ox - (double)ox1;

                        // initial pixel value
                        double g = 0;

                        for (int n = -1; n < 3; n++)
                            // get Y cooefficient
                            double k1 = Interpolation.BiCubicKernel(dy - (double)n);

                            int oy2 = oy1 + n;
                            if (oy2 < 0)
                                oy2 = 0;
                            if (oy2 > ymax)
                                oy2 = ymax;

                            for (int m = -1; m < 3; m++)
                                // get X cooefficient
                                double k2 = k1 * Interpolation.BiCubicKernel((double)m - dx);

                                int ox2 = ox1 + m;
                                if (ox2 < 0)
                                    ox2 = 0;
                                if (ox2 > xmax)
                                    ox2 = xmax;

                                g += k2 * src[oy2 * srcStride + ox2];
                        *dst = (byte)Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, g));
                    dst += dstOffset;
            else if (pixelSize == 3)
                // RGB
                for (int y = 0; y < newHeight; y++)
                    // Y coordinates
                    double oy  = (double)y * yFactor - 0.5f;
                    int    oy1 = (int)oy;
                    double dy  = oy - (double)oy1;

                    for (int x = 0; x < newWidth; x++, dst += 3)
                        // X coordinates
                        double ox  = (double)x * xFactor - 0.5f;
                        int    ox1 = (int)ox;
                        double dx  = ox - (double)ox1;

                        // initial pixel value
                        double r = 0;
                        double g = 0;
                        double b = 0;

                        for (int n = -1; n < 3; n++)
                            // get Y cooefficient
                            double k1 = Interpolation.BiCubicKernel(dy - (double)n);

                            int oy2 = oy1 + n;
                            if (oy2 < 0)
                                oy2 = 0;
                            if (oy2 > ymax)
                                oy2 = ymax;

                            for (int m = -1; m < 3; m++)
                                // get X cooefficient
                                double k2 = k1 * Interpolation.BiCubicKernel((double)m - dx);

                                int ox2 = ox1 + m;
                                if (ox2 < 0)
                                    ox2 = 0;
                                if (ox2 > xmax)
                                    ox2 = xmax;

                                // get pixel of original image
                                byte *p = src + oy2 * srcStride + ox2 * 3;

                                r += k2 * p[RGB.R];
                                g += k2 * p[RGB.G];
                                b += k2 * p[RGB.B];

                        dst[RGB.R] = (byte)Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, r));
                        dst[RGB.G] = (byte)Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, g));
                        dst[RGB.B] = (byte)Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, b));
                    dst += dstOffset;
            else if (pixelSize == 4)
                // ARGB
                for (int y = 0; y < newHeight; y++)
                    // Y coordinates
                    double oy  = (double)y * yFactor - 0.5f;
                    int    oy1 = (int)oy;
                    double dy  = oy - (double)oy1;

                    for (int x = 0; x < newWidth; x++, dst += 3)
                        // X coordinates
                        double ox  = (double)x * xFactor - 0.5f;
                        int    ox1 = (int)ox;
                        double dx  = ox - (double)ox1;

                        // initial pixel value
                        double a = 0;
                        double r = 0;
                        double g = 0;
                        double b = 0;

                        for (int n = -1; n < 3; n++)
                            // get Y cooefficient
                            double k1 = Interpolation.BiCubicKernel(dy - (double)n);

                            int oy2 = oy1 + n;
                            if (oy2 < 0)
                                oy2 = 0;
                            if (oy2 > ymax)
                                oy2 = ymax;

                            for (int m = -1; m < 3; m++)
                                // get X cooefficient
                                double k2 = k1 * Interpolation.BiCubicKernel((double)m - dx);

                                int ox2 = ox1 + m;
                                if (ox2 < 0)
                                    ox2 = 0;
                                if (ox2 > xmax)
                                    ox2 = xmax;

                                // get pixel of original image
                                byte *p = src + oy2 * srcStride + ox2 * 3;

                                a += k2 * p[RGB.A];
                                r += k2 * p[RGB.R];
                                g += k2 * p[RGB.G];
                                b += k2 * p[RGB.B];

                        dst[RGB.A] = (byte)Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, a));
                        dst[RGB.R] = (byte)Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, r));
                        dst[RGB.G] = (byte)Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, g));
                        dst[RGB.B] = (byte)Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, b));
                    dst += dstOffset;
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Execution should never reach here.");
Exemplo n.º 34
 /// <summary>
 /// Resizes an image.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="src">input image.</param>
 /// <param name="dst">output image; it has the size dsize (when it is non-zero) or the size computed 
 /// from src.size(), fx, and fy; the type of dst is the same as of src.</param>
 /// <param name="dsize">output image size; if it equals zero, it is computed as: 
 /// dsize = Size(round(fx*src.cols), round(fy*src.rows))
 /// Either dsize or both fx and fy must be non-zero.</param>
 /// <param name="fx">scale factor along the horizontal axis; when it equals 0, 
 /// it is computed as: (double)dsize.width/src.cols</param>
 /// <param name="fy">scale factor along the vertical axis; when it equals 0, 
 /// it is computed as: (double)dsize.height/src.rows</param>
 /// <param name="interpolation">interpolation method</param>
 public static void Resize(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size dsize,
     double fx = 0, double fy = 0, Interpolation interpolation = Interpolation.Linear)
     if (src == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("src");
     if (dst == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("dst");
     NativeMethods.imgproc_resize(src.CvPtr, dst.CvPtr, dsize, fx, fy, (int)interpolation);
Exemplo n.º 35
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new resized bitmap.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="srcContext">The source context.</param>
 /// <param name="widthSource">The width of the source pixels.</param>
 /// <param name="heightSource">The height of the source pixels.</param>
 /// <param name="width">The new desired width.</param>
 /// <param name="height">The new desired height.</param>
 /// <param name="interpolation">The interpolation method that should be used.</param>
 /// <returns>A new bitmap that is a resized version of the input.</returns>
 public static int[] Resize(BitmapContext srcContext, int widthSource, int heightSource, int width, int height, Interpolation interpolation)
     return(Resize(srcContext.Pixels, widthSource, heightSource, width, height, interpolation));
Exemplo n.º 36
        /// <summary>
        /// 画像の透視変換を行います.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">入力画像</param>
        /// <param name="dst">サイズが dsize で src と同じタイプの出力画像</param>
        /// <param name="m">3x3 の変換行列</param>
        /// <param name="dsize">出力画像のサイズ</param>
        /// <param name="flags">補間手法</param>
        /// <param name="borderMode">ピクセル外挿手法.
        /// borderMode=BORDER_TRANSPARENT の場合,入力画像中の「はずれ値」に対応する
        /// 出力画像中のピクセルが,この関数では変更されないことを意味します</param>
        /// <param name="borderValue">定数境界モードで利用されるピクセル値.</param>
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies a perspective transformation to an image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">input image.</param>
        /// <param name="dst">output image that has the size dsize and the same type as src.</param>
        /// <param name="m">3x3 transformation matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="dsize">size of the output image.</param>
        /// <param name="flags">combination of interpolation methods (INTER_LINEAR or INTER_NEAREST) 
        /// and the optional flag WARP_INVERSE_MAP, that sets M as the inverse transformation (dst -> src).</param>
        /// <param name="borderMode">pixel extrapolation method (BORDER_CONSTANT or BORDER_REPLICATE).</param>
        /// <param name="borderValue">value used in case of a constant border; by default, it equals 0.</param>
        public static void WarpPerspective(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, float[,] m, Size dsize,
            Interpolation flags = Interpolation.Linear, BorderType borderMode = BorderType.Constant,
            Scalar? borderValue = null)
            if (src == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("src");
            if (dst == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dst");
            if (m == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("m");
            CvScalar borderValue0 = borderValue.GetValueOrDefault(CvScalar.ScalarAll(0));
            int mRow = m.GetLength(0);
            int mCol = m.GetLength(1);
                src.CvPtr, dst.CvPtr, m, mRow, mCol, dsize, (int)flags, (int)borderMode, borderValue0);
Exemplo n.º 37
        public override Replay Generate()
            // todo: add support for HT DT
            const double dash_speed     = CatcherArea.Catcher.BASE_SPEED;
            const double movement_speed = dash_speed / 2;
            float        lastPosition   = 0.5f;
            double       lastTime       = 0;

            // Todo: Realistically this shouldn't be needed, but the first frame is skipped with the way replays are currently handled
            Replay.Frames.Add(new CatchReplayFrame(-100000, lastPosition));

            void moveToNext(CatchHitObject h)
                float  positionChange = Math.Abs(lastPosition - h.X);
                double timeAvailable  = h.StartTime - lastTime;

                //So we can either make it there without a dash or not.
                double speedRequired = positionChange / timeAvailable;

                bool dashRequired = speedRequired > movement_speed && h.StartTime != 0;

                // todo: get correct catcher size, based on difficulty CS.
                const float catcher_width_half = CatcherArea.CATCHER_SIZE / CatchPlayfield.BASE_WIDTH * 0.3f * 0.5f;

                if (lastPosition - catcher_width_half < h.X && lastPosition + catcher_width_half > h.X)
                    //we are already in the correct range.
                    lastTime = h.StartTime;
                    Replay.Frames.Add(new CatchReplayFrame(h.StartTime, lastPosition));

                if (h is BananaShower.Banana)
                    // auto bananas unrealistically warp to catch 100% combo.
                    Replay.Frames.Add(new CatchReplayFrame(h.StartTime, h.X));
                else if (h.HyperDash)
                    Replay.Frames.Add(new CatchReplayFrame(h.StartTime - timeAvailable, lastPosition, ReplayButtonState.Right1));
                    Replay.Frames.Add(new CatchReplayFrame(h.StartTime, h.X));
                else if (dashRequired)
                    //we do a movement in two parts - the dash part then the normal part...
                    double timeAtNormalSpeed = positionChange / movement_speed;
                    double timeWeNeedToSave  = timeAtNormalSpeed - timeAvailable;
                    double timeAtDashSpeed   = timeWeNeedToSave / 2;

                    float midPosition = (float)Interpolation.Lerp(lastPosition, h.X, (float)timeAtDashSpeed / timeAvailable);

                    //dash movement
                    Replay.Frames.Add(new CatchReplayFrame(h.StartTime - timeAvailable + 1, lastPosition, ReplayButtonState.Left1));
                    Replay.Frames.Add(new CatchReplayFrame(h.StartTime - timeAvailable + timeAtDashSpeed, midPosition));
                    Replay.Frames.Add(new CatchReplayFrame(h.StartTime, h.X));
                    double timeBefore = positionChange / movement_speed;

                    Replay.Frames.Add(new CatchReplayFrame(h.StartTime - timeBefore, lastPosition, ReplayButtonState.Right1));
                    Replay.Frames.Add(new CatchReplayFrame(h.StartTime, h.X));

                lastTime     = h.StartTime;
                lastPosition = h.X;

            foreach (var obj in Beatmap.HitObjects)
                switch (obj)
                case Fruit _:

                foreach (var nestedObj in obj.NestedHitObjects.Cast <CatchHitObject>())
                    switch (nestedObj)
                    case BananaShower.Banana _:
                    case TinyDroplet _:
                    case Droplet _:

Exemplo n.º 38
 public static extern void cvLogPolar(IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, CvPoint2D32f center, double M, Interpolation flags);
Exemplo n.º 39
        public static void Resize(Mat src, Mat dst, CvSize dsize,
            double fx = 0, double fy = 0, Interpolation interpolation = Interpolation.Linear)
            if (src == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("src");
            if (dst == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dst");

            CppInvoke.cv_resize(src.CvPtr, dst.CvPtr, dsize, fx, fy, interpolation);
Exemplo n.º 40
 public static extern void cvWarpPerspective(IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, IntPtr map_matrix, Interpolation flags, CvScalar fillval);
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a new resized WriteableBitmap.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="srcContext">The WriteableBitmap.</param>
    /// <param name="width">The new desired width.</param>
    /// <param name="height">The new desired height.</param>
    /// <param name="interpolation">The interpolation method that should be used.</param>
    /// <returns>A new WriteableBitmap that is a resized version of the input.</returns>
    public static WriteableBitmap Resize(this BitmapContext srcContext, int width, int height, Interpolation interpolation)
      var pd = Resize(srcContext, srcContext.Width, srcContext.Height, width, height, interpolation);

      var result = BitmapFactory.New(width, height);
      BitmapContext.BlockCopy(pd, 0, srcContext, 0, SizeOfArgb * pd.Length);
      return result;
Exemplo n.º 42
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies a perspective transformation to an image.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="m">3x3 transformation matrix.</param>
 /// <param name="dsize">size of the output image.</param>
 /// <param name="flags">combination of interpolation methods (INTER_LINEAR or INTER_NEAREST) 
 /// and the optional flag WARP_INVERSE_MAP, that sets M as the inverse transformation (dst -> src).</param>
 /// <param name="borderMode">pixel extrapolation method (BORDER_CONSTANT or BORDER_REPLICATE).</param>
 /// <param name="borderValue">value used in case of a constant border; by default, it equals 0.</param>
 /// <returns>output image that has the size dsize and the same type as src.</returns>
 public Mat WarpPerspective(Mat m, Size dsize, Interpolation flags = Interpolation.Linear, 
     BorderType borderMode = BorderType.Constant, Scalar? borderValue = null)
     var dst = new Mat();
     Cv2.WarpPerspective(this, dst, m, dsize, flags, borderMode, borderValue);
     return dst;
Exemplo n.º 43
 /// <summary>
 /// Add custom experiment design's condition parmeter name(string), code(int) and condition interpolation parameters
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="paraname"></param>
 /// <param name="code"></param>
 /// <param name="start"></param>
 /// <param name="end"></param>
 /// <param name="n"></param>
 /// <param name="method"></param>
 public void AddCondition(string paraname, int code, float start, float end, int n, Interpolation method)
     Cond.Add(new SLKeyValuePair <string, int, SLInterpolation>(paraname, code, new SLInterpolation(start, end, n, method)));
Exemplo n.º 44
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new resized bitmap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pixels">The source pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="widthSource">The width of the source pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="heightSource">The height of the source pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="width">The new desired width.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The new desired height.</param>
        /// <param name="interpolation">The interpolation method that should be used.</param>
        /// <returns>A new bitmap that is a resized version of the input.</returns>
#if WPF
        public static int[] Resize(int *pixels, int widthSource, int heightSource, int width, int height, Interpolation interpolation)
Exemplo n.º 45
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies an affine transformation to an image.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="src">input image.</param>
 /// <param name="dst">output image that has the size dsize and the same type as src.</param>
 /// <param name="m">2x3 transformation matrix.</param>
 /// <param name="dsize">size of the output image.</param>
 /// <param name="flags">combination of interpolation methods and the optional flag 
 /// WARP_INVERSE_MAP that means that M is the inverse transformation (dst -> src) .</param>
 /// <param name="borderMode">pixel extrapolation method; when borderMode=BORDER_TRANSPARENT, 
 /// it means that the pixels in the destination image corresponding to the "outliers" 
 /// in the source image are not modified by the function.</param>
 /// <param name="borderValue">value used in case of a constant border; by default, it is 0.</param>
 public static void WarpAffine(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray m, Size dsize,
     Interpolation flags = Interpolation.Linear, BorderType borderMode = BorderType.Constant, Scalar? borderValue = null)
     if (src == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("src");
     if (dst == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("dst");
     if (m == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("m");
     CvScalar borderValue0 = borderValue.GetValueOrDefault(CvScalar.ScalarAll(0));
     NativeMethods.imgproc_warpAffine(src.CvPtr, dst.CvPtr, m.CvPtr, dsize, (int)flags, (int)borderMode, borderValue0);
Exemplo n.º 46
        protected override void GenerateFrames()
            if (Beatmap.HitObjects.Count == 0)

            float  lastPosition = CatchPlayfield.CENTER_X;
            double lastTime     = 0;

            void moveToNext(PalpableCatchHitObject h)
                float  positionChange = Math.Abs(lastPosition - h.EffectiveX);
                double timeAvailable  = h.StartTime - lastTime;

                if (timeAvailable < 0)

                // So we can either make it there without a dash or not.
                // If positionChange is 0, we don't need to move, so speedRequired should also be 0 (could be NaN if timeAvailable is 0 too)
                // The case where positionChange > 0 and timeAvailable == 0 results in PositiveInfinity which provides expected beheaviour.
                double speedRequired = positionChange == 0 ? 0 : positionChange / timeAvailable;

                bool dashRequired   = speedRequired > Catcher.BASE_WALK_SPEED;
                bool impossibleJump = speedRequired > Catcher.BASE_DASH_SPEED;

                // todo: get correct catcher size, based on difficulty CS.
                const float catcher_width_half = Catcher.BASE_SIZE * 0.3f * 0.5f;

                if (lastPosition - catcher_width_half < h.EffectiveX && lastPosition + catcher_width_half > h.EffectiveX)
                    // we are already in the correct range.
                    lastTime = h.StartTime;
                    addFrame(h.StartTime, lastPosition);

                if (impossibleJump)
                    addFrame(h.StartTime, h.EffectiveX);
                else if (h.HyperDash)
                    addFrame(h.StartTime - timeAvailable, lastPosition);
                    addFrame(h.StartTime, h.EffectiveX);
                else if (dashRequired)
                    // we do a movement in two parts - the dash part then the normal part...
                    double timeAtNormalSpeed = positionChange / Catcher.BASE_WALK_SPEED;
                    double timeWeNeedToSave  = timeAtNormalSpeed - timeAvailable;
                    double timeAtDashSpeed   = timeWeNeedToSave / 2;

                    float midPosition = (float)Interpolation.Lerp(lastPosition, h.EffectiveX, (float)timeAtDashSpeed / timeAvailable);

                    // dash movement
                    addFrame(h.StartTime - timeAvailable + 1, lastPosition, true);
                    addFrame(h.StartTime - timeAvailable + timeAtDashSpeed, midPosition);
                    addFrame(h.StartTime, h.EffectiveX);
                    double timeBefore = positionChange / Catcher.BASE_WALK_SPEED;

                    addFrame(h.StartTime - timeBefore, lastPosition);
                    addFrame(h.StartTime, h.EffectiveX);

                lastTime     = h.StartTime;
                lastPosition = h.EffectiveX;

            foreach (var obj in Beatmap.HitObjects)
                if (obj is PalpableCatchHitObject palpableObject)

                foreach (var nestedObj in obj.NestedHitObjects.Cast <CatchHitObject>())
                    if (nestedObj is PalpableCatchHitObject palpableNestedObject)
Exemplo n.º 47
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies a generic geometrical transformation to an image.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="src">Source image.</param>
 /// <param name="dst">Destination image. It has the same size as map1 and the same type as src</param>
 /// <param name="map1">The first map of either (x,y) points or just x values having the type CV_16SC2, CV_32FC1, or CV_32FC2.</param>
 /// <param name="map2">The second map of y values having the type CV_16UC1, CV_32FC1, or none (empty map if map1 is (x,y) points), respectively.</param>
 /// <param name="interpolation">Interpolation method. The method INTER_AREA is not supported by this function.</param>
 /// <param name="borderMode">Pixel extrapolation method. When borderMode=BORDER_TRANSPARENT, 
 /// it means that the pixels in the destination image that corresponds to the "outliers" in 
 /// the source image are not modified by the function.</param>
 /// <param name="borderValue">Value used in case of a constant border. By default, it is 0.</param>
 public static void Remap(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, InputArray map1, InputArray map2,
     Interpolation interpolation = Interpolation.Linear, BorderType borderMode = BorderType.Constant, CvScalar? borderValue = null)
     if (src == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("src");
     if (dst == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("dst");
     if (map1 == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("map1");
     if (map2 == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("map2");
     CvScalar borderValue0 = borderValue.GetValueOrDefault(CvScalar.ScalarAll(0));
     NativeMethods.imgproc_remap(src.CvPtr, dst.CvPtr, map1.CvPtr, map2.CvPtr, (int)interpolation, (int)borderMode, borderValue0);
Exemplo n.º 48
        public HRegion Extract(HImage image)
//            image.WriteImage("tiff", 0, "B:\\test-01-cropped.tif");

            var imageWidth  = image.GetWidth();
            var imageHeight = image.GetHeight();

//            image.GrayRangeRect(55, 55).WriteImage("tiff", 0, "B:\\test-00-GrayRangeRect.tif");

            var houghRegion = HoughRegionExtractor.Extract(image);
//            image.PaintRegion(houghRegion, 200.0, "fill").WriteImage("tiff", 0, "B:\\test-02-houghRegion.tif");

            var houghCenterRegion = houghRegion.HoughCircles(HoughExpectRadius, HoughPercent, 0);
            var center            = houghCenterRegion.GetCenterPoint();

//            image.PaintRegion(houghCenterRegion, 200.0, "fill").WriteImage("tiff", 0, "B:\\test-03-houghCenterRegion.tif");

            var phiAngleStart = AngleStart / 180.0 * 3.1415926;
            var phiAngleEnd   = AngleEnd / 180.0 * 3.1415926;

            var finalRadiuStart = RadiusStart > RadiusEnd ? RadiusStart : RadiusEnd;
            var finalRadiuEnd   = RadiusStart > RadiusEnd ? RadiusEnd : RadiusStart;

            int width  = (int)((Math.Abs(phiAngleStart - phiAngleEnd)) * finalRadiuStart);
            int height = (int)Math.Abs(RadiusStart - RadiusEnd);

            var transImage = image.PolarTransImageExt(center.Y, center.X, phiAngleStart, phiAngleEnd, RadiusStart,
                                                      width, height, Interpolation.ToHalconString());

//            transImage.WriteImage("tiff", 0, "B:\\test-04-transImage.tif");

            var transRegion = TargetRegionExtractor.Extract(transImage);
            var finalRegion = transRegion.PolarTransRegionInv(center.Y, center.X, phiAngleStart, phiAngleEnd,
                                                              RadiusStart, RadiusEnd,
                                                              width, height, imageWidth, imageHeight, Interpolation.ToHalconString());

//            image.PaintRegion(finalRegion, 200.0, "fill").WriteImage("tiff", 0, "B:\\test-04-transRegion.tif");

Exemplo n.º 49
 public static extern void cvResize(IntPtr src, IntPtr dst, Interpolation interpolation);
Exemplo n.º 50
        private double[] UpdateForces(IElement element)
            //TODO: the gauss point loop should be the outer one

            // Matrices that are not currently cached are calculated here.
            Matrix ll2 = Matrix.CreateZero(8, 3);

            for (int m = 0; m < 8; m++)
                for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
                    ll2[m, n] = tu_i[m][n];
            IReadOnlyList <Matrix> shapeFunctionNaturalDerivatives;

            shapeFunctionNaturalDerivatives         = Interpolation.EvaluateNaturalGradientsAtGaussPoints(QuadratureForStiffness);
            (Matrix[] J_0inv_hexa, double[] detJ_0) = JacobianHexa8Reverse.GetJ_0invHexaAndDetJ_0(
                shapeFunctionNaturalDerivatives, element.Nodes, nGaussPoints);
            Matrix[] BL13_hexa;
            BL13_hexa = GetBL13Hexa(shapeFunctionNaturalDerivatives);
            Matrix[] BL11a_hexa; // dimension number of gpoints
            Matrix[] BL12_hexa;
            Matrix[] BL01_hexa;
            BL11a_hexa = GetBL11a_hexa(J_0inv_hexa);
            BL12_hexa  = GetBL12_hexa(J_0inv_hexa);
            BL01_hexa  = GetBL01_hexa(J_0inv_hexa);

            //INITIALIZATION of MAtrixes that are currently not cached
            double[][] integrCoeff_Spkvec = new double[nGaussPoints][];
            Matrix[]   BL = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            for (int gpoint = 0; gpoint < nGaussPoints; gpoint++)
                integrCoeff_Spkvec[gpoint] = new double[6];
                BL[gpoint] = Matrix.CreateZero(6, 24);

            double[][] fxk1 = new double[nGaussPoints + 1][];
            for (int npoint = 0; npoint < nGaussPoints + 1; npoint++)
                fxk1[npoint] = new double[24];

            Matrix[] BL11             = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            Matrix[] BL1112sun01_hexa = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            for (int npoint = 0; npoint < nGaussPoints; npoint++)
                BL11[npoint]             = Matrix.CreateZero(6, 9);
                BL1112sun01_hexa[npoint] = Matrix.CreateZero(6, 9);

            for (int npoint = 0; npoint < nGaussPoints; npoint++)
                integrCoeff_Spkvec[npoint] = materialsAtGaussPoints[npoint].Stresses.Scale(integrationCoeffs[npoint]);

                Matrix l_cyrcumflex = Matrix.CreateZero(3, 3);
                l_cyrcumflex = shapeFunctionNaturalDerivatives[npoint] * ll2;

                for (int m = 0; m < 6; m++)
                    for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
                        for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++)
                            BL11[npoint][m, n]     += BL11a_hexa[npoint][m, p] * l_cyrcumflex[p, n];
                            BL11[npoint][m, 3 + n] += BL11a_hexa[npoint][m, 3 + p] * l_cyrcumflex[p, n];
                            BL11[npoint][m, 6 + n] += BL11a_hexa[npoint][m, 6 + p] * l_cyrcumflex[p, n];

                BL1112sun01_hexa[npoint] = BL11[npoint] * BL12_hexa[npoint];

                BL[npoint] = BL1112sun01_hexa[npoint] * BL13_hexa[npoint];

                fxk1[npoint] = BL[npoint].Multiply(integrCoeff_Spkvec[npoint], true);

            for (int npoint = 0; npoint < nGaussPoints; npoint++)

Exemplo n.º 51
 /// <summary>
 /// Resizes an image.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dsize">output image size; if it equals zero, it is computed as: 
 /// dsize = Size(round(fx*src.cols), round(fy*src.rows))
 /// Either dsize or both fx and fy must be non-zero.</param>
 /// <param name="fx">scale factor along the horizontal axis; when it equals 0, 
 /// it is computed as: (double)dsize.width/src.cols</param>
 /// <param name="fy">scale factor along the vertical axis; when it equals 0, 
 /// it is computed as: (double)dsize.height/src.rows</param>
 /// <param name="interpolation">interpolation method</param>
 /// <returns>output image; it has the size dsize (when it is non-zero) or the size computed 
 /// from src.size(), fx, and fy; the type of dst is the same as of src.</returns>
 public Mat Resize(Size dsize, double fx = 0, double fy = 0, 
     Interpolation interpolation = Interpolation.Linear)
     var dst = new Mat();
     Cv2.Resize(this, dst, dsize, fx, fy, interpolation);
     return dst;
Exemplo n.º 52
        private Matrix UpdateKmatrices(IElement element)
            Matrix k_element = Matrix.CreateZero(24, 24);

            // initialization of matrices that are not cached currently
            double[][] integrCoeff_Spkvec = new double[nGaussPoints][];
            Matrix[]   BL = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            for (int gpoint = 0; gpoint < nGaussPoints; gpoint++)
                integrCoeff_Spkvec[gpoint] = new double[6];
                BL[gpoint] = Matrix.CreateZero(6, 24);
            Matrix ll2 = Matrix.CreateZero(8, 3);

            for (int m = 0; m < 8; m++)
                for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
                    ll2[m, n] = tu_i[m][n];
            IReadOnlyList <Matrix> shapeFunctionNaturalDerivatives;

            shapeFunctionNaturalDerivatives         = Interpolation.EvaluateNaturalGradientsAtGaussPoints(QuadratureForStiffness);
            (Matrix[] J_0inv_hexa, double[] detJ_0) = JacobianHexa8Reverse.GetJ_0invHexaAndDetJ_0(
                shapeFunctionNaturalDerivatives, element.Nodes, nGaussPoints);
            Matrix[] BL13_hexa;
            BL13_hexa = GetBL13Hexa(shapeFunctionNaturalDerivatives);
            Matrix[] BL11a_hexa; // dimension: gpoints
            Matrix[] BL12_hexa;
            Matrix[] BL01_hexa;
            BL11a_hexa = GetBL11a_hexa(J_0inv_hexa);
            BL12_hexa  = GetBL12_hexa(J_0inv_hexa);
            BL01_hexa  = GetBL01_hexa(J_0inv_hexa);

            Matrix[] BL11             = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            Matrix[] BL1112sun01_hexa = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            for (int npoint = 0; npoint < nGaussPoints; npoint++)
                BL11[npoint]             = Matrix.CreateZero(6, 9);
                BL1112sun01_hexa[npoint] = Matrix.CreateZero(6, 9); //TODO this may be unnescessary

            for (int npoint = 0; npoint < nGaussPoints; npoint++)
                integrCoeff_Spkvec[npoint] = materialsAtGaussPoints[npoint].Stresses.Scale(integrationCoeffs[npoint]);

                Matrix l_cyrcumflex = Matrix.CreateZero(3, 3);
                l_cyrcumflex = shapeFunctionNaturalDerivatives[npoint] * ll2;

                for (int m = 0; m < 6; m++)
                    for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
                        for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++)
                            BL11[npoint][m, n]     += BL11a_hexa[npoint][m, p] * l_cyrcumflex[p, n];
                            BL11[npoint][m, 3 + n] += BL11a_hexa[npoint][m, 3 + p] * l_cyrcumflex[p, n];
                            BL11[npoint][m, 6 + n] += BL11a_hexa[npoint][m, 6 + p] * l_cyrcumflex[p, n];

                BL1112sun01_hexa[npoint] = BL11[npoint] * BL12_hexa[npoint];

                BL[npoint] = BL1112sun01_hexa[npoint] * BL13_hexa[npoint];
            // TODO: BL and above calculations can cached from calculate forces method

            Matrix[] BNL1_hexa;
            Matrix[] BNL_hexa;
            BNL1_hexa = GetBNL1_hexa(J_0inv_hexa);
            BNL_hexa  = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            for (int gpoint = 0; gpoint < nGaussPoints; gpoint++)
                BNL_hexa[gpoint] = Matrix.CreateZero(9, 24); //todo this may be unnescessary

                BNL_hexa[gpoint] = BNL1_hexa[gpoint] * BL13_hexa[gpoint];

            Matrix[] integrCoeff_Spk = new Matrix[nGaussPoints];
            for (int npoint = 0; npoint < nGaussPoints; npoint++)
                integrCoeff_Spk[npoint] = Matrix.CreateZero(3, 3);

            Matrix[] kl_  = new Matrix[nGaussPoints + 1];
            Matrix[] knl_ = new Matrix[nGaussPoints + 1];
            for (int npoint = 0; npoint < nGaussPoints + 1; npoint++)
                kl_[npoint]  = Matrix.CreateZero(24, 24);
                knl_[npoint] = Matrix.CreateZero(24, 24);

            for (int npoint = 0; npoint < nGaussPoints; npoint++)
                Matrix integrCoeff_SPK_epi_BNL_hexa = Matrix.CreateZero(9, 24); //TODO
                Matrix integrCoeff_cons_disp        = Matrix.CreateZero(6, 6);  //TODO
                Matrix integrCoeff_cons_disp_epi_BL = Matrix.CreateZero(6, 24); //TODO

                integrCoeff_Spk[npoint][0, 0] = integrCoeff_Spkvec[npoint][0];
                integrCoeff_Spk[npoint][0, 1] = integrCoeff_Spkvec[npoint][3];
                integrCoeff_Spk[npoint][0, 2] = integrCoeff_Spkvec[npoint][5];
                integrCoeff_Spk[npoint][1, 0] = integrCoeff_Spkvec[npoint][3];
                integrCoeff_Spk[npoint][1, 1] = integrCoeff_Spkvec[npoint][1];
                integrCoeff_Spk[npoint][1, 2] = integrCoeff_Spkvec[npoint][4];
                integrCoeff_Spk[npoint][2, 0] = integrCoeff_Spkvec[npoint][5];
                integrCoeff_Spk[npoint][2, 1] = integrCoeff_Spkvec[npoint][4];
                integrCoeff_Spk[npoint][2, 2] = integrCoeff_Spkvec[npoint][2];

                IMatrixView consDisp = materialsAtGaussPoints[npoint].ConstitutiveMatrix;

                for (int m = 0; m < 6; m++)
                    for (int n = 0; n < 6; n++)
                        integrCoeff_cons_disp[m, n] = integrationCoeffs[npoint] * consDisp[m, n];

                integrCoeff_cons_disp_epi_BL = integrCoeff_cons_disp * BL[npoint];

                kl_[npoint] = BL[npoint].Transpose() * integrCoeff_cons_disp_epi_BL;

                for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++) // 3x24 dimensions
                    for (int n = 0; n < 24; n++)
                        for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++)
                            integrCoeff_SPK_epi_BNL_hexa[m, n]     += integrCoeff_Spk[npoint][m, p] * BNL_hexa[npoint][p, n];
                            integrCoeff_SPK_epi_BNL_hexa[3 + m, n] += integrCoeff_Spk[npoint][m, p] * BNL_hexa[npoint][3 + p, n];
                            integrCoeff_SPK_epi_BNL_hexa[6 + m, n] += integrCoeff_Spk[npoint][m, p] * BNL_hexa[npoint][6 + p, n];

                knl_[npoint] = BNL_hexa[npoint].Transpose() * integrCoeff_SPK_epi_BNL_hexa;

            // Add contributions of each gp on the total element stiffness matrix k_element
            for (int npoint = 0; npoint < nGaussPoints; npoint++)
                for (int m = 0; m < 24; m++)
                    for (int n = 0; n < 24; n++)
                        kl_[nGaussPoints][m, n]  += kl_[npoint][m, n];
                        knl_[nGaussPoints][m, n] += knl_[npoint][m, n];
            for (int m = 0; m < 24; m++)
                for (int n = 0; n < 24; n++)
                    k_element[m, n] = kl_[nGaussPoints][m, n] + knl_[nGaussPoints][m, n];

Exemplo n.º 53
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies a generic geometrical transformation to an image.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="map1">The first map of either (x,y) points or just x values having the type CV_16SC2, CV_32FC1, or CV_32FC2.</param>
 /// <param name="map2">The second map of y values having the type CV_16UC1, CV_32FC1, or none (empty map if map1 is (x,y) points), respectively.</param>
 /// <param name="interpolation">Interpolation method. The method INTER_AREA is not supported by this function.</param>
 /// <param name="borderMode">Pixel extrapolation method. When borderMode=BORDER_TRANSPARENT, 
 /// it means that the pixels in the destination image that corresponds to the "outliers" in 
 /// the source image are not modified by the function.</param>
 /// <param name="borderValue">Value used in case of a constant border. By default, it is 0.</param>
 /// <returns>Destination image. It has the same size as map1 and the same type as src</returns>
 public Mat Remap(InputArray map1, InputArray map2, Interpolation interpolation = Interpolation.Linear, 
     BorderType borderMode = BorderType.Constant, CvScalar? borderValue = null)
     var dst = new Mat();
     Cv2.Remap(this, dst, map1, map2, interpolation, borderMode, borderValue);
     return dst;
Exemplo n.º 54
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new resized WriteableBitmap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bmp">The WriteableBitmap.</param>
        /// <param name="width">The new desired width.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The new desired height.</param>
        /// <param name="interpolation">The interpolation method that should be used.</param>
        /// <returns>A new WriteableBitmap that is a resized version of the input.</returns>
        public static WriteableBitmap Resize(this WriteableBitmap bmp, int width, int height,
                                             Interpolation interpolation)
            // Init vars
            int ws = bmp.PixelWidth;
            int hs = bmp.PixelHeight;

            var ps     = bmp.Pixels;
            var result = new WriteableBitmap(width, height);
            var pd     = result.Pixels;
            var result = new WriteableBitmap(width, height, 96.0, 96.0, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null);
                var ps = (int *)bmp.BackBuffer;
                var pd = (int *)result.BackBuffer;
            float xs = (float)ws / width;
            float ys = (float)hs / height;

            float fracx, fracy, ifracx, ifracy, sx, sy, l0, l1;
            int c, x0, x1, y0, y1;
            byte c1a, c1r, c1g, c1b, c2a, c2r, c2g, c2b, c3a, c3r, c3g, c3b, c4a, c4r, c4g, c4b;
            byte a = 0, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;

            // Nearest Neighbor
            if (interpolation == Interpolation.NearestNeighbor)
                int srcIdx = 0;
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        sx = x * xs;
                        sy = y * ys;
                        x0 = (int)sx;
                        y0 = (int)sy;

                        pd[srcIdx++] = ps[y0 * ws + x0];
            // Bilinear
            else if (interpolation == Interpolation.Bilinear)
                int srcIdx = 0;
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        sx = x * xs;
                        sy = y * ys;
                        x0 = (int)sx;
                        y0 = (int)sy;

                        // Calculate coordinates of the 4 interpolation points
                        fracx  = sx - x0;
                        fracy  = sy - y0;
                        ifracx = 1f - fracx;
                        ifracy = 1f - fracy;
                        x1     = x0 + 1;
                        if (x1 >= ws)
                            x1 = x0;
                        y1 = y0 + 1;
                        if (y1 >= hs)
                            y1 = y0;

                        // Read source color
                        c   = ps[y0 * ws + x0];
                        c1a = (byte)(c >> 24);
                        c1r = (byte)(c >> 16);
                        c1g = (byte)(c >> 8);
                        c1b = (byte)(c);

                        c   = ps[y0 * ws + x1];
                        c2a = (byte)(c >> 24);
                        c2r = (byte)(c >> 16);
                        c2g = (byte)(c >> 8);
                        c2b = (byte)(c);

                        c   = ps[y1 * ws + x0];
                        c3a = (byte)(c >> 24);
                        c3r = (byte)(c >> 16);
                        c3g = (byte)(c >> 8);
                        c3b = (byte)(c);

                        c   = ps[y1 * ws + x1];
                        c4a = (byte)(c >> 24);
                        c4r = (byte)(c >> 16);
                        c4g = (byte)(c >> 8);
                        c4b = (byte)(c);

                        // Calculate colors
                        // Alpha
                        l0 = ifracx * c1a + fracx * c2a;
                        l1 = ifracx * c3a + fracx * c4a;
                        a  = (byte)(ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1);

                        if (a > 0)
                            // Red
                            l0 = ifracx * c1r * c1a + fracx * c2r * c2a;
                            l1 = ifracx * c3r * c3a + fracx * c4r * c4a;
                            r  = (byte)((ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1) / a);

                            // Green
                            l0 = ifracx * c1g * c1a + fracx * c2g * c2a;
                            l1 = ifracx * c3g * c3a + fracx * c4g * c4a;
                            g  = (byte)((ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1) / a);

                            // Blue
                            l0 = ifracx * c1b * c1a + fracx * c2b * c2a;
                            l1 = ifracx * c3b * c3a + fracx * c4b * c4a;
                            b  = (byte)((ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1) / a);

                        // Write destination
                        pd[srcIdx++] = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;

        result.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(0, 0, width, height));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new resized WriteableBitmap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bmp">The WriteableBitmap.</param>
        /// <param name="width">The new desired width.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The new desired height.</param>
        /// <param name="interpolation">The interpolation method that should be used.</param>
        /// <returns>A new WriteableBitmap that is a resized version of the input.</returns>
        public static WriteableBitmap Resize(this WriteableBitmap bmp, int width, int height, Interpolation interpolation)
            using (var srcContext = bmp.GetBitmapContext())
                var pd = Resize(srcContext, srcContext.Width, srcContext.Height, width, height, interpolation);

                var result = BitmapFactory.New(width, height);
                using (var dstContext = result.GetBitmapContext())
                    BitmapContext.BlockCopy(pd, 0, dstContext, 0, SizeOfArgb * pd.Length);
                return result;
        public NoiseGenerator(long seed, double persistence, int levels, int[] size, bool smooth, Interpolation interpolation)
            this.seed = seed;

            if (persistence < 0.0 || persistence > 1.0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(persistence));

            this.persistence = persistence;

            if (levels <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(levels));

            this.levels = levels;

            this.persistences = Enumerable.Range(0, this.levels)
                                .Select(l => Math.Pow(persistence, l))
            this.scale = this.persistences.Sum();

            this.smooth = smooth;

            if (size == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(size));
            else if (size.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(size));

            this.size       = Array.ConvertAll(size, s => s);
            this.dimensions = this.size.Length;

            this.levelSizes = new int[this.levels][];
            for (var level = 0; level < this.levels; level++)
                this.levelSizes[level] = new int[this.dimensions];
                for (var i = 0; i < this.dimensions; i++)
                    this.levelSizes[level][i] = this.size[i] * (1 << level);

            this.interpolation = interpolation ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(interpolation));
            this.levelsCache   = new SplayTreeDictionary <long[], Array[]>(CacheKeyComparer.Instance);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new resized bitmap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pixels">The source pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="widthSource">The width of the source pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="heightSource">The height of the source pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="width">The new desired width.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The new desired height.</param>
        /// <param name="interpolation">The interpolation method that should be used.</param>
        /// <returns>A new bitmap that is a resized version of the input.</returns>
#if WPF
        public static int[] Resize(int* pixels, int widthSource, int heightSource, int width, int height, Interpolation interpolation)
Exemplo n.º 58
        public override Replay Generate()
            // todo: add support for HT DT
            const double dash_speed     = CatcherArea.Catcher.BASE_SPEED;
            const double movement_speed = dash_speed / 2;
            float        lastPosition   = 0.5f;
            double       lastTime       = 0;

            void moveToNext(CatchHitObject h)
                float  positionChange = Math.Abs(lastPosition - h.X);
                double timeAvailable  = h.StartTime - lastTime;

                // So we can either make it there without a dash or not.
                // If positionChange is 0, we don't need to move, so speedRequired should also be 0 (could be NaN if timeAvailable is 0 too)
                // The case where positionChange > 0 and timeAvailable == 0 results in PositiveInfinity which provides expected beheaviour.
                double speedRequired = positionChange == 0 ? 0 : positionChange / timeAvailable;

                bool dashRequired   = speedRequired > movement_speed;
                bool impossibleJump = speedRequired > movement_speed * 2;

                // todo: get correct catcher size, based on difficulty CS.
                const float catcher_width_half = CatcherArea.CATCHER_SIZE / CatchPlayfield.BASE_WIDTH * 0.3f * 0.5f;

                if (lastPosition - catcher_width_half < h.X && lastPosition + catcher_width_half > h.X)
                    //we are already in the correct range.
                    lastTime = h.StartTime;
                    addFrame(h.StartTime, lastPosition);

                if (impossibleJump)
                    addFrame(h.StartTime, h.X);
                else if (h.HyperDash)
                    addFrame(h.StartTime - timeAvailable, lastPosition);
                    addFrame(h.StartTime, h.X);
                else if (dashRequired)
                    //we do a movement in two parts - the dash part then the normal part...
                    double timeAtNormalSpeed = positionChange / movement_speed;
                    double timeWeNeedToSave  = timeAtNormalSpeed - timeAvailable;
                    double timeAtDashSpeed   = timeWeNeedToSave / 2;

                    float midPosition = (float)Interpolation.Lerp(lastPosition, h.X, (float)timeAtDashSpeed / timeAvailable);

                    //dash movement
                    addFrame(h.StartTime - timeAvailable + 1, lastPosition, true);
                    addFrame(h.StartTime - timeAvailable + timeAtDashSpeed, midPosition);
                    addFrame(h.StartTime, h.X);
                    double timeBefore = positionChange / movement_speed;

                    addFrame(h.StartTime - timeBefore, lastPosition);
                    addFrame(h.StartTime, h.X);

                lastTime     = h.StartTime;
                lastPosition = h.X;

            foreach (var obj in Beatmap.HitObjects)
                switch (obj)
                case Fruit _:

                foreach (var nestedObj in obj.NestedHitObjects.Cast <CatchHitObject>())
                    switch (nestedObj)
                    case Banana _:
                    case TinyDroplet _:
                    case Droplet _:
                    case Fruit _:

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new resized WriteableBitmap.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bmp">The WriteableBitmap.</param>
        /// <param name="width">The new desired width.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The new desired height.</param>
        /// <param name="interpolation">The interpolation method that should be used.</param>
        /// <returns>A new WriteableBitmap that is a resized version of the input.</returns>
        public static WriteableBitmap Resize(this WriteableBitmap bmp, int width, int height,
            Interpolation interpolation)
            // Init vars
            int ws = bmp.PixelWidth;
            int hs = bmp.PixelHeight;
            #if SILVERLIGHT
             var ps = bmp.Pixels;
             var result = new WriteableBitmap(width, height);
             var pd = result.Pixels;
            var result = new WriteableBitmap(width, height, 96.0, 96.0, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null);
                var ps = (int*) bmp.BackBuffer;
                var pd = (int*) result.BackBuffer;
                float xs = (float) ws/width;
                float ys = (float) hs/height;

                float fracx, fracy, ifracx, ifracy, sx, sy, l0, l1;
                int c, x0, x1, y0, y1;
                byte c1a, c1r, c1g, c1b, c2a, c2r, c2g, c2b, c3a, c3r, c3g, c3b, c4a, c4r, c4g, c4b;
                byte a = 0, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;

                // Nearest Neighbor
                if (interpolation == Interpolation.NearestNeighbor)
                    int srcIdx = 0;
                    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                            sx = x*xs;
                            sy = y*ys;
                            x0 = (int) sx;
                            y0 = (int) sy;

                            pd[srcIdx++] = ps[y0*ws + x0];
                    // Bilinear
                else if (interpolation == Interpolation.Bilinear)
                    int srcIdx = 0;
                    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                            sx = x*xs;
                            sy = y*ys;
                            x0 = (int) sx;
                            y0 = (int) sy;

                            // Calculate coordinates of the 4 interpolation points
                            fracx = sx - x0;
                            fracy = sy - y0;
                            ifracx = 1f - fracx;
                            ifracy = 1f - fracy;
                            x1 = x0 + 1;
                            if (x1 >= ws)
                                x1 = x0;
                            y1 = y0 + 1;
                            if (y1 >= hs)
                                y1 = y0;

                            // Read source color
                            c = ps[y0*ws + x0];
                            c1a = (byte) (c >> 24);
                            c1r = (byte) (c >> 16);
                            c1g = (byte) (c >> 8);
                            c1b = (byte) (c);

                            c = ps[y0*ws + x1];
                            c2a = (byte) (c >> 24);
                            c2r = (byte) (c >> 16);
                            c2g = (byte) (c >> 8);
                            c2b = (byte) (c);

                            c = ps[y1*ws + x0];
                            c3a = (byte) (c >> 24);
                            c3r = (byte) (c >> 16);
                            c3g = (byte) (c >> 8);
                            c3b = (byte) (c);

                            c = ps[y1*ws + x1];
                            c4a = (byte) (c >> 24);
                            c4r = (byte) (c >> 16);
                            c4g = (byte) (c >> 8);
                            c4b = (byte) (c);

                            // Calculate colors
                            // Alpha
                            l0 = ifracx*c1a + fracx*c2a;
                            l1 = ifracx*c3a + fracx*c4a;
                            a = (byte) (ifracy*l0 + fracy*l1);

                            if (a > 0)
                                // Red
                                l0 = ifracx*c1r*c1a + fracx*c2r*c2a;
                                l1 = ifracx*c3r*c3a + fracx*c4r*c4a;
                                r = (byte) ((ifracy*l0 + fracy*l1)/a);

                                // Green
                                l0 = ifracx*c1g*c1a + fracx*c2g*c2a;
                                l1 = ifracx*c3g*c3a + fracx*c4g*c4a;
                                g = (byte) ((ifracy*l0 + fracy*l1)/a);

                                // Blue
                                l0 = ifracx*c1b*c1a + fracx*c2b*c2a;
                                l1 = ifracx*c3b*c3a + fracx*c4b*c4a;
                                b = (byte) ((ifracy*l0 + fracy*l1)/a);

                            // Write destination
                            pd[srcIdx++] = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
            #if !SILVERLIGHT
            result.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(0, 0, width, height));
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 60
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a shade of colour for the triangles.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>The colour.</returns>
 protected virtual Color4 CreateTriangleShade() => Interpolation.ValueAt(RNG.NextSingle(), ColourDark, ColourLight, 0, 1);