Exemplo n.º 1
        public void CreateWithMatchmakerUI(MatchRequest request, IRealTimeMultiplayerListener listener)

            if (mCurrentMatchmakerVC != null)
                Debug.Log("Ignoring CreateWithMatchmakerUI call because another matchmaker UI is being shown.");

            // Create a new GKMatchmakerViewController.
            var vc = InteropObjectFactory <GKMatchmakerViewController> .Create(
                () =>
                using (var gkReq = request.ToGKMatchRequest())
                    return(new GKMatchmakerViewController(gkReq));
                viewController =>

            // Create a delgate for the vc.
            vc.MatchmakerDelegate = new InternalGKMatchmakerViewControllerDelegateImpl(this, listener);

            // Store the VC ref.
            mCurrentMatchmakerVC = vc;

            // Now show the VC.
            using (var unityVC = UIViewController.UnityGetGLViewController())
                unityVC.PresentViewController(vc, true, null);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void TakePicture(CameraType cameraType, Action <string, MediaResult> callback)

            if (mPickerController != null)
                Debug.Log("Ignoring TakePicture call because another image picker UI is being shown.");

            callback = RuntimeHelper.ToMainThread(callback);

            if (!IsCameraAvailable(cameraType))
                callback(cameraType.ToString() + " camera is not supported on this device.", null);

            // Create a new image picker.
            var picker = InteropObjectFactory <UIImagePickerController> .Create(
                () => new UIImagePickerController(),
                c => c.ToPointer());

            // Source type must be camera.
            picker.SourceType = UIImagePickerController.SourceTypeEnum.Camera;

            // Set camera type.
            picker.CameraDevice = cameraType == CameraType.Front ? UIImagePickerController.CameraDeviceEnum.Front : UIImagePickerController.CameraDeviceEnum.Rear;

            // Only allow image.
            NSMutableArray <NSString> mediaTypes = new NSMutableArray <NSString>();

            picker.MediaTypes = mediaTypes;

            // Create a delegate for the TBM VC.
            picker.Delegate = new InternalUIImagePickerControllerDelegate(InternalUIImagePickerControllerDelegate.PickerOperation.TakePicture)
                CloseAndResetVC = () =>
                    if (mPickerController != null)
                        mPickerController.DismissViewController(true, null);
                        mPickerController = null;
                CompleteCallback = (error, result) =>
                    callback(error, result);

            // Store the VC ref.
            mPickerController = picker;

            // Now show the VC.
            using (var unityVC = UIViewController.UnityGetGLViewController())
                unityVC.PresentViewController(picker, true, null);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void PickContact(Action <string, Contact> callback)
            var picker = InteropObjectFactory <CNContactPickerViewController> .Create(
                () => new CNContactPickerViewController(),
                c => c.ToPointer());

            picker.DisplayedPropertyKeys = GetPropertyKeys();

            picker.Delegate = new iOSContactsPickerCallback(callback, picker);

            using (var unityVC = UIViewController.UnityGetGLViewController())
                unityVC.PresentViewController(picker, true, null);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Pick(Action <string, MediaResult[]> callback)

            if (mPickerController != null)
                Debug.Log("Ignoring Pick call because another image picker UI is being shown.");

            callback = RuntimeHelper.ToMainThread(callback);

            // Create a new image picker.
            var picker = InteropObjectFactory <UIImagePickerController> .Create(
                () => new UIImagePickerController(),
                c => c.ToPointer());

            // Source type must be photo library.
            picker.SourceType = UIImagePickerController.SourceTypeEnum.PhotoLibrary;

            // Allow image & video.
            NSMutableArray <NSString> mediaTypes = new NSMutableArray <NSString>();

            picker.MediaTypes = mediaTypes;

            // Create a delegate for the TBM VC.
            picker.Delegate = new InternalUIImagePickerControllerDelegate(InternalUIImagePickerControllerDelegate.PickerOperation.PickGallery)
                CloseAndResetMatchmakerVC = () =>
                    if (mPickerController != null)
                        mPickerController.DismissViewController(true, null);
                        mPickerController = null;
                CompleteCallback = (error, result) =>
                    callback(error, result != null ? new MediaResult[] { result } : null);

            // Store the VC ref.
            mPickerController = picker;

            // Now show the VC.
            using (var unityVC = UIViewController.UnityGetGLViewController())
                unityVC.PresentViewController(picker, true, null);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static GKMatchRequest ToGKMatchRequest(this MatchRequest matchRequest)
            var gkRequest = InteropObjectFactory <GKMatchRequest> .Create(
                () => new GKMatchRequest(),
                req => req.ToPointer());

            gkRequest.MinPlayers = matchRequest.MinPlayers;
            gkRequest.MaxPlayers = matchRequest.MaxPlayers;
            /* We're not using DefaultNumberOfPlayers. */
            /* We're not using InviteMessage. */
            gkRequest.PlayerGroup      = matchRequest.Variant;           // GameKit playerGroup is equivalent to variant
            gkRequest.PlayerAttributes = ~matchRequest.ExclusiveBitmask; // cross-platform API uses "1" bits to exclude, while GameKit uses "0" bits.

Exemplo n.º 6
        public void AcceptInvitation(Invitation invitation, bool showWaitingRoomUI, IRealTimeMultiplayerListener listener)

            if (showWaitingRoomUI)
                // Close the current matchmakerVC if any.
                if (mCurrentMatchmakerVC != null)
                    mCurrentMatchmakerVC.DismissViewController(true, null);
                    mCurrentMatchmakerVC = null;

                // Create a new GKMatchmakerViewController from the invitation.
                var vc = InteropObjectFactory <GKMatchmakerViewController> .Create(
                    () => new GKMatchmakerViewController(invitation.GK_Invite),
                    viewController => viewController.ToPointer()

                // Create a delgate for the vc.
                vc.MatchmakerDelegate = new InternalGKMatchmakerViewControllerDelegateImpl(this, listener);

                // Store the VC ref.
                mCurrentMatchmakerVC = vc;

                // Now show the VC.
                using (var unityVC = UIViewController.UnityGetGLViewController())
                    unityVC.PresentViewController(vc, true, null);
                // Create a GKMatch from the invitation without any UI.
                GKMatchmaker.SharedMatchmaker().MatchForInvite(invitation.GK_Invite, (gkMatch, nsError) =>
                    // If new match is created successfully, store it and the given listener.
                    if (gkMatch != null)
                        SetupCurrentMatchAndListener(gkMatch, listener);

                    RuntimeHelper.RunOnMainThread(() =>
                        ReportRoomSetupProgress(listener, gkMatch, nsError);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void GetContacts(Action <string, Contact[]> callback)
            if (isFetchingAllContacts)
                callback(FetchingContactsThreadRunningMessage, null);

            isFetchingAllContacts = true;
            new Thread(() =>
                    List <Contact> result = new List <Contact>();

                    var contactStore = InteropObjectFactory <CNContactStore> .Create(
                        () => new CNContactStore(),
                        c => c.ToPointer());

                    CNContactFetchRequest request = CNContactFetchRequest.InitWithKeysToFetch(GetPropertyKeys());
                    request.SortOrder             = CNContactSortOrder.CNContactSortOrderUserDefault;
                    request.UnifyResults          = true;

                    NSError error = null;
                    contactStore.EnumerateContactsWithFetchRequest(request, out error, (CNContact cnContact, out bool stop) =>
                        stop = false;

                    if (error != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(error.ToString()))

                    RuntimeHelper.RunOnMainThread(() => callback(null, result.ToArray()));
                catch (Exception e)
                    RuntimeHelper.RunOnMainThread(() => callback(e.Message, null));
                    isFetchingAllContacts = false;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private static ListenerForwarder CreateListenerForwarder()
            // First create subforwarder.
            var inviteEventLF = InteropObjectFactory <GKInviteEventListenerForwarder> .Create(
                () => new GKInviteEventListenerForwarder(),
                fwd => fwd.ToPointer());

            var tbEventLF = InteropObjectFactory <GKTurnBasedEventListenerForwarder> .Create(
                () => new GKTurnBasedEventListenerForwarder(),
                fwd => fwd.ToPointer());

            // Now create and return main forwarder composited from subforwarders.
            return(InteropObjectFactory <ListenerForwarder> .Create(
                       () => new ListenerForwarder(inviteEventLF, tbEventLF),
                       fwd => fwd.ToPointer()));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void CreateWithMatchmakerUI(MatchRequest request, Action cancelCallback, Action <string> errorCallback)

            if (mCurrentMatchmakerVC != null)
                Debug.Log("Ignoring CreateWithMatchmakerUI call because another matchmaker UI is being shown.");

            // Create a new TBM VC.
            var vc = InteropObjectFactory <GKTBMVC> .Create(
                () =>
                using (var gkReq = request.ToGKMatchRequest())
                    return(new GKTBMVC(gkReq));
                viewController =>

            // This VC is not showing existing matches.
            vc.ShowExistingMatches = false;

            // Create a delegate for the TBM VC.
            vc.TurnBasedMatchmakerDelegate = new InternalGKTBMVCDelegateImpl()
                CancelCallback    = cancelCallback,
                ErrorCallback     = errorCallback,
                ResetMatchmakerVC = () => mCurrentMatchmakerVC = null

            // Store the VC ref.
            mCurrentMatchmakerVC = vc;

            // Now show the VC.
            using (var unityVC = UIViewController.UnityGetGLViewController())
                unityVC.PresentViewController(vc, true, null);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void ShowMatchesUI()
            if (mCurrentMatchmakerVC != null)
                Debug.Log("Ignoring CreateWithMatchmakerUI call because another matchmaker UI is being shown.");

            // Create a dummy request with the widest range of players possible.
            var gkRequest = new GKMatchRequest();

            gkRequest.MinPlayers = 2;
            gkRequest.MaxPlayers = GKMatchRequest.MaxPlayersAllowedForMatchType(GKMatchRequest.GKMatchType.TurnBased);

            // Create a new TBM VC with the dummy request.
            var vc = InteropObjectFactory <GKTBMVC> .Create(
                () => new GKTBMVC(gkRequest),
                viewController => viewController.ToPointer());

            // This VC should show existing matches.
            vc.ShowExistingMatches = true;

            // Create a delegate for the TBM VC with no callbacks.
            // The delegate is necessary so the VC can be closed.
            vc.TurnBasedMatchmakerDelegate = new InternalGKTBMVCDelegateImpl()
                CancelCallback    = null,
                ErrorCallback     = null,
                ResetMatchmakerVC = () => mCurrentMatchmakerVC = null

            // Store the VC ref.
            mCurrentMatchmakerVC = vc;

            // Now show the VC.
            using (var unityVC = UIViewController.UnityGetGLViewController())
                unityVC.PresentViewController(vc, true, null);