Exemplo n.º 1
        public bool IsOfType(IObjectSpecImmutable specification)
            if (specification == this)
            if (Interfaces.Any(interfaceSpec => interfaceSpec.IsOfType(specification)))

            // match covariant generic types
            if (Type.IsGenericType && IsCollection)
                Type otherType = specification.Type;
                if (otherType.IsGenericType && Type.GetGenericArguments().Count() == 1 && otherType.GetGenericArguments().Count() == 1)
                    if (Type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == (typeof(IQueryable <>)) && Type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == otherType.GetGenericTypeDefinition())
                        Type genericArgument       = Type.GetGenericArguments().Single();
                        Type otherGenericArgument  = otherType.GetGenericArguments().Single();
                        Type otherGenericParameter = otherType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().GetGenericArguments().Single();
                        if ((otherGenericParameter.GenericParameterAttributes & GenericParameterAttributes.Covariant) != 0)
                            if (otherGenericArgument.IsAssignableFrom(genericArgument))

            return(Superclass != null && Superclass.IsOfType(specification));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Filters <see cref="Type"/>s based on the interfaces they implement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The <see cref="Type"/> to filter.</param>
        /// <param name="mustBeRequired">This check will only be performed with this argument matches the value of the
        /// <see cref="RequireInterfaces"/> property.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the <paramref name="type"/> should be included; false if it was filtered out.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="TypeFilterException"><paramref name="mustBeRequired"/> is true, <see cref="RequireInterfaces"/>
        /// is true, and the <paramref name="type"/> does not implement the required <see cref="Interfaces"/>.</exception>
        bool FilterInterfaces(Type type, bool mustBeRequired)
            if (mustBeRequired != RequireInterfaces)

            if (Interfaces == null || Interfaces.IsEmpty())

            var i       = type.GetInterfaces();
            var isValid = (MatchAllInterfaces ? Interfaces.All(i.Contains) : Interfaces.Any(i.Contains));

            if (!isValid)
                if (RequireInterfaces)
                    const string errmsg = "Type `{0}` does not have the required interfaces: `{1}`.";
                    var          err    = string.Format(errmsg, type, GetTypeString(Interfaces));
                    if (log.IsFatalEnabled)
                    throw new TypeFilterException(err);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public TypeHierarchyItem LoadInterfaceHierarchy()
            var interfaceRoot = new TypeHierarchyItem(null);

            if (Interfaces.Any())
                var rootInterfaces = new List <TypeHierarchyItem>();

                for (int i = Interfaces.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (IsRootInterface(Interfaces[i].Symbol))

                FillHierarchyItems(rootInterfaces, interfaceRoot, FillHierarchyItem);


            bool IsRootInterface(INamedTypeSymbol interfaceSymbol)
                foreach (INamedTypeSymbol interfaceSymbol2 in interfaceSymbol.Interfaces)
                    foreach (TypeHierarchyItem interfaceItem in Interfaces)
                        if (interfaceItem.Symbol == interfaceSymbol2)


            TypeHierarchyItem FillHierarchyItem(TypeHierarchyItem item, TypeHierarchyItem parent)
                INamedTypeSymbol symbol = item.Symbol;

                item = new TypeHierarchyItem(symbol)
                    Parent = parent

                TypeHierarchyItem[] derivedInterfaces = Interfaces
                                                        .Where(f => f.Symbol.Interfaces.Any(i => MetadataNameEqualityComparer <INamedTypeSymbol> .Instance.Equals(i.OriginalDefinition, symbol.OriginalDefinition)))

                if (derivedInterfaces.Length > 0)
                    FillHierarchyItems(derivedInterfaces, item, FillHierarchyItem);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public string ToFinalString()
            //string result = String.Format("{0} {1} class {2}", AccessModifier, String.Join(" ", Keywords), Name);
            string result = AccessModifier;

            if (Keywords != null && Keywords.Any())
                result += " " + String.Join(" ", Keywords);

            result += " " + Type + " " + Name + " ";

            if (Inheritance != null && Inheritance != "")
                result += " : " + Inheritance;

            if (Interfaces != null && Interfaces.Any())
                if (Inheritance == null || Inheritance == "")
                    result += " : ";
                    result += ", ";
                result += String.Join(", ", Interfaces);

            result += "\n{\n";

            if (Properties != null && Properties.Any())
                foreach (var item in Properties)
                    result += "\t" + item.ToString() + " { get; set; }\n";

                result += "\n";

            if (Methods != null && Methods.Any())
                foreach (var item in Methods)
                    result += item.ToFinalString() + "\n";

                result += "\n";

            result += "}\n";

Exemplo n.º 5
        private void ReflectOutInterfaces()
            //do interfaces
            if (ShowInterfaces)
                Type[] tiArray = TypeInAssembly.GetInterfaces();
                foreach (Type ii in tiArray)

            HasInterfaces = Interfaces.Any();
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// 文字列取得
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">前スペース数</param>
        /// <returns>文字列</returns>
        public override string ToString(int index = 0)
            var result     = new StringBuilder();
            var indexSpace = string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("  ", index));

            foreach (var comment in Comments)

            foreach (var modifier in Modifiers)
                result.Append($"{modifier} ");
            result.Append($"interface {Name}");

            // インターフェイス
            if (Interfaces.Any())
                result.Append(" : ");

                Interfaces.ForEach(item => {
                    if (Interfaces.IndexOf(item) > 0)
                        result.Append(", ");
                    item.ForEach(expression =>

            Members.ForEach(member => result.AppendLine(member.ToString(index + 1)));


 public bool Implements(Type interfaceType)
     return(Interfaces.Any(i => i.Type == interfaceType.FullName));
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns whether type implements the given interface or not.
 /// </summary>
 public bool HasInterface(Type type)
 => Interfaces.Any(x => x.IsCompiledType && x.CompiledType == type);
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns whether type implements the given interface or not.
 /// </summary>
 public bool HasInterface(HybType type)
 => Interfaces.Any(x => x == type);
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Matches all methods that can be overriden (non-static, public or protected, abstract or virtual)
        /// within this type sub-tree (this type, its base and interfaces)
        /// with its override.
        /// Methods without an override are either abstract or a ghost stup has to be synthesized.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="diagnostics"></param>
        internal OverrideInfo[] ResolveOverrides(DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            if (_lazyOverrides != null)
                // already resolved

            // inherit abstracts from base type
            // ignoring System.Object (we don't override its methods from PHP)
            var overrides = new List <OverrideInfo>();

            if (BaseType != null && BaseType.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Object)

            // collect this type declared methods including synthesized methods
            var members = this.GetMembers();

            // resolve overrides of inherited members
            for (int i = 0; i < overrides.Count; i++)
                var m = overrides[i];
                if (m.HasOverride == false)
                    // update override info of the inherited member
                    overrides[i] = new OverrideInfo(m.Method, OverrideHelper.ResolveMethodImplementation(m.Method, members));
                    // clear the interface flag of inherited override info
                    m.ImplementsInterface = false;
                    overrides[i]          = m;

            // resolve overrides of interface methods
            foreach (var iface in Interfaces)
                // skip interfaces implemented by base type or other interfaces,
                // we don't want to add redundant override entries:
                if ((BaseType != null && BaseType.ImplementsInterface(iface)) ||
                    Interfaces.Any(x => x != iface && x.ImplementsInterface(iface)))
                    // iface is already handled within overrides => skip
                    // note: iface can be ignored in metadata at all actually

                var iface_abstracts = iface.ResolveOverrides(diagnostics);
                foreach (var m in iface_abstracts)
                    if (BaseType != null && m.Method.ContainingType != iface && BaseType.ImplementsInterface(m.Method.ContainingType))
                        // iface {m.Method.ContainingType} already handled within overrides => skip

                    // ignore interface method that is already implemented:
                    if (overrides.Any(o => OverrideHelper.SignaturesMatch(o.Method, m.Method)))

                    // add interface member,
                    // resolve its override
                    overrides.Add(new OverrideInfo(m.Method, this.IsInterface ? null : OverrideHelper.ResolveMethodImplementation(m.Method, this))
                        ImplementsInterface = true

            // add overrideable routines from this type
            foreach (var s in members)
                if (s is MethodSymbol m && m.IsOverrideable())
                    overrides.Add(new OverrideInfo(m));

            // handle unresolved abstracts
            for (int i = 0; i < overrides.Count; i++)
                var m = overrides[i];

                if (m.IsUnresolvedAbstract && this is SourceTypeSymbol srct && !this.IsInterface)
                    if (!this.IsAbstract)
                        // Class '{0}' doesn't implement abstract method {1}::{2}()
                        diagnostics.Add(DiagnosticBagExtensions.ParserDiagnostic(srct.ContainingFile.SyntaxTree, srct.Syntax.HeadingSpan,
                                                                                 srct.FullName.ToString(), ((IPhpTypeSymbol)m.Method.ContainingType).FullName.ToString(), m.RoutineName));
                    else if (m.ImplementsInterface /*&& this.IsAbstract*/)
                        m.ImplementsInterface = false;

                        var method = m.Method;

                        Debug.Assert(method.DeclaredAccessibility != Accessibility.Private);

                        // Template: abstract function {name}({parameters})
                        var ghost = new SynthesizedMethodSymbol(this, method.RoutineName,
                                                                isstatic: false, isvirtual: true, isabstract: true, isfinal: false,
                                                                returnType: method.ReturnType,
                                                                accessibility: method.DeclaredAccessibility);

                        ghost.SetParameters(SynthesizedParameterSymbol.Create(ghost, method.Parameters));
                        //module.SynthesizedManager.AddMethod(this, ghost); // will be added to synthesized manager by FinalizeMethodTable

                        m.Method = ghost;   // replace the interface method with synthesized abstract method

                        // update overrides
                        overrides[i] = m;

            // cache & return
            return(_lazyOverrides = overrides.ToArray());
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Matches all methods that can be overriden (non-static, public or protected, abstract or virtual)
        /// within this type sub-tree (this type, its base and interfaces)
        /// with its override.
        /// Methods without an override are either abstract or a ghost stup has to be synthesized.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="diagnostics"></param>
        internal OverrideInfo[] ResolveOverrides(DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            if (_lazyOverrides != null)
                // already resolved

            // TODO: ignore System.Object ?

            // inherit abstracts from base type
            var overrides = new List <OverrideInfo>();

            if (BaseType != null)

            // collect this type declared methods including synthesized methods
            var methods       = this.GetMembers().OfType <MethodSymbol>();
            var methodslookup = methods.Where(OverrideHelper.CanOverride).ToLookup(m => m.RoutineName);

            // resolve overrides of inherited members
            for (int i = 0; i < overrides.Count; i++)
                var m = overrides[i];
                if (m.HasOverride == false)
                    // update override info of the inherited member
                    overrides[i] = new OverrideInfo(m.Method, OverrideHelper.ResolveMethodImplementation(m.Method, methodslookup[m.RoutineName]));
                    // clear the interface flag of inherited override info
                    m.ImplementsInterface = false;
                    overrides[i]          = m;

            // resolve overrides of interface methods
            foreach (var iface in Interfaces)
                // skip interfaces implemented by base type or other interfaces,
                // we don't want to add redundant override entries:
                if ((BaseType != null && BaseType.ImplementsInterface(iface)) ||
                    Interfaces.Any(x => x != iface && x.ImplementsInterface(iface)))
                    // iface is already handled within overrides => skip
                    // note: iface can be ignored in metadata at all actually

                var iface_abstracts = iface.ResolveOverrides(diagnostics);
                foreach (var m in iface_abstracts)
                    if (BaseType != null && m.Method.ContainingType != iface && BaseType.ImplementsInterface(m.Method.ContainingType))
                        // iface {m.Method.ContainingType} already handled within overrides => skip

                    // add interface member,
                    // resolve its override
                    overrides.Add(new OverrideInfo(m.Method, this.IsInterface ? null : OverrideHelper.ResolveMethodImplementation(m.Method, this))
                        ImplementsInterface = true

            // add overrideable routines from this type
            foreach (var m in methods)
                if (m.IsOverrideable())
                    overrides.Add(new OverrideInfo(m));

            // report unresolved abstracts
            if (!this.IsInterface && !this.IsAbstract)
                foreach (var m in overrides)
                    if (m.IsUnresolvedAbstract)
                        // TODO: diagnostics.Add()

            // cache & return
            return(_lazyOverrides = overrides.ToArray());
 public bool Implements(Type interfaceType)
     return(Interfaces.Any(i => i.TypeAsString == interfaceType.GetFullNameWithAssemblyName()));
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Matches all methods that can be overriden (non-static, public or protected, abstract or virtual)
        /// within this type sub-tree (this type, its base and interfaces)
        /// with its override.
        /// Methods without an override are either abstract or a ghost stup has to be synthesized.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="diagnostics"></param>
        internal OverrideInfo[] ResolveOverrides(DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            if (_lazyOverrides != null)
                // already resolved

            // TODO: ignore System.Object ?

            // inherit abstracts from base type
            var overrides = new List <OverrideInfo>();

            if (BaseType != null)

            // collect this type declared methods including synthesized methods
            var methods       = this.GetMembers().OfType <MethodSymbol>();
            var methodslookup = methods.Where(OverrideHelper.CanOverride).ToLookup(m => m.RoutineName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // resolve overrides of inherited members
            for (int i = 0; i < overrides.Count; i++)
                var m = overrides[i];
                if (m.HasOverride == false)
                    // update override info of the inherited member
                    overrides[i] = new OverrideInfo(m.Method, OverrideHelper.ResolveMethodImplementation(m.Method, methodslookup[m.RoutineName]));
                    // clear the interface flag of inherited override info
                    m.ImplementsInterface = false;
                    overrides[i]          = m;

            // resolve overrides of interface methods
            foreach (var iface in Interfaces)
                // skip interfaces implemented by base type or other interfaces,
                // we don't want to add redundant override entries:
                if ((BaseType != null && BaseType.ImplementsInterface(iface)) ||
                    Interfaces.Any(x => x != iface && x.ImplementsInterface(iface)))
                    // iface is already handled within overrides => skip
                    // note: iface can be ignored in metadata at all actually

                var iface_abstracts = iface.ResolveOverrides(diagnostics);
                foreach (var m in iface_abstracts)
                    if (BaseType != null && m.Method.ContainingType != iface && BaseType.ImplementsInterface(m.Method.ContainingType))
                        // iface {m.Method.ContainingType} already handled within overrides => skip

                    // ignore interface method that is already implemented:
                    if (overrides.Any(o => OverrideHelper.SignaturesMatch(o.Method, m.Method)))

                    // add interface member,
                    // resolve its override
                    overrides.Add(new OverrideInfo(m.Method, this.IsInterface ? null : OverrideHelper.ResolveMethodImplementation(m.Method, this))
                        ImplementsInterface = true

            // add overrideable routines from this type
            foreach (var m in methods)
                if (m.IsOverrideable())
                    overrides.Add(new OverrideInfo(m));

            // report unresolved abstracts
            if (!this.IsAbstract && !this.IsInterface && this is SourceTypeSymbol srct)
                foreach (var m in overrides)
                    if (m.IsUnresolvedAbstract)
                        // Class '{0}' doesn't implement abstract method {1}::{2}()
                        diagnostics.Add(DiagnosticBagExtensions.ParserDiagnostic(srct.ContainingFile.SyntaxTree, srct.Syntax.HeadingSpan,
                                                                                 srct.FullName.ToString(), ((IPhpTypeSymbol)m.Method.ContainingType).FullName.ToString(), m.RoutineName));

            // cache & return
            return(_lazyOverrides = overrides.ToArray());