Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> InterestProcess()
            List <ActivityType> AllInterests = new List <ActivityType>();

            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:44386/");
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
                ViewBag.country = "";
                HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("https://localhost:44386/api/ActivityTypes");

                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    var details = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <IEnumerable <ActivityType> >();

                    var ActivitiesList = details.ToList();
                    AllInterests = ActivitiesList;
            var model = new InterestModel
                AvailableInterestTypes = getInterestTypes(AllInterests)

        public IActionResult Interest([FromBody] InterestModel model)
            InterestDTO dto = Mapping.Mapper.Map <InterestModel, InterestDTO>(model);

            _curriculumService.AddOrUpdateSectionBlock <InterestDTO>(dto, model.FormMode, SectionNames.Interest);

            return(Ok(new { id = model.InterestId }));
        private void Generate()
            InterestModel i             = (InterestModel)cboPaymentTerm.SelectedItem;
            string        term          = i.Description;
            int           duration      = int.Parse(txtDuration.Text);
            double        interestRate  = i.Rate;
            decimal       principal     = decimal.Parse(txtPrincipal.Text);
            double        rate          = interestRate / 100;
            decimal       interest      = principal * (decimal)rate;
            decimal       amount        = principal / duration;
            decimal       maturityValue = interest + principal;
            decimal       perRemit      = maturityValue / duration;

            string[] tokens       = txtEffectiveDate.Text.Split('/');
            DateTime date         = new DateTime(int.Parse(tokens[2]), int.Parse(tokens[0]), int.Parse(tokens[1]));
            string   token        = txtId.Text.Substring(4);
            string   maturityDate = ConvertDate(generateMaturityDate(term, date, duration));

            loan.BorrowerId    = int.Parse(token);
            loan.CollectorId   = user.Id;
            loan.PrincipalLoan = principal;
            loan.InterestId    = i.Id;
            loan.Interest      = interest;
            loan.MaturityValue = maturityValue;
            loan.PerRemittance = perRemit;
            loan.Duration      = duration;
            loan.EffectiveDate = date;
            loan.TotalBalance  = maturityValue;

            string[] tokens2 = maturityDate.Split('/');
            DateTime date2   = new DateTime(int.Parse(tokens2[2]), int.Parse(tokens2[0]), int.Parse(tokens[1]));

            loan.MaturityDate = date2;

            txtInterest.Text      = interest.ToString("c");
            txtPerRemittance.Text = perRemit.ToString("c");
            txtMaturityValue.Text = maturityValue.ToString("c");
            decimal balance = 0;

            if (operation != "view")
                txtTotalBalance.Text = maturityValue.ToString();
                balance = maturityValue;
                balance = Convert.ToDecimal(txtTotalBalance.Text.Substring(0));
            txtMaturityDate.Text = maturityDate;
            GenerateLedger(term, date, duration, amount, perRemit - amount, maturityValue, balance);

            isGenerated = true;
 public static InterestModel CreateInterest(InterestModel interestModel)
     using (var _context = new bbbsDbContext())
         var newInterest = _context.Add(new Interest
             InterestName = interestModel.InterestName
         interestModel.Id = newInterest.Entity.Id;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async void FillSummary()
            IEnumerable <ILoanModel> loans = await loanObj.GetAll();

            if (cboYear.SelectedIndex != -1 || cboMonth.SelectedIndex != -1 || cboPaymentTerm.SelectedIndex != -1 ||
                cboCollector.SelectedIndex != -1)
                loans = await loanObj.GetAll();

                if (cboYear.SelectedIndex != -1)
                    int year = int.Parse(cboYear.SelectedItem.ToString());
                    loans = loans.Where(l => l.EffectiveDate.Year == year);
                if (cboMonth.SelectedIndex != -1)
                    int month = cboMonth.SelectedIndex + 1;
                    loans = loans.Where(l => l.EffectiveDate.Month == month);
                if (cboCollector.SelectedIndex != -1)
                    UserModel user = (UserModel)cboCollector.SelectedItem;
                    loans = loans.Where(l => l.Collector.ToLower() == user.Name.ToLower());
                if (cboPaymentTerm.SelectedIndex != -1)
                    InterestModel _i = (InterestModel)cboPaymentTerm.SelectedItem;
                    loans = loans.Where(l => l.PaymentTerm.ToLower() == _i.Description.ToLower());


            //add to statuses
            decimal totalPrincipal = 0;
            decimal totalInterest  = 0;
            int     numOfLoans     = 0;

            foreach (LoanModel l in loans)
                totalPrincipal += l.PrincipalLoan;
                totalInterest  += l.Interest;
                numOfLoans     += 1;
            lblTotalPrincipal.Text = totalPrincipal.ToString("c");
            lblTotalInterest.Text  = totalInterest.ToString("c");
            lblNumOfLoans.Text     = numOfLoans.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 6
        public IActionResult InterestProcess(InterestModel model)
            var userId      = User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
            var usercurrent = _context.Customers.Where(c => c.IdentityUserId == userId).SingleOrDefault();

            if (_context.Interests.Where(c => c.CustomerID == usercurrent.CustomerID) == null)
                List <string> listOfInterestTypes = model.SelectedInterests.ToList();
                foreach (string item in listOfInterestTypes)
                    var SelectedInterest = new Interest()
                        ActivityType = item,
                        CustomerID   = usercurrent.CustomerID
                var customersInterests = _context.Interests.Where(c => c.CustomerID == usercurrent.CustomerID);
                foreach (var item in customersInterests)
                List <string> listOfInterestTypes = model.SelectedInterests.ToList();
                foreach (string item in listOfInterestTypes)
                    var SelectedInterest = new Interest()
                        ActivityType = item,
                        CustomerID   = usercurrent.CustomerID
        public void Interest()
            using (var context = new BankDbContext(options))
                int      id             = 8;
                decimal  interest       = 0.135m;
                DateTime now            = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime latestInterest = now.AddDays(-365);
                decimal  balance        = 100m;
                decimal  expected       = 113.5m;

                var model = new InterestModel()
                    AccountId = id
                var account = new Account()
                    AccountId = id,
                    Balance   = balance

                new InterestCommand().RunAsync(context, model, latestInterest, interest).Wait();

                int numOfTransactions = context.Transactions
                                        .Where(t => t.AccountId == account.AccountId || t.AccountId == account.AccountId)

                var createdAccount1 = context.Accounts.Single(a => a.AccountId == id);

                // Check balance
                Assert.Equal(expected, createdAccount1.Balance);

                // Checks so that a transaction was made
                Assert.Equal(1, numOfTransactions);