Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>Method called when OnTrackStarted event is fired.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task OnTrackStarted(TrackStartEventArgs arg)
            var textChannel = arg.Player.TextChannel;
            var track       = arg.Track;

            /* Send "Now Playing" message to text channel, and delete it after the music ends
             * (this prevents bot spamming "Now playing" messages when queue is long) */
                                                                   deleteDelay: track.Duration,
                                                                   embed: await CustomFormats.NowPlayingEmbed(track));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Removes X(count) messages from chat.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task CleanMessagesAsync(int count, SocketCommandContext context)
            //We only delete 100 messages at a time to prevent bot from getting overloaded
            if (count > 100)
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(
                    embed : CustomFormats.CreateErrorEmbed(context.User.Mention +
                                                           " You cannot delete more than 100 messages at once"));


            /* Saves all messages user specified in a variable, next
             *     those messages are deleted and a message is sent to the textChannel
             *     saying that X messages were deleted <- this message is deleted 2.3s later */

            //Save messages to delete in a variable
            var messages = await context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync(count + 1).FlattenAsync();

            var messagesToDelete = messages.ToList();

            if (messagesToDelete.Any(msg => DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - msg.CreatedAt.UtcDateTime > TimeSpan.FromDays(14)))
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(
                    embed : CustomFormats.CreateErrorEmbed(context.User.Mention +
                                                           " You cannot delete messages older than 2 weeks."));


            //Delete messages to delete
            await context.Guild.GetTextChannel(context.Channel.Id).DeleteMessagesAsync(messagesToDelete,
                                                                                       new RequestOptions {
                AuditLogReason = $"{context.User} requested message cleaning"

            //Send success message that will disappear after 2300 milliseconds
            _interactivityService.DelayedSendMessageAndDeleteAsync(context.Channel, null,
                                                                   TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2300), null, false,
                                                                   CustomFormats.CreateBasicEmbed("Messages deleted",
                                                                                                  $":white_check_mark: Deleted **{count}** messages.", 0x268618));
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary> Send an embed with info about specified command. </summary>
        public async Task HelpAsync(SocketCommandContext context, string commandName)
            //Get guilds custom prefix.
            //Sets prefix to - if the guild doesn't have a custom prefix
            var prefix = _botContext.GetGuildPrefix(context.Guild.Id);

            //Search for commands equal to commandName
            var searchResult = _commandService.Search(context, commandName);

            //If no commands are found
            if (!searchResult.IsSuccess)
                _interactivityService.DelayedSendMessageAndDeleteAsync(context.Channel, null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), null, false,
                                                                       CustomFormats.CreateErrorEmbed($"**Unknown command: `{commandName}`**"));

            //If there is a match, then get the command which matches the command specified
            var cmd = searchResult.Commands.First(x => x.Alias.Contains(commandName)).Command;

            //Check if user has permission to execute said command
            var canExecute = await cmd.HasPermissionToExecute(context, _serviceProvider);

            if (!canExecute)
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(
                    embed : CustomFormats.CreateErrorEmbed("You don't have permission for that command!"));


            //Get command parameters
            var parameters = cmd.Parameters.ToArray();

            //True if the command has parameters, false if the command doesn't
            var hasParameters = parameters.Any();

            var usageBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            //If the command has parameters, we build a usage string
            if (hasParameters)
                foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                    //If the current parameter is optional, then we append <parameter> so the user knows it is optional
                    if (parameter.IsOptional)
                        usageBuilder.Append($"<{parameter.Name}> ");

                    //If it isnt optional, we append [parameter] so the user knows that the parameter is required
                    usageBuilder.Append($"[{parameter.Name}] ");

                //Removes the last char of the string, because when building the string a blank space is always left at the end
                usageBuilder.Remove(usageBuilder.Length - 1, 1);

            //Send message on how to use the command
            var helpEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
                            .WithTitle($"Command: {cmd.Aliases[0]}")
                                             //If command has parameters
                ? $"**Aliases:** `{string.Join(", ", cmd.Aliases)}`\n" +
                                             $"**Description:** {cmd.Summary}\n" +
                                             $"**Usage:** `{prefix}{cmd.Aliases[0]} {usageBuilder}`"

                                             //If command doesn't have parameters
                : $"**Aliases:** `{string.Join(", ", cmd.Aliases)}`\n" +
                                             $"**Description:** {cmd.Summary}\n" +
                                             $"**Usage:** `{prefix}{cmd.Aliases[0]}`")
                            .WithFooter(hasParameters ? "Parameters inside <angle brackets> are optional." : "");

            await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : helpEmbed.Build());