Exemplo n.º 1
    private void Awake()
        if (Interactions == null)
            Interactions = GetComponent <InteractionSet>().graph;
        var originalName = name;
        var appendedName = $"{SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex}_{originalName}";

        if (GameObject.Find(appendedName) == null)
            name = appendedName;
            for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++)
                var attempt = $"{appendedName}_{i}";
                if (GameObject.Find(attempt) == null)
                    name = attempt;
Exemplo n.º 2
    public bool generateConflict()
        GameObject controller       = GameObject.Find("ControllerObject");
        Controller controllerScript = (Controller)controller.GetComponent(typeof(Controller));

        employeeRelationships = controllerScript.getGraph();

        List <InteractionGraph.Relationship> edges = employeeRelationships.getEdges();
        int numEmployees = employeeRelationships.numNodes();

        /* number of conflicts checked = to numEmployees */
        for (int i = 0; i < numEmployees; i++)
            conflictEdge = edges[Random.Range(0, edges.Count)];

            //Debug.Log(conflictEdge.source.name + " -> " + conflictEdge.target.name);

            /* disposition is in range 0-25 */
            int prob = conflictEdge.getDisposition(); // higher disposition means less likely to have a conflict

            //Debug.Log("Prob = " + conflictEdge.source.name + " -> " + conflictEdge.target.name + prob);

            int rand = Random.Range(0, 26);
            //Debug.Log("rand = " + rand);

            if (rand > prob)
                int invProb = 25 - prob;
                int mult    = Random.Range(50, 101);
                cost = invProb * mult; // cost for option 1
                //Debug.Log("25 - prob = " + invProb);
                //Debug.Log("Mult = " + mult);
                //Debug.Log("Cost = "+ cost);
                // Set conflict popup
                transform.Find("Context").GetComponent <Text>().text = conflictEdge.source.name + " and " + conflictEdge.target.name + " are having a conflict.\n"
                                                                       + conflictEdge.source.name + conflictReasons[Random.Range(0, conflictReasons.Length)] + conflictEdge.target.name;
                transform.Find("OptionsText").GetComponent <Text>().text = "Option 1: " + resolutionOptions[Random.Range(0, resolutionOptions.Length)]
                                                                           + "\n\t(Costs: $" + cost + " but " + conflictEdge.source.name + " and " + conflictEdge.target.name + " like each other more so overall happiness increases)";

                return(true); // only one popup per occurence, more chances to get one with a larger workforce.
Exemplo n.º 3
    void Start()
        InteractionNode n0 = new InteractionNode("Have we met before?", "I don't know...have we!?!?!", 2);
        InteractionNode n1 = new InteractionNode(".............", "Just kidding, we've never met. I'm Gob -- you may recognize me from the cover of " +
                                                 "Poof magazine.  I'm a ~magician~", 0);
        InteractionNode n2 = new InteractionNode("Oh...right, hey, um, you!", "Just kidding, we've never met. I'm Gob -- you may recognize me from the cover of " +
                                                 "Poof magazine.  I'm a ~magician~", 0);
        InteractionNode n3 = new InteractionNode("How do you know Jon Hannity?", "We worked together for a while after college, but have sort of lost" +
                                                 " touch since then. I hope I haven't made a huge mistake by coming here tonight...", 0);

        n0.Adj [0] = n1;
        n0.Adj [1] = n2;
        InteractionNode[] OriginalList = new InteractionNode[2];
        OriginalList[0]  = n0;
        OriginalList [1] = n3;
        Graph            = new InteractionGraph(OriginalList);