Exemplo n.º 1
        void ReadBitStream(IO.EndianReader s, byte[] hashBuffer)
            int  max_bit_stream_size  = GetBitStreamSize();
            bool is_probably_from_mcc = hashBuffer.EqualsZero();

            byte[] bs_bytes;
            using (var hasher = Program.GetGen3RuntimeDataHasher())
                int bs_length = ReadBitStreamSize(s, hasher, max_bit_stream_size, is_probably_from_mcc);
                bs_bytes = new byte[IntegerMath.Align(IntegerMath.kInt32AlignmentBit, bs_length)];
                s.Read(bs_bytes, bs_length);

                hasher.TransformFinalBlock(bs_bytes, 0, bs_length);
                InvalidData = hasher.Hash.EqualsArray(hashBuffer) == false;

            if (RequireValidHashes && InvalidData)
                Data = null;
                using (var ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(bs_bytes))
                    using (var bs = new IO.BitStream(ms, System.IO.FileAccess.Read, streamName: "GameVariant"))
                        bs.StreamMode = System.IO.FileAccess.Read;

Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override byte[] ProcessFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount)
            // it's okay to modify inputBuffer here since it's the final block and it's actually BlockHashAlgorithm's internal buffer

            ulong msg_bit_length = ((ulong)TotalBytesProcessed + (ulong)inputCount) << 3;

            if (inputOffset > 0 && inputCount > 0)
                // memmove the bytes starting at inputOffset to the start of the buffer
                Array.Copy(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputBuffer, 0, inputCount);

            inputOffset = 0;

            Array.Clear(inputBuffer, inputCount, BlockSize - inputCount);

            // write the padding byte then align up to the next word boundary (proceeding bytes are already zero due to above Clear)
            int input_offset = inputCount;

            inputBuffer[input_offset++] = (byte)Version;             // padding byte
            input_offset = IntegerMath.Align(IntegerMath.kInt64AlignmentBit, input_offset);

            // if we don't have enough space to encode the length, process what we have now as a block.
            // remaining bytes are still all zero, due to above Clear.
            if (input_offset > (BlockSize - sizeof(ulong)))
                ProcessBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, 1);

                input_offset = 0;
                Array.Clear(inputBuffer, 0, BlockSize);

            // write out the number of bytes that were processed before finalization
            for (input_offset = BlockSize - sizeof(ulong)
                 ; msg_bit_length != 0
                 ; inputBuffer[input_offset] = (byte)msg_bit_length, msg_bit_length >>= 8, ++input_offset)
            ProcessBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, 1);

            if (HashValue == null)
                HashValue = new byte[HashSizeValue / kWordCount];
            Bits.ArrayCopy(mRegs, 0, HashValue, 0, mRegs.Length);
        void SerializeInternal(IO.EndianStream s)
            bool reading       = s.IsReading;
            long stream_length = reading
                                ? s.BaseStream.Length - s.BaseStream.Position
                                : 0;

            #region Header
            if (reading)
                if (ValidateData)
                    if (stream_length < BinaryDataTreeHeader.kSizeOf)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Expected more bytes for header data");

            long headerPosition = s.BaseStream.Position;

            if (reading)
                if (ValidateData)

                    long min_expected_bytes_remaining =
                        BinaryDataTreeHeader.kSizeOf +
                        (BinaryDataTreeSectionHeader.kSizeOf * mHeader.UserSectionCount);
                    if (s.BaseStream.Length < min_expected_bytes_remaining)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Expected more bytes for header and user sections data");

            #region Data
            long data_position = s.BaseStream.Position;
            if (reading)
                if (ValidateData)
                    long total_size = BinaryDataTreeHeader.kSizeOf + mHeader.DataSize;
                    if (s.BaseStream.Length < total_size)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Expected more bytes for header and payload data");

                    uint actual_data_crc = GetDataCrc32(s.BaseStream);
                    if (mHeader.DataCrc32 != actual_data_crc)
                        throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format("Invalid Data CRC 0x{0}, expected 0x{1}",
                                                                     actual_data_crc.ToString("X8"), mHeader.DataCrc32.ToString("X8")));

            #region Sections
            var section_headers = new BinaryDataTreeSectionHeader[mHeader.UserSectionCount];

            if (reading)
                if (ValidateData)
                    foreach (var header in section_headers)
                        if (stream_length < (header.Offset + header.Size))
                            throw new InvalidDataException("Expected more bytes for section data");

            long offset_cursor = data_position;

            uint nodes_size   = mHeader[BinaryDataTreeSectionID.NodeSectionIndex];
            long nodes_offset = nodes_size > 0
                                ? offset_cursor
                                : 0;
            offset_cursor += nodes_size;

            uint name_values_size   = mHeader[BinaryDataTreeSectionID.NameValueSectionIndex];
            long name_values_offset = name_values_size > 0
                                ? offset_cursor
                                : 0;
            offset_cursor += name_values_size;

            uint name_data_size   = mHeader[BinaryDataTreeSectionID.NameDataSectionIndex];
            long name_data_offset = name_data_size > 0
                                ? offset_cursor
                                : 0;
            offset_cursor += name_data_size;

            if (mHeader[BinaryDataTreeSectionID.ValueDataSectionIndex] > 0)
                offset_cursor = IntegerMath.Align(IntegerMath.k16ByteAlignmentBit, offset_cursor);
            uint value_data_size   = mHeader[BinaryDataTreeSectionID.ValueDataSectionIndex];
            long value_data_offset = value_data_size > 0
                                ? offset_cursor
                                : 0;
            offset_cursor += value_data_size;

            if (reading)
                if (ValidateData)
                    if (stream_length < offset_cursor)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Expected more bytes for section data");


            if (!reading)