Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ParseError(ErrorData <int> data)
            int pos = data.Start;

            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => IntReader.ReadInt32(data.Text, ref pos));
            Assert.AreEqual(pos, data.ExpectedEnd);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void ParseError(ErrorCase <int> @case)
            int pos = @case.Start;

            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => IntReader.ReadInt32(@case.Text, ref pos));
            Assert.AreEqual(pos, @case.ExpectedEnd);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void ParseSuccess(SuccessCase <int> data)
            int pos    = data.Start;
            var actual = IntReader.ReadInt32(data.Text, ref pos);

            Assert.AreEqual(actual, data.Expected);
            Assert.AreEqual(pos, data.ExpectedEnd);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void TryParseError(ErrorCase <int> @case)
            var pos = @case.Start;

            Assert.AreEqual(false, IntReader.TryReadInt32(@case.Text, ref pos, out var actual));
            Assert.AreEqual(@case.Expected, actual);
            Assert.AreEqual(@case.ExpectedEnd, pos);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void TryParseSuccess(SuccessCase <int> data)
            var pos = data.Start;

            Assert.AreEqual(true, IntReader.TryReadInt32(data.Text, ref pos, out var actual));
            Assert.AreEqual(data.Expected, actual);
            Assert.AreEqual(data.ExpectedEnd, pos);
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static bool TryReadPrefixNumberFormat(string format, ref int pos, out string result)
            var start = pos;

            _      = IntReader.TrySkipDigits(format, ref pos);
            result = format.Substring(start, pos - start);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void TryParseError(ErrorCase <int> @case)
            int pos = @case.Start;
            int actual;
            var success = IntReader.TryReadInt32(@case.Text, ref pos, out actual);

            Assert.AreEqual(false, success);
            Assert.AreEqual(@case.Expected, actual);
            Assert.AreEqual(@case.ExpectedEnd, pos);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void TryParseError(ErrorData <int> data)
            int pos = data.Start;
            int actual;
            var success = IntReader.TryReadInt32(data.Text, ref pos, out actual);

            Assert.AreEqual(false, success);
            Assert.AreEqual(data.Expected, actual);
            Assert.AreEqual(data.ExpectedEnd, pos);
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>Translates bytes to ints.</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Translates bytes to ints.
 /// NB: intLen == 4 * byteSize!
 /// NB: intLen should be less or equal to intBuffer length.
 /// </remarks>
 internal static void Convert(IntReader ir, int intLen)
     for (int i = 0; i < intLen; ++i)
         ir.intBuffer[i] = (ir.byteBuffer[i * 4] & 0xFF) |
                           ((ir.byteBuffer[(i * 4) + 1] & 0xFF) << 8) |
                           ((ir.byteBuffer[(i * 4) + 2] & 0xFF) << 16) |
                           ((ir.byteBuffer[(i * 4) + 3] & 0xFF) << 24);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Run()
            DecimalReader decReader = new DecimalReader();
            IntReader     intReader = new IntReader();

            decimal costOfPowerPerWStation    = decReader.ReadRange("Введiть вартiсть пiдключення живлення на одну робочу станцiю вiд {0} до {1}: ", 10, 10000);
            decimal costOfInternetPerWStation = decReader.ReadRange("Введiть вартiсть пiдключення iнтернету на одну робочу станцiю вiд {0} до {1}: ", 10, 10000);
            decimal numberOfWStation          = intReader.ReadRange("Введiть число робочих станцiй вiд {0} до {1}: ", 1, 100);

            //калькуляцiя заходу
            decimal costOfAccess = (costOfInternetPerWStation + costOfPowerPerWStation) * numberOfWStation;

            //виведення результату
            Console.WriteLine("Загальна вартiсть заходу: {0}", costOfAccess);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void TryReadInt()
            int          pos = 4;
            int          actual;
            const string text = "ab  12345";

            IntReader.TryReadInt32(text, ref pos, out actual);
            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var n  = 1000000;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                pos = 4;
                IntReader.TryReadInt32(text, ref pos, out actual);

            Console.WriteLine($"// {DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()}| IntReader.TryReadInt32(\"{text}\", 4, ...) {n:N0} times {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

            string substring = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                substring = text.Substring(4);
                int.TryParse(substring, out actual);

            Console.WriteLine($"// {DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()}| int.TryParse(substring: \"{substring}\", ...)       {n:N0} times {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                int.TryParse(substring, out actual);

            Console.WriteLine($"// {DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()}| int.TryParse(\"{substring}\", ...)                  {n:N0} times {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");
Exemplo n.º 12
        // Add some non-zero constants to the mix.
        public void AddConstantsToTDB(RandoopConfiguration config)
            foreach (SimpleTypeValues vs in config.simpleTypeValues)
                Type type = Type.GetType(vs.simpleType);

                if (type == null)
                    throw new Common.RandoopBareExceptions.InternalError("invalid simple type in XML config file.");

                foreach (FileName fn in vs.fileNames)
                    string fileName = fn.fileName;
                    if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                        throw new Common.RandoopBareExceptions.InvalidUserParamsException("Configuration file does not exist: " + fileName);

                    if (type.Equals(typeof(sbyte)))
                        SByteReader r = new SByteReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(sbyte), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(byte)))
                        ByteReader r = new ByteReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(byte), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(short)))
                        ShortReader r = new ShortReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(short), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(ushort)))
                        UshortReader r = new UshortReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(ushort), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(int)))
                        IntReader r = new IntReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(int), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(uint)))
                        UintReader r = new UintReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(uint), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(long)))
                        LongReader r = new LongReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(long), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(ulong)))
                        UlongReader r = new UlongReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(ulong), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(char)))
                        CharReader r = new CharReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(char), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(float)))
                        FloatReader r = new FloatReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(float), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(double)))
                        DoubleReader r = new DoubleReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(double), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(bool)))
                        BoolReader r = new BoolReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(bool), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(decimal)))
                        DecimalReader r = new DecimalReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(decimal), o));
                        if (!type.Equals(typeof(string)))
                            throw new Common.RandoopBareExceptions.InternalError("invalid simple type in XML config file.");
                        Common.StringReader r = new Common.StringReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(string), o));
Exemplo n.º 13
        // Add some non-zero constants to the mix.
        public void AddConstantsToTDB(RandoopConfiguration config)
            foreach (SimpleTypeValues vs in config.simpleTypeValues)
                Type type = Type.GetType(vs.simpleType);

                if (type == null)
                    throw new Common.RandoopBareExceptions.InternalError("invalid simple type in XML config file.");

                foreach (FileName fn in vs.fileNames)
                    string fileName = fn.fileName;
                    if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                        throw new Common.RandoopBareExceptions.InvalidUserParamsException("Configuration file does not exist: " + fileName);

                    if (type.Equals(typeof(sbyte)))
                        SByteReader r = new SByteReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(sbyte), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(byte)))
                        ByteReader r = new ByteReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(byte), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(short)))
                        ShortReader r = new ShortReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(short), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(ushort)))
                        UshortReader r = new UshortReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(ushort), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(int)))
                        IntReader r = new IntReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(int), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(uint)))
                        UintReader r = new UintReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(uint), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(long)))
                        LongReader r = new LongReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(long), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(ulong)))
                        UlongReader r = new UlongReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(ulong), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(char)))
                        CharReader r = new CharReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(char), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(float)))
                        FloatReader r = new FloatReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(float), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(double)))
                        DoubleReader r = new DoubleReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(double), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(bool)))
                        BoolReader r = new BoolReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(bool), o));
                    else if (type.Equals(typeof(decimal)))
                        DecimalReader r = new DecimalReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(decimal), o));
                        if (!type.Equals(typeof(string)))
                            throw new Common.RandoopBareExceptions.InternalError("invalid simple type in XML config file.");
                        Common.StringReader r = new Common.StringReader();
                        foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName))
                            this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(string), o));
Exemplo n.º 14
 internal static void Init(IntReader ir, byte[] byteBuffer, int[] intBuffer)
     ir.byteBuffer = byteBuffer;
     ir.intBuffer  = intBuffer;