Exemplo n.º 1
        public override bool Optimize(OptimizationContext context)
            var changed = false;

            for (var i = context.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var instructionCount = context.Count;
                var instruction      = context[i];
                if (instruction.Matches(InstructionType.Jump, out var targetLabel) && context.GetLabelPosition(targetLabel) < i)
                    var startPosition = context.GetLabelPosition(targetLabel);
                    var endPosition   = i;

                    if (context[i + 1].Matches(InstructionType.MarkLabel))

                    var labelMap       = new ushort?[context.LabelAllocator];
                    var maxBoundsCheck = -1;

                    // By default, keep al labels the same
                    for (var j = 0; j < labelMap.Length; j++)
                        labelMap[j] = (ushort)j;

                    for (var j = startPosition; j <= endPosition; j++)
                        if (context[j].Matches(InstructionType.BoundsCheck, out var _, out var offset))
                            if (offset > maxBoundsCheck)
                                maxBoundsCheck = offset;
                        else if (context[j].Matches(InstructionType.MarkLabel, out var label))
                            // ... except for labels that are marked inside the loop...
                            labelMap[label] = null;

                        if (maxBoundsCheck >= 3 && (!context[startPosition + 1].Matches(InstructionType.BoundsCheck, out var _, out var offset) || offset < maxBoundsCheck))
                            var canMakeFastPath = true;
                            for (var j = 0; j < context.Count; j++)
                                if (context[j].CanJumpToLabel)
                                    if (context[j].Matches(InstructionType.BoundsCheck, out var boundsCheckTargetLabel) && boundsCheckTargetLabel == targetLabel)
                                        canMakeFastPath = false;
                                    else if (j >= startPosition && j <= endPosition && context.GetLabelPosition(context[j].Label) < startPosition || context.GetLabelPosition(context[j].Label) > endPosition)
                                        canMakeFastPath = false;
                                else if (j >= startPosition && j <= endPosition && context[j].Type == InstructionType.Call)
                                    foreach (var(_, jumpTarget) in context.FailureLabelMap[context[j].Data2].Mapping)
                                        if (context.GetLabelPosition(jumpTarget) < startPosition || context.GetLabelPosition(jumpTarget) > endPosition)
                                            canMakeFastPath = false;

                            if (canMakeFastPath && context.Backtracer.CheckBounds(startPosition, false, maxBoundsCheck) != Analyzers.EvaluationResult.Fail)
                                // Create fast path
                                var newInstructions   = InstructionHelper.DuplicateLabels(context, context.Skip(startPosition).Take(endPosition - startPosition + 1).ToList(), labelMap).ToList();
                                var goToSlowPathLabel = context.LabelAllocator++;
                                newInstructions.Insert(1, Instruction.BoundsCheck(goToSlowPathLabel, (short)maxBoundsCheck));

                                context.InsertRange(startPosition, newInstructions);
                                changed = true;