Exemplo n.º 1
        public void InsertRow_BadData_IgnoreUnknownAndBadRows_Throws()
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            // Don't insert into a table used by other tests...
            var table = dataset.CreateTable(
                new TableSchemaBuilder {
                { "year", BigQueryDbType.Int64 }

            var rows = new BigQueryInsertRow[]
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "year", 2019 }
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "noSuchField", 10 }
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "year", "Unknown" }

            var options = new InsertOptions {
                AllowUnknownFields = true, SkipInvalidRows = true, SuppressInsertErrors = false
            var exception = Assert.Throws <GoogleApiException>(() => table.InsertRows(rows, options));

            Assert.Equal(1, exception.Error.Errors.Count);
            Assert.Contains("Row 2", exception.Error.Errors[0].Message);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void InsertRows_AllowEmptyInsertIds()
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            var table   = dataset.GetTable(_fixture.HighScoreTableId);
            var options = new InsertOptions {
                AllowEmptyInsertIds = true

            var rows = new[]
                BuildRow("Helen", 125, new DateTime(2012, 5, 22, 1, 20, 30, DateTimeKind.Utc)),
                BuildRow("Henry", 90, new DateTime(2011, 10, 12, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc))

            _fixture.InsertAndWait(table, () => table.InsertRows(rows, options), 2);


            var rowsAfter = table.ListRows().ToList();

            Assert.Contains(rowsAfter, r => (string)r["player"] == "Helen");
            Assert.Contains(rowsAfter, r => (string)r["player"] == "Henry");
Exemplo n.º 3
    int MaxObjectsPerBatch <TObject>(TObjectName tableName, TObject sampleObject, InsertOptions options)
        where TObject : class
        var metadata = DataSource.DatabaseMetadata;

        var table      = metadata.GetTableOrView(tableName);
        var sqlBuilder = table.CreateSqlBuilder(false);

        sqlBuilder.ApplyArgumentValue(DataSource, sampleObject, options);
        sqlBuilder.GetInsertColumns(options.HasFlag(InsertOptions.IdentityInsert)).Count();         //Call .Count() to trigger needed side-effects

        var parametersPerRow = DataSource.GetParameters(sqlBuilder).Count;

        var maxParams = metadata.MaxParameters;

        if (maxParams == null)

        var maxRows = maxParams.Value / parametersPerRow;

        if (metadata.MaxRowsPerValuesClause.HasValue)
            maxRows = Math.Min(metadata.MaxRowsPerValuesClause.Value, maxRows);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public void InsertRow_BadData_IgnoreUnknownAndBadRows_Silent()
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            // Don't insert into a table used by other tests...
            var table = dataset.CreateTable(
                new TableSchemaBuilder {
                { "year", BigQueryDbType.Int64 }

            var rows = new BigQueryInsertRow[]
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "year", 2019 }
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "noSuchField", 10 }
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "year", "Unknown" }

            var options = new InsertOptions {
                AllowUnknownFields = true, SkipInvalidRows = true, SuppressInsertErrors = true

            // Now two rows are inserted, we are ignoring unknown fields so only the last row is bad.
            _fixture.InsertAndWait(table, () => table.InsertRows(rows, options), 2);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void InsertRow_BadData_IgnoreUnknownAndBadRows_Silent()
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            // Don't insert into a table used by other tests...
            var table = dataset.CreateTable(
                new TableSchemaBuilder {
                { "year", BigQueryDbType.Int64 }

            var rows = new BigQueryInsertRow[]
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "year", 2019 }
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "noSuchField", 10 }
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "year", "Unknown" }

            var options = new InsertOptions {
                AllowUnknownFields = true, SkipInvalidRows = true, SuppressInsertErrors = true
            // Now two rows are inserted, we are ignoring unknown fields so only the last row is bad.
            var insertResult = _fixture.InsertAndWait(table, () => table.InsertRows(rows, options), 2);

            Assert.Equal(1, insertResult.OriginalRowsWithErrors);
            Assert.Equal(3, insertResult.InsertAttemptRowCount);
            Assert.Equal(BigQueryInsertStatus.SomeRowsInserted, insertResult.Status);
            Assert.Contains(insertResult.Errors, e => e.OriginalRowIndex == 2);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public SqlServerInsertBatchTable(SqlServerDataSourceBase dataSource, SqlServerObjectName tableName, DbDataReader dataReader, SqlServerObjectName tableTypeName, InsertOptions options) : base(dataSource)
     m_Source    = dataReader;
     m_Options   = options;
     m_Table     = dataSource.DatabaseMetadata.GetTableOrView(tableName);
     m_TableType = dataSource.DatabaseMetadata.GetUserDefinedTableType(tableTypeName);
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:1
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

            // Creating a file stream containing the Excel file to be opened
            FileStream fstream = new FileStream(dataDir + "book1.xls", FileMode.Open);

            // Instantiating a Workbook object
            // Opening the Excel file through the file stream
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook(fstream);

            // Accessing the first worksheet in the Excel file
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            // Setting Formatting options
            InsertOptions insertOptions = new InsertOptions();

            insertOptions.CopyFormatType = CopyFormatType.SameAsAbove;

            // Inserting a row into the worksheet at 3rd position
            worksheet.Cells.InsertRows(2, 1, insertOptions);

            // Saving the modified Excel file
            workbook.Save(dataDir + "InsertingARowWithFormatting.out.xls");

            // Closing the file stream to free all resources
            // ExEnd:1
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void InsertRow_BadData_Silent(InsertOptions options, int[] errorRowsIndexes)
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            // Don't insert into a table used by other tests...
            var table = dataset.CreateTable(
                new TableSchemaBuilder {
                { "year", BigQueryDbType.Int64 }
            var rows = new BigQueryInsertRow[]
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "noSuchField", 10 }
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "year", "Unknown" }
            var insertResult = table.InsertRows(rows, options);

            Assert.Equal(errorRowsIndexes.Length, insertResult.OriginalRowsWithErrors);
                         Select(e => (int?)e.OriginalRowIndex ?? -1).
                         OrderBy(index => index).
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void InsertRow_BadData_Throws(InsertOptions options, int[] errorRowsIndexes)
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            // Don't insert into a table used by other tests...
            var table = dataset.CreateTable(
                new TableSchemaBuilder {
                { "year", BigQueryDbType.Int64 }
            var rows = new BigQueryInsertRow[]
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "noSuchField", 10 }
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "year", "Unknown" }
            var exception = Assert.Throws <GoogleApiException>(() => table.InsertRows(rows, options));

            Assert.Equal(errorRowsIndexes.Length, exception.Error.Errors.Count);
            foreach (var index in errorRowsIndexes)
                Assert.Contains(exception.Error.Errors, e => e.Message.ToLower().Contains($"in row {index}"));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public async Task Test_Query_Update_PreserveExpiry()
            await _fixture.BuildAsync();

            var docId      = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var doc        = new { id = docId, testName = nameof(Test_Query_Update_PreserveExpiry), content = "initial" };
            var collection = await _fixture.GetDefaultCollection();

            var opts = new InsertOptions().Expiry(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
            await collection.InsertAsync(docId, doc, options : opts);

                var result = await _fixture.Cluster.QueryAsync <dynamic>("UPDATE default AS d SET d.content = 'updated' WHERE d.id = $1",
                                                                         opts => opts.Parameter(docId)

                // for server version >= 7.1.0, we expect it to succeed.
                Assert.Equal <uint?>(1, result.MetaData?.Metrics?.MutationCount);
            catch (CouchbaseException ex)
                // for < 7.1.0, we expect an appropriate error.
                Assert.Contains("Unrecognized parameter in request: preserve_expiry", ex.Message);;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public long Put(byte[] key, string val, InsertOptions flag, Transaction txn)
     if (key == null || val == null)
         throw new Exception("key or/and val can't be null");
     return(BangDBNative.Put_Tran(_connection, key, key.Length, val, val.Length, (int)flag, txn.GetTranPtr()));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public long Put(string key, byte[] val, InsertOptions flag)
     if (key == null || val == null)
         throw new Exception("key or/and val can't be null");
     return(BangDBNative.Put(_connection, key, key.Length, val, val.Length, (int)flag));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void Insert <TDocument>(TDocument instance, InsertOptions options = null) where TDocument : class
            var command = builder.PrepareInsert(new[] { instance }, options);

            configuration.Hooks.BeforeInsert(instance, command.Mapping, this);
            configuration.Hooks.AfterInsert(instance, command.Mapping, this);
            configuration.RelatedDocumentStore.PopulateRelatedDocuments(this, instance);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public async Task InsertAsync <TDocument>(TDocument instance, InsertOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where TDocument : class
            var command = builder.PrepareInsert(new[] { instance }, options);
            await configuration.Hooks.BeforeInsertAsync(instance, command.Mapping, this);

            await ExecuteNonQueryAsync(command, cancellationToken);

            await configuration.Hooks.AfterInsertAsync(instance, command.Mapping, this);

            configuration.RelatedDocumentStore.PopulateRelatedDocuments(this, instance);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public SqlServerInsertBatch(SqlServerDataSourceBase dataSource, SqlServerObjectName tableName, DbDataReader dataReader, SqlServerObjectName tableTypeName, InsertOptions options) : base(dataSource)
     m_Source    = dataReader;
     m_Options   = options;
     m_Table     = dataSource.DatabaseMetadata.GetTableOrView(tableName);
     m_TableType = dataSource.DatabaseMetadata.GetUserDefinedType(tableTypeName);
     if (!m_TableType.IsTableType)
         throw new MappingException($"{m_TableType.Name} is not a user defined table type");
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void ModifyRequest()
            var options = new InsertOptions
                AllowUnknownFields = true
            TableDataInsertAllRequest request = new TableDataInsertAllRequest();

            Assert.Equal(true, request.IgnoreUnknownValues);
Exemplo n.º 17
 public void InsertRow_BadTable()
     var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
     var options = new InsertOptions {
         AllowUnknownFields = true, SkipInvalidRows = true, SuppressInsertErrors = true
     var row = new BigQueryInsertRow {
         { "noSuchField", 10 }
     // This should still throw because the error is not on inserting a specific row.
     var exception = Assert.Throws <GoogleApiException>(() => client.InsertRow(_fixture.DatasetId, "noSuchTable", row));
        public PreparedCommand PrepareInsert(IReadOnlyList <object> documents, InsertOptions options = null)
            options ??= InsertOptions.Default;
            var mapping = GetMapping(documents);

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            AppendInsertStatement(sb, mapping, options.TableName, options.SchemaName, options.Hint, documents.Count, options.IncludeDefaultModelColumns);
            var parameters = GetDocumentParameters(m => keyAllocator(m), options.CustomAssignedId, documents, mapping);

            AppendRelatedDocumentStatementsForInsert(sb, parameters, mapping, documents);
            return(new PreparedCommand(sb.ToString(), parameters, RetriableOperation.Insert, mapping, options.CommandTimeout));
Exemplo n.º 19
 private void tabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (tabControl1.SelectedTab.Text == "Insert Image")
         this.retrievedImageList.MultiSelect = false;
         this.insertOption = InsertOptions.Image;
         this.retrievedImageList.MultiSelect = true;
         this.insertOption = InsertOptions.Gallery;
Exemplo n.º 20
        private void DrawInsert()
            insertOption = (InsertOptions)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Insert On", insertOption);
            if (insertOption == InsertOptions.custom)
                insertIndex = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Start Index", insertIndex);
                if (insertIndex < 0)
                    insertIndex = 0;

            stringToInsert = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Insert:", stringToInsert);
        public void ModifyRequest()
            var options = new InsertOptions
                AllowUnknownFields = true,
                SkipInvalidRows    = true,
                TemplateSuffix     = "fromTemplate"
            TableDataInsertAllRequest request = new TableDataInsertAllRequest();

            Assert.Equal(true, request.IgnoreUnknownValues);
            Assert.Equal(true, request.SkipInvalidRows);
            Assert.Equal("fromTemplate", request.TemplateSuffix);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public static InsertOptions Defaults(this InsertOptions opts, DurabilityLevel?durability, TimeSpan?timeout)
            opts = new InsertOptions().RetryStrategy(RetryStrategy);
            if (durability.HasValue)
                opts = opts.Durability(durability.Value);

            if (timeout.HasValue)
                opts = opts.Timeout(timeout.Value);

Exemplo n.º 23
        public PostgreSqlInsertBatch(PostgreSqlDataSourceBase dataSource, PostgreSqlObjectName tableName, IEnumerable <TObject> objects, InsertOptions options) : base(dataSource)
            if (dataSource == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dataSource), $"{nameof(dataSource)} is null.");

            var sourceList = objects.AsReadOnlyList();

            if (sourceList == null || sourceList.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(objects)} is null or empty.", nameof(objects));

            m_SourceList = sourceList;
            m_Options    = options;
            m_Table      = dataSource.DatabaseMetadata.GetTableOrView(tableName);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void InsertEquivalents_ParamsRows()
            var datasetId = "dataset";
            var tableId   = "table";
            var reference = new TableReference {
                ProjectId = ProjectId, DatasetId = datasetId, TableId = tableId
            var schema  = new TableSchemaBuilder().Build();
            var options = new InsertOptions();
            var stream  = new MemoryStream();
            var rows    = new[] { new BigQueryInsertRow(), new BigQueryInsertRow() };

                client => client.Insert(MatchesWhenSerialized(reference), rows, null),
                client => client.Insert(datasetId, tableId, rows[0], rows[1]),
                client => client.Insert(ProjectId, datasetId, tableId, rows[0], rows[1]),
                client => new BigQueryTable(client, GetTable(reference)).Insert(rows[0], rows[1]));
Exemplo n.º 25
        public long Put(byte[] key, ref DataVar dv, InsertOptions flag, Transaction txn)
            if (key == null)
                throw new Exception("key can't be null");

            IntPtr pBuf   = dv.bufferPointer;
            int    buflen = dv.bufferLength;
            int    dlen   = dv.dataLength;
            int    dofft  = dv.dataOffset;
            int    eflag  = (int)dv.opsFlag;

            long retval = BangDBNative.PutAdvanced_Tran(_connection, key, key.Length, pBuf, buflen, ref dlen, dofft, ref eflag, (int)flag, txn.GetTranPtr());

            dv.dataLength = dlen;
            dv.opsFlag    = (BangDBDataOpsFlag)eflag;
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void InsertAsyncEquivalents_RowCollection()
            var datasetId = "dataset";
            var tableId   = "table";
            var reference = new TableReference {
                ProjectId = ProjectId, DatasetId = datasetId, TableId = tableId
            var schema  = new TableSchemaBuilder().Build();
            var options = new InsertOptions();
            var token   = new CancellationTokenSource().Token;
            var stream  = new MemoryStream();
            var rows    = new[] { new BigQueryInsertRow(), new BigQueryInsertRow() };

                client => client.InsertAsync(MatchesWhenSerialized(reference), rows, options, token),
                client => client.InsertAsync(datasetId, tableId, rows, options, token),
                client => client.InsertAsync(ProjectId, datasetId, tableId, rows, options, token),
                client => new BigQueryTable(client, GetTable(reference)).InsertAsync(rows, options, token));
Exemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>
 /// The OK function of the modal dialog resulting in letting the ContentSource know the action is complete.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void buttonInsert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (retrievedImageList.SelectedIndices.Count == 0)
         MessageBox.Show("No images selected.  Please choose at least one image or cancel to continue.", "No image selected", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
         if (tabControl1.SelectedTab.Text == "Insert Image")
             this.insertOption = InsertOptions.Image;
             this.insertOption = InsertOptions.Gallery;
         base.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void InsertRow_BadData_IgnoreBadData()
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            // Don't insert into a table used by other tests...
            var table = dataset.CreateTable(
                new TableSchemaBuilder {
                { "name", BigQueryDbType.String }

            var row = new BigQueryInsertRow {
                { "noSuchField", 10 }

            var options = new InsertOptions {
                AllowUnknownFields = true

            _fixture.InsertAndWait(table, () => table.InsertRow(row, options), 1);
        public async Task <(ulong updatedCas, MutationToken?mutationToken)> UnstageInsertOrReplace(ICouchbaseCollection collection, string docId, ulong cas, object finalDoc, bool insertMode)
            if (insertMode)
                var opts         = new InsertOptions().Defaults(_durability, _keyValueTimeout);
                var mutateResult = await collection.InsertAsync(docId, finalDoc, opts).CAF();

                return(mutateResult.Cas, mutateResult?.MutationToken);
                var opts         = GetMutateInOptions(StoreSemantics.Replace).Cas(cas);
                var mutateResult = await collection.MutateInAsync(docId, specs =>
                                                                  specs.Upsert(TransactionFields.TransactionInterfacePrefixOnly, string.Empty,
                                                                               isXattr : true, createPath : true)
                                                                  .Remove(TransactionFields.TransactionInterfacePrefixOnly, isXattr : true)
                                                                  .SetDoc(finalDoc), opts).CAF();

                return(mutateResult.Cas, mutateResult?.MutationToken);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void InsertRow_BadData_Silent(InsertOptions options)
            var client  = BigQueryClient.Create(_fixture.ProjectId);
            var dataset = client.GetDataset(_fixture.DatasetId);
            // Don't insert into a table used by other tests...
            var table = dataset.CreateTable(
                new TableSchemaBuilder {
                { "year", BigQueryDbType.Int64 }
            var rows = new BigQueryInsertRow[]
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "noSuchField", 10 }
                new BigQueryInsertRow {
                    { "year", "Unknown" }

            table.InsertRows(rows, options);