protected override void BuildRenderTree(RenderTreeBuilder builder)
            var seq = 0;

            builder.OpenElement(seq, "figure");
            builder.AddAttribute(++seq, "class", "donut-chart");
            builder.OpenElement(++seq, "div");
            builder.AddAttribute(++seq, "class", "main");

            SVG svg = new SVG()
                { "width", "80%" }, { "height", "80%" }, { "viewBox", "0 0 42 42" }
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle()
                { "class", "background-rect" }
            Circle hole = new Circle()
                { "class", "hole" }, { "cx", "21" }, { "cy", "21" }, { "r", "15.915" }
            Circle ring = new Circle()
                { "class", "ring" }, { "cx", "21" }, { "cy", "21" }, { "r", "15.915" }

            double        counterClockwiseDefaultOffset = 25;
            double        preceedingTotalPercent        = 0;
            double        offset   = counterClockwiseDefaultOffset;
            List <Circle> segments = new List <Circle>();

            string[] inputDataArr   = InputData.Split(',');
            string[] inputLabelsArr = InputLabels.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            int counter = 0;

            foreach (string dataStr in inputDataArr)
                double data      = 0;
                bool   isDouble2 = double.TryParse(dataStr, out data);

                double percent        = data;
                double reversePercent = 100 - percent;
                offset = 100 - preceedingTotalPercent + counterClockwiseDefaultOffset;
                preceedingTotalPercent = preceedingTotalPercent + percent;
                Circle segment = new Circle()
                    { "class", "segment-" + (1 + counter++).ToString() }, { "cx", "21" }, { "cy", "21" }, { "r", "15.915" }, { "stroke-dasharray", percent + " " + reversePercent }, { "stroke-dashoffset", offset.ToString() }

            Text numberText = new Text()
                { "class", "donut-number" }, { "content", PrimaryText }
            Text labelText = new Text()
                { "class", "donut-label" }, { "content", SecondaryText }

            Group grp = new Group()
                { "class", "donut-text" }

            grp.AddItems(numberText, labelText);

            svg.AddItems(rect, hole, ring);

            foreach (Circle segment in segments)

            BlazorRenderer blazorRenderer = new BlazorRenderer();

            blazorRenderer.Draw(seq, builder, svg);

            builder.OpenElement(++seq, "figcaption");
            builder.AddAttribute(++seq, "class", "donut-key");
            builder.OpenElement(++seq, "ul");
            builder.AddAttribute(++seq, "class", "donut-key-list");
            builder.AddAttribute(++seq, "aria-hidden", "true");
            builder.AddAttribute(++seq, "style", "list-style-type: none;");

            counter = 0;
            foreach (string dataStr in inputDataArr)
                double data = double.Parse(dataStr);
                builder.OpenElement(++seq, "li");
                builder.OpenElement(++seq, "span");
                builder.AddAttribute(++seq, "class", "legend-dot-" + (counter + 1).ToString());


                string labels = "";
                if (counter < inputLabelsArr.Length)
                    labels = inputLabelsArr[counter];

                builder.AddContent(++seq, labels + " " + "(" + data.ToString() + "%)");

        //1. xaxis text labels dx dy
        //2. expose gridyunits
        protected override void BuildRenderTree(RenderTreeBuilder builder)
            var seq = 0;

            builder.OpenElement(seq, "figure");
            builder.AddAttribute(++seq, "class", "line-chart");
            builder.OpenElement(++seq, "div");
            builder.AddAttribute(++seq, "class", "main");

            string[] inputLabelsArr = InputLabels.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string[] xAxisLabelsArr = XAxisLabels.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            int numLines = 0;

            if (InputSeries1 != null)
            if (InputSeries2 != null)
            if (InputSeries3 != null)
            if (InputSeries4 != null)
            if (InputSeries5 != null)
            if (InputSeries6 != null)
            if (InputSeries7 != null)
            if (InputSeries8 != null)
            if (InputSeries9 != null)
            if (InputSeries10 != null)

            string[] inputDataArr = new string[numLines];
            if (InputSeries1 != null)
                inputDataArr[0] = InputSeries1;
            if (InputSeries2 != null)
                inputDataArr[1] = InputSeries2;
            if (InputSeries3 != null)
                inputDataArr[2] = InputSeries3;
            if (InputSeries4 != null)
                inputDataArr[3] = InputSeries4;
            if (InputSeries5 != null)
                inputDataArr[4] = InputSeries5;
            if (InputSeries6 != null)
                inputDataArr[5] = InputSeries6;
            if (InputSeries7 != null)
                inputDataArr[6] = InputSeries7;
            if (InputSeries8 != null)
                inputDataArr[7] = InputSeries8;
            if (InputSeries9 != null)
                inputDataArr[8] = InputSeries9;
            if (InputSeries10 != null)
                inputDataArr[9] = InputSeries10;

            double maxY       = 0.0;
            int    numValues  = 0;
            int    numXLabels = xAxisLabelsArr.Length;

            foreach (string iData in inputDataArr)
                string[] inputLineArr = iData.Split(',');
                double[] doubleAry    = new double[inputLineArr.Length];
                if (numValues < inputLineArr.Length)
                    numValues = inputLineArr.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < inputLineArr.Length; i++)
                    double data      = 0;
                    bool   isDouble2 = double.TryParse(inputLineArr[i], out data);
                    doubleAry[i] = data;
                    if (maxY < data)
                        maxY = data;

            double boundHeight = 150.0;
            double boundWidth  = 150.0;

            SVG svg = new SVG()
                { "width", "100%" }, { "height", "100%" }, { "viewBox", "0 0 150 150" }
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle()
                { "class", "background-rect" }


             * int numHorizontalLines = 10;
             * int numVerticalLines = 10;

            double gridYUnits = 10;
            double gridXUnits = 10; //not required

            //1. Determine number of input values in xaxis and use it for numVerticalLines
            int numVerticalLines = numValues;

            //2. Detemine max value in yaxis and then use it calculate numHorizontalLines
            int numHorizontalLines = ((int)(maxY / gridYUnits)) + 1;

            double verticalStartSpace   = 25.0;
            double horizontalStartSpace = 25.0;
            double verticalEndSpace     = 25.0;
            double horizontalEndSpace   = 25.0;

            double verticalSpace   = (boundHeight - verticalStartSpace - verticalEndSpace) / (numHorizontalLines);
            double horizontalSpace = (boundWidth - horizontalStartSpace - horizontalEndSpace) / (numVerticalLines);

            double totalGridWidth  = ((double)(numVerticalLines - 1)) * horizontalSpace;
            double totalGridHeight = ((double)(numHorizontalLines - 1)) * verticalSpace;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("TotalGridHeight:" + totalGridHeight + ":" + verticalSpace);

            //Horizontal Lines
            double y          = verticalStartSpace;
            double startGridY = 0;

            for (int counter = 0; counter <= numHorizontalLines; counter++)
                Path path = new Path()
                    { "class", "horizontal-grid-lines" }, { "d", "M " + horizontalStartSpace.ToString() + " " + (boundHeight - y).ToString() + " L " + (boundWidth - horizontalEndSpace).ToString() + " " + (boundHeight - y).ToString() }
                Text label = new Text()
                    { "class", "y-axis-labels" }, { "x", (horizontalStartSpace - 2).ToString() }, { "y", (boundHeight - y).ToString() }, { "content", (startGridY).ToString() }

                svg.AddItems(path, label);
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Y:" + y);
                y          = y + verticalSpace;
                startGridY = startGridY + gridYUnits;
                //note : gridYUnits is the value the user see
                //verticalSpace is the internal/actual value used to represent gridYUnits on the chart.

            //Chart Line
            double gridx = 0, gridy = 0;

            gridx = horizontalStartSpace;
            gridy = boundHeight - verticalStartSpace;
            int colorcounter = 0;

            foreach (string iData in inputDataArr)
                string chartLine  = "";
                double gridValueX = 0;
                double gridValueY = 0;
                bool   firstTime  = true;

                string[] inputLineArr = iData.Split(',');
                double[] intAry       = new double[inputLineArr.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < inputLineArr.Length; i++)
                    double data      = 0;
                    bool   isDouble2 = double.TryParse(inputLineArr[i], out data);
                    intAry[i] = data;

                foreach (int i in intAry)
                    if (firstTime)
                        chartLine  = chartLine + "M ";
                        firstTime  = false;
                        gridValueX = horizontalStartSpace;
                        gridValueY = verticalStartSpace;
                        double gridValue = ((double)i) * verticalSpace / gridYUnits;
                        gridValueY = boundHeight - (gridValueY + gridValue);
                        chartLine  = chartLine + gridValueX.ToString() + " " + gridValueY.ToString();
                        chartLine  = chartLine + " L ";
                        gridValueX = gridValueX + horizontalSpace;
                        gridValueY = verticalStartSpace;
                        //if 5 verticalSapce represents 10 gridYUnits
                        //when you have 10 it becomes 10*5/10=5
                        double gridValue = ((double)i) * verticalSpace / gridYUnits;
                        gridValueY = boundHeight - (gridValueY + gridValue);
                        chartLine  = chartLine + gridValueX.ToString() + " " + gridValueY.ToString();
                Path linepath = new Path()
                    { "class", "line-" + (colorcounter + 1).ToString() }, { "d", chartLine }

            //Vertical Lines
            double x              = horizontalStartSpace;
            double startGridX     = 0;
            int    xLabelsCounter = 0;

            for (int counter = 0; counter <= numVerticalLines; counter++)
                Path path = new Path()
                    { "class", "vertical-grid-lines" }, { "d", "M " + x.ToString() + " " + (boundHeight - verticalStartSpace).ToString() + " L " + x.ToString() + " " + (verticalEndSpace).ToString() }

                string xLabels = "";
                if (xLabelsCounter < numXLabels)
                    xLabels = xAxisLabelsArr[xLabelsCounter++];

                Text label = new Text()
                    { "class", "x-axis-labels" }, { "transform", "translate(" + x.ToString() + "," + (boundHeight - verticalStartSpace + 5).ToString() + ")" }, { "dx", "+1em" }, { "dy", "0.30em" }, { "content", xLabels }

                //not required. just need number of grid lines
                startGridX = startGridX + gridXUnits;

                svg.AddItems(path, label);
                x = x + horizontalSpace;

            BlazorRenderer blazorRenderer = new BlazorRenderer();

            blazorRenderer.Draw(seq, builder, svg);

            builder.OpenElement(++seq, "figcaption");
            builder.AddAttribute(++seq, "class", "key");
            builder.OpenElement(++seq, "ul");
            builder.AddAttribute(++seq, "class", "key-list");

            colorcounter = 0;
            foreach (string iData in inputDataArr)
                builder.OpenElement(++seq, "li");
                builder.OpenElement(++seq, "span");
                builder.AddAttribute(++seq, "class", "legend-" + (colorcounter + 1).ToString());


                string label = "";
                if (colorcounter < inputLabelsArr.Length)
                    label = inputLabelsArr[colorcounter];

                builder.AddContent(++seq, label);

