Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolve and add all bindings and actions from the given map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        /// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
        public void AddActionMap(InputActionMap map)
            Debug.Assert(map != null);
            Debug.Assert(map.m_MapIndex == InputActionMapState.kInvalidIndex);

            // Keep track of indices for this map.
            var bindingStartIndex     = totalBindingCount;
            var controlStartIndex     = totalControlCount;
            var interactionStartIndex = totalInteractionCount;
            var processorStartIndex   = totalProcessorCount;
            var compositeStartIndex   = totalCompositeCount;
            var actionStartIndex      = totalActionCount;

            // Allocate binding states.
            var bindingsInThisMap     = map.m_Bindings;
            var bindingCountInThisMap = bindingsInThisMap != null ? bindingsInThisMap.Length : 0;

            totalBindingCount += bindingCountInThisMap;
            ArrayHelpers.GrowBy(ref bindingStates, totalBindingCount);

            ////TODO: make sure composite objects get all the bindings they need
            ////TODO: handle case where we have bindings resolving to the same control
            ////      (not so clear cut what to do there; each binding may have a different interaction setup, for example)
            var currentCompositeIndex = InputActionMapState.kInvalidIndex;
            var actionsInThisMap      = map.m_Actions;
            var actionCountInThisMap  = actionsInThisMap != null ? actionsInThisMap.Length : 0;

            for (var n = 0; n < bindingCountInThisMap; ++n)
                var unresolvedBinding = bindingsInThisMap[n];

                // Skip binding if it is disabled (path is empty string).
                var path = unresolvedBinding.effectivePath;
                if (unresolvedBinding.path == "")

                // Try to find action.
                var actionIndex = InputActionMapState.kInvalidIndex;
                var actionName  = unresolvedBinding.action;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(actionName))
                    actionIndex = map.TryGetActionIndex(actionName);
                else if (map.m_SingletonAction != null)
                    // Special-case for singleton actions that don't have names.
                    actionIndex = 0;

                // Instantiate processors.
                var firstProcessorIndex = 0;
                var numProcessors       = 0;
                var processors          = unresolvedBinding.effectiveProcessors;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(processors))
                    firstProcessorIndex = ResolveProcessors(processors);
                    if (processors != null)
                        numProcessors = totalProcessorCount - firstProcessorIndex;

                ////TODO: allow specifying parameters for composite on its path (same way as parameters work for interactions)
                // If it's the start of a composite chain, create the composite.
                if (unresolvedBinding.isComposite)
                    ////REVIEW: what to do about interactions on composites?

                    // Instantiate. For composites, the path is the name of the composite.
                    var composite = InstantiateBindingComposite(unresolvedBinding.path);
                    currentCompositeIndex =
                        ArrayHelpers.AppendWithCapacity(ref composites, ref totalCompositeCount, composite);
                    bindingStates[bindingStartIndex + n] = new InputActionMapState.BindingState
                        actionIndex         = actionIndex,
                        compositeIndex      = currentCompositeIndex,
                        processorStartIndex = firstProcessorIndex,
                        processorCount      = numProcessors,
                        mapIndex            = totalMapCount,

                    // The composite binding entry itself does not resolve to any controls.
                    // It creates a composite binding object which is then populated from
                    // subsequent bindings.

                // If we've reached the end of a composite chain, finish
                // off the current composite.
                if (!unresolvedBinding.isPartOfComposite && currentCompositeIndex != InputActionMapState.kInvalidIndex)
                    currentCompositeIndex = InputActionMapState.kInvalidIndex;

                // Look up controls.
                var firstControlIndex = totalControlCount;
                if (controls == null)
                    controls = new InputControl[10];
                var resolvedControls = new ArrayOrListWrapper <InputControl>(controls, totalControlCount);
                var numControls      = InputSystem.GetControls(path, ref resolvedControls);
                controls          = resolvedControls.array;
                totalControlCount = resolvedControls.count;

                // Instantiate interactions.
                var firstInteractionIndex = 0;
                var numInteractions       = 0;
                var interactions          = unresolvedBinding.effectiveInteractions;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(interactions))
                    firstInteractionIndex = ResolveInteractions(interactions);
                    if (interactionStates != null)
                        numInteractions = totalInteractionCount - firstInteractionIndex;

                // Add entry for resolved binding.
                bindingStates[bindingStartIndex + n] = new InputActionMapState.BindingState
                    controlStartIndex     = firstControlIndex,
                    controlCount          = numControls,
                    interactionStartIndex = firstInteractionIndex,
                    interactionCount      = numInteractions,
                    processorStartIndex   = firstProcessorIndex,
                    processorCount        = numProcessors,
                    isPartOfComposite     = unresolvedBinding.isPartOfComposite,
                    actionIndex           = actionIndex,
                    compositeIndex        = currentCompositeIndex,
                    mapIndex = totalMapCount,

                // If the binding is part of a composite, pass the resolve controls
                // on to the composite.
                if (unresolvedBinding.isPartOfComposite && currentCompositeIndex != InputActionMapState.kInvalidIndex && numControls != 0)
                    ////REVIEW: what should we do when a single binding in a composite resolves to multiple controls?
                    ////        if the composite has more than one bindable control, it's not readily apparent how we would group them
                    if (numControls > 1)
                        throw new NotImplementedException("Handling case where single binding in composite resolves to multiple controls");

                    // Make sure the binding is named. The name determines what in the composite
                    // to bind to.
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(unresolvedBinding.name))
                        throw new Exception(string.Format(
                                                "Binding that is part of composite '{0}' is missing a name",

                    // Install the control on the binding.
                    BindControlInComposite(composites[currentCompositeIndex], unresolvedBinding.name,

            // Set up control to binding index mapping.
            var controlCountInThisMap = totalControlCount - controlStartIndex;

            ArrayHelpers.GrowBy(ref controlIndexToBindingIndex, controlCountInThisMap);
            for (var i = 0; i < bindingCountInThisMap; ++i)
                var numControls = bindingStates[bindingStartIndex + i].controlCount;
                var startIndex  = bindingStates[bindingStartIndex + i].controlStartIndex;
                for (var n = 0; n < numControls; ++n)
                    controlIndexToBindingIndex[startIndex + n] = i;

            // Store indices for map.
            var numMaps  = totalMapCount;
            var mapIndex = ArrayHelpers.AppendWithCapacity(ref maps, ref numMaps, map);

            ArrayHelpers.AppendWithCapacity(ref mapIndices, ref totalMapCount, new InputActionMapState.ActionMapIndices
                actionStartIndex      = actionStartIndex,
                actionCount           = actionCountInThisMap,
                controlStartIndex     = controlStartIndex,
                controlCount          = controlCountInThisMap,
                bindingStartIndex     = bindingStartIndex,
                bindingCount          = bindingCountInThisMap,
                interactionStartIndex = interactionStartIndex,
                interactionCount      = totalInteractionCount - interactionStartIndex,
                processorStartIndex   = processorStartIndex,
                processorCount        = totalProcessorCount - processorStartIndex,
                compositeStartIndex   = compositeStartIndex,
                compositeCount        = totalCompositeCount - compositeStartIndex,
            map.m_MapIndex = mapIndex;

            // Allocate action states.
            if (actionCountInThisMap > 0)
                // Assign action indices.
                var actions = map.m_Actions;
                for (var i = 0; i < actionCountInThisMap; ++i)
                    actions[i].m_ActionIndex = totalActionCount + i;

                ArrayHelpers.GrowBy(ref actionStates, actionCountInThisMap);
                totalActionCount += actionCountInThisMap;
                for (var i = 0; i < actionCountInThisMap; ++i)
                    actionStates[i].mapIndex = mapIndex;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolve and add all bindings and actions from the given map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        /// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
        public void AddActionMap(InputActionMap map)
            Debug.Assert(map != null);

            // Keep track of indices for this map.
            var bindingStartIndex     = totalBindingCount;
            var controlStartIndex     = totalControlCount;
            var interactionStartIndex = totalInteractionCount;
            var processorStartIndex   = totalProcessorCount;
            var compositeStartIndex   = totalCompositeCount;
            var actionStartIndex      = totalActionCount;

            // Allocate binding states.
            var bindingsInThisMap     = map.m_Bindings;
            var bindingCountInThisMap = bindingsInThisMap != null ? bindingsInThisMap.Length : 0;

            totalBindingCount += bindingCountInThisMap;
            ArrayHelpers.GrowBy(ref bindingStates, totalBindingCount);

            ////TODO: make sure composite objects get all the bindings they need
            ////TODO: handle case where we have bindings resolving to the same control
            ////      (not so clear cut what to do there; each binding may have a different interaction setup, for example)
            var currentCompositeBindingIndex = InputActionMapState.kInvalidIndex;
            var currentCompositeIndex        = InputActionMapState.kInvalidIndex;
            var currentCompositePartIndex    = 0;
            var bindingMaskOnThisMap         = map.m_BindingMask;
            var actionsInThisMap             = map.m_Actions;
            var devicesForThisMap            = map.devices;
            var actionCountInThisMap         = actionsInThisMap != null ? actionsInThisMap.Length : 0;
            var resolvedControls             = new InputControlList <InputControl>(Allocator.Temp);

                for (var n = 0; n < bindingCountInThisMap; ++n)
                    var unresolvedBinding = bindingsInThisMap[n];
                    var bindingIndex      = bindingStartIndex + n;

                    // Set binding state to defaults.
                    bindingStates[bindingIndex].mapIndex = totalMapCount;
                    bindingStates[bindingIndex].compositeOrCompositeBindingIndex = InputActionMapState.kInvalidIndex;
                    bindingStates[bindingIndex].actionIndex = InputActionMapState.kInvalidIndex;

                    // Skip binding if it is disabled (path is empty string).
                    var path = unresolvedBinding.effectivePath;
                    if (unresolvedBinding.path == "")

                    // Skip binding if it doesn't match with our binding mask (might be empty).
                    if (bindingMask != null && !bindingMask.Value.Matches(ref unresolvedBinding))

                    // Skip binding if it doesn't match the binding mask on the map (might be empty).
                    if (bindingMaskOnThisMap != null && !bindingMaskOnThisMap.Value.Matches(ref unresolvedBinding))

                    // Try to find action.
                    // NOTE: Technically, we allow individual bindings of composites to trigger actions independent
                    //       of the action triggered by the composite.
                    var actionIndexInMap = InputActionMapState.kInvalidIndex;
                    var actionName       = unresolvedBinding.action;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(actionName))
                        actionIndexInMap = map.TryGetActionIndex(actionName);
                    else if (map.m_SingletonAction != null)
                        // Special-case for singleton actions that don't have names.
                        actionIndexInMap = 0;

                    // Skip binding if it doesn't match the binding mask on the action (might be empty).
                    if (actionIndexInMap != InputActionMapState.kInvalidIndex)
                        var action = actionsInThisMap[actionIndexInMap];
                        if (action.m_BindingMask != null && !action.m_BindingMask.Value.Matches(ref unresolvedBinding))

                    // Instantiate processors.
                    var firstProcessorIndex = 0;
                    var numProcessors       = 0;
                    var processors          = unresolvedBinding.effectiveProcessors;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(processors))
                        firstProcessorIndex = ResolveProcessors(processors);
                        if (processors != null)
                            numProcessors = totalProcessorCount - firstProcessorIndex;

                    // Instantiate interactions.
                    var firstInteractionIndex = 0;
                    var numInteractions       = 0;
                    var interactions          = unresolvedBinding.effectiveInteractions;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(interactions))
                        firstInteractionIndex = ResolveInteractions(interactions);
                        if (interactionStates != null)
                            numInteractions = totalInteractionCount - firstInteractionIndex;

                    ////TODO: allow specifying parameters for composite on its path (same way as parameters work for interactions)
                    ////      (Example: "Axis(min=-1,max=1)" creates an axis that goes from -1..1 instead of the default 0..1)
                    // If it's the start of a composite chain, create the composite.
                    if (unresolvedBinding.isComposite)
                        ////REVIEW: what to do about interactions on composites?

                        // Instantiate. For composites, the path is the name of the composite.
                        var composite = InstantiateBindingComposite(unresolvedBinding.path);
                        currentCompositeIndex =
                            ArrayHelpers.AppendWithCapacity(ref composites, ref totalCompositeCount, composite);
                        currentCompositeBindingIndex = bindingIndex;
                        bindingStates[bindingIndex]  = new InputActionMapState.BindingState
                            actionIndex = actionStartIndex + actionIndexInMap,
                            compositeOrCompositeBindingIndex = currentCompositeIndex,
                            processorStartIndex   = firstProcessorIndex,
                            processorCount        = numProcessors,
                            interactionCount      = numInteractions,
                            interactionStartIndex = firstInteractionIndex,
                            mapIndex    = totalMapCount,
                            isComposite = true,

                        // The composite binding entry itself does not resolve to any controls.
                        // It creates a composite binding object which is then populated from
                        // subsequent bindings.

                    // If we've reached the end of a composite chain, finish
                    // off the current composite.
                    if (!unresolvedBinding.isPartOfComposite &&
                        currentCompositeBindingIndex != InputActionMapState.kInvalidIndex)
                        currentCompositePartIndex    = 0;
                        currentCompositeBindingIndex = InputActionMapState.kInvalidIndex;
                        currentCompositeIndex        = InputActionMapState.kInvalidIndex;

                    // Look up controls.
                    var firstControlIndex = totalControlCount;
                    int numControls       = 0;
                    if (devicesForThisMap != null)
                        // Search in devices for only this map.
                        var list = devicesForThisMap.Value;
                        for (var i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
                            var device = list[i];
                            if (!device.added)
                                continue; // Skip devices that have been removed.
                            numControls += InputControlPath.TryFindControls(device, path, 0, ref resolvedControls);
                        // Search globally.
                        numControls = InputSystem.FindControls(path, ref resolvedControls);
                    if (numControls > 0)
                        resolvedControls.AppendTo(ref controls, ref totalControlCount);

                    // If the binding is part of a composite, pass the resolved controls
                    // on to the composite.
                    if (unresolvedBinding.isPartOfComposite &&
                        currentCompositeBindingIndex != InputActionMapState.kInvalidIndex && numControls > 0)
                        // Make sure the binding is named. The name determines what in the composite
                        // to bind to.
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(unresolvedBinding.name))
                            throw new Exception(string.Format(
                                                    "Binding with path '{0}' that is part of composite '{1}' is missing a name",
                                                    path, composites[currentCompositeIndex]));

                        // Install the controls on the binding.
                        BindControlInComposite(composites[currentCompositeIndex], unresolvedBinding.name,
                                               ref currentCompositePartIndex);

                    // Add entry for resolved binding.
                    bindingStates[bindingIndex] = new InputActionMapState.BindingState
                        controlStartIndex                = firstControlIndex,
                        controlCount                     = numControls,
                        interactionStartIndex            = firstInteractionIndex,
                        interactionCount                 = numInteractions,
                        processorStartIndex              = firstProcessorIndex,
                        processorCount                   = numProcessors,
                        isPartOfComposite                = unresolvedBinding.isPartOfComposite,
                        partIndex                        = currentCompositePartIndex,
                        actionIndex                      = actionIndexInMap,
                        compositeOrCompositeBindingIndex = currentCompositeBindingIndex,
                        mapIndex = totalMapCount,

            // Set up control to binding index mapping.
            var controlCountInThisMap = totalControlCount - controlStartIndex;

            ArrayHelpers.GrowBy(ref controlIndexToBindingIndex, controlCountInThisMap);
            for (var i = 0; i < bindingCountInThisMap; ++i)
                var numControls = bindingStates[bindingStartIndex + i].controlCount;
                var startIndex  = bindingStates[bindingStartIndex + i].controlStartIndex;
                for (var n = 0; n < numControls; ++n)
                    controlIndexToBindingIndex[startIndex + n] = i;

            // Store indices for map.
            var numMaps  = totalMapCount;
            var mapIndex = ArrayHelpers.AppendWithCapacity(ref maps, ref numMaps, map);

            ArrayHelpers.AppendWithCapacity(ref mapIndices, ref totalMapCount, new InputActionMapState.ActionMapIndices
                actionStartIndex      = actionStartIndex,
                actionCount           = actionCountInThisMap,
                controlStartIndex     = controlStartIndex,
                controlCount          = controlCountInThisMap,
                bindingStartIndex     = bindingStartIndex,
                bindingCount          = bindingCountInThisMap,
                interactionStartIndex = interactionStartIndex,
                interactionCount      = totalInteractionCount - interactionStartIndex,
                processorStartIndex   = processorStartIndex,
                processorCount        = totalProcessorCount - processorStartIndex,
                compositeStartIndex   = compositeStartIndex,
                compositeCount        = totalCompositeCount - compositeStartIndex,
            map.m_MapIndexInState = mapIndex;

            // Allocate action states.
            if (actionCountInThisMap > 0)
                // Assign action indices.
                var actions = map.m_Actions;
                for (var i = 0; i < actionCountInThisMap; ++i)
                    actions[i].m_ActionIndex = totalActionCount + i;

                ArrayHelpers.GrowBy(ref actionStates, actionCountInThisMap);
                totalActionCount += actionCountInThisMap;
                for (var i = 0; i < actionCountInThisMap; ++i)
                    actionStates[i].mapIndex = mapIndex;