Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int?id)
            Inout inout = db.Inout.Find(id);

Exemplo n.º 2
 public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "IinOutID,ItemID,ViaUserName,State,LineID,LineName,Code,Name,Location,Model,PartNo,FamilyID,FamilyName,AddDate,AddUserID,AddUserName,ReviewDate,ReviewUserID,ReviewUserName,SecondReviewDate")] Inout inout)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         db.Entry(inout).State = EntityState.Modified;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            Inout inout = db.Inout.Find(id);

            if (inout == null)
Exemplo n.º 4
        public ActionResult InStorageToSql(Inout item)
            item.AddDate = System.DateTime.Now;
            if (db.Inout.Select(e => e.IinOutID).Any())
                int maxLinOutID = db.Inout.Select(e => e.IinOutID).Max();
                item.IinOutID = maxLinOutID + 1;
            Jigitem jig = (from c in db.Jigitem
                           where c.ItemID == item.ItemID
                           select c).Single();

            jig.State = "库存";

Exemplo n.º 5
    Vector2 FindDestination()
        var target = Util.cursorWorldPosition;
        var cur    = (Vector2)protagonist.transform.position;
        var move   = target - cur;

        move = move.Len((config.maxDist * (1.0f + config.rangePerIndicatorStone * config.rangePerIndicatorStone)).Min(move.magnitude));

        // The move target is the place where protagonist is.
        // No need to compute more information.
        if (move.magnitude.LEZ())

        // Test all possible colliders.
        var hitCols = Physics2D.RaycastAll(cur, move, move.magnitude, LayerMask.GetMask("Terrain"));

        Debug.DrawRay(cur, move, Color.cyan, 3f);

        // Get all actual collision points' distances in and out.
        // inout == 1 : go into the polygon.
        // inout == -1 : go out of the polygon.
        // inout == other numbers : undefined.
        var hits = new List <(float dist, Inout inout)>();

        // For logical consistance, add the beginning point.
        hits.Add((0, Inout.Out));

        foreach (var col in hitCols)
            var c = col.collider;
            switch (c)
            case PolygonCollider2D s:
                int cnt = 0;
                for (int u = 0; u < s.pathCount; u++)
                    var path = s.GetPath(u);
                    for (int i = 0; i < path.Length; i++)
                        var polySeg = new Segment(
                            (Vector2)c.transform.position + path[i],
                            (Vector2)c.transform.position + path[(i + 1).ModSys(path.Length)]
                        var testSeg = new Segment(cur, cur + move);

                        Debug.DrawLine(polySeg.from, polySeg.to, Color.blue, 3f);

                        // Segments are parallel. Always ingore them in this case, even if they intersect.
                        if (!polySeg.asLine.Intersects(testSeg.asLine))

                        var itsc = polySeg.asLine.Intersection(testSeg.asLine);

                        // Get line intersection but not ray intersection.
                        if (cur.To(itsc).Dot(move.normalized).LEZ())

                        // The intersection is too far to the original.
                        if (cur.To(itsc).magnitude.G(move.magnitude))

                        // The test line covers one of the polygon's vertex. Ignore it.
                        if (!polySeg.Cover(itsc, true))

                        // Note we don't have to check the intersection of testSeg. it is infinity long.
                        // if(!testSeg.Cover(itsc, true)) continue;

                        cnt += 1;
                        hits.Add((cur.To(itsc).magnitude, 0));
                        Util.EditorDrawRect(itsc, Vector2.one * 0.3f, Color.green, 3.0f);

                    // In this range, all are intersection to one path.
                    // A polygon path is closed, and the intersections are always in
                    //   "in - out - in - out ..." pattern when sorted by distance,
                    //   as long as the original point (protagonist's location) is off the polygon.
                    hits.Sort(hits.Count - cnt, cnt, Comparer <(float, Inout)> .Default);

                    Inout curInout = Inout.Out;
                    for (int i = hits.Count - cnt; i < hits.Count; i++)
                        hits[i] = (hits[i].dist, curInout = (Inout)(-(int)curInout));

            default: throw new System.Exception("Not-supported collider.");

        // Get all in-out information.
        hits.Sort(Comparer <(float, Inout)> .Default); // simply sort asending.

        // There's no hits. Free to move directly...
        if (hits.Count <= 1)
            return(cur + move);

        Vector2 res     = Vector2.zero;
        int     inCount = 0;

        for (int i = 1; i < hits.Count; i++)
            var pd = hits[i - 1].dist;
            var cd = hits[i].dist;
            if (inCount == 0) // We're off any polygon now.
                Segment cs = new Segment(cur + move.normalized * pd, cur + move.normalized * cd);
                Debug.DrawLine(cs.from, cs.to, Color.green, 3f);

                // The target must be in the valid segment first...
                // Cancel the check since move.magnitude < pd won't be true anymore...
                if (move.magnitude.L(pd))

                // And the target location can be... here.
                var safeDist = move.magnitude.Clamp(pd + config.collisionPreventingDist, cd - config.collisionPreventingDist);
                res = cur + safeDist * move.normalized;
            else // We're in some polygon.
                Segment cs = new Segment(cur + move.normalized * pd, cur + move.normalized * cd);
                Debug.DrawLine(cs.from, cs.to, Color.red, 3f);

            switch (hits[i].inout)
            case Inout.In: inCount++; break;

            case Inout.Out: inCount--; break;

            default: throw new System.Exception("Invalid inout parameter.");

        // A special case when specified destination is off all polygons.
        if (inCount == 0)
            var finalDist = hits[hits.Count - 1].dist;
            var resDist   = move.magnitude.Max(finalDist + config.collisionPreventingDist);
            return(cur + move.Len(resDist));
