Exemplo n.º 1
 public static extern IntPtr NewPaperInkAnalyzer(InkAnalyzerResultAvailable InkAnalyzerResultAvailableFunction,
                                                 InkInkDrawingInfo InkInkDrawingInfoFunction,
                                                 InkLineBoxInfo InkLineBoxInfoFunction,
                                                 InkBulletInfo InkBulletInfoFunction,
                                                 AnalyserHasFinished AnalyserHasFinishedFunction,
                                                 MathPanelReply MathPanelReplyFunction,
                                                 IntPtr DrawingWindowHandle);
Exemplo n.º 2
        int Stroke_Y_Offset; // Offset of the first Stroke Line

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public PaperInkAnalysedPage( IntPtr InkDrawingHandle,  ref RichTextBox richRecognizedTextBox_in)
            richRecognizedTextBox = richRecognizedTextBox_in;

                                                            // all delegates must be passed via a Variable witch exists during the
                                                            // livetime of the class
                                                            // if not it is deleted by the garbage Collector
            InkAnalyzerResultAvailableFunctionPara = this.InkAnalyzerResultAvailable;
            InkInkDrawingInfoPara = this.InkInkDrawingInfo;
            InkLineBoxInfoPara = this.InkLineBoxInfo;
            InkBulletInfoPara = this.InkBulletInfo;
            AnalyserHasFinishedPara = this.AnalyserHasFinished;
            MathPanelReplyPara = this.MathPanelReply;

            aInkAnalyzerPage = new PaperInkAnalyzer(InkAnalyzerResultAvailableFunctionPara,         // must be passed by a Class global Variable
                                InkInkDrawingInfoPara,                          // must be passed by a Class global Variable
                                InkLineBoxInfoPara,                             // must be passed by a Class global Variable
                                InkBulletInfoPara,                              // must be passed by a Class global Variable
                                AnalyserHasFinishedPara,                        // must be passed by a Class global Variable
                                MathPanelReplyPara,                             // must be passed by a Class global Variable

            AnalysedPage = new LineLayout[80];
Exemplo n.º 3
        public PaperInkAnalysedPage(IntPtr InkDrawingHandle, ref RichTextBox richRecognizedTextBox_in)
            richRecognizedTextBox = richRecognizedTextBox_in;

            // all delegates must be passed via a Variable witch exists during the
            // livetime of the class
            // if not it is deleted by the garbage Collector
            InkAnalyzerResultAvailableFunctionPara = this.InkAnalyzerResultAvailable;
            InkInkDrawingInfoPara   = this.InkInkDrawingInfo;
            InkLineBoxInfoPara      = this.InkLineBoxInfo;
            InkBulletInfoPara       = this.InkBulletInfo;
            AnalyserHasFinishedPara = this.AnalyserHasFinished;
            MathPanelReplyPara      = this.MathPanelReply;

            aInkAnalyzerPage = new PaperInkAnalyzer(InkAnalyzerResultAvailableFunctionPara, // must be passed by a Class global Variable
                                                    InkInkDrawingInfoPara,                  // must be passed by a Class global Variable
                                                    InkLineBoxInfoPara,                     // must be passed by a Class global Variable
                                                    InkBulletInfoPara,                      // must be passed by a Class global Variable
                                                    AnalyserHasFinishedPara,                // must be passed by a Class global Variable
                                                    MathPanelReplyPara,                     // must be passed by a Class global Variable

            AnalysedPage = new LineLayout[80];
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static extern IntPtr NewPaperInkAnalyzer(InkAnalyzerResultAvailable InkAnalyzerResultAvailableFunction,
     InkInkDrawingInfo InkInkDrawingInfoFunction,
     InkLineBoxInfo InkLineBoxInfoFunction,
     InkBulletInfo InkBulletInfoFunction,
     AnalyserHasFinished AnalyserHasFinishedFunction,
     MathPanelReply MathPanelReplyFunction,
     IntPtr DrawingWindowHandle);