Exemplo n.º 1
        public static async Task <Unit> Run(InfusioClient client)
            var address = new EmailAddress(email: "*****@*****.**");

             * The methods on client return a data type with two possible values.
             * Either<InfusioError, T>
            var either = await client.ListContacts(email : address.Email);

             * Or you can use the unsafe versions which will throw exceptions as they occur

            var list = await client.ListContactsUnsafe(email : address.Email);

            var contact = list.Contacts.FirstOrDefault();

            if (contact != null)
                var tags = await client.ListTagsUnsafe();

                var remoteTag = tags.InnerTags.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "developers");
                if (remoteTag == null)
                    remoteTag = await client.CreateTagUnsafe(new CreateTag(name : "developers"));

                await client.ApplyTagsToContactIdUnsafe(new TagId(List(remoteTag.Id ?? 0)), contact.Id ?? 0);

                contact = contact.Copy(tagIds: contact.TagIds.Add(remoteTag.Id ?? 0));

             * Of course, you can use the client in a monadic manner as well.
             * One of the differences between this and the DSL is that the DSL is lazy and only
             * constructs somewhat of a syntax tree. You can also interpret the DSL anyway you please.
             * You can't do that with the client. It's executed always.

//            var clientProgram =
//                from c in client.ListContacts(email: address.Email).ToAsync().Match(
//                    Left: _ => Left<InfusioError, FullContact>(_),
//                    Right: x => x.Contacts.HeadOrNone().Map(identity).IfNone(() =>
//                        I give up ;)

//                        client.CreateContact(new RequestContact(emailAddresses: List(address)))
//                        )
//                )

Exemplo n.º 2
        static async Task Main()
            // These credentials are a test account.
            // I don't care about the data.
            // of course, you would provide your own.
            var httpClient   = new HttpClient(new HttpLogger());
            var clientId     = ClientId("tj7a3rtbs5dmsz2sbwxx3phd");
            var clientSecret = ClientSecret("EEecE6bBYz");
            var redirectUri  = RedirectUri("https://localhost");

            // These are meant to be created once and used throughout your application.
            // Inject into your DI container, or whatever your preference.
            AccessTokenRequest  requestAccessToken  = AccessTokenRequest(httpClient, clientId, clientSecret, redirectUri);
            RefreshTokenRequest requestRefreshToken = RefreshTokenRequest(httpClient, clientId, clientSecret);

             * ===============
             * STEP 1
             * ===============
             * Infusionsoft does not provide a way for an application to automatically authenticate.
             * They currently require a user's consent.
             * To grab an access code from infusionsoft, complete the following steps.
             * 1. Point your browser to:
             *     https://accounts.infusionsoft.com/app/oauth/authorize?client_id=tj7a3rtbs5dmsz2sbwxx3phd&response_type=code&redirect_uri=https://localhost
             * 2. Click the "Allow" button
             * 3. Copy the code that is returned in the adddress bar of your browser
             * 4. Paste the code below in the AccessCode
             * ===============

            // Utilize cache so we can run this program many times without the above hassle.
            // This is not part of the core library.
            var authorization = await AuthorizationInfoFromCache()
                                .IfNoneAsync(() =>
                                             requestAccessToken(AccessCode("PASTE CODE HERE"))

            var client = new InfusioClient(httpClient, new InfusioConfig(authorization.Token));

            // DSL Demo
            await InfusioDslDemo.Run(client);

            // Api Client Demo
            await ClassicApiClientDemo.Run(client);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static async Task <Unit> Run(InfusioClient client)
             * ===============
             * STEP 1
             * ===============
             * Describe the Infusionsoft operation that want to execute.
             * InfusioOp objects are composable. You combine any number of InfusioOps together to form one InfusioOp.
             * You're not stuck with running one operation at a time like you're probably used to traditionally.
             * You can, however, use this library as a traditional API client as well.
             * See the Classic Api Client demo for more information.
             * ===============

            InfusioOp <FullContact> operation = CustomOperations.AddTagToContact(
                new Tag(name: "developers"),
                new EmailAddress("*****@*****.**")

             * ===============
             * STEP 2
             * ===============
             * Execute your operation.
             * This returns a data type with two possible values.
             * Either<InfusioError, T>
             * ===============

            var result = await operation.RunWith(client);

                       Left: error => Console.WriteLine($"error: {error.Value}"),
                       Right: contact => Console.WriteLine($"contact: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(contact, Formatting.Indented)}")
Exemplo n.º 4
        static async Task Main()
            // These credentials are a test account.
            // I don't care about the data.
            // of course, you would provide your own.
            var httpClient   = new HttpClient();
            var clientId     = ClientId("tj7a3rtbs5dmsz2sbwxx3phd");
            var clientSecret = ClientSecret("EEecE6bBYz");
            var redirectUri  = RedirectUri("https://localhost");

            // These are meant to be created once and used throughout your application.
            // Inject into your DI container, or whatever your preference.
            AccessTokenRequest  requestAccessToken  = AccessTokenRequest(httpClient, clientId, clientSecret, redirectUri);
            RefreshTokenRequest requestRefreshToken = RefreshTokenRequest(httpClient, clientId, clientSecret);

             * ===============
             * STEP 1
             * ===============
             * Infusionsoft does not provide a way for an application to automatically authenticate.
             * They currently require a user's consent.
             * To grab an access code from infusionsoft, complete the following steps.
             * 1. Point your browser to:
             *     https://accounts.infusionsoft.com/app/oauth/authorize?client_id=tj7a3rtbs5dmsz2sbwxx3phd&response_type=code&redirect_uri=https://localhost
             * 2. Click the "Allow" button
             * 3. Copy the code that is returned in the adddress bar of your browser
             * 4. Paste the code below in the AccessCode
             * ===============

            // Utilize cache so we can run this program many times without the above hassle.
            // This is not part of the core library.
            var authorization = await AuthorizationInfoFromCache().IfNoneAsync(() =>

            var client = new InfusioClient(httpClient, authorization);

             * ===============
             * STEP 2
             * ===============
             * Describe the Infusionsoft operation that want to execute.
             * InfusioOps are composable. You combine any number of InfusioOps together to form one InfusioOp.
             * You're not stuck with running one operation at a time like you're probably used to traditionally.
             * ===============

            InfusioOp <FullContact> operation = CustomOperations.AddTagToContact(
                new Tag(name: "developers"),
                new EmailAddress("*****@*****.**")

             * ===============
             * STEP 3
             * ===============
             * Execute your operation.
             * This returns a data type with two possible values.
             * Either<InfusioError, T>
             * ===============

            var result = await operation.RunWithLogs(client, List("Infusionsoft operations", "start"));

                Left: error => Console.WriteLine($"error: {error.Value}"),
                Right: res =>
                Console.WriteLine($"contact: {SerializeObject(res.Value, Indented)}");