Exemplo n.º 1
    public virtual void Convert()
        List <Character> toConvert = Infra.GetPeasantsInRange(this.transform.position, ConvertRadius);

        for (int i = 0; i < toConvert.Count; i++)
            toConvert[i].Alliance = this.Alliance;
Exemplo n.º 2
    public override void Convert()
        List <Character> toConvert = Infra.GetPeasantsInRange(this.transform.position, ConvertRadius);

        for (int i = 0; i < toConvert.Count; i++)
        Invoke("Convert", 3f);
Exemplo n.º 3
    private void _setBasicRules()
        // Playing against rules of GC
        Rules.Add(new Rule(delegate(Hashtable hash) {
            var pile       = (Deck)hash["Pile"];
            var playedCard = (Card)hash["Card"];
            var top        = pile.top(); // get pile toppest card (e.g. index 0) without removing it

            Debug.Log("top : " + top + " card: " + playedCard);

            return(top.Suit == playedCard.Suit || top.Rank == playedCard.Rank);
        }, delegate(Hashtable hash) {
            // Do nothing
        }, delegate(Hashtable hash) {
            // If no other important rule did it already, then return the card to its owner hands
            // Card was never added to pile (that happens in ruleManager if all important rules was successful)

            // Not necessary all failed rules will return the card back to your hand
            // Maybe some good cards played incorrectly would be BURNED in place rather than return to hand

            var player = (Player)hash["Player"];
            var card   = (Card)hash["Card"]; // Card chosen to be played

        }, true));  // This little true here sets the rule as important
                    // which means that this rule is going to be evaluated before any rule which is not important.
                    // in addition, if an important rule fails, you receive a panelty, your card back and end your turn
                    // and no other rule takes effect (like 7 card wont take effect cause card wasnt played successfuly)

        // Playing not in your turn
        Rules.Add(new Rule(delegate(Hashtable hash) {
            var card  = (Card)hash["Card"];
            var board = (Board)hash["Board"];

            return(board.CurrentPlayer().id == card.Alliance);
        }, delegate(Hashtable hash) {
            // Do nothing
        }, delegate(Hashtable hash) {
            // If no other important rule did it already, then return the card to its owner hands
            // Card was never added to pile (that happens in ruleManager if all important rules was successful)

            // Not necessary all failed rules will return the card back to your hand
            // Maybe some good cards played incorrectly would be BURNED in place rather than return to hand
            var player = (Player)hash["Player"];
            var card   = (Card)hash["Card"]; // Card chosen to be played

            // Move card back to player's hand
        }, true));  // This little true here sets the rule as important
                    // which means that this rule is going to be evaluated before any rule which is not important.
                    // in addition, if an important rule fails, you receive a panelty, your card back and end your turn
                    // and no other rule takes effect (like 7 card wont take effect cause card wasnt played successfuly)

        // PLAYED 1: gain another turn

        /*Rules.Add(new Rule(delegate (Hashtable hash) {
         *  var card = (Card)hash["Card"];
         *  return card.Rank == 1;
         * }, delegate (Hashtable hash) {
         *  EventManager.TriggerEvent("SetNextTurn", new Hashtable() { { "Player", hash["Player"] } });
         * }, delegate (Hashtable hash) {
         *  // Do nothing
         * }));*/

        //Converter reciever, on Heart 3, 6, 9 or queen
        Rules.Add(new Rule(delegate(Hashtable hash) {
            var card = (Card)hash["Card"];
            return(card.Rank % 3 == 0);
        }, delegate(Hashtable arg) {
            var player = (Player)arg["Player"];
            var spell  = new Spell();

            spell.onCardPlay = delegate(Vector3 pos) {

                // pos here is null (vector(0,0,0))
                // things that should happen on card placement in pile

                // Create Converter object
                var sp = Resources.Load("RadiusCircle", typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;

                var board = (Board)arg["Board"];

                var insta = board.CreateGameObject(sp, Input.mousePosition);
                Debug.LogError("RadiusCircle created");
                sp.GetComponent <RadiousTarget>().Player = player; // Set player to follow (TODO: check if human)
                arg["prefab"] = insta;

                insta.transform.parent = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas").transform;
                //EventManager.TriggerEvent("ShowText", new Hashtable() { { "Text", "Convert Peasants To Belivers!" }, { "Duration", 1f } });

            spell.onClick = delegate(Vector3 pos) {
                Debug.LogError("onClick : " + pos);
                // pos is mouse position on click
                // things that should happen on card placement in pile

                var board = (Board)arg["Board"];

                var location = new Vector3(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(pos).x,
                                           Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(pos).y, 0);

                var toConvert = Infra.GetPeasantsInRange(location, (float)1);
                foreach (Character c in toConvert)


            spell.hasMouseTarget = true;

            Debug.LogError("Adding a new spell successfuly ==> " + player.id);
        }, delegate(Hashtable hash) {
            // Do nothing
Exemplo n.º 4
    private void _setExtraRules()
        // Any Jack Queen or King
        // ==> summon priests
        ExtraRules.Add(new Rule(delegate(Hashtable hash) {
            var playedCard = (Card)hash["Card"];
            return(playedCard.Rank > 10);
        }, delegate(Hashtable hash) {
            var playedCard = (Card)hash["Card"];
            var board      = (Board)hash["Board"];
            var player     = (Player)hash["Player"];
            var priest     = Resources.Load("Priest", typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;

            for (int i = 0; i < playedCard.Rank - 10; i++)
                var instance  = board.SpawnRandom(priest);
                var character = instance.GetComponent <Character>();
        }, delegate(Hashtable hash) {
        }, false, "I am here to Serve", "Any Jack, Queen or King : Summon a priest that converts peasants near him to be under your domain", "rul2"));

        ExtraRules.Add(new Rule(delegate(Hashtable hash) {
            var playedCard = (Card)hash["Card"];
            return(playedCard.Rank < 5 && playedCard.Suit == SuitEnum.Spades);
        }, delegate(Hashtable arg) {
            var player = (Player)arg["Player"];
            var spell  = new Spell();

            spell.onCardPlay = delegate(Vector3 pos) {
                // Create Converter object
                var board = (Board)arg["Board"];

                Debug.LogError("Attempting Skill circle created");
                var sp = Resources.Load("SkullTarget", typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;

                var insta = board.CreateGameObject(sp, Input.mousePosition);
                Debug.LogError("Skill circle  created");

                sp.GetComponent <RadiousTarget>().Player = player; // Set player to follow (TODO: check if human)
                arg["prefab"] = insta;

                insta.transform.parent = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas").transform;
                //EventManager.TriggerEvent("ShowText", new Hashtable() { { "Text", "Convert Peasants To Belivers!" }, { "Duration", 1f } });
            spell.onClick = delegate(Vector3 pos) {
                var board = (Board)arg["Board"];

                var location = new Vector3(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(pos).x,
                                           Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(pos).y, 0);

                var toKill = Infra.GetPeasantsInRange(location, (float)1);
                foreach (Character c in toKill)

                // Destroying skull cursor

            spell.hasMouseTarget = true;
        }, delegate(Hashtable hash) {
        }, false, "Oppression", "Spades 1-4 : Kills peasants in chosen radius", "rul3"));

        ExtraRules.Add(new Rule(delegate(Hashtable hash) {
            var playedCard = (Card)hash["Card"];
            return(playedCard.Rank == 13 && playedCard.Suit == SuitEnum.Diamonds);
        }, delegate(Hashtable arg) {
            var player = (Player)arg["Player"];
            var spell  = new Spell();

            spell.onCardPlay = delegate(Vector3 pos) {
                // Create Converter object
                var sp = Resources.Load("SkullTarget", typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;

                var board = (Board)arg["Board"];

                var insta = board.CreateGameObject(sp, Input.mousePosition);
                sp.GetComponent <RadiousTarget>().Player = player; // Set player to follow (TODO: check if human)
                arg["prefab"] = insta;

                insta.transform.parent = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas").transform;
                //EventManager.TriggerEvent("ShowText", new Hashtable() { { "Text", "Convert Peasants To Belivers!" }, { "Duration", 1f } });
            spell.onClick = delegate(Vector3 pos) {
                var board = (Board)arg["Board"];

                var location = new Vector3(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(pos).x,
                                           Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(pos).y, 0);

                var toKill = Infra.GetPeasantsInRange(location, (float)1);
                foreach (Character c in toKill)

                // Destroying skull cursor

            spell.hasMouseTarget = true;
        }, delegate(Hashtable hash) {
        }, false, "Armagedon", "King of Diamonds : Meteor shower", "rul1"));

        CopyExtraRules = new List <Rule>(ExtraRules);