private void donetimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { /* Updates the process for the end user */ //Set volume to Zero, otherwise the user will hear in the background because of gecko waveOutSetVolume(IntPtr.Zero, 0); if (done4) { //DONE Infotimer.Stop(); donetimer.Stop(); step4.ForeColor = Color.Lime; loadingind.Image = Properties.Resources.checkmark_96px; downloadingrn.Visible = true; downloadingrn.Text = "Done!"; infolbl.Show(); infolbl.Text = "Please consider donating if you support this project"; didyouknow.Hide(); paypal.Show(); geckoWebBrowser.Dispose(); } else if (done3) { //Stage 3 if (videosfound != 0 && continuenow == false) { continuenow = true; } else { step3.ForeColor = Color.Lime; downloadingrn.Visible = true; downloadingrn.Text = "Downloaded: " + (downdone) + "/" + videosfound; if ((downdone == videosfound) && (Math.Round(downloadeddone) == Math.Round(downloaded))) { done4 = true; } } } else if (done2) { //Stage 2 step2.ForeColor = Color.Lime; downloadingrn.Visible = true; if (!downloadingrn.Text.Contains("Retrying:")) { if (!downloadingrn.Text.Contains("Plays servers are slow today...")) { downloadingrn.Text = "Loading..."; } } } else if (done1) { //Stage 1 step1.ForeColor = Color.Lime; downloadingrn.Visible = true; downloadingrn.Text = "Logging in..."; } }
private async Task Load1SiteAsync() { //Navigates to the homescreen and sets a SAFE delay await PutTaskDelay(5000); geckoWebBrowser.Navigate(""); done1 = true; string linkredirect = ""; while (linkredirect == "") { await PutTaskDelay(5000); //Checks if the user is logged in or not GeckoNodeCollection links = geckoWebBrowser.Document.GetElementsByClassName("avatar"); foreach (GeckoElement link in links) { try { if (link.GetAttribute("href").Length > 0) { linkredirect = link.GetAttribute("href"); } } catch { } } if (linkredirect != "") { break; } else { geckoWebBrowser.Navigate(""); await PutTaskDelay(10000); } } //Redirects to users home video geckoWebBrowser.Navigate("" + linkredirect); await PutTaskDelay(5000); done2 = true; //Gets users ID GeckoElement VideoJSONtemp; while (true) { try { VideoJSONtemp = (GeckoElement)geckoWebBrowser.Document.GetElementsByClassName("full-width header-profile")[0]; break; } catch { setTextSafe("Plays servers are slow today. Still loading..."); await PutTaskDelay(3000); } } string JSON = Convert.ToString(VideoJSONtemp.GetAttribute("data-conf")); dynamic details = JValue.Parse(JSON); //Navigates to the JSON file (With a webclient the JSON would only show published videos) geckoWebBrowser.Navigate("" + + "/uploaded?limit=999999"); await PutTaskDelay(5000); string JSONformated = ""; int retrying = 0; while (retrying < 100) { //Tries to get the JSON, you need to be logged in to get unlisted videos try { string JSONunformated = geckoWebBrowser.Document.Body.OuterHtml; if (!JSONunformated.Contains("</pre></body>")) { retrying++; setTextSafe("Retrying: " + retrying + "/100"); await PutTaskDelay(3500); } else { JSONformated = JSONunformated.Replace("</pre></body>", "").Replace("<body><pre>", ""); break; } } catch { retrying++; setTextSafe("Retrying: " + retrying + "/100"); await PutTaskDelay(3500); } } if (retrying > 100) { MessageBox.Show("Can't access Plays.TV api...", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Application.ExecutablePath); // to start new instance of application this.Close(); } //Gets the JSON from Plays api dynamic videoJSON = JValue.Parse(JSONformated); JArray items = (JArray)videoJSON["items"]; //Creates a list that hold video information List <string> nameList = new List <string>(); List <string> downloadlinkList = new List <string>(); List <string> typeList = new List <string>(); List <string> gameList = new List <string>(); List <string> descriptionList = new List <string>(); List <string> dateList = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { dynamic item = (JObject)items[i]; bool unlisted = item.unlisted; //Get video information string name = item.description; string downloadlink = item.downloadUrl; string type = item.type; string game = item.gameTitle; string description = item.description; string date = item.created; if ((dntscreenshots.Checked == true) && (type.Contains("image") == true)) { } else { if (unlisted == true && publiconly == true) { } else { nameList.Add(name); downloadlinkList.Add(downloadlink); typeList.Add(type); gameList.Add(game); descriptionList.Add(description); dateList.Add(Convert.ToString(date).Replace("000", "")); } } //Inserts information to Did you know JObject res = (JObject)items[i]; double secc = Convert.ToDouble(item.duration); infoclipseconds += Convert.ToDouble(secc); infoviews += (int)res["stats"]["clicks"]; infocomments += (int)res["stats"]["comments"]; double dateUnix = Convert.ToDouble(Convert.ToString(item.created).Replace("000", "")); infofirstplays = UnixTimeStampToDateTime(dateUnix); } //Adds the total videos the a integer that the end user will see videosfound = nameList.Count; done3 = true; //First did you know Infotimer.Start(); infolbl.Text = "Did you know:"; infolbl.Show(); didyouknow.Text = "The first video was uploaded 03/09/2015 by Plays"; didyouknow.Show(); for (int i = 0; i < nameList.Count; i++) { curdown = i; //Adds SORT BY DATE if (rbUD.Checked) { sort = "[" + (i + 1) + "] "; } if (incDate.Checked) { if (paranthesiscbx.Checked == true) { dateString = (" (" + (UnixTimeStampToDateTime(Convert.ToDouble(dateList[i]))).ToShortDateString() + ")").Replace("/", "-"); } else { dateString = (" " + (UnixTimeStampToDateTime(Convert.ToDouble(dateList[i]))).ToShortDateString()).Replace("/", "-"); } } //Gets current video information string name = Convert.ToString(nameList[i]); string downloadlink = Convert.ToString(downloadlinkList[i]); string game = Convert.ToString(gameList[i]); string description = Convert.ToString(descriptionList[i]); string type = Convert.ToString(typeList[i]); //Tries to get the game if the description is the name of the game. if (game == null) { if (gameList.Contains(description)) { game = description; } else { game = "Unknown"; } } //Replaces bad names Regex illegalName = new Regex(@"[\\/:*?""<>|]"); name = illegalName.Replace(name, "_"); dateString = illegalName.Replace(dateString, "_"); game = illegalName.Replace(game, " "); try { //Checks if it's an image or not if (type == "image") { //If the user wants screenshots or not if (incscreenshots.Checked == true) { //If the user wants it to be put into game-folders if (includeGameFolders.Checked) { if (!Directory.Exists(path + @"\" + game)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path + @"\" + game); } if (rbUD.Checked) { sort = "[" + (Directory.GetFiles(path + @"\" + game).Length + 1) + "] "; } if (!File.Exists(path + @"\" + game + @"\" + sort + name + dateString + ".jpeg")) { DownloadFile(downloadlink, path + @"\" + game + @"\" + sort + name + dateString + ".jpeg"); break; } else { int addIfExists = 1; while (true) { if (!File.Exists(path + @"\" + game + @"\" + sort + name + "(" + addIfExists + ")" + dateString + ".jpeg")) { DownloadFile(downloadlink, path + @"\" + game + @"\" + sort + name + "(" + addIfExists + ")" + dateString + ".jpeg"); break; } else { addIfExists++; } } } } else { if (!File.Exists(path + @"\" + sort + name + dateString + ".jpeg")) { DownloadFile(downloadlink, path + @"\" + sort + name + dateString + ".jpeg"); } else { int addIfExists = 1; while (true) { if (!File.Exists(path + @"\" + sort + name + "(" + addIfExists + ")" + dateString + ".jpeg")) { DownloadFile(downloadlink, path + @"\" + sort + name + "(" + addIfExists + ")" + dateString + ".jpeg"); break; } else { addIfExists++; } } } } } } else { if (includeGameFolders.Checked) { if (!Directory.Exists(path + @"\" + game)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path + @"\" + game); } if (rbUD.Checked) { sort = "[" + (Directory.GetFiles(path + @"\" + game).Length + 1) + "] "; } if (!File.Exists(path + @"\" + game + @"\" + sort + name + dateString + ".mp4")) { DownloadFile(downloadlink, path + @"\" + game + @"\" + sort + name + dateString + ".mp4"); } else { int addIfExists = 1; while (true) { if (!File.Exists(path + @"\" + game + @"\" + sort + name + "(" + addIfExists + ")" + dateString + ".mp4")) { DownloadFile(downloadlink, path + @"\" + game + @"\" + sort + name + "(" + addIfExists + ")" + dateString + ".mp4"); break; } else { addIfExists++; } } } } else { // DownloadFile(downloadlink, path + @"\" + sort + name + dateString + ".mp4"); if (!File.Exists(path + @"\" + sort + name + dateString + ".mp4")) { DownloadFile(downloadlink, path + @"\" + sort + name + dateString + ".mp4"); } else { int addIfExists = 1; while (true) { if (!File.Exists(path + @"\" + sort + name + "(" + addIfExists + ")" + dateString + ".mp4")) { DownloadFile(downloadlink, path + @"\" + sort + name + "(" + addIfExists + ")" + dateString + ".mp4"); break; } else { addIfExists++; } } } } } } catch { //If an error occured. MessageBox.Show("Plays did not provide any download link to the video called: " + name + "\nYou will need to download it manually.\nClick OK to continue downloading the rest of the videos.", "Error.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } await PutTaskDelay(3000); } }