/// <summary>
        /// Methode pour lire l object dans le répertoire XML
        /// Impossible d utilisr WindowsBase System.IO.Packaging car ZIP n'est pas implémenté dans toutes ses versions
        /// </summary>
        private Object GetPackageClassInZIP(string rootPath, Type xsdClass, string zipFile, string fileName)
            InfoLogger.Info("StreamOpen '" + zipFile + "', search '" + fileName + "' with XSD '" + xsdClass + "'");
            XmlSerializer x       = new XmlSerializer(xsdClass);
            StreamReader  reader  = null;
            ZipArchive    package = new ZipArchive(rootPath + @"\" + zipFile, FileAccess.Read);

                foreach (ZipArchiveFile part in package.Files)
                    if (fileName.Equals(part.Name))
                        reader = part.OpenText();
                        // the class object has only one field : a List object
                        Object datas = x.Deserialize(reader);
                    InfoLogger.Info("Extracted " + part.Name);
                if (reader != null)
                x = null;
                package = null;
            InfoLogger.Info("GetPackageClassInZIP END");
        /// <summary>
        /// Methode pour lire l object dans le répertoire XML
        /// Impossible d utilisr WindowsBase System.IO.Packaging car ZIP n'est pas implémenté dans toutes ses versions
        /// </summary>
        private Object[] GetAllPackageClassesInZIPFile(string rootPath, XSDSpec[] xsdSpec, string zipFile)
            InfoLogger.Info("StreamOpen '" + zipFile + "', search all files nb='" + xsdSpec.Length);

            Object[] output = new Object[xsdSpec.Length];
            int      i      = 0;
            Dictionary <string, XmlSerializer> xsd = new Dictionary <string, XmlSerializer>(xsdSpec.Length);

            foreach (XSDSpec xsdS in xsdSpec)
                xsd.Add(xsdS.xsdFile, new XmlSerializer(xsdS.xsdClass));
            ZipArchive package = new ZipArchive(rootPath + @"\" + zipFile, FileAccess.Read);

            foreach (ZipArchiveFile part in package.Files)
                StreamReader sr = part.OpenText();

                using (XmlTextReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(sr))
                    while (xmlReader.Read())
                        //looking for a XML element like this
                        //xsi:schemaLocation="http://sample.com/sample/contentExchange sample.0.6.2.xsd "

                        string schemaLocation;
                        if (xmlReader.NodeType.Equals(XmlNodeType.Element) &&
                            (schemaLocation = xmlReader.GetAttribute("xsi:schemaLocation")) != null)

                            // make a search for the corresponding XSD Class
                            foreach (XSDSpec xsdS in xsdSpec)
                                if (schemaLocation.EndsWith(xsdS.xsdFile))
                                    XmlSerializer x = xsd[xsdS.xsdFile];
                                    // the class object has only one field : a List object
                                    Object datas = x.Deserialize(xmlReader);
                                    output[i++] = datas;
                InfoLogger.Info("Extracted " + part.Name);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        ///Remplit la table destination en mergeant avec le contenu du fichier csv fournie
        /// Voir en MS SQL 2012 , pour utiliser la nouvelle instruction MERGE
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void BulkUpsertCsv(string CsvFileName, DatabaseTable targetTableName, string csvFileEncoding = "UTF8", string dateFormat = "DMY", int connectionTimeout = -1)
            Encoding enc = null;

            switch (csvFileEncoding)
            case "UTF8": enc = Encoding.UTF8; break;

            case "ASCII": enc = Encoding.ASCII; break;

            case "BigEndianUnicode": enc = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode; break;

            case "Unicode": enc = Encoding.Unicode; break;

            case "UTF32": enc = Encoding.UTF32; break;

            case "UTF7": enc = Encoding.UTF7; break;

            default: enc = Encoding.Default; break;

            DatabaseTable usingTableName = new DatabaseTable(targetTableName.schema, "#" + targetTableName.table);

            List <string> columns = new List <string>();

            using (var reader = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(CsvFileName, enc), true, ';'))

                    CsvDataAdapter adapter          = new CsvDataAdapter(reader);
                    int            nbTobeMergedRows = adapter.Fill(DestinationConnection, usingTableName);

                    InfoLogger.Info(String.Format("MERGE Table: {0}, using File {1} : nb rows: {2}", targetTableName, CsvFileName, nbTobeMergedRows));

                    this.BulkUpsert(targetTableName, usingTableName, dateFormat, connectionTimeout);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw e;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// BulkUpsert (update and insert) ou BulkMerge
        ///Remplit la table destination en mergeant avec le contenu du fichier csv fournie
        /// Execute un UPDATE et ensuite un INSERT sur la connection Target
        /// Voir en MS SQL 2012 , pour utiliser la nouvelle instruction MERGE
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void BulkUpsert(DatabaseTable targetTableName, DatabaseTable usingTableName, string dateFormat = "DMY", int connection_timeout = -1)

                string tmpUpdatedPKs = "#updatedPK";

                int nbUpdatedRows    = DestinationConnection.Update(targetTableName, usingTableName, updated_PKs_Table: tmpUpdatedPKs, date_format: dateFormat);
                int nbInsertedNewRow = DestinationConnection.Insert(targetTableName, usingTableName, excluded_PKs_Table: tmpUpdatedPKs);

                InfoLogger.Info(String.Format("MERGE Table: {0}, using {1} : updatedRows: {2}, new Rows:{3} ", targetTableName, usingTableName, nbUpdatedRows, nbInsertedNewRow));
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
        /// <summary>
        /// Parametres: fichier_cours_xls et/ou fichier_prix_xls pour les extractions en cours devises et prix des composants
        /// msci_files_path pour le chemin vers les fichiers sources (par defaut:G:\,FGA Systèmes\PRODUCTION\FTP\INDICES\MSCI\)
        /// date pour la date utilisée
        /// liste_exclusion_prix pour une liste des tickers bloomberg à exclure
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        public void Execute(Arguments CommandLine)
            string[] inutile = CommandLine.Intercept(new string[] { "fichier_cours_csv", "fichier_cours_xls", "fichier_devises_csv", "fichier_devises_xls", "date", "msci_files_path", "liste_exclusion_prix" });
            // afficher les parametres passés et inutiles
            // prendre ceux qui commencent par @xxx ou #xxx qui représentent les variables
            if (inutile.Length > 0)
                if (InfoLogger.IsInfoEnabled)
                    string liste = "(";
                    foreach (string s in inutile)
                        if (!s.StartsWith("@") && !s.StartsWith("#"))
                            liste += s + " ";
                    liste += ")";
                    if (liste.Length > 2)
                        InfoLogger.Info("Les parametres suivants ne sont pas exploitees: " + liste);

            DataSet DS_fichier_cours   = null;
            DataSet DS_fichier_devises = null;

            if (CommandLine["date"] != null)
                if (CommandLine["msci_files_path"] != null)
                    this.MSCI_Settings = this.GetPathSettings(CommandLine["date"], CommandLine["msci_files_path"]);
                    this.MSCI_Settings = this.GetPathSettings(CommandLine["date"]);

                // Soit extraction des cours MSCI
                if ((CommandLine["fichier_cours_xls"] != null) || (CommandLine["fichier_cours_csv"] != null))
                    if (CommandLine["liste_exclusion_prix"] != null)
                        string [] excluded = CommandLine["liste_exclusion_prix"].Split(new char[] { ',', ';', ':' });
                        this.excluded_security_ticker = new HashSet <string>(excluded);
                    DS_fichier_cours = this.Extract_ZIPFile_MSCI_Indexes_Daily_Security();

                if (CommandLine["fichier_cours_xls"] != null)
                    string outputFileName = this.ParameterFileNameWithDateTime(CommandLine["fichier_cours_xls"], this.MSCI_Settings.RUNNING_TIME);
                    ExcelFile.CreateWorkbook(DS_fichier_cours, outputFileName);
                if (CommandLine["fichier_cours_csv"] != null)
                    string outputFileName = this.ParameterFileNameWithDateTime(CommandLine["fichier_cours_csv"], this.MSCI_Settings.RUNNING_TIME);
                    CSVFile.WriteToCSV(DS_fichier_cours, outputFileName);

                // Soit extraction des devises MSCI
                if ((CommandLine["fichier_devises_xls"] != null) || (CommandLine["fichier_devises_csv"] != null))
                    DS_fichier_devises = this.Extract_ZIPFile_MSCI_Indexes_Daily_ForexRate();

                if (CommandLine["fichier_devises_xls"] != null)
                    string outputFileName = this.ParameterFileNameWithDateTime(CommandLine["fichier_devises_xls"], this.MSCI_Settings.RUNNING_TIME);
                    ExcelFile.CreateWorkbook(DS_fichier_devises, outputFileName);
                if (CommandLine["fichier_devises_csv"] != null)
                    string outputFileName = this.ParameterFileNameWithDateTime(CommandLine["fichier_devises_csv"], this.MSCI_Settings.RUNNING_TIME);
                    CSVFile.WriteToCSV(DS_fichier_devises, outputFileName);
        public void Execute(Arguments CommandLine)
            string[] inutile = CommandLine.Intercept(new string[] { "dateStart", "dateEnd", "step1", "step2", "step3", "step4", "step5", "calculate", "factsetPath", "modelClassificationPath", "notationISR", "actPtfAlimSQSLrequest", "env" });
            // afficher les parametres passés et inutiles
            // prendre ceux qui commencent par @xxx ou #xxx qui représentent les variables
            if (inutile.Length > 0)
                if (InfoLogger.IsInfoEnabled)
                    string liste = "(";
                    foreach (string s in inutile)
                        if (!s.StartsWith("@") && !s.StartsWith("#"))
                            liste += s + " ";
                    liste += ")";
                    if (liste.Length > 2)
                        InfoLogger.Info("Les parametres suivants ne sont pas exploitees: " + liste);
            if (CommandLine["env"] != null)
                ENV = CommandLine["env"];
            // 2 configurations: dateStart et dateEnd au format JJ/MM/AAAA , donc toutes les dates comprises entre Start et End, sauf les WE
            //                   dateStart et dateEnd au format MM/AAAA , donc toutes les fins de mois comprises entre Start et End
            DateTime dStart, dEnd, dEom;
            bool     eom_config = false;

            DateTime.TryParse(CommandLine["dateStart"], out dStart);
            if (!DateTime.TryParse(CommandLine["dateEnd"], out dEnd))
                dEnd = dStart;
            if (CommandLine["dateStart"].Length <= 7)
                eom_config = true;
                if (CommandLine["dateEnd"].Length <= 7)
                    // take the next 1rst day of month
                    dEnd = dEnd.AddMonths(1);
                    if (dEnd.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)
                        dEnd = dEnd.AddDays(2);
                    else if (dEnd.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                        dEnd = dEnd.AddDays(1);

            dEom = dStart;

            for (DateTime dateOfData = dStart; dateOfData <= dEnd; dateOfData = dateOfData.AddDays(1))
                InfoLogger.Info("Donnees du " + dateOfData + " en cours: " + DateTime.Now.ToString());

                if (dateOfData.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || dateOfData.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                    InfoLogger.Info("La date est un WE. Pas d integration " + dateOfData);
                if (eom_config)
                    // if the date end of month is the previous month,
                    if ((dateOfData.Month == 1 && dEom.Month == 12) || dateOfData.Month > dEom.Month)
                            ACTION_PROCESS(dEom, CommandLine);
                        catch (DirectoryNotFoundException e)
                            InfoLogger.Error("File not found ... continue", e);
                    ACTION_PROCESS(dateOfData, CommandLine);
                dEom = dateOfData;
        public static void ACTION_PROCESS(DateTime d, Arguments CommandLine)
            string date = d.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

            InfoLogger.Error("PROCESSING DATE" + date);
            if (CommandLine["histo"] != null)
                string root     = CommandLine["factsetPath"] ?? @"\\vill1\Partage\TQA\Datas Factset pour Guillaume";
                string filepath = root + @"\" + CommandLine["histo"];

            if (CommandLine["step1"] != null)
                string root     = CommandLine["factsetPath"] ?? @"\\vill1\Partage\,FGA MarketData\FACTSET";
                string filepath = root + @"\" + d.ToString("yyyyMM") + @"\base_" + d.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + @".csv";
            if (CommandLine["step2"] != null)
                string filepath = CommandLine["modelClassificationPath"] ?? @"\\vill1\Partage\,FGA Front Office\02_Gestion_Actions\00_BASE\Base 2.0\Modele_Classification.xlsx";

                ACTION_PROCESS_BulkCopy_FACTSET_MODELE_CLASSIFICATION_2(date, filepath);

            if (CommandLine["step3"] != null)
                string filepath = CommandLine["notationISR"] ?? @"\\vill1\Partage\,FGA ISR\Notation Fédéris\NotationISRbase.xlsx";
                catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException sqle)
                    if (sqle.ErrorCode == 2627) // violation Primary Key
                        InfoLogger.Info("Data already inserted");
                    InfoLogger.Error("Problem on " + filepath, sqle);
                catch (Exception e)
                    InfoLogger.Error("Problem on " + filepath, e);
            if (CommandLine["step4"] != null)
                string filePath = CommandLine["actPtfAlimSQSLrequest"] ?? @"\\vill1\Partage\,FGA Soft\SQL_SCRIPTS\AUTOMATE\GESTION_ACTION\FCP_Action_BaseTitresDirects.sql";
                ACTION_PROCESS_BulkCopy_Import_ACT_PTF_BaseTitreDirects_4(filePath, date);

            if (CommandLine["step5"] != null)
            if (CommandLine["calculate"] != null)
                int to;
                if (!Int32.TryParse(CommandLine["timeout"], out to))
                    to = 60 * 60 * 3; // 3 heures par defaut
                ACTION_PROCESS_BulkCopy_Calculate_6(date, to);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static void Info(string message)
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Execute(Arguments CommandLine)
            string[] inutile = CommandLine.Intercept(new string[] { "dateStart", "dateEnd", "msci", "iboxx", "barclays", "env", "ROOT_PATH", "INDEX", "INDEX_UNIVERSE" });
            // afficher les parametres passés et inutiles
            // prendre ceux qui commencent par @xxx ou #xxx qui représentent les variables
            if (inutile.Length > 0)
                if (InfoLogger.IsInfoEnabled)
                    string liste = "(";
                    foreach (string s in inutile)
                        if (!s.StartsWith("@") && !s.StartsWith("#"))
                            liste += s + " ";
                    liste += ")";
                    if (liste.Length > 2)
                        InfoLogger.Info("Les parametres suivants ne sont pas exploitees: " + liste);
            if (CommandLine["env"] != null)
                ENV = CommandLine["env"];
                ENV = "PREPROD";
            if (CommandLine["msci"] != null)
                if (CommandLine["dateStart"] != null)
                    DateTime d1;
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(CommandLine["dateStart"], out d1))
                        DateTime d2;
                        DateTime.TryParse(CommandLine["dateEnd"], out d2);

                        //string root = CommandLine["factsetPath"] ?? @"\\vill1\Partage\,FGA MarketData\FACTSET";
                        MSCIIndexFile f = new MSCIIndexFile(ENV);
                        f.ExecuteIndexFileIntegration(d1, d2);
            if (CommandLine["iboxx"] != null)
                if (CommandLine["dateStart"] != null)
                    DateTime d1;
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(CommandLine["dateStart"], out d1))
                        DateTime d2;
                        DateTime.TryParse(CommandLine["dateEnd"], out d2);

                        //string root = CommandLine["factsetPath"] ?? @"\\vill1\Partage\,FGA MarketData\FACTSET";
                        iBoxxIndexFile f = new iBoxxIndexFile(ENV);
                        f.ExecuteIndexFileIntegration(d1, d2);

            if (CommandLine["barclays"] != null)
                if (CommandLine["dateStart"] != null)
                    DateTime d1;
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(CommandLine["dateStart"], out d1))
                        DateTime d2;
                        DateTime.TryParse(CommandLine["dateEnd"], out d2);

                        String root_path = CommandLine["ROOT_PATH"] ?? BarclaysIndexFile.INDEX_PATH;

                        //string root = CommandLine["factsetPath"] ?? @"\\vill1\Partage\,FGA MarketData\FACTSET";
                        BarclaysIndexFile f = new BarclaysIndexFile(ENV);
                        f.ExecuteIndexFileIntegration(d1, d2, new object[] { root_path, CommandLine["INDEX_UNIVERSE"], CommandLine["INDEX"] });
