Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method gets the index of a point in a list, if not already there then it returns -1
        /// This only checks for the vector part of the indexedpoint
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points">The list of indexedpoints</param>
        /// <param name="point">The point of which the index should be found</param>
        /// <returns>The index of the point, -1 if not there</returns>
        private static int indexOfPointInList(List <IndexedPoint> points, IndexedPoint point)
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                if (points[i].p == point.p)

Exemplo n.º 2
    IEnumerator MoveCoroutine()
        // now, lets do the moving
        float distance = 0; // the current distance
        int   index    = 0;

        while (distance <= line.totalDistance)
            // get the indexed point
            IndexedPoint iPoint = line.GetPoint(distance, index);
            // update the transform and index
            transform.position = iPoint.point;
            index = iPoint.index;
            // wait until the next frame
            yield return(null);

            // update the distance used.
            distance += GameController.enemySpeed * Time.deltaTime;
Exemplo n.º 3
    public static void Get2DConcaveTriangulation(List <Vector2> points, List <int> triangles)
        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
            IndexedPoint point;
            point.position = points[i];
            point.index    = _points.Count;

        int index0     = 1;
        int lastIndex0 = 0;

        while (_points.Count > 2)
            if (index0 == lastIndex0)

            int index1 = (index0 + 1) % _points.Count;
            int index2 = (index0 + 2) % _points.Count;

            IndexedPoint v0 = _points[index0];
            IndexedPoint v1 = _points[index1];
            IndexedPoint v2 = _points[index2];

            int          edgeA      = (index2 + 1) % _points.Count;
            int          edgeB      = (index0 - 1 + _points.Count) % _points.Count;
            IndexedPoint edgePointA = _points[edgeA];
            IndexedPoint edgePointB = _points[edgeB];

            bool doesIntersect = false;

            if (cross(v2.position - v1.position, v1.position - v0.position) <= 0)
                doesIntersect = true;

            if (_points.Count > 3)
                if (doesEdgeIntersect(v1.position, v2.position, v0.position, edgePointA.position))
                    doesIntersect = true;

                if (doesEdgeIntersect(v1.position, v0.position, v2.position, edgePointB.position))
                    doesIntersect = true;

                while (edgeA != edgeB)
                    int edgeA1 = (edgeA + 1) % _points.Count;

                    IndexedPoint s0 = _points[edgeA];
                    IndexedPoint s1 = _points[edgeA1];

                    if (Do2DSegmentsIntersect(s0.position, s1.position, v0.position, v2.position))
                        doesIntersect = true;

                    edgeA = edgeA1;

            if (doesIntersect)
                index0 = (index0 + 1) % _points.Count;



            index0     = index0 % _points.Count;
            lastIndex0 = (index0 - 1 + _points.Count) % _points.Count;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void optimiseOriginalTriangles()
            //We do not work with triangles in plotting mode
            if (Global.Values.materialType == MaterialType.Pen)

            //To optimise the triangles we will firstly go through all the the triangles and check if all three of its points already exist and then check
            //if any of the existing references is to an existing triangle containg all three points

            //This list will contain the new triangles which are not duplicates and contain the indices of the triangles touching it
            List <Triangle> newTriangles = new List <Triangle>();

            //This list will contain all the points that exist in the model in an indexed form where they have the indices of all the triangles that they
            //are used in
            List <IndexedPoint> newPoints = new List <IndexedPoint>();

            //This dictionary contains a hashtable whith all the points to allow us to detect if a point already exists much faster, the points also contain
            //there index in the large list
            Dictionary <int, List <IndexedPoint> > pMap = new Dictionary <int, List <IndexedPoint> >();

            //We will now go through each triangle and add it to the new list if not a duplicate
            for (int i = 0; i < Global.Values.initialTriangleList.Count(); i++)
                var triangle = Global.Values.initialTriangleList[i];

                //Calculate the hash values of the three points
                int hashA = hashForPoint(triangle.Point1);
                int hashB = hashForPoint(triangle.Point2);
                int hashC = hashForPoint(triangle.Point3);

                bool duplicate = false;

                IndexedPoint tA = new IndexedPoint(triangle.Point1, newTriangles.Count());
                IndexedPoint tB = new IndexedPoint(triangle.Point2, newTriangles.Count());
                IndexedPoint tC = new IndexedPoint(triangle.Point3, newTriangles.Count());

                //Check if points already exist
                if (!pMap.ContainsKey(hashA))
                    pMap.Add(hashA, new List <IndexedPoint>());
                if (!pMap.ContainsKey(hashB))
                    pMap.Add(hashB, new List <IndexedPoint>());
                if (!pMap.ContainsKey(hashC))
                    pMap.Add(hashC, new List <IndexedPoint>());

                //Go through each triangle refrenced by each of the points of the current riangles and check if there is already
                //a triangle that contains all three points
                for (int a = 0; a < pMap[hashA].Count && !duplicate; a++)
                    var pA = pMap[hashA][a];

                    for (int b = 0; b < pMap[hashB].Count && !duplicate; b++)
                        var pB = pMap[hashB][b];

                        for (int c = 0; c < pMap[hashC].Count && !duplicate; c++)
                            var pC = pMap[hashC][c];

                            bool sameTriangle = false;

                            for (int a2 = 0; a2 < pA.indexList.Count && !sameTriangle; a2++)
                                int aIs = pA.indexList[a2];

                                for (int b2 = 0; b2 < pB.indexList.Count && !sameTriangle; b2++)
                                    int bIs = pB.indexList[b2];

                                    for (int c2 = 0; c2 < pC.indexList.Count && !sameTriangle; c2++)
                                        int cIs = pC.indexList[c2];

                                        if (aIs == bIs && bIs == cIs)
                                            sameTriangle = true;

                            //If point A, B and C are not from the same triangle then continue
                            //if (pA.index != pB.index && pA.index != pC.index)
                            if (!sameTriangle)

                            //Check if the triangle is a duplicate
                            if (tA == pA && tB == pB && tC == pC)
                                duplicate = true;

                if (!duplicate)
                    //If this is a new triangle then we should add the index of this triangle to each of its three points
                    //in the hashed and larger list

                    //Determine the index of each point in the hashtable
                    int indexA = indexOfPointInList(pMap[hashA], tA);
                    int indexB = indexOfPointInList(pMap[hashB], tB);
                    int indexC = indexOfPointInList(pMap[hashC], tC);

                    if (indexA == -1)
                        //If this is a new point then add it to the hash table and the larger list

                        tA.index = newPoints.Count;
                        triangle.p1Idx = newPoints.Count;
                        //If the point already exists then add the index of the current triangle to the list of triangles
                        //that contain the point

                        triangle.p1Idx = pMap[hashA][indexA].index; //Store the index of the point in the triangle

                    if (indexB == -1)
                        tB.index = newPoints.Count;
                        triangle.p2Idx = newPoints.Count;
                        triangle.p2Idx = pMap[hashB][indexB].index;

                    if (indexC == -1)
                        tC.index = newPoints.Count;
                        triangle.p3Idx = newPoints.Count;
                        triangle.p3Idx = pMap[hashC][indexC].index;

                    //Add the new triangle to the list

            //For each triangle determine if and which other triangle also contains two of its points and store the index of the other
            //triangle as the one touching each side
            for (int i = 0; i < newTriangles.Count; i++)
                var triangle = newTriangles[i];

                triangle.indexTouchingSide[0] = faceWithIndexPoints(newPoints, triangle.p1Idx, triangle.p2Idx, i);
                triangle.indexTouchingSide[1] = faceWithIndexPoints(newPoints, triangle.p1Idx, triangle.p3Idx, i);
                triangle.indexTouchingSide[2] = faceWithIndexPoints(newPoints, triangle.p2Idx, triangle.p3Idx, i);

            Global.Values.initialTriangleList = newTriangles;