Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void InitializeDemo()
            SetCameraDistance(SCALING * 50f);

            //string filename = @"C:\users\man\bullett\xna-largemesh-output.txt";
            //FileStream filestream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);
            //BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filestream);

            ///collision configuration contains default setup for memory, collision setup
            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();

            ///use the default collision dispatcher. For parallel processing you can use a diffent dispatcher (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            m_dispatcher = new CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);

            m_broadphase = new DbvtBroadphase();
            IOverlappingPairCache pairCache = null;
            //pairCache = new SortedOverlappingPairCache();

            //m_broadphase = new SimpleBroadphase(10000, pairCache);

            ///the default constraint solver. For parallel processing you can use a different solver (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver sol = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();

            m_constraintSolver = sol;

            m_dynamicsWorld = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 gravity = new IndexedVector3(0, -10, 0);

            m_dynamicsWorld.SetGravity(ref gravity);

            m_profileManager = new BasicProfileManager();
            BulletGlobals.g_profileManager = m_profileManager;
            m_profileIterator = m_profileManager.getIterator();

            ///create a few basic rigid bodies
            IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(50, 50, 50);
            //IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(10, 10, 10);
            //CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(ref halfExtents);
            CollisionShape groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 0), 0);

            LocalCreateRigidBody(0f, IndexedMatrix.Identity, groundShape);
            //CollisionShape groundShape = BuildLargeMesh();
            CollisionShape sphereShape = new SphereShape(0.2f);
            int            size        = 16;// 5; // 16

            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j)
                    IndexedMatrix m  = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(i, 1, j));
                    RigidBody     rb = LocalCreateRigidBody(1f, m, sphereShape);

Exemplo n.º 2

        public void SetupWorldObjects()
            IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(10, 5, 10);
            CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(ref halfExtents);

            IndexedVector3 world1Center = new IndexedVector3(-20, -5, 0);
            IndexedVector3 world2Center = new IndexedVector3(20, -5, 0);

            IndexedMatrix groundTransform1 = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(world1Center);
            IndexedMatrix groundTransform2 = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(world2Center);

            IndexedVector3 halfExtents2  = new IndexedVector3(0.5f);
            CollisionShape smallBoxShape = new BoxShape(ref halfExtents2);

            //IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0,-10,0));
            float mass = 0f;

            LocalCreateRigidBodyMultiWorld(mass, ref groundTransform1, groundShape, m_worlds[0]);
            LocalCreateRigidBodyMultiWorld(mass, ref groundTransform2, groundShape, m_worlds[1]);

            mass = 1f;
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                IndexedVector3 offset = new IndexedVector3(0, halfExtents.Y + halfExtents2.Y + (2 * i), 0);

                IndexedMatrix boxTransform1 = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(world1Center + offset);
                IndexedMatrix boxTransform2 = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(world2Center + offset);

                LocalCreateRigidBodyMultiWorld(mass, ref boxTransform1, smallBoxShape, m_worlds[0]);
                LocalCreateRigidBodyMultiWorld(mass, ref boxTransform2, smallBoxShape, m_worlds[1]);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void InitializeDemo()
            //string filename = @"C:\users\man\bullet\xna-motor-output.txt";
            //FileStream filestream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);
            //BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filestream);

            m_Time         = 0;
            m_fCyclePeriod = 2000.0f;             // in milliseconds

            // new SIMD solver for joints clips accumulated impulse, so the new limits for the motor
            // should be (numberOfsolverIterations * oldLimits)
            // currently solver uses 10 iterations, so:
            m_fMuscleStrength = 0.5f;


            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();

            m_dispatcher = new CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);

            m_broadphase = new DbvtBroadphase();
            IOverlappingPairCache pairCache = null;

            m_broadphase = new SimpleBroadphase(1000, pairCache);

            SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver sol = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();

            m_constraintSolver = sol;

            m_dynamicsWorld = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 gravity = new IndexedVector3(0, -10, 0);

            m_dynamicsWorld.SetGravity(ref gravity);

            m_dynamicsWorld.SetInternalTickCallback(new MotorPreTickCallback(), this, true);

            // Setup a big ground box
                CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(200.0f, 10.0f, 200.0f));
                IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(0, -10, 0);
                LocalCreateRigidBody(0f, ref groundTransform, groundShape);

            // Spawn one ragdoll
            IndexedVector3 startOffset = new IndexedVector3(1, 0.5f, 0);

            SpawnTestRig(ref startOffset, false);
            startOffset = new IndexedVector3(-2, 0.5f, 0);
            SpawnTestRig(ref startOffset, true);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public virtual void LoadPlayerController(Entity playerEntity, SceneNode characterNode, object userData, Vector3 mobNodePositionUpdate)
            //if (!initialized)
            //    characterToLoad = characterNode;
            //    characterEntityToLoad = playerEntity;
            //    JumpHandlerToLoad = jumpHandler;
            //    MobNodePositionUpdateToLoad = mobNodePositionUpdate;
            //    userDataToLoad = userData;
            //    return;
            if (playerController != null)
            float modelHeight = 2f;// (playerEntity.BoundingBox.Max.Y) / scaleFactor; // AJ: used to subtract minimum from maximum- playerEntity.BoundingBox.Minimum.y

            System.Console.WriteLine("Player capsule info: modelheight '{0}', boundingbox max '{1}', bounding box min '{2}' and playerPosition '{3}'",
                                     modelHeight, playerEntity.BoundingBox.Max.Y, playerEntity.BoundingBox.Min.Y, characterNode.Position);
            float radius = 1.75f;
            float height = 1.75f;

            ConvexShape capsule = new CapsuleShape(radius, height);

            //ConvexShape capsule = new SphereShape(radius);
            ghostObject = new PairCachingGhostObject();
            Vector3 position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);//new Vector3(characterNode.Position.X / scaleFactor, (characterNode.Position.Y + 1500) / scaleFactor, characterNode.Position.Z / scaleFactor);
            //IndexedMatrix worldTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(characterNode.Position.X / scaleFactor,
            //    (characterNode.Position.Y + 1500) / scaleFactor, characterNode.Position.Z / scaleFactor);

            IndexedMatrix worldTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(position);

            //broadphase.OverlappingPairCache.SetInternalGhostPairCallback(new GhostPairCallback());

            float stepHeight = 0.35f;

            playerController = new KinematicCharacterController(ghostObject, capsule, stepHeight, 1);
            //characterToLoad = null;
            BulletMobState mobMovementState = new BulletMobState(playerController, mobNodePositionUpdate);

            //mobMovementState.JumpEvent += jumpHandler;
            mobControllers.Add(characterNode, mobMovementState);
            //m_dynamicsWorld.AddCollisionObject(ghostObject, CollisionFilterGroups.CharacterFilter, CollisionFilterGroups.StaticFilter | CollisionFilterGroups.DefaultFilter);
            m_dynamicsWorld.AddCollisionObject(ghostObject, CollisionFilterGroups.CharacterFilter, CollisionFilterGroups.StaticFilter | CollisionFilterGroups.DefaultFilter);
            //m_dynamicsWorld.AddCollisionObject(ghostObject, CollisionFilterGroups.DefaultFilter, CollisionFilterGroups.AllFilter);
            //frozenTime = 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
        //	TerrainDemo -- private helper methods

        /// called whenever key terrain attribute is changed
        public override void ClientResetScene()
            // remove old heightfield
            m_rawHeightfieldData = null;

            // reset gravity to point in appropriate direction
            //m_dynamicsWorld.setGravity(getUpVector(m_upAxis, 0.0f, -s_gravity));
            m_dynamicsWorld.SetGravity(ref m_defaultGravity);

            // get new heightfield of appropriate type
            m_rawHeightfieldData =
                GetRawHeightfieldData(m_model, m_type, ref m_minHeight, ref m_maxHeight);
            Debug.Assert(m_rawHeightfieldData != null, "failed to create raw heightfield");

            if (m_terrainRigidBody != null)
                m_terrainRigidBody = null;
                m_terrainShape     = null;

            bool flipQuadEdges = false;

            m_terrainShape =
                new HeightfieldTerrainShape(s_gridSize, s_gridSize,
                                            m_minHeight, m_maxHeight,
                                            m_upAxis, m_type, flipQuadEdges);
            Debug.Assert(m_terrainShape != null, "null heightfield");

            // scale the shape
            IndexedVector3 localScaling = GetUpVector(m_upAxis, s_gridSpacing, 1.0f);

            m_terrainShape.SetLocalScaling(ref localScaling);

            // stash this shape away

            // set origin to middle of heightfield
            IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0, -20, 0));

            // create ground object
            float mass = 0.0f;

            m_terrainRigidBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, ref tr, m_terrainShape);

            CollisionShape sphere = new SphereShape(0.5f);

            tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 0));

            LocalCreateRigidBody(1f, ref tr, sphere);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void InitializeDemo()

            // Setup the basic world



            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();

            m_dispatcher = new CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 worldAabbMin = new IndexedVector3(-10000, -10000, -10000);
            IndexedVector3 worldAabbMax = new IndexedVector3(10000, 10000, 10000);

            m_broadphase = new AxisSweep3Internal(ref worldAabbMin, ref worldAabbMax, 0xfffe, 0xffff, 16384, null, true);
            //m_broadphase = new SimpleBroadphase(1000, null);
            m_constraintSolver = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();

            m_dynamicsWorld = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);
            //m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatchInfo().m_useConvexConservativeDistanceUtil = true;
            //m_dynamicsWorld.getDispatchInfo().m_convexConservativeDistanceThreshold = 0.01f;

            // Setup a big ground box
                CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(200.0f, 10.0f, 200.0f));
                IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(0, -10, 0);

                CollisionObject fixedGround = new CollisionObject();
                fixedGround.SetWorldTransform(ref groundTransform);

            // Spawn one ragdoll
            IndexedVector3 startOffset = new IndexedVector3(1, 0.5f, 0);

            //string filename = @"c:\users\man\bullet\xna-ragdoll-constraints-output.txt";
            //FileStream filestream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);
            //BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filestream);

            SpawnRagdoll(ref startOffset, BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter);
            //startOffset = new IndexedVector3(-1,0.5f,0);
            //spawnRagdoll(ref startOffset);

Exemplo n.º 7

        public override void ClientResetScene()
            IndexedMatrix ident = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

            m_carChassis.SetCenterOfMassTransform(ref ident);
            IndexedVector3 zero = IndexedVector3.Zero;

            m_carChassis.SetLinearVelocity(ref zero);
            m_carChassis.SetAngularVelocity(ref zero);
            m_dynamicsWorld.GetBroadphase().GetOverlappingPairCache().CleanProxyFromPairs(m_carChassis.GetBroadphaseHandle(), GetDynamicsWorld().GetDispatcher());
            if (m_liftBody != null)
                IndexedMatrix liftTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(m_liftStartPos);
                m_liftBody.SetCenterOfMassTransform(ref liftTrans);
                m_liftBody.SetLinearVelocity(ref zero);
                m_liftBody.SetAngularVelocity(ref zero);

            if (m_forkBody != null)
                IndexedMatrix forkTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(m_forkStartPos);
                m_forkBody.SetCenterOfMassTransform(ref forkTrans);
                m_forkBody.SetLinearVelocity(ref zero);
                m_forkBody.SetAngularVelocity(ref zero);

            if (m_liftHinge != null)
                //	m_liftHinge.setLimit(-LIFT_EPS, LIFT_EPS);
                m_liftHinge.SetLimit(0.0f, 0.0f);
                m_liftHinge.EnableAngularMotor(false, 0, 0);

            if (m_forkSlider != null)

            if (m_loadBody != null)
                IndexedMatrix loadTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(m_loadStartPos);
                m_loadBody.SetCenterOfMassTransform(ref loadTrans);
                m_loadBody.SetLinearVelocity(ref zero);
                m_loadBody.SetAngularVelocity(ref zero);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override void InitializeDemo()

            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();

            ///use the default collision dispatcher. For parallel processing you can use a diffent dispatcher (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            m_dispatcher = new CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 worldMin = new IndexedVector3(-1000, -1000, -1000);
            IndexedVector3 worldMax = -worldMin;
            //m_broadphase = new AxisSweep3Internal(ref worldMin, ref worldMax, 0xfffe, 0xffff, 16384, null, false);

            //m_broadphase = new DbvtBroadphase();
            IOverlappingPairCache pairCache = null;

            //pairCache = new SortedOverlappingPairCache();

            m_broadphase = new SimpleBroadphase(1000, pairCache);

            ///the default constraint solver. For parallel processing you can use a different solver (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver sol = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();

            m_constraintSolver = sol;

            m_dynamicsWorld = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 gravity = new IndexedVector3(0, -10, 0);

            m_dynamicsWorld.SetGravity(ref gravity);

            ///create a few basic rigid bodies
            IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(50, 50, 50);
            //IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(10, 10, 10);
            CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(ref halfExtents);

            //CollisionShape groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(new IndexedVector3(0,1,0), 50);


            IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0, -50, 0));
            //IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0,-10,0));
            float mass = 0f;

            LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, ref groundTransform, groundShape);
            CollisionShape shape        = SetupShape();
            IndexedMatrix  objTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0, 2, 0));

            LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, ref objTransform, shape);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public override void InitializeDemo()
            m_maxIterations = 500;
            SetCameraDistance(SCALING * 50f);

            //string filename = @"E:\users\man\bullet\xna-basic-output-1.txt";
            //FileStream filestream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);
            //BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filestream);

            ///collision configuration contains default setup for memory, collision setup
            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();

            ///use the default collision dispatcher. For parallel processing you can use a diffent dispatcher (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            m_dispatcher = new CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);

            m_broadphase = new DbvtBroadphase();
            IOverlappingPairCache pairCache = null;
            //pairCache = new SortedOverlappingPairCache();

            //m_broadphase = new SimpleBroadphase(1000, pairCache);

            ///the default constraint solver. For parallel processing you can use a different solver (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver sol = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();

            m_constraintSolver = sol;

            m_dynamicsWorld = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 gravity = new IndexedVector3(0, -10, 0);

            m_dynamicsWorld.SetGravity(ref gravity);

            ///create a few basic rigid bodies
            IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(50, 50, 50);
            //IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(10, 10, 10);
            CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(ref halfExtents);

            //CollisionShape groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(new IndexedVector3(0,1,0), 50);


            IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0, -52, 0));
            //IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0,-10,0));
            float mass = 0f;

            LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, ref groundTransform, groundShape);


Exemplo n.º 10
        private void CreateScene5(int dim)
            BoxShape boxShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.5f));
            float    mass     = 1.0f;

            for (int x = 0; x < dim; x++)
                for (int e = x; e < dim; e++)
                    //IndexedVector3 pos = new IndexedVector3(e - 0.5f * x, x * 1.01f - 14, 25);
                    IndexedVector3 pos = new IndexedVector3(e - 0.5f * x, x * 1.0f, 0);
                    RigidBody      rb  = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(pos), boxShape);
Exemplo n.º 11
	    public static void IntegrateTransform(ref IndexedMatrix curTrans,ref IndexedVector3 linvel,ref IndexedVector3 angvel,float timeStep,out IndexedMatrix predictedTransform)
            predictedTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(curTrans._origin + linvel * timeStep);
            IndexedVector3 pos;
            IndexedQuaternion predictedOrn;
            IndexedVector3 scale;

            curTrans.Decompose(ref scale, ref predictedOrn, ref pos);

		    predictedOrn += (angvel * predictedOrn) * (timeStep * .5f));
            //Exponential map
		    //google for "Practical Parameterization of Rotations Using the Exponential Map", F. Sebastian Grassia

		    IndexedVector3 axis;
		    float	fAngle = angvel.Length(); 
		    //limit the angular motion
		    if (fAngle*timeStep > ANGULAR_MOTION_THRESHOLD)
			    fAngle = ANGULAR_MOTION_THRESHOLD / timeStep;

		    if ( fAngle < 0.001f )
			    // use Taylor's expansions of sync function
			    axis   = angvel*( 0.5f*timeStep-(timeStep*timeStep*timeStep)*(0.020833333333f)*fAngle*fAngle );
			    // sync(fAngle) = sin(c*fAngle)/t
			    axis   = angvel*( (float)Math.Sin(0.5f*fAngle*timeStep)/fAngle );
		    IndexedQuaternion dorn = new IndexedQuaternion(axis.X,axis.Y,axis.Z,(float)Math.Cos( fAngle*timeStep*.5f) );

            IndexedQuaternion orn0 = curTrans.GetRotation();

		    IndexedQuaternion predictedOrn = dorn * orn0;

            IndexedMatrix newMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateFromQuaternion(predictedOrn);
            predictedTransform._basis = newMatrix._basis;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override void InitializeDemo()
            SetCameraDistance(SCALING * 50f);

            //string filename = @"e:\users\man\bullet\xna-largemesh-output.txt";
            //FileStream filestream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);
            //BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filestream);

            ///collision configuration contains default setup for memory, collision setup
            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();

            ///use the default collision dispatcher. For parallel processing you can use a diffent dispatcher (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            m_dispatcher = new CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);

            m_broadphase = new DbvtBroadphase();
            IOverlappingPairCache pairCache = null;

            //pairCache = new SortedOverlappingPairCache();

            m_broadphase = new SimpleBroadphase(1000, pairCache);

            ///the default constraint solver. For parallel processing you can use a different solver (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver sol = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();

            m_constraintSolver = sol;

            m_dynamicsWorld = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 gravity = new IndexedVector3(0, -10, 0);

            m_dynamicsWorld.SetGravity(ref gravity);

            ///create a few basic rigid bodies
            IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(50, 50, 50);
            //IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(10, 10, 10);
            //CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(ref halfExtents);
            //CollisionShape groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(IndexedVector3.Up, 50);
            CollisionShape groundShape = BuildLargeMesh();


            IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 0));
            //IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0,-10,0));
            //IndexedMatrix rotateMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(0, MathUtil.SIMD_PI / 2.0f, 0);
            //IndexedMatrix rotateMatrix = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
            IndexedMatrix rotateMatrix = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

            rotateMatrix._basis.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, MathUtil.SIMD_PI * 0.7f);

            rotateMatrix._origin = IndexedVector3.Zero;
            float mass = 0f;

            LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, ref rotateMatrix, groundShape);

            CollisionShape boxShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f));
            //CollisionShape boxShape = new SphereShape(0.2f);
            //CollisionShape boxShape = new CylinderShapeX(new IndexedVector3(0.2f, 0.4f, 0.2f));
            //CollisionShape boxShape = new CapsuleShape(0.2f, 0.4f);
            IndexedMatrix boxTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

            boxTransform._basis.SetEulerZYX(MathUtil.SIMD_PI * 0.2f, MathUtil.SIMD_PI * 0.4f, MathUtil.SIMD_PI * 0.7f);
            boxTransform._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f);

            LocalCreateRigidBody(1.25f, boxTransform, boxShape);

Exemplo n.º 13
        public override void InitializeDemo()

            //string filename = @"E:\users\man\bullet\xna-basic-output-1.txt";
            //FileStream filestream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);
            //BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filestream);

            ///collision configuration contains default setup for memory, collision setup
            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();

            ///use the default collision dispatcher. For parallel processing you can use a diffent dispatcher (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            m_dispatcher = new CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 worldMin = new IndexedVector3(-1000, -1000, -1000);
            IndexedVector3 worldMax = -worldMin;

            m_broadphase = new AxisSweep3Internal(ref worldMin, ref worldMax, 0xfffe, 0xffff, 16384, null, false);
            //pairCache = new SortedOverlappingPairCache();

            //m_broadphase = new SimpleBroadphase(1000, pairCache);

            ///the default constraint solver. For parallel processing you can use a different solver (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver sol = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();

            m_constraintSolver = sol;

            m_dynamicsWorld = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 gravity = new IndexedVector3(0, -10, 0);

            m_dynamicsWorld.SetGravity(ref gravity);

            ///create a few basic rigid bodies
            IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(50, 50, 50);
            //IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(10, 10, 10);
            CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(ref halfExtents);

            //CollisionShape groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(new IndexedVector3(0,1,0), 50);


            IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0, -50, 0));
            //IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0,-10,0));
            float mass = 0f;

            LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, ref groundTransform, groundShape);

            #region CharacterController
            IndexedMatrix startTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
            //startTransform.setOrigin (btVector3(0.0, 4.0, 0.0));
            startTransform._origin = new IndexedVector3(10.210098f, -1.6433364f, 16.453260f);

            m_ghostObject = new PairCachingGhostObject();
            m_broadphase.GetOverlappingPairCache().SetInternalGhostPairCallback(new GhostPairCallback());
            float       characterHeight = 1.75f;
            float       characterWidth  = 1.75f;
            ConvexShape capsule         = new CapsuleShape(characterWidth, characterHeight);

            float stepHeight = 0.35f;
            int   upAxis     = 1;
            m_character = new KinematicCharacterController(m_ghostObject, capsule, stepHeight, upAxis);

            m_dynamicsWorld.AddCollisionObject(m_ghostObject, CollisionFilterGroups.CharacterFilter, CollisionFilterGroups.StaticFilter | CollisionFilterGroups.DefaultFilter);

Exemplo n.º 14
        public virtual void LoadHeightField(float[,] heights, float heightRange, uint vertsX, uint vertsZ, Vector3 loc, int metersPerSample)
            //if (worldLoaded == false || metersPerSample > 2)
            //    return;
            loc = loc / scaleFactor;
            //heightRange = heightRange * 1000;
            //loc.X += heightFieldOffset;
            //loc.z += heightFieldOffset; // these axes are out by about 1m?
            if (heightFields.ContainsKey(loc))
                int oldMetersPerSample = heightFields[loc];
                if (oldMetersPerSample == metersPerSample)
                    return; // no need to update
                    // we need to delete the old one to rebuild this one
                    foreach (CollisionObject a in m_dynamicsWorld.GetCollisionObjectArray())
                        if (a.GetCollisionShape() != null && a.GetCollisionShape().GetShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.TERRAIN_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)
                            string terrainName = (string)a.GetUserPointer();
                            if (terrainName == "TestHeightField_" + loc)
                                System.Console.WriteLine("Removed heightmap at position '{0}' with metersPerSample: '{1}' and old: '{2}'",
                                                         loc, metersPerSample, oldMetersPerSample);
            byte[]       terr   = new byte[vertsX * vertsZ * 4];
            MemoryStream file   = new MemoryStream(terr);
            BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(file);

            for (int i = 0; i < vertsX; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < vertsZ; j++)
                    writer.Write((float)((heightRange / 2) + 4 * Math.Sin(j * 0.5f) * Math.Cos(i)));
            file.Position = 0;
            float              heightScale       = heightRange / 32767f / scaleFactor;
            int                upAxis            = 1;
            CollisionShape     terrainShape      = new HeightfieldTerrainShape((int)vertsX, (int)vertsZ, terr, heightScale, 0, heightRange, upAxis, PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT, true);
            IndexedMatrix      worldTransform    = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(loc);
            DefaultMotionState objectMotionState = new DefaultMotionState(worldTransform, IndexedMatrix.Identity);

            //terrainShape = new StaticPlaneShape(Vector3.Up, 0f);
            //IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(50, 50, 50);

            //terrainShape = new BoxShape(ref halfExtents);

            RigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(0, objectMotionState, terrainShape);
            RigidBody terrain = new RigidBody(rbInfo);

            //IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0, -50, 0));
            IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0, -5, 0));

            LocalCreateRigidBody(0f, groundTransform, terrainShape);

            terrain.SetUserPointer("TestHeightField_" + loc.ToString());
            ////m_dynamicsWorld.AddCollisionObject(terrain, CollisionFilterGroups.DefaultFilter, CollisionFilterGroups.AllFilter);

            System.Console.WriteLine("Added heightmap at position: '{0}' with metersPerSample: '{1}'", loc, metersPerSample);
            heightFields.Add(loc, metersPerSample);
Exemplo n.º 15

        public override void InitializeDemo()
            //string filename = @"C:\users\man\bullett\xna-concave-output.txt";
            //FileStream filestream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);
            //BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filestream);

            m_animatedMesh = true;
            int totalTriangles = 2 * (NUM_VERTS_X - 1) * (NUM_VERTS_Y - 1);

            gVertices = new ObjectArray <IndexedVector3>(totalVerts);
            int indicesTotal = totalTriangles * 3;

            gIndices = new ObjectArray <int>(indicesTotal);

            //BulletGlobals.gContactAddedCallback = new CustomMaterialCombinerCallback();

            SetVertexPositions(waveheight, 0f);

            int vertStride  = 1;
            int indexStride = 3;

            int index = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VERTS_X - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < NUM_VERTS_Y - 1; j++)
                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;

                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i;

            if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null)
                index = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < gIndices.Count; i++)
                    BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} {1}", i, gIndices[i]));

            TriangleIndexVertexArray indexVertexArrays = new TriangleIndexVertexArray(totalTriangles,
                                                                                      gIndices, indexStride, totalVerts, gVertices, vertStride);

            bool useQuantizedAabbCompression = true;

            OptimizedBvh   bvh     = new OptimizedBvh();
            IndexedVector3 aabbMin = new IndexedVector3(-1000, -1000, -1000);
            IndexedVector3 aabbMax = new IndexedVector3(1000, 1000, 1000);

            m_trimeshShape = new BvhTriangleMeshShape(indexVertexArrays, useQuantizedAabbCompression, ref aabbMin, ref aabbMax, true);
            //CollisionShape trimeshShape = new TriangleMeshShape(indexVertexArrays);

            IndexedVector3 scaling = IndexedVector3.One;
            //m_trimeshShape.SetOptimizedBvh(bvh, ref scaling);

            //BulletWorldImporter import = new BulletWorldImporter(0);//don't store info into the world
            //if (import.loadFile("myShape.bullet"))
            //    int numBvh = import.getNumBvhs();
            //    if (numBvh != 0)
            //    {
            //        OptimizedBvh bvh = import.getBvhByIndex(0);
            //        IndexedVector3 aabbMin = new IndexedVector3(-1000,-1000,-1000);
            //        IndexedVector3 aabbMax = new IndexedVector3(1000,1000,1000);

            //        trimeshShape = new indexVertexArrays,useQuantizedAabbCompression,ref aabbMin,ref aabbMax,false);
            //        IndexedVector3 scaling = IndexedVector3.One;
            //        trimeshShape.setOptimizedBvh(bvh, ref scaling);
            //        //trimeshShape  = new btBvhTriangleMeshShape(m_indexVertexArrays,useQuantizedAabbCompression,aabbMin,aabbMax);
            //        //trimeshShape.setOptimizedBvh(bvh);

            //    }
            //    int numShape = import.getNumCollisionShapes();
            //    if (numShape != 0)
            //    {
            //        trimeshShape = (BvhTriangleMeshShape)import.getCollisionShapeByIndex(0);

            //        //if you know the name, you can also try to get the shape by name:
            //        String meshName = import.getNameForPointer(trimeshShape);
            //        if (meshName != null)
            //        {
            //            trimeshShape = (BvhTriangleMeshShape)import.getCollisionShapeByName(meshName);
            //        }

            //    }

            //CollisionShape groundShape = trimeshShape;//m_trimeshShape;
            CollisionShape groundShape = m_trimeshShape;//m_trimeshShape;

            //groundShape = new TriangleShape(new IndexedVector3(0,` 0, 100), new IndexedVector3(100, 0, 0),new IndexedVector3(-100, 0, -100));
            //groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(IndexedVector3.Up, 0f);
            //groundShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(100f, 0.1f, 100f));
            IndexedVector3 up = new IndexedVector3(0.4f, 1, 0);

            //groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(up, 0f);
            //groundShape = new TriangleMeshShape(indexVertexArrays);

            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();
            m_dispatcher             = new      CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 worldMin = new IndexedVector3(-1000, -1000, -1000);
            IndexedVector3 worldMax = new IndexedVector3(1000, 1000, 1000);

            //m_broadphase = new AxisSweep3Internal(ref worldMin, ref worldMax, 0xfffe, 0xffff, 16384, null, false);
            m_broadphase       = new DbvtBroadphase();
            m_constraintSolver = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();
            m_dynamicsWorld    = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);

            float         mass           = 0f;
            IndexedMatrix startTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(2, -2, 0));

            //CompoundShape colShape = new CompoundShape();
            //IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(4, 1, 1);
            //CollisionShape cylinderShape = new CylinderShapeX(ref halfExtents);
            //CollisionShape boxShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(4, 1, 1));
            //IndexedMatrix localTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
            //colShape.addChildShape(ref localTransform, boxShape);
            //Quaternion orn = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0f, 0f);
            //localTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateFromQuaternion(orn);
            //colShape.addChildShape(ref localTransform, cylinderShape);

            ////BoxShape colShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(1, 1, 1));

            //int numCollideObjects = 1;
            //    for (int i = 0; i < numCollideObjects; i++)
            //    {
            //        startTransform._origin = new IndexedVector3(4,10+i*2,1);
            //        localCreateRigidBody(1, ref startTransform,colShape);
            //    }

            CollisionShape boxShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(1, 1, 1));

            //CollisionShape boxShape = new SphereShape(1);
            //CollisionShape boxShape = new SphereShape(1);
            //CollisionShape boxShape = new CapsuleShapeZ(0.5f, 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                startTransform._origin = new IndexedVector3(2f * i, 5, 1);
                LocalCreateRigidBody(1, ref startTransform, boxShape);

            startTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
            staticBody     = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, ref startTransform, groundShape);

            staticBody.SetCollisionFlags(staticBody.GetCollisionFlags() | CollisionFlags.CF_KINEMATIC_OBJECT);            //STATIC_OBJECT);

            //enable custom material callback
            staticBody.SetCollisionFlags(staticBody.GetCollisionFlags() | CollisionFlags.CF_CUSTOM_MATERIAL_CALLBACK);

Exemplo n.º 16
        public void DropBall()
            RigidBody rb = LocalCreateRigidBody(1f, IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(m_ballDropSpot), m_dropSphereShape);

            rb.SetLinearFactor(new IndexedVector3(1, 1, 0));
        public void Warp(ref IndexedVector3 origin)
            IndexedMatrix m = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(origin);

            m_ghostObject.SetWorldTransform(ref m);
Exemplo n.º 18
            public RagDoll(RagDollDemo ragDollDemo, DynamicsWorld ownerWorld, ref IndexedVector3 positionOffset, StreamWriter streamWriter)

                m_ownerWorld  = ownerWorld;
                m_ragDollDemo = ragDollDemo;
                // Setup the geometry
                m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.PELVIS]          = new CapsuleShape(0.15f, 0.20f);
                m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.SPINE]           = new CapsuleShape(0.15f, 0.28f);
                m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.HEAD]            = new CapsuleShape(0.10f, 0.05f);
                m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.LEFT_UPPER_LEG]  = new CapsuleShape(0.07f, 0.45f);
                m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.LEFT_LOWER_LEG]  = new CapsuleShape(0.05f, 0.37f);
                m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.RIGHT_UPPER_LEG] = new CapsuleShape(0.07f, 0.45f);
                m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.RIGHT_LOWER_LEG] = new CapsuleShape(0.05f, 0.37f);
                m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.LEFT_UPPER_ARM]  = new CapsuleShape(0.05f, 0.33f);
                m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.LEFT_LOWER_ARM]  = new CapsuleShape(0.04f, 0.25f);
                m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.RIGHT_UPPER_ARM] = new CapsuleShape(0.05f, 0.33f);
                m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.RIGHT_LOWER_ARM] = new CapsuleShape(0.04f, 0.25f);

                // Setup all the rigid bodies
                IndexedMatrix offset = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(positionOffset);

                IndexedMatrix transform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 0));

                IndexedMatrix adjusted = offset * transform;

                m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.PELVIS] = m_ragDollDemo.LocalCreateRigidBody(1f, adjusted, m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.PELVIS], true);
                transform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0, 1.2f, 0));
                adjusted  = offset * transform;
                m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.SPINE] = m_ragDollDemo.LocalCreateRigidBody(1f, adjusted, m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.SPINE], true);

                transform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0, 1.6f, 0));
                adjusted  = offset * transform;
                m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.HEAD] = m_ragDollDemo.LocalCreateRigidBody(1f, adjusted, m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.HEAD], true);

                transform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(-0.18f, 0.65f, 0));
                adjusted  = offset * transform
                m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.LEFT_UPPER_LEG] = m_ragDollDemo.LocalCreateRigidBody(1f, adjusted, m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.LEFT_UPPER_LEG], true);

                transform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(-0.18f, 0.2f, 0));
                adjusted  = offset * transform;
                m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.LEFT_LOWER_LEG] = m_ragDollDemo.LocalCreateRigidBody(1f, adjusted, m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.LEFT_LOWER_LEG], true);

                transform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0.18f, 0.65f, 0));
                adjusted  = offset * transform;
                m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.RIGHT_UPPER_LEG] = m_ragDollDemo.LocalCreateRigidBody(1f, adjusted, m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.RIGHT_UPPER_LEG], true);

                transform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0.18f, 0.2f, 0));
                adjusted  = offset * transform;
                m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.RIGHT_LOWER_LEG] = m_ragDollDemo.LocalCreateRigidBody(1f, adjusted, m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.RIGHT_LOWER_LEG], true);

                transform         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                transform._origin = new IndexedVector3(-0.35f, 1.45f, 0);
                adjusted          = offset * transform;
                m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.LEFT_UPPER_ARM] = m_ragDollDemo.LocalCreateRigidBody(1f, adjusted, m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.LEFT_UPPER_ARM], true);

                transform         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                transform._origin = new IndexedVector3(-0.7f, 1.45f, 0);
                adjusted          = offset * transform;
                m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.LEFT_LOWER_ARM] = m_ragDollDemo.LocalCreateRigidBody(1f, adjusted, m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.LEFT_LOWER_ARM], true);

                transform         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, -MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                transform._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.35f, 1.45f, 0);
                adjusted          = offset * transform;
                m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.RIGHT_UPPER_ARM] = m_ragDollDemo.LocalCreateRigidBody(1f, adjusted, m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.RIGHT_UPPER_ARM], true);

                transform         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, -MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                transform._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.7f, 1.45f, 0);
                adjusted          = offset * transform;
                m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.RIGHT_LOWER_ARM] = m_ragDollDemo.LocalCreateRigidBody(1f, adjusted, m_shapes[(int)BODYPART.RIGHT_LOWER_ARM], true);

                // Setup some damping on the m_bodies
                for (int i = 0; i < (int)BODYPART.COUNT; ++i)
                    if (m_bodies[i] != null)
                        //m_bodies[i].SetDamping(0.05f, 0.85f);
                        m_bodies[i].SetDamping(0.5f, 0.85f);
                        m_bodies[i].SetSleepingThresholds(1.6f, 2.5f);

                // Now setup the constraints
                HingeConstraint     hingeC;
                ConeTwistConstraint coneC;

                IndexedMatrix localA = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                IndexedMatrix localB = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

                localA         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0);
                localA._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 0.15f, 0.0f);
                localB         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0);
                localB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, -0.15f, 0.0f);
                hingeC         = new HingeConstraint(m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.PELVIS], m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.SPINE], ref localA, ref localB);
                hingeC.SetLimit(-MathUtil.SIMD_QUARTER_PI, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.PELVIS_SPINE]             = hingeC;
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.PELVIS_SPINE].m_debugName = "PELVIS_SPINE";

                m_ownerWorld.AddConstraint(m_joints[(int)JOINT.PELVIS_SPINE], true);

                localA         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                localA._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 0.30f, 0.0f);
                localB         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                localB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, -0.14f, 0.0f);
                coneC          = new ConeTwistConstraint(m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.SPINE], m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.HEAD], ref localA, ref localB);
                coneC.SetLimit(MathUtil.SIMD_QUARTER_PI, MathUtil.SIMD_QUARTER_PI, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.SPINE_HEAD]             = coneC;
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.SPINE_HEAD].m_debugName = "SPINE_HEAD";


                m_ownerWorld.AddConstraint(m_joints[(int)JOINT.SPINE_HEAD], true);

                localA         = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                localB         = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                localA         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, -MathUtil.SIMD_QUARTER_PI * 5);
                localA._origin = new IndexedVector3(-0.18f, -0.10f, 0.0f);
                localB         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, -MathUtil.SIMD_QUARTER_PI * 5);
                localB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 0.225f, 0.0f);
                coneC          = new ConeTwistConstraint(m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.PELVIS], m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.LEFT_UPPER_LEG], ref localA, ref localB);
                coneC.SetLimit(MathUtil.SIMD_QUARTER_PI, MathUtil.SIMD_QUARTER_PI, 0);
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.LEFT_HIP]             = coneC;
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.LEFT_HIP].m_debugName = "LEFT_HIP";


                m_ownerWorld.AddConstraint(m_joints[(int)JOINT.LEFT_HIP], true);

                localA         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0f, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0f);
                localA._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, -0.225f, 0.0f);
                localB         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0);
                localB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 0.185f, 0.0f);
                hingeC         = new HingeConstraint(m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.LEFT_UPPER_LEG], m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.LEFT_LOWER_LEG], ref localA, ref localB);
                hingeC.SetLimit(0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.LEFT_KNEE]             = hingeC;
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.LEFT_KNEE].m_debugName = "LEFT_KNEE";


                m_ownerWorld.AddConstraint(m_joints[(int)JOINT.LEFT_KNEE], true);

                localA         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, MathUtil.SIMD_QUARTER_PI);
                localA._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.18f, -0.10f, 0.0f);
                localB         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, MathUtil.SIMD_QUARTER_PI);
                localB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 0.225f, 0.0f);
                coneC          = new ConeTwistConstraint(m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.PELVIS], m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.RIGHT_UPPER_LEG], ref localA, ref localB);
                coneC.SetLimit(MathUtil.SIMD_QUARTER_PI, MathUtil.SIMD_QUARTER_PI, 0);
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.RIGHT_HIP]             = coneC;
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.RIGHT_HIP].m_debugName = "RIGHT_HIP";


                m_ownerWorld.AddConstraint(m_joints[(int)JOINT.RIGHT_HIP], true);

                localA         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0);
                localA._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, -0.225f, 0.0f);
                localB         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0);
                localB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 0.185f, 0.0f);
                hingeC         = new HingeConstraint(m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.RIGHT_UPPER_LEG], m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.RIGHT_LOWER_LEG], ref localA, ref localB);
                hingeC.SetLimit(0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.RIGHT_KNEE]             = hingeC;
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.RIGHT_KNEE].m_debugName = "RIGHT_KNEE";


                m_ownerWorld.AddConstraint(m_joints[(int)JOINT.RIGHT_KNEE], true);

                localA         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, MathUtil.SIMD_PI);
                localA._origin = new IndexedVector3(-0.2f, 0.15f, 0.0f);
                localB         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                localB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, -0.18f, 0.0f);
                coneC          = new ConeTwistConstraint(m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.SPINE], m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.LEFT_UPPER_ARM], ref localA, ref localB);
                coneC.SetLimit(MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0);

                m_joints[(int)JOINT.LEFT_SHOULDER]             = coneC;
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.LEFT_SHOULDER].m_debugName = "LEFT_SHOULDER";

                m_ownerWorld.AddConstraint(m_joints[(int)JOINT.LEFT_SHOULDER], true);

                localA         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0);
                localA._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 0.18f, 0.0f);
                localB         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0);
                localB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, -0.14f, 0.0f);
                hingeC         = new HingeConstraint(m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.LEFT_UPPER_ARM], m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.LEFT_LOWER_ARM], ref localA, ref localB);
                //		hingeC.setLimit(-MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI), 0));
                hingeC.SetLimit(0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.LEFT_ELBOW]             = hingeC;
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.LEFT_ELBOW].m_debugName = "LEFT_ELBOW";


                m_ownerWorld.AddConstraint(m_joints[(int)JOINT.LEFT_ELBOW], true);

                localA         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, 0);
                localA._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.2f, 0.15f, 0.0f);
                localB         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                localB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, -0.18f, 0.0f);
                coneC          = new ConeTwistConstraint(m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.SPINE], m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.RIGHT_UPPER_ARM], ref localA, ref localB);
                coneC.SetLimit(MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0);
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.RIGHT_SHOULDER]             = coneC;
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.RIGHT_SHOULDER].m_debugName = "RIGHT_SHOULDER";


                m_ownerWorld.AddConstraint(m_joints[(int)JOINT.RIGHT_SHOULDER], true);

                localA         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0);
                localA._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 0.18f, 0.0f);
                localB         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0);
                localB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, -0.14f, 0.0f);
                hingeC         = new HingeConstraint(m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.RIGHT_UPPER_ARM], m_bodies[(int)BODYPART.RIGHT_LOWER_ARM], ref localA, ref localB);
                //		hingeC.setLimit(-MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI), 0));
                hingeC.SetLimit(0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.RIGHT_ELBOW]             = hingeC;
                m_joints[(int)JOINT.RIGHT_ELBOW].m_debugName = "RIGHT_ELBOW";


                m_ownerWorld.AddConstraint(m_joints[(int)JOINT.RIGHT_ELBOW], true);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public override void InitializeDemo()
            //maxiterations = 10;
            SetCameraDistance(SCALING * 50f);

            //string filename = @"E:\users\man\bullet\xna-basic-output-1.txt";
            //FileStream filestream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);
            //BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filestream);

            ///collision configuration contains default setup for memory, collision setup
            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();

            ///use the default collision dispatcher. For parallel processing you can use a diffent dispatcher (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            m_dispatcher = new CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 worldMin = new IndexedVector3(-1000, -1000, -1000);
            IndexedVector3 worldMax = -worldMin;

            m_broadphase = new AxisSweep3Internal(ref worldMin, ref worldMax, 0xfffe, 0xffff, 16384, null, false);

            IOverlappingPairCache pairCache = null;

            //pairCache = new SortedOverlappingPairCache();
            pairCache = new HashedOverlappingPairCache();

            m_broadphase = new DbvtBroadphase(pairCache);

            BulletGlobals.gDebugDraw = Game1.Instance.shape_drawer;

            //m_broadphase = new SimpleBroadphase(1000, pairCache);

            ///the default constraint solver. For parallel processing you can use a different solver (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver sol = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();

            m_constraintSolver = sol;

            m_dynamicsWorld = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 gravity = new IndexedVector3(0, -10, 0);

            m_dynamicsWorld.SetGravity(ref gravity);

            ///create a few basic rigid bodies
            IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(50, 50, 50);
            //IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(10, 10, 10);
            CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(ref halfExtents);

            //CollisionShape groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(new IndexedVector3(0,1,0), 50);


            IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0, -50, 0));
            float         mass            = 0f;

            float topY    = 2.5f;
            float bottomY = 0.5f;

            float diff  = 10f;
            float left  = -(diff / 2f);
            float right = -left;

            LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, ref groundTransform, groundShape);
                /// Create Dynamic Objects
                IndexedMatrix startTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

                mass = 0f;

                //rigidbody is dynamic if and only if mass is non zero, otherwise static
                bool isDynamic = mass != 0f;

                RigidBody rb = null;

                //startTransform._origin = new IndexedVector3(left, topY, 0);
                //collisionTopLeftCorner = BuildCorner(vertices, topLeft);
                //rb = LocalCreateRigidBody(0f, startTransform, collisionTopLeftCorner);

                //startTransform._origin = new IndexedVector3(right, topY, 0);
                //collisionTopRightCorner = BuildCorner(vertices, topRight);
                //rb = LocalCreateRigidBody(0f, startTransform, collisionTopRightCorner);

                startTransform._origin    = new IndexedVector3(left, bottomY, 0);
                collisionBottomLeftCorner = BuildCorner(vertices, bottomLeft);
                rb = LocalCreateRigidBody(0f, startTransform, collisionBottomLeftCorner);

                startTransform._origin     = new IndexedVector3(right, bottomY, 0);
                collisionBottomRightCorner = BuildCorner(vertices, bottomRight);
                rb = LocalCreateRigidBody(0f, startTransform, collisionBottomRightCorner);

                startTransform._origin = IndexedVector3.Zero;

                m_playerSphere = LocalCreateRigidBody(1f, startTransform, new SphereShape(0.25f));

            BulletGlobals.gDebugDraw.SetDebugMode(BulletMonogame.LinearMath.DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawAabb | BulletMonogame.LinearMath.DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawNormals | BulletMonogame.LinearMath.DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawContactPoints);

Exemplo n.º 20
        public override void InitializeDemo()

            SetCameraDistance(SCALING * 50.0f);
            m_cameraTargetPosition = IndexedVector3.Zero;

            //string filename = @"E:\users\man\bullet\xna-box2d-output.txt";
            //FileStream filestream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);
            //BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filestream);

            ///collision configuration contains default setup for memory, collision setup
            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();

            ///use the default collision dispatcher. For parallel processing you can use a diffent dispatcher (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            m_dispatcher = new  CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);

            VoronoiSimplexSolver            simplex  = new VoronoiSimplexSolver();
            MinkowskiPenetrationDepthSolver pdSolver = new MinkowskiPenetrationDepthSolver();

            CollisionAlgorithmCreateFunc convexAlgo2d = new Convex2dConvex2dCreateFunc(simplex, pdSolver);

            m_dispatcher.RegisterCollisionCreateFunc((int)BroadphaseNativeTypes.CONVEX_2D_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE, (int)BroadphaseNativeTypes.CONVEX_2D_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE, convexAlgo2d);
            m_dispatcher.RegisterCollisionCreateFunc((int)BroadphaseNativeTypes.BOX_2D_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE, (int)BroadphaseNativeTypes.CONVEX_2D_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE, convexAlgo2d);
            m_dispatcher.RegisterCollisionCreateFunc((int)BroadphaseNativeTypes.CONVEX_2D_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE, (int)BroadphaseNativeTypes.BOX_2D_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE, convexAlgo2d);
            m_dispatcher.RegisterCollisionCreateFunc((int)BroadphaseNativeTypes.BOX_2D_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE, (int)BroadphaseNativeTypes.BOX_2D_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE, new Box2dBox2dCreateFunc());

            //m_broadphase = new DbvtBroadphase();
            m_broadphase = new SimpleBroadphase(1000, null);

            ///the default constraint solver. For parallel processing you can use a different solver (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            m_constraintSolver = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();

            m_dynamicsWorld = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);
            //m_dynamicsWorld.getSolverInfo().m_erp = 1.f;
            //m_dynamicsWorld.getSolverInfo().m_numIterations = 4;

            //m_dynamicsWorld.setGravity(new IndexedVector3(0,-10,0));

            ///create a few basic rigid bodies
            CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(150, 50, 150));

            //	btCollisionShape* groundShape = new btStaticPlaneShape(IndexedVector3(0,1,0),50);


            IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(0, -43, 0);

            LocalCreateRigidBody(0, groundTransform, groundShape);

                //create a few dynamic rigidbodies
                // Re-using the same collision is better for memory usage and performance

                float u = 1 * SCALING - 0.04f;
                IList <IndexedVector3> points = new List <IndexedVector3>();
                points.Add(new IndexedVector3(0, u, 0));
                points.Add(new IndexedVector3(-u, -u, 0));
                points.Add(new IndexedVector3(u, -u, 0));
                ConvexShape boxShape = new Convex2dShape(new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(SCALING, SCALING, 0.04f)));
                //btCollisionShape* colShape = new btBox2dShape(IndexedVector3(SCALING*1,SCALING*1,0.04));

                ConvexShape    triangleShape = new Convex2dShape(new ConvexHullShape(points, 3));
                IndexedVector3 extents       = new IndexedVector3(SCALING, SCALING, 0.04f);
                ConvexShape    cylinderShape = new Convex2dShape(new CylinderShapeZ(ref extents));

                //btUniformScalingShape* colShape = new btUniformScalingShape(convexColShape,1.f);
                //btCollisionShape* colShape = new btSphereShape(float(1.));

                /// Create Dynamic Objects
                IndexedMatrix startTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

                float mass = 1.0f;;

                //rigidbody is dynamic if and only if mass is non zero, otherwise static
                bool isDynamic = (mass != 0.9f);

                IndexedVector3 localInertia = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                if (isDynamic)
                    boxShape.CalculateLocalInertia(mass, out localInertia);

                //		float start_x = START_POS_X - ARRAY_SIZE_X/2;
                //		float start_y = START_POS_Y;
                //		float start_z = START_POS_Z - ARRAY_SIZE_Z/2;

                IndexedVector3 x = new IndexedVector3(-ARRAY_SIZE_X, 8f, -20f);
                //IndexedVector3 y = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                IndexedVector3 y      = new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 0);
                IndexedVector3 deltaX = new IndexedVector3(SCALING * 1, SCALING * 2, 0f);
                IndexedVector3 deltaY = new IndexedVector3(SCALING * 2, 0.0f, 0f);

                for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE_X; ++i)
                    y = x;

                    for (int j = i; j < ARRAY_SIZE_Y; ++j)
                        startTransform._origin = (y - new IndexedVector3(-10, 0, 0));

                        //using motionstate is recommended, it provides interpolation capabilities, and only synchronizes 'active' objects
                        DefaultMotionState        myMotionState = new DefaultMotionState(startTransform, IndexedMatrix.Identity);
                        RigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo;
                        switch (j % 3)
                #if true
                        case 0:
                            rbInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, myMotionState, boxShape, localInertia);
                            //rbInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, myMotionState, triangleShape, localInertia);

                        case 1:
                            rbInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, myMotionState, triangleShape, localInertia);
                            rbInfo = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, myMotionState, cylinderShape, localInertia);
                        RigidBody body = new RigidBody(rbInfo);
                        body.SetLinearFactor(new IndexedVector3(1, 1, 0));
                        body.SetAngularFactor(new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 1));

                        //if (BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter != null)
                        //    BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine("localCreateRigidBody [{0}] startTransform", body.m_debugBodyId);
                        //    MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, startTransform);
                        //    BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter.WriteLine("");

                        //	y += -0.8*deltaY;
                        y += deltaY;

                    x += deltaX;

Exemplo n.º 21
        public override void InitializeDemo()
            int totalTriangles = 2 * (NUM_VERTS_X - 1) * (NUM_VERTS_Y - 1);

            int vertStride  = 1;
            int indexStride = 3;

            BulletGlobals.gContactAddedCallback = new CustomMaterialCombinerCallback();

            gVertices = new ObjectArray <IndexedVector3>(totalVerts);
            gIndices  = new ObjectArray <int>(totalTriangles * 3);

            SetVertexPositions(waveheight, 0.0f);

            gVertices.GetRawArray()[1].Y = 0.1f;

            int index = 0;
            int i, j;

            for (i = 0; i < NUM_VERTS_X - 1; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < NUM_VERTS_Y - 1; j++)
                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;
                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;

                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;
                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;
                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i;

                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;
                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;
                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;

                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;
                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;

                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i;

            m_indexVertexArrays = new TriangleIndexVertexArray(totalTriangles,
                                                               totalVerts, gVertices, vertStride);

            bool useQuantizedAabbCompression = true;

            IndexedVector3 aabbMin           = new IndexedVector3(-1000, -1000, -1000);
            IndexedVector3 aabbMax = new IndexedVector3(1000, 1000, 1000);

            trimeshShape = new BvhTriangleMeshShape(m_indexVertexArrays, useQuantizedAabbCompression, ref aabbMin, ref aabbMax, true);

            CollisionShape groundShape = trimeshShape;

            TriangleInfoMap triangleInfoMap = new TriangleInfoMap();

            InternalEdgeUtility.GenerateInternalEdgeInfo(trimeshShape, triangleInfoMap);

            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();

            m_dispatcher = new CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);

            m_broadphase       = new DbvtBroadphase();
            m_constraintSolver = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();
            m_dynamicsWorld    = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 gravity = new IndexedVector3(0, -10, 0);
            m_dynamicsWorld.SetGravity(ref gravity);

            float         mass               = 0.0f;
            IndexedMatrix startTransform     = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0, -2, 0));

            ConvexHullShape colShape = new ConvexHullShape(new List <IndexedVector3>(), 0);
            for (int k = 0; k < DemoMeshes.TaruVtxCount; k++)
                IndexedVector3 vtx = DemoMeshes.TaruVtx[k];
                colShape.AddPoint(ref vtx);
            //this will enable polyhedral contact clipping, better quality, slightly slower

            //the polyhedral contact clipping can use either GJK or SAT test to find the separating axis
            m_dynamicsWorld.GetDispatchInfo().m_enableSatConvex = false;

                //for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 1; i2++)
                //    startTransform._origin = new IndexedVector3(-10.0f + i2 * 3.0f, 2.2f + i2 * 0.1f, -1.3f);
                //    RigidBody body = LocalCreateRigidBody(10, startTransform, colShape);
                //    body.SetActivationState(ActivationState.DISABLE_DEACTIVATION);
                //    body.SetLinearVelocity(new IndexedVector3(0, 0, -1));
                //    //body->setContactProcessingThreshold(0.f);
                BoxShape colShape2 = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(1, 1, 1));
                startTransform._origin = new IndexedVector3(-16.0f + i * 3.0f, 1.0f + i * 0.1f, -1.3f);
                RigidBody body = LocalCreateRigidBody(10, startTransform, colShape2);
                body.SetLinearVelocity(new IndexedVector3(0, 0, -1));

            startTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

            staticBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, startTransform, groundShape);
            staticBody.SetCollisionFlags(staticBody.GetCollisionFlags() | CollisionFlags.CF_KINEMATIC_OBJECT);    //STATIC_OBJECT);

            //enable custom material callback
            staticBody.SetCollisionFlags(staticBody.GetCollisionFlags() | CollisionFlags.CF_CUSTOM_MATERIAL_CALLBACK);
            m_debugDraw.SetDebugMode(DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawText | DebugDrawModes.DBG_NoHelpText | DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawWireframe | DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawContactPoints);

Exemplo n.º 22
        public override void InitializeDemo()
            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();
            m_dispatcher             = new CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);
            IndexedVector3 worldMin = new IndexedVector3(-1000, -1000, -1000);
            IndexedVector3 worldMax = new IndexedVector3(1000, 1000, 1000);

            m_broadphase       = new AxisSweep3Internal(ref worldMin, ref worldMax, 0xfffe, 0xffff, 16384, null, false);
            m_constraintSolver = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();
            m_dynamicsWorld    = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);


            //CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(50f, 40f, 50f));
            CollisionShape groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 0), 40);

            IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

            groundTransform._origin = new IndexedVector3(0, -56, 0);
            RigidBody groundBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, ref groundTransform, groundShape);

            CollisionShape shape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS, CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS, CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS));

            IndexedMatrix trans = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

            trans._origin = new IndexedVector3(0, 20, 0);

            float mass = 1f;

        #if true
            //point to point constraint (ball socket)
            //SEEMS OK
                RigidBody body0 = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, ref trans, shape);
                trans._origin = new IndexedVector3(2 * CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS, 20, 0);

                mass = 1f;
                RigidBody body1 = null;        //localCreateRigidBody( mass,trans,shape);

                IndexedVector3 pivotInA = new IndexedVector3(CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS, -CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS, -CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS);
                IndexedVector3 axisInA  = new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 1);

                IndexedVector3 pivotInB = body1 != null?body1.GetCenterOfMassTransform().Inverse() * (body0.GetCenterOfMassTransform() * (pivotInA)) : pivotInA;

                IndexedVector3 axisInB = body1 != null ? (body1.GetCenterOfMassTransform()._basis.Inverse() * (body1.GetCenterOfMassTransform()._basis *axisInA)) :
                                         body0.GetCenterOfMassTransform()._basis *axisInA;

                HingeConstraint hinge = new HingeConstraint(body0, ref pivotInA, ref axisInA, false);

                float targetVelocity  = 1f;
                float maxMotorImpulse = 1.0f;
                hinge.EnableAngularMotor(true, targetVelocity, maxMotorImpulse);

                m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(hinge);        //p2p);

#if true
            //create a slider, using the generic D6 constraint
            // SEEMS OK
                mass = 1f;
                IndexedVector3     sliderWorldPos    = new IndexedVector3(0, 10, 0);
                IndexedVector3     sliderAxis        = new IndexedVector3(1, 0, 0);
                float              angle             = 0f;//SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG * 10.f;
                IndexedBasisMatrix sliderOrientation = new IndexedBasisMatrix(Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(sliderAxis.ToVector3(), angle));
                trans         = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                trans._origin = sliderWorldPos;
                sliderTransform = trans;

                d6body0 = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, ref trans, shape);
                RigidBody fixedBody1 = LocalCreateRigidBody(0, ref trans, null);

                IndexedMatrix frameInA, frameInB;
                frameInA         = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                frameInB         = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                frameInA._origin = new IndexedVector3(0, 5, 0);
                frameInB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0, 5, 0);

                //		bool useLinearReferenceFrameA = false;//use fixed frame B for linear llimits
                bool useLinearReferenceFrameA = true;        //use fixed frame A for linear llimits
                spSlider6Dof = new Generic6DofConstraint(fixedBody1, d6body0, ref frameInA, ref frameInB, useLinearReferenceFrameA);
                spSlider6Dof.SetLinearLowerLimit(ref lowerSliderLimit);
                spSlider6Dof.SetLinearUpperLimit(ref hiSliderLimit);

                //range should be small, otherwise singularities will 'explode' the constraint
                IndexedVector3 angularLower = new IndexedVector3(-1.5f, 0, 0);
                IndexedVector3 angularUpper = -angularLower;
                spSlider6Dof.SetAngularLowerLimit(ref angularLower);
                spSlider6Dof.SetAngularUpperLimit(ref angularUpper);
                //		slider.setAngularLowerLimit(IndexedVector3(0,0,0));
                //		slider.setAngularUpperLimit(IndexedVector3(0,0,0));

                spSlider6Dof.GetTranslationalLimitMotor().m_enableMotor[0] = true;
                spSlider6Dof.GetTranslationalLimitMotor().m_targetVelocity.X = -5.0f;
                spSlider6Dof.GetTranslationalLimitMotor().m_maxMotorForce.X = 0.1f;

#if true
            {     // create a door using hinge constraint attached to the world
                CollisionShape pDoorShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(2.0f, 5.0f, 0.2f));
                IndexedMatrix doorTrans = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                doorTrans._origin = new IndexedVector3(-5.0f, -2.0f, 0.0f);
                RigidBody pDoorBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, ref doorTrans, pDoorShape);
                IndexedVector3 btPivotA = new IndexedVector3(10f + 2.1f, -2.0f, 0.0f);   // right next to the door slightly outside
                IndexedVector3 btAxisA  = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);          // pointing upwards, aka Y-axis

                spDoorHinge = new HingeConstraint(pDoorBody, ref btPivotA, ref btAxisA, false);

                spDoorHinge.SetLimit(-MathUtil.SIMD_PI * 0.25f, MathUtil.SIMD_PI * 0.25f);
#if true
            { // create a generic 6DOF constraint
                // SEEMS OK - But debug draw a bit wrong?
                IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                tr._origin = new IndexedVector3(10f, 6f, 0f);
                //		RigidBody pBodyA = localCreateRigidBody( mass, tr, shape);
                RigidBody pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(0.0f, ref tr, shape);
                //		RigidBody pBodyA = localCreateRigidBody( 0.0, tr, 0);

                tr         = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                tr._origin = new IndexedVector3(0f, 6f, 0f);
                RigidBody pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, ref tr, shape);

                IndexedMatrix frameInA, frameInB;
                frameInA = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-5, 0, 0);
                frameInB = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(5, 0, 0);

                Generic6DofConstraint pGen6DOF = new Generic6DofConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, ref frameInA, ref frameInB, true);
                //		btGeneric6DofConstraint* pGen6DOF = new btGeneric6DofConstraint(*pBodyA, *pBodyB, frameInA, frameInB, false);
                IndexedVector3 linearLower = new IndexedVector3(-10, -2, -1);
                pGen6DOF.SetLinearLowerLimit(ref linearLower);
                IndexedVector3 linearUpper = new IndexedVector3(10, 2, 1);
                pGen6DOF.SetLinearUpperLimit(ref linearUpper);
                // ? why again?
                //linearLower = new IndexedVector3(-10,0,0);
                //pGen6DOF.setLinearLowerLimit(ref linearLower);
                //		pGen6DOF.setLinearUpperLimit(IndexedVector3(10., 0., 0.));
                //		pGen6DOF.setLinearLowerLimit(IndexedVector3(0., 0., 0.));
                //		pGen6DOF.setLinearUpperLimit(IndexedVector3(0., 0., 0.));

                //		pGen6DOF.getTranslationalLimitMotor().m_enableMotor[0] = true;
                //		pGen6DOF.getTranslationalLimitMotor().m_targetVelocity[0] = 5.0f;
                //		pGen6DOF.getTranslationalLimitMotor().m_maxMotorForce[0] = 0.1f;

                //		pGen6DOF.setAngularLowerLimit(IndexedVector3(0., SIMD_HALF_PI*0.9, 0.));
                //		pGen6DOF.setAngularUpperLimit(IndexedVector3(0., -SIMD_HALF_PI*0.9, 0.));
                //		pGen6DOF.setAngularLowerLimit(IndexedVector3(0., 0., -SIMD_HALF_PI));
                //		pGen6DOF.setAngularUpperLimit(IndexedVector3(0., 0., SIMD_HALF_PI));

                IndexedVector3 angularLower = new IndexedVector3(-MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f, -0.75f, -MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f);
                IndexedVector3 angularUpper = -angularLower;
                pGen6DOF.SetAngularLowerLimit(ref angularLower);
                pGen6DOF.SetAngularUpperLimit(ref angularUpper);
                //		pGen6DOF.setAngularLowerLimit(IndexedVector3(0.f, -0.75, SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f));
                //		pGen6DOF.setAngularUpperLimit(IndexedVector3(0.f, 0.75, -SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f));
                //		pGen6DOF.setAngularLowerLimit(IndexedVector3(0.f, -SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f, SIMD_HALF_PI * 1.98f));
                //		pGen6DOF.setAngularUpperLimit(IndexedVector3(0.f, SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.8f,  -SIMD_HALF_PI * 1.98f));

                //		pGen6DOF.setAngularLowerLimit(IndexedVector3(-0.75,-0.5, -0.5));
                //		pGen6DOF.setAngularUpperLimit(IndexedVector3(0.75,0.5, 0.5));
                //		pGen6DOF.setAngularLowerLimit(IndexedVector3(-0.75,0., 0.));
                //		pGen6DOF.setAngularUpperLimit(IndexedVector3(0.75,0., 0.));

                m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(pGen6DOF, true);
#if true
            { // create a ConeTwist constraint
                IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-10, 5, 0);

                RigidBody pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, ref tr, shape);

                tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-10, -5, 0);

                RigidBody pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(0.0f, ref tr, shape);

                IndexedMatrix frameInA, frameInB;
                frameInA         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                frameInA._origin = new IndexedVector3(0, -5, 0);
                frameInB         = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                frameInB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0, 5, 0);

                ConeTwistConstraint pCT = new ConeTwistConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, ref frameInA, ref frameInB);
                pCT.SetLimit(MathUtil.SIMD_QUARTER_PI, MathUtil.SIMD_QUARTER_PI, MathUtil.SIMD_PI * 0.8f, 1.0f, 0.3f, 1.0f);       // soft limit == hard limit
                m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(pCT, true);
#if true
            { // Hinge connected to the world, with motor (to hinge motor with new and old constraint solver)
                // WORKS OK
                IndexedMatrix tr    = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                RigidBody     pBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, ref tr, shape);
                IndexedVector3 btPivotA = new IndexedVector3(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                IndexedVector3 btAxisA  = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

                HingeConstraint pHinge = new HingeConstraint(pBody, ref btPivotA, ref btAxisA, false);
                //		pHinge.enableAngularMotor(true, -1.0, 0.165); // use for the old solver
                pHinge.EnableAngularMotor(true, -1.0f, 1.65f);         // use for the new SIMD solver
#if true
                // WORKS OK
                // create a universal joint using generic 6DOF constraint
                // create two rigid bodies
                // static bodyA (parent) on top:
                IndexedMatrix tr     = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(20, 4, 0);
                RigidBody     pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(0.0f, ref tr, shape);
                // dynamic bodyB (child) below it :
                tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(20, 0, 0);
                RigidBody pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, ref tr, shape);
                // add some (arbitrary) data to build constraint frames
                IndexedVector3 parentAxis = new IndexedVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                IndexedVector3 childAxis  = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                IndexedVector3 anchor     = new IndexedVector3(20.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f);

                UniversalConstraint pUniv = new UniversalConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, ref anchor, ref parentAxis, ref childAxis);
                pUniv.SetLowerLimit(-MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f, -MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
                pUniv.SetUpperLimit(MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
                // add constraint to world
                m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(pUniv, true);
                // draw constraint frames and limits for debugging

#if true
            // WORKS OK
            { // create a generic 6DOF constraint with springs
                IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-20f, 16f, 0f);
                //tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-20.), btScalar(16.), btScalar(0.)));
                RigidBody pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(0.0f, ref tr, shape);

                //tr.setOrigin(btVector3(btScalar(-10.), btScalar(16.), btScalar(0.)));
                tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-10, 16, 0);
                RigidBody pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, ref tr, shape);

                IndexedMatrix frameInA = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(10f, 0f, 0f);
                IndexedMatrix frameInB = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(0f, 0f, 0f);

                Generic6DofSpringConstraint pGen6DOFSpring = new Generic6DofSpringConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, ref frameInA, ref frameInB, true);
                pGen6DOFSpring.SetLinearUpperLimit(new IndexedVector3(5f, 0f, 0f));
                pGen6DOFSpring.SetLinearLowerLimit(new IndexedVector3(-5f, 0f, 0f));

                pGen6DOFSpring.SetAngularLowerLimit(new IndexedVector3(0f, 0f, -1.5f));
                pGen6DOFSpring.SetAngularUpperLimit(new IndexedVector3(0f, 0f, 1.5f));

                m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(pGen6DOFSpring, true);

                pGen6DOFSpring.EnableSpring(0, true);
                pGen6DOFSpring.SetStiffness(0, 39.478f);
                pGen6DOFSpring.SetDamping(0, 0.5f);
                pGen6DOFSpring.EnableSpring(5, true);
                pGen6DOFSpring.SetStiffness(5, 39.478f);
                pGen6DOFSpring.SetDamping(0, 0.3f);
#if true
                // WORKS OK
                // create a Hinge2 joint
                // create two rigid bodies
                // static bodyA (parent) on top:
                IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-20f, 4f, 0f);

                RigidBody pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(0.0f, ref tr, shape);
                // dynamic bodyB (child) below it :
                tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-20f, 0f, 0f);
                RigidBody pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, ref tr, shape);
                // add some data to build constraint frames
                IndexedVector3   parentAxis = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                IndexedVector3   childAxis  = new IndexedVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                IndexedVector3   anchor     = new IndexedVector3(-20.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                Hinge2Constraint pHinge2    = new Hinge2Constraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, ref anchor, ref parentAxis, ref childAxis);
                pHinge2.SetLowerLimit(-MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
                pHinge2.SetUpperLimit(MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
                // add constraint to world
                m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(pHinge2, true);
                // draw constraint frames and limits for debugging
#if true
                // WORKS OK
                // create a Hinge joint between two dynamic bodies
                // create two rigid bodies
                // static bodyA (parent) on top:
                IndexedMatrix tr     = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-20f, -2f, 0f);
                RigidBody     pBodyA = LocalCreateRigidBody(1.0f, ref tr, shape);
                // dynamic bodyB:
                tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-30f, -2f, 0f);
                RigidBody pBodyB = LocalCreateRigidBody(10.0f, ref tr, shape);
                // add some data to build constraint frames
                IndexedVector3 axisA  = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                IndexedVector3 axisB  = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                IndexedVector3 pivotA = new IndexedVector3(-5.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                IndexedVector3 pivotB = new IndexedVector3(5.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

                spHingeDynAB = new HingeConstraint(pBodyA, pBodyB, ref pivotA, ref pivotB, ref axisA, ref axisB);
                spHingeDynAB.SetLimit(-MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI * 0.5f);
                // add constraint to world
                m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(spHingeDynAB, true);
                // draw constraint frames and limits for debugging
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void DrawXNA(ref IndexedMatrix m, CollisionShape shape, ref IndexedVector3 color, DebugDrawModes debugMode, ref IndexedVector3 worldBoundsMin, ref IndexedVector3 worldBoundsMax, ref IndexedMatrix view, ref IndexedMatrix projection)
            if (shape == null)

            if (shape.GetShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.UNIFORM_SCALING_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)
                UniformScalingShape scalingShape = (UniformScalingShape)shape;
                ConvexShape         convexShape  = scalingShape.GetChildShape();
                float         scalingFactor      = scalingShape.GetUniformScalingFactor();
                IndexedMatrix scaleMatrix        = IndexedMatrix.CreateScale(scalingFactor);
                IndexedMatrix finalMatrix        = scaleMatrix * m;
                DrawXNA(ref finalMatrix, convexShape, ref color, debugMode, ref worldBoundsMin, ref worldBoundsMax, ref view, ref projection);
            if (shape.GetShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.COMPOUND_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)
                CompoundShape compoundShape = (CompoundShape)shape;
                for (int i = compoundShape.GetNumChildShapes() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    IndexedMatrix  childTrans = compoundShape.GetChildTransform(i);
                    CollisionShape colShape   = compoundShape.GetChildShape(i);
                    IndexedMatrix  childMat   = childTrans;

                    //childMat = MathUtil.bulletMatrixMultiply(m, childMat);
                    //childMat = childMat * m;
                    childMat = m * childMat;

                    DrawXNA(ref childMat, colShape, ref color, debugMode, ref worldBoundsMin, ref worldBoundsMax, ref view, ref projection);
                bool useWireframeFallback = true;

                if ((debugMode & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawWireframe) == 0)
                    ///you can comment out any of the specific cases, and use the default
                    ///the benefit of 'default' is that it approximates the actual collision shape including collision margin
                    //BroadphaseNativeTypes shapetype = m_textureEnabled ? BroadphaseNativeTypes.MAX_BROADPHASE_COLLISION_TYPES : shape.getShapeType();
                    BroadphaseNativeTypes shapetype = shape.GetShapeType();
                    switch (shapetype)
                    case BroadphaseNativeTypes.BOX_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
                        BoxShape       boxShape    = shape as BoxShape;
                        IndexedVector3 halfExtents = boxShape.GetHalfExtentsWithMargin();

                        DrawSolidCube(ref halfExtents, ref m, ref view, ref projection, ref color);
                        //drawSolidSphere(halfExtents.X, 10, 10, ref m, ref view, ref projection);
                        //drawCylinder(halfExtents.X, halfExtents.Y, 1, ref m, ref view, ref projection);
                        //drawSolidCone(halfExtents.Y, halfExtents.X, ref m, ref view, ref projection);

                        //DrawText("Hello World", new IndexedVector3(20, 20, 0), new IndexedVector3(255, 255, 255));
                        useWireframeFallback = false;

                    case BroadphaseNativeTypes.SPHERE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
                        SphereShape sphereShape = shape as SphereShape;
                        float       radius      = sphereShape.GetMargin();//radius doesn't include the margin, so draw with margin
                        DrawSolidSphere(radius, 10, 10, ref m, ref view, ref projection, ref color);
                        useWireframeFallback = false;

                    case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CAPSULE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
                        CapsuleShape capsuleShape = shape as CapsuleShape;

                        float radius     = capsuleShape.GetRadius();
                        float halfHeight = capsuleShape.GetHalfHeight();

                        int upAxis = capsuleShape.GetUpAxis();

                        IndexedVector3 capStart = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                        capStart[upAxis] = -halfHeight;

                        IndexedVector3 capEnd = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                        capEnd[upAxis] = halfHeight;

                        // Draw the ends
                            IndexedMatrix childTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                            childTransform._origin = m * capStart;
                            DrawSolidSphere(radius, 5, 5, ref childTransform, ref view, ref projection, ref color);

                            IndexedMatrix childTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                            childTransform._origin = m * capEnd;
                            DrawSolidSphere(radius, 5, 5, ref childTransform, ref view, ref projection, ref color);

                        DrawCylinder(radius, halfHeight, upAxis, ref m, ref view, ref projection, ref color);

                    case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CONE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
                        ConeShape     coneShape    = (ConeShape)(shape);
                        int           upIndex      = coneShape.GetConeUpIndex();
                        float         radius       = coneShape.GetRadius(); //+coneShape.getMargin();
                        float         height       = coneShape.GetHeight(); //+coneShape.getMargin();
                        IndexedMatrix rotateMatrix = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

                        switch (upIndex)
                        case 0:
                            rotateMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateRotationX(-MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);

                        case 1:

                        case 2:
                            rotateMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateRotationX(MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);


                        IndexedMatrix translationMatrix = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(0f, 0f, -0.5f * height);

                        IndexedMatrix resultant = m * rotateMatrix * translationMatrix;

                        DrawSolidCone(height, radius, ref resultant, ref view, ref projection, ref color);
                        useWireframeFallback = false;

                    case BroadphaseNativeTypes.STATIC_PLANE_PROXYTYPE:
                        StaticPlaneShape staticPlaneShape = shape as StaticPlaneShape;
                        float            planeConst = staticPlaneShape.GetPlaneConstant();
                        IndexedVector3   planeNormal = staticPlaneShape.GetPlaneNormal();
                        IndexedVector3   planeOrigin = planeNormal * planeConst;
                        IndexedVector3   vec0, vec1;
                        TransformUtil.PlaneSpace1(ref planeNormal, out vec0, out vec1);
                        float          vecLen = 100f;
                        IndexedVector3 pt0 = planeOrigin + vec0 * vecLen;
                        IndexedVector3 pt1 = planeOrigin - vec0 * vecLen;
                        IndexedVector3 pt2 = planeOrigin + vec1 * vecLen;
                        IndexedVector3 pt3 = planeOrigin - vec1 * vecLen;

                        // Fallback to debug draw - needs tidying
                        IndexedVector3 colour = new IndexedVector3(255, 255, 255);
                        DrawLine(ref pt0, ref pt1, ref colour);
                        DrawLine(ref pt1, ref pt2, ref colour);
                        DrawLine(ref pt2, ref pt3, ref colour);
                        DrawLine(ref pt3, ref pt1, ref colour);


                    case BroadphaseNativeTypes.CYLINDER_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE:
                        CylinderShape cylinder = (CylinderShape)(shape);
                        int           upAxis   = cylinder.GetUpAxis();

                        float radius     = cylinder.GetRadius();
                        float halfHeight = cylinder.GetHalfExtentsWithMargin()[upAxis];
                        DrawCylinder(radius, halfHeight, upAxis, ref m, ref view, ref projection, ref color);

                        if (shape.IsConvex())
                            ShapeCache sc = Cache(shape as ConvexShape);

                            //if (shape.getUserPointer())
                                ShapeHull hull = sc.m_shapehull /*(btShapeHull*)shape.getUserPointer()*/;

                                int numTriangles = hull.NumTriangles();
                                int numIndices   = hull.NumIndices();
                                int numVertices  = hull.NumVertices();
                                if (numTriangles > 0)
                                    int                    index = 0;
                                    IList <int>            idx   = hull.m_indices;
                                    IList <IndexedVector3> vtx   = hull.m_vertices;

                                    for (int i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++)
                                        int i1 = index++;
                                        int i2 = index++;
                                        int i3 = index++;
                                        Debug.Assert(i1 < numIndices &&
                                                     i2 < numIndices &&
                                                     i3 < numIndices);

                                        int index1 = idx[i1];
                                        int index2 = idx[i2];
                                        int index3 = idx[i3];
                                        Debug.Assert(index1 < numVertices &&
                                                     index2 < numVertices &&
                                                     index3 < numVertices);

                                        IndexedVector3 v1     = m * vtx[index1];
                                        IndexedVector3 v2     = m * vtx[index2];
                                        IndexedVector3 v3     = m * vtx[index3];
                                        IndexedVector3 normal = IndexedVector3.Cross((v3 - v1), (v2 - v1));

                                        Vector2 tex = new Vector2(0, 0);
                                        AddVertex(ref v1, ref normal, ref tex);
                                        AddVertex(ref v2, ref normal, ref tex);
                                        AddVertex(ref v3, ref normal, ref tex);

                /// for polyhedral shapes
                if (debugMode == DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawFeaturesText && (shape.IsPolyhedral()))
                    PolyhedralConvexShape polyshape = (PolyhedralConvexShape)shape;

                        IndexedVector3 colour = new IndexedVector3(255, 255, 255);
                        for (int i = 0; i < polyshape.GetNumVertices(); i++)
                            IndexedVector3 vtx;
                            polyshape.GetVertex(i, out vtx);
                            String buf = " " + i;
                            DrawText(buf, ref vtx, ref colour);

                        for (int i = 0; i < polyshape.GetNumPlanes(); i++)
                            IndexedVector3 normal;
                            IndexedVector3 vtx;
                            polyshape.GetPlane(out normal, out vtx, i);
                            float d = IndexedVector3.Dot(vtx, normal);
                            vtx *= d;

                            String buf = " plane " + i;
                            DrawText(buf, ref vtx, ref colour);

                if (shape.IsConcave() && !shape.IsInfinite())    //>getShapeType() == TRIANGLE_MESH_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE||shape.getShapeType() == GIMPACT_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)
                //		if (shape.getShapeType() == TRIANGLE_MESH_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)
                    ConcaveShape concaveMesh = shape as ConcaveShape;

                    XNADrawcallback drawCallback = new XNADrawcallback(this, ref m);
                    drawCallback.m_wireframe = (debugMode & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawWireframe) != 0;

                    concaveMesh.ProcessAllTriangles(drawCallback, ref worldBoundsMin, ref worldBoundsMax);

                //glRasterPos3f(0,0,0);//mvtx.x(),  vtx.y(),  vtx.z());
                if ((debugMode & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawText) != 0)
                    IndexedVector3 position = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                    IndexedVector3 colour   = new IndexedVector3(255, 255, 255);
                    DrawText(shape.GetName(), ref position, ref colour);

                if ((debugMode & DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawFeaturesText) != 0)

                ////	glPopMatrix();
                //if(m_textureenabled) glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
                //  }
                //    glPopMatrix();
Exemplo n.º 24

        public override void InitializeDemo()
            CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(50, 3, 50));

            //CollisionShape groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(IndexedVector3.Up, 0f);

            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();
            m_dispatcher             = new CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);
            IndexedVector3 worldMin = new IndexedVector3(-1000, -1000, -1000);
            IndexedVector3 worldMax = new IndexedVector3(1000, 1000, 1000);

            //m_broadphase = new AxisSweep3Internal(ref worldMin, ref worldMax, 0xfffe, 0xffff, 16384, null, false);
            m_broadphase = new SimpleBroadphase(100, null);

            m_constraintSolver = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();
            m_dynamicsWorld    = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);

            //m_dynamicsWorld.setGravity(new IndexedVector3(0,0,0));
            IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(0, -10, 0);

            //either use heightfield or triangle mesh

            //create ground object
            LocalCreateRigidBody(0f, ref tr, groundShape);

            CollisionShape chassisShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(1.0f, 0.5f, 2.0f));


            CompoundShape compound = new CompoundShape();

            //localTrans effectively shifts the center of mass with respect to the chassis
            IndexedMatrix localTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(0, 1, 0);

            compound.AddChildShape(ref localTrans, chassisShape);

                CollisionShape suppShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.5f, 0.1f, 0.5f));
                //localTrans effectively shifts the center of mass with respect to the chassis
                IndexedMatrix suppLocalTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(0f, 1.0f, 2.5f);
                compound.AddChildShape(ref suppLocalTrans, suppShape);

            tr._origin = IndexedVector3.Zero;

            m_carChassis = LocalCreateRigidBody(800f, ref tr, compound);//chassisShape);
            //m_carChassis = LocalCreateRigidBody(800f, ref tr, chassisShape);//chassisShape);
            //CollisionShape liftShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.5f, 2.0f, 0.05f));
            //m_liftStartPos = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 2.5f, 3.05f);

            //IndexedMatrix liftTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(m_liftStartPos);
            //m_liftBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(10f, ref liftTrans, liftShape);

            //IndexedMatrix localA = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0f, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0f);
            //localA._origin = new IndexedVector3(0f, 1.0f, 3.05f);

            //IndexedMatrix localB = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0f, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0f);
            //localB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0f, -1.5f, -0.05f);

            //m_liftHinge = new HingeConstraint(m_carChassis, m_liftBody, ref localA, ref localB);
            ////		m_liftHinge.setLimit(-LIFT_EPS, LIFT_EPS);
            //m_liftHinge.SetLimit(0.0f, 0.0f);
            //m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(m_liftHinge, true);

            //CompoundShape forkCompound = new CompoundShape();

            //IndexedMatrix forkLocalTrans = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
            //CollisionShape forkShapeA = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(1.0f, 0.1f, 0.1f));
            //forkCompound.AddChildShape(ref forkLocalTrans, forkShapeA);

            //CollisionShape forkShapeB = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.1f, 0.02f, 0.6f));
            //forkLocalTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-0.9f, -0.08f, 0.7f);
            //forkCompound.AddChildShape(ref forkLocalTrans, forkShapeB);

            //CollisionShape forkShapeC = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.1f, 0.02f, 0.6f));
            //forkLocalTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(0.9f, -0.08f, 0.7f);
            //forkCompound.AddChildShape(ref forkLocalTrans, forkShapeC);

            //m_forkStartPos = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 0.6f, 3.2f);
            //IndexedMatrix forkTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(m_forkStartPos);

            //m_forkBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(5f, ref forkTrans, forkCompound);

            //localA = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0f, 0f, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
            //localA._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, -1.9f, 0.05f);

            //IndexedVector3 col0 = MathUtil.matrixColumn(ref localA, 0);
            //IndexedVector3 col1 = MathUtil.matrixColumn(ref localA, 1);
            //IndexedVector3 col2 = MathUtil.matrixColumn(ref localA, 2);

            ////localB = MathUtil.setEulerZYX(0f, 0f, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
            //localB = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0f, 0f, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
            //localB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -0.1f);

            //m_forkSlider = new SliderConstraint(m_liftBody, m_forkBody, ref localA, ref localB, true);

            ////		m_forkSlider.setLowerAngLimit(-LIFT_EPS);
            ////		m_forkSlider.setUpperAngLimit(LIFT_EPS);

            //IndexedMatrix localAVec = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
            //IndexedMatrix localBVec = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

            //m_forkSlider2 = new HingeConstraint(m_liftBody, m_forkBody, ref localAVec, ref localBVec);
            //m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(m_forkSlider, true);
            //m_dynamicsWorld.addConstraint(m_forkSlider2, true);

            CompoundShape loadCompound = new CompoundShape(true);

            CollisionShape loadShapeA = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(2.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f));

            IndexedMatrix loadTrans = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

            loadCompound.AddChildShape(ref loadTrans, loadShapeA);
            CollisionShape loadShapeB = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.1f, 1.0f, 1.0f));

            loadTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(2.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            loadCompound.AddChildShape(ref loadTrans, loadShapeB);
            CollisionShape loadShapeC = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.1f, 1.0f, 1.0f));

            loadTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-2.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            loadCompound.AddChildShape(ref loadTrans, loadShapeC);
            m_loadStartPos = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, -3.5f, 7.0f);
            loadTrans      = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(m_loadStartPos);

            m_loadBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(4f, ref loadTrans, loadCompound);

#if false
                CollisionShape liftShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.5f, 2.0f, 0.05f));
                IndexedMatrix liftTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(m_liftStartPos);
                m_liftBody = localCreateRigidBody(10f, ref liftTrans, liftShape);

                IndexedMatrix localA = MathUtil.setEulerZYX(0f, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0f);
                localA._origin = new IndexedVector3(0f, 1.0f, 3.05f);

                IndexedMatrix localB = MathUtil.setEulerZYX(0f, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0f);
                localB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0f, -1.5f, -0.05f);

                m_liftHinge = new HingeConstraint(m_carChassis, m_liftBody, ref localA, ref localB);
                //		m_liftHinge.setLimit(-LIFT_EPS, LIFT_EPS);
                m_liftHinge.setLimit(0.0f, 0.0f);
                m_dynamicsWorld.addConstraint(m_liftHinge, true);

                CollisionShape forkShapeA = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(1.0f, 0.1f, 0.1f));
                CompoundShape forkCompound = new CompoundShape();
                IndexedMatrix forkLocalTrans = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                forkCompound.addChildShape(ref forkLocalTrans, forkShapeA);

                CollisionShape forkShapeB = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.1f, 0.02f, 0.6f));
                forkLocalTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-0.9f, -0.08f, 0.7f);
                forkCompound.addChildShape(ref forkLocalTrans, forkShapeB);

                CollisionShape forkShapeC = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.1f, 0.02f, 0.6f));
                forkLocalTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(0.9f, -0.08f, 0.7f);
                forkCompound.addChildShape(ref forkLocalTrans, forkShapeC);

                m_forkStartPos = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 0.6f, 3.2f);
                IndexedMatrix forkTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(m_forkStartPos);

                m_forkBody = localCreateRigidBody(5f, ref forkTrans, forkCompound);

                localA         = MathUtil.setEulerZYX(0f, 0f, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                localA._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, -1.9f, 0.05f);

                localB         = MathUtil.setEulerZYX(0f, 0f, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                localB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -0.1f);

                m_forkSlider = new SliderConstraint(m_liftBody, m_forkBody, ref localA, ref localB, true);
                //		m_forkSlider.setLowerAngLimit(-LIFT_EPS);
                //		m_forkSlider.setUpperAngLimit(LIFT_EPS);
                m_dynamicsWorld.addConstraint(m_forkSlider, true);

                CompoundShape loadCompound = new CompoundShape();
                CollisionShape loadShapeA = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(2.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
                IndexedMatrix loadTrans = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                loadCompound.addChildShape(ref loadTrans, loadShapeA);
                CollisionShape loadShapeB = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.1f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
                loadTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(2.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                loadCompound.addChildShape(ref loadTrans, loadShapeB);
                CollisionShape loadShapeC = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.1f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
                loadTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-2.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                loadCompound.addChildShape(ref loadTrans, loadShapeC);
                m_loadStartPos = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, -3.5f, 7.0f);
                loadTrans      = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(m_loadStartPos);

                m_loadBody = localCreateRigidBody(4f, ref loadTrans, loadCompound);
            //m_carChassis.setDamping(0.2f, 0.2f);


            /// create vehicle

Exemplo n.º 25
        public override void InitializeDemo()

            //string filename = @"E:\users\man\bullet\xna-basic-output-1.txt";
            //FileStream filestream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);
            //BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filestream);

            ///collision configuration contains default setup for memory, collision setup
            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();

            ///use the default collision dispatcher. For parallel processing you can use a diffent dispatcher (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            m_dispatcher = new CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);

            m_broadphase = new DbvtBroadphase();
            IOverlappingPairCache pairCache = null;

            //pairCache = new SortedOverlappingPairCache();

            m_broadphase = new SimpleBroadphase(1000, pairCache);

            ///the default constraint solver. For parallel processing you can use a different solver (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver sol = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();

            m_constraintSolver = sol;

            m_dynamicsWorld = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 gravity = new IndexedVector3(0, -10, 0);

            m_dynamicsWorld.SetGravity(ref gravity);

            ///create a few basic rigid bodies
            IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(50, 50, 50);
            //IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(10, 10, 10);
            CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(ref halfExtents);

            //CollisionShape groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(new IndexedVector3(0,1,0), 50);


            IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0, -50, 0));
            //IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0,-10,0));
            float mass = 0f;

            LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, ref groundTransform, groundShape);
                int   numBlocksTall = 10; //18; //How many 'stories' tall.
                float blockWidth    = 6f; //Total width/length of the tower.
                float blockHeight   = 2f;

                //create a few dynamic rigidbodies
                IndexedVector3 extents        = new IndexedVector3(blockWidth / 3, blockHeight, blockWidth);
                IndexedVector3 boxHalfExtents = extents * 0.5f;

                CollisionShape colShape = new BoxShape(boxHalfExtents);
                //btCollisionShape* colShape = new btSphereShape(btScalar(1.));
                //CollisionShape colShape = new CylinderShape(new IndexedVector3(1f, 1, 1f));

                /// Create Dynamic Objects
                IndexedMatrix startTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

                mass = 1f;

                //rigidbody is dynamic if and only if mass is non zero, otherwise static
                bool isDynamic = mass != 0f;

                IndexedVector3 localInertia = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                if (isDynamic)
                    colShape.CalculateLocalInertia(mass, out localInertia);

                //The default number of iterations is 10, which works fine, but this demo
                //is all about stability (it's jenga!).  Increase the iterations a bit.
                //Even though it's using twice as many iterations, it will early-out
                //before reaching the limit MOST of the time.
                //It's still pretty playable at around 7-8 max iterations, though.

                IndexedMatrix transform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                for (int i = 0; i < numBlocksTall; i++)
                    if (i % 2 == 0)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                            transform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                            IndexedVector3 position = new IndexedVector3(j * (blockWidth / 3) - blockWidth / 3,
                                                                         blockHeight / 2 + i * (blockHeight),
                            //position += boxHalfExtents;
                            transform._origin = position;
                            RigidBody rb = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, transform, colShape);
                        transform = IndexedMatrix.CreateRotationY(MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                            IndexedVector3 position = new IndexedVector3(0,
                                                                         blockHeight / 2 + (i) * (blockHeight),
                                                                         j * (blockWidth / 3) - blockWidth / 3f);
                            transform._origin = position;
                            //position += boxHalfExtents;
                            transform._origin = position;
                            RigidBody rb = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, transform, colShape);
                //game.Camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 5, 15);

Exemplo n.º 26
        public override void InitializeDemo()
            //maxiterations = 10;
            SetCameraDistance(SCALING * 50f);

            //string filename = @"E:\users\man\bullet\xna-basic-output-1.txt";
            //FileStream filestream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);
            //BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filestream);

            ///collision configuration contains default setup for memory, collision setup
            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();

            ///use the default collision dispatcher. For parallel processing you can use a diffent dispatcher (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            m_dispatcher = new CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 worldMin = new IndexedVector3(-1000, -1000, -1000);
            IndexedVector3 worldMax = -worldMin;

            m_broadphase = new AxisSweep3Internal(ref worldMin, ref worldMax, 0xfffe, 0xffff, 16384, null, false);

            //m_broadphase = new DbvtBroadphase();
            IOverlappingPairCache pairCache = null;
            //pairCache = new SortedOverlappingPairCache();

            //m_broadphase = new SimpleBroadphase(1000, pairCache);

            ///the default constraint solver. For parallel processing you can use a different solver (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
            SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver sol = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();

            m_constraintSolver = sol;

            m_dynamicsWorld = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 gravity = new IndexedVector3(0, -10, 0);

            m_dynamicsWorld.SetGravity(ref gravity);

            ///create a few basic rigid bodies
            IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(50, 50, 50);
            //IndexedVector3 halfExtents = new IndexedVector3(10, 10, 10);
            CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(ref halfExtents);

            //CollisionShape groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(new IndexedVector3(0,1,0), 50);


            IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0, -50, 0));
            //IndexedMatrix groundTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(0,-10,0));
            float mass = 0f;

            LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, ref groundTransform, groundShape);
                //create a few dynamic rigidbodies
                CollisionShape colShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(SCALING, SCALING, SCALING));
                //CollisionShape colShape = BuildCorner();
                //btCollisionShape* colShape = new btSphereShape(btScalar(1.));
                //CollisionShape colShape = new CylinderShape(new IndexedVector3(1f, 1, 1f));

                /// Create Dynamic Objects
                IndexedMatrix startTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

                mass = 1f;

                //rigidbody is dynamic if and only if mass is non zero, otherwise static
                bool isDynamic = mass != 0f;

                IndexedVector3 localInertia = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                if (isDynamic)
                    colShape.CalculateLocalInertia(mass, out localInertia);
                float start_x = START_POS_X - ARRAY_SIZE_X / 2;
                float start_y = START_POS_Y;
                float start_z = START_POS_Z - ARRAY_SIZE_Z / 2;

                for (int k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE_Y; k++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE_X; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE_Z; j++)
                            startTransform._origin = (new IndexedVector3(2.0f * i + start_x, 20 + 2.0f * k + start_y, 2.0f * j + start_z) * SCALING);

                            //using motionstate is recommended, it provides interpolation capabilities, and only synchronizes 'active' objects
                            DefaultMotionState        myMotionState = new DefaultMotionState(startTransform, IndexedMatrix.Identity);
                            RigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo        = new RigidBodyConstructionInfo(mass, myMotionState, colShape, localInertia);
                            RigidBody body = new RigidBody(rbInfo);

                            body.SetUserPointer(String.Format("Box X{0} Y{1} Z{2}", k, i, j));

Exemplo n.º 27
        public override void InitializeDemo()
            //string filename = @"E:\users\man\bullet\xna-concaveray-output-1.txt";
            //FileStream filestream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);
            //BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filestream);

            m_cameraDistance = 400f;
            m_farClip        = 1500f;
            m_perspective    = IndexedMatrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.ToRadians(40.0f), m_aspect, m_nearClip, m_farClip);

            m_animatedMesh = true;
            int totalTriangles = 2 * (NUM_VERTS_X - 1) * (NUM_VERTS_Y - 1);

            gVertices = new ObjectArray <IndexedVector3>(totalVerts);
            int indicesTotal = totalTriangles * 3;

            gIndices = new ObjectArray <int>(indicesTotal);

            BulletGlobals.gContactAddedCallback = null;

            SetVertexPositions(waveheight, 0f);

            int vertStride  = 1;
            int indexStride = 3;

            int index = 0;

            //for (int i=0;i<NUM_VERTS_X-1;i++)
            //    for (int j=0;j<NUM_VERTS_Y-1;j++)
            //    {
            //        gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
            //        gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;
            //        gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;

            //        gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
            //        gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
            //        gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;

            //    }

            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VERTS_X - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < NUM_VERTS_Y - 1; j++)
                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;

                    gIndices[index++] = j * NUM_VERTS_X + i;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i + 1;
                    gIndices[index++] = (j + 1) * NUM_VERTS_X + i;

            TriangleIndexVertexArray indexVertexArrays = new TriangleIndexVertexArray(totalTriangles,
                                                                                      gIndices, indexStride, totalVerts, gVertices, vertStride);

            bool useQuantizedAabbCompression = true;

            float minX = NUM_VERTS_X * TRIANGLE_SIZE * 0.5f;
            float minZ = NUM_VERTS_Y * TRIANGLE_SIZE * 0.5f;

            //OptimizedBvh bvh = new OptimizedBvh();
            IndexedVector3 aabbMin = new IndexedVector3(-minX, -5, -minZ);
            IndexedVector3 aabbMax = new IndexedVector3(minX, 5, minZ);

            m_trimeshShape = new BvhTriangleMeshShape(indexVertexArrays, useQuantizedAabbCompression, ref aabbMin, ref aabbMax, true);
            //m_trimeshShape = new BvhTriangleMeshShape(indexVertexArrays, useQuantizedAabbCompression,true);
            IndexedVector3 scaling     = IndexedVector3.One;
            CollisionShape groundShape = m_trimeshShape;
            //groundShape = new TriangleMeshShape(indexVertexArrays);
            //groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(IndexedVector3.Up, 0f);
            IndexedVector3 up = new IndexedVector3(0.4f, 1, 0);

            //groundShape = new StaticPlaneShape(up, 0f);
            //groundShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(1000, 10, 1000));
            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();
            m_dispatcher             = new      CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedVector3 worldMin = aabbMin;
            IndexedVector3 worldMax = aabbMax;

            m_broadphase       = new AxisSweep3Internal(ref worldMin, ref worldMax, 0xfffe, 0xffff, 16384, null, false);
            m_constraintSolver = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();
            m_dynamicsWorld    = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);

            float         mass           = 0f;
            IndexedMatrix startTransform = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(new IndexedVector3(2, -2, 0));

            startTransform = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
            staticBody     = LocalCreateRigidBody(mass, ref startTransform, groundShape);

            staticBody.SetCollisionFlags(staticBody.GetCollisionFlags() | CollisionFlags.CF_KINEMATIC_OBJECT);            //STATIC_OBJECT);

            //enable custom material callback
            staticBody.SetCollisionFlags(staticBody.GetCollisionFlags() | CollisionFlags.CF_CUSTOM_MATERIAL_CALLBACK);

            //m_raycastBar = new btRaycastBar (m_debugDraw,4000.0f, 0.0f,-1000,30);
            m_raycastBar       = new btRaycastBar(m_debugDraw, 300.0f, 0.0f, -1000, 200, worldMin.X, worldMax.X);
            m_raycastBar.min_x = -100;
            m_raycastBar.max_x = -100;

Exemplo n.º 28

        public override void InitializeDemo()
            CollisionShape groundShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(50, 0.1f, 50));

            IndexedVector3 wheelDimensions = new IndexedVector3(wheelWidth, wheelRadius, wheelRadius);

            m_wheelShape = new CylinderShapeX(ref wheelDimensions);

            m_collisionConfiguration = new DefaultCollisionConfiguration();
            m_dispatcher             = new CollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration);
            IndexedVector3 worldMin = new IndexedVector3(-1000, -1000, -1000);
            IndexedVector3 worldMax = new IndexedVector3(1000, 1000, 1000);

            m_broadphase = new AxisSweep3Internal(ref worldMin, ref worldMax, 0xfffe, 0xffff, 16384, null, false);

            m_constraintSolver = new SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();
            m_dynamicsWorld    = new DiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher, m_broadphase, m_constraintSolver, m_collisionConfiguration);

            IndexedMatrix tr = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(0, -10, 0);

            LocalCreateRigidBody(0f, ref tr, groundShape);

#if true
            CollisionShape chassisShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(1.0f, 0.5f, 2.0f));
            //CollisionShape chassisShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(1.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f));

            CompoundShape compound = new CompoundShape();
            //localTrans effectively shifts the center of mass with respect to the chassis
            IndexedMatrix localTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(0, 1, 0);

            compound.AddChildShape(ref localTrans, chassisShape);

                CollisionShape suppShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.5f, 0.1f, 0.5f));
                //localTrans effectively shifts the center of mass with respect to the chassis
                IndexedMatrix suppLocalTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(0f, 1.0f, 2.5f);
                compound.AddChildShape(ref suppLocalTrans, suppShape);

            tr._origin = IndexedVector3.Zero;

            m_carChassis = LocalCreateRigidBody(800f, ref tr, compound);//chassisShape);

#if true
                CollisionShape liftShape = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.5f, 2.0f, 0.05f));
                m_liftStartPos = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 2.5f, 3.05f);
                IndexedMatrix liftTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(m_liftStartPos);
                m_liftBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(10f, ref liftTrans, liftShape);

                IndexedMatrix localA = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0f, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0f);
                localA._origin = new IndexedVector3(0f, 1.0f, 3.05f);

                IndexedMatrix localB = MathUtil.SetEulerZYX(0f, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI, 0f);
                localB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0f, -1.5f, -0.05f);

                m_liftHinge = new HingeConstraint(m_carChassis, m_liftBody, ref localA, ref localB);
                MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "hinge aFrame", m_liftHinge.GetAFrame());
                MathUtil.PrintMatrix(BulletGlobals.g_streamWriter, "hinge bFrame", m_liftHinge.GetBFrame());

                m_liftHinge.SetLimit(0.0f, 0.0f);
                m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(m_liftHinge, true);

                CollisionShape forkShapeA = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(1.0f, 0.1f, 0.1f));
                CompoundShape forkCompound = new CompoundShape();
                IndexedMatrix forkLocalTrans = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                forkCompound.AddChildShape(ref forkLocalTrans, forkShapeA);

                CollisionShape forkShapeB = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.1f, 0.02f, 0.6f));
                forkLocalTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-0.9f, -0.08f, 0.7f);
                forkCompound.AddChildShape(ref forkLocalTrans, forkShapeB);

                CollisionShape forkShapeC = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.1f, 0.02f, 0.6f));
                forkLocalTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(0.9f, -0.08f, 0.7f);
                forkCompound.AddChildShape(ref forkLocalTrans, forkShapeC);

                m_forkStartPos = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 0.6f, 3.2f);
                IndexedMatrix forkTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(m_forkStartPos);

                m_forkBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(5f, ref forkTrans, forkCompound);

                localA = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                localB = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                localA._basis.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                localA._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, -1.9f, 0.05f);
                localB._basis.SetEulerZYX(0, 0, MathUtil.SIMD_HALF_PI);
                localB._origin = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -0.1f);

                m_forkSlider = new SliderConstraint(m_liftBody, m_forkBody, ref localA, ref localB, true);
                //		m_forkSlider.setLowerAngLimit(-LIFT_EPS);
                //		m_forkSlider.setUpperAngLimit(LIFT_EPS);
                m_dynamicsWorld.AddConstraint(m_forkSlider, true);
#if true
                CompoundShape loadCompound = new CompoundShape(false);
                CollisionShape loadShapeA = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(2.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
                IndexedMatrix loadTrans = IndexedMatrix.Identity;
                loadCompound.AddChildShape(ref loadTrans, loadShapeA);
                CollisionShape loadShapeB = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.1f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
                loadTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(2.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                loadCompound.AddChildShape(ref loadTrans, loadShapeB);
                CollisionShape loadShapeC = new BoxShape(new IndexedVector3(0.1f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
                loadTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(-2.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                loadCompound.AddChildShape(ref loadTrans, loadShapeC);
                m_loadStartPos = new IndexedVector3(0.0f, -3.5f, 7.0f);
                loadTrans      = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(m_loadStartPos);

                m_loadBody = LocalCreateRigidBody(4f, ref loadTrans, loadCompound);
            //m_carChassis.setDamping(0.2f, 0.2f);


            /// create vehicle
                m_vehicleRayCaster = new DefaultVehicleRaycaster(m_dynamicsWorld);
                m_vehicle          = new RaycastVehicle(m_tuning, m_carChassis, m_vehicleRayCaster);

                ///never deactivate the vehicle


                float connectionHeight = 1.2f;

                bool isFrontWheel = true;

                //choose coordinate system
                m_vehicle.SetCoordinateSystem(rightIndex, upIndex, forwardIndex);

                IndexedVector3 connectionPointCS0 = IndexedVector3.Zero;
                //connectionPointCS0 = new IndexedVector3(CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS, connectionHeight, CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS);
                //m_vehicle.addWheel(ref connectionPointCS0, ref wheelDirectionCS0, ref wheelAxleCS, suspensionRestLength, wheelRadius, m_tuning, isFrontWheel);

                connectionPointCS0 = new IndexedVector3(CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS - (0.3f * wheelWidth), connectionHeight, 2.0f * CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS - wheelRadius);
                m_vehicle.AddWheel(ref connectionPointCS0, ref wheelDirectionCS0, ref wheelAxleCS, suspensionRestLength, wheelRadius, m_tuning, isFrontWheel);

                connectionPointCS0 = new IndexedVector3(-CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS + (0.3f * wheelWidth), connectionHeight, 2.0f * CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS - wheelRadius);
                m_vehicle.AddWheel(ref connectionPointCS0, ref wheelDirectionCS0, ref wheelAxleCS, suspensionRestLength, wheelRadius, m_tuning, isFrontWheel);

                //isFrontWheel = false;
                connectionPointCS0 = new IndexedVector3(-CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS + (0.3f * wheelWidth), connectionHeight, -2.0f * CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS + wheelRadius);
                m_vehicle.AddWheel(ref connectionPointCS0, ref wheelDirectionCS0, ref wheelAxleCS, suspensionRestLength, wheelRadius, m_tuning, isFrontWheel);

                connectionPointCS0 = new IndexedVector3(CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS - (0.3f * wheelWidth), connectionHeight, -2.0f * CUBE_HALF_EXTENTS + wheelRadius);
                m_vehicle.AddWheel(ref connectionPointCS0, ref wheelDirectionCS0, ref wheelAxleCS, suspensionRestLength, wheelRadius, m_tuning, isFrontWheel);

                for (int i = 0; i < m_vehicle.GetNumWheels(); i++)
                    WheelInfo wheel = m_vehicle.GetWheelInfo(i);
                    wheel.m_suspensionStiffness      = suspensionStiffness;
                    wheel.m_wheelsDampingRelaxation  = suspensionDamping;
                    wheel.m_wheelsDampingCompression = suspensionCompression;
                    wheel.m_frictionSlip             = wheelFriction;
                    wheel.m_rollInfluence            = rollInfluence;

Exemplo n.º 29

        public override void  ClientResetScene()
            gVehicleSteering = 0.0f;
            gBreakingForce   = defaultBreakingForce;
            gEngineForce     = 0.0f;
            IndexedMatrix ident = IndexedMatrix.Identity;

            m_carChassis.SetCenterOfMassTransform(ref ident);
            IndexedVector3 zero = IndexedVector3.Zero;

            m_carChassis.SetLinearVelocity(ref zero);
            m_carChassis.SetAngularVelocity(ref zero);
            m_dynamicsWorld.GetBroadphase().GetOverlappingPairCache().CleanProxyFromPairs(m_carChassis.GetBroadphaseHandle(), GetDynamicsWorld().GetDispatcher());
            if (m_vehicle != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < m_vehicle.GetNumWheels(); i++)
                    //synchronize the wheels with the (interpolated) chassis worldtransform
                    m_vehicle.UpdateWheelTransform(i, true);
            if (m_liftBody != null)
                IndexedMatrix liftTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(m_liftStartPos);
                m_liftBody.SetCenterOfMassTransform(ref liftTrans);
                m_liftBody.SetLinearVelocity(ref zero);
                m_liftBody.SetAngularVelocity(ref zero);

            if (m_forkBody != null)
                IndexedMatrix forkTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(m_forkStartPos);
                m_forkBody.SetCenterOfMassTransform(ref forkTrans);
                m_forkBody.SetLinearVelocity(ref zero);
                m_forkBody.SetAngularVelocity(ref zero);

            if (m_liftHinge != null)
                //	m_liftHinge.setLimit(-LIFT_EPS, LIFT_EPS);
                m_liftHinge.SetLimit(0.0f, 0.0f);
                m_liftHinge.EnableAngularMotor(false, 0, 0);

            if (m_forkSlider != null)

            if (m_loadBody != null)
                IndexedMatrix loadTrans = IndexedMatrix.CreateTranslation(m_loadStartPos);
                m_loadBody.SetCenterOfMassTransform(ref loadTrans);
                m_loadBody.SetLinearVelocity(ref zero);
                m_loadBody.SetAngularVelocity(ref zero);