Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ShouldBufferCorrectly()
            // below instruction repeat 128 times
            // thus, last entry has to have at least 2048 elements
            // window  -----
            //          -----
            //                                 ----- // last one
            // 128 * 64 (overlap) = 8192 + 2048
            // the length of 1 fingerprint is 10240 as this is the minimal length that will allow generating full 128 * 32 log-image
            var stride = new IncrementalStaticStride(256);

            const int minSize            = 10240;
            var       realtimeAggregator = new RealtimeAudioSamplesAggregator(stride, minSize);

            float[] prev = new float[minSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
                float[] next         = TestUtilities.GenerateRandomFloatArray(minSize);
                var     audioSamples = realtimeAggregator.Aggregate(new AudioSamples(next, "cnn", 5512));
                if (i == 0)
                    Assert.AreSame(audioSamples.Samples, next);
                    prev = next;

                VerifyEndingsAreAttached(prev, next, audioSamples, minSize, stride.NextStride);
                prev = next;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public DefaultSpectrogramConfig()
     Overlap        = 64;
     WdftSize       = 2048;
     FrequencyRange = new FrequencyRange {
         Min = 318, Max = 2000
     LogBase           = 2;
     LogBins           = 32;
     ImageLength       = 128;
     UseDynamicLogBase = false;
     NormalizeSignal   = false;
     Stride            = new IncrementalStaticStride(5115, ImageLength * Overlap);
        public void CutLogarithmizedSpectrumWithAnIncrementalStaticStride()
            DefaultFingerprintConfiguration config = new DefaultFingerprintConfiguration();
            int logSpectrumLength = (config.FingerprintLength * 24) + config.Overlap;
            var stride            = new IncrementalStaticStride(config.SamplesPerFingerprint / 2, config.SamplesPerFingerprint, 0);
            var logSpectrum       = new float[logSpectrumLength][];

            for (int i = 0; i < logSpectrumLength; i++)
                logSpectrum[i] = new float[32];

            var cutLogarithmizedSpectrum = spectrumService.CutLogarithmizedSpectrum(logSpectrum, stride, config.FingerprintLength, config.Overlap);

            Assert.AreEqual(48, cutLogarithmizedSpectrum.Count);
 public DefaultFingerprintConfiguration()
     FingerprintLength         = 128;
     Overlap                   = 64;
     WdftSize                  = 2048;
     MinFrequency              = 318;
     MaxFrequency              = 2000;
     TopWavelets               = 200;
     SampleRate                = 5512;
     LogBase                   = 2;
     Stride                    = new IncrementalStaticStride(5115, FingerprintLength * Overlap);
     LogBins                   = 32;
     NormalizeSignal           = false;
     UseDynamicLogBase         = false;
     NumberOfLSHTables         = 25;
     NumberOfMinHashesPerTable = 4;
        public void CutLogarithmizedSpectrumWithAnIncrementalStaticStride()
            var stride = new IncrementalStaticStride(new DefaultFingerprintConfiguration().SamplesPerFingerprint / 2);
            var config = new DefaultSpectrogramConfig {
                Stride = stride
            int logSpectrumLength = (config.ImageLength * 24) + config.Overlap;
            var logSpectrum       = GetLogSpectrum(logSpectrumLength);

            var cutLogarithmizedSpectrum = spectrumService.CutLogarithmizedSpectrum(logSpectrum, SampleRate, config);

            Assert.AreEqual(48, cutLogarithmizedSpectrum.Count);
            double lengthOfOneFingerprint = (double)config.ImageLength * config.Overlap / SampleRate;

            for (int i = 0; i < cutLogarithmizedSpectrum.Count; i++)
                Assert.IsTrue(System.Math.Abs(cutLogarithmizedSpectrum[i].StartsAt - (i * lengthOfOneFingerprint / 2)) < Epsilon);
        public DefaultFingerprintingConfiguration()
            // The parameters used in these transformation steps will be equal to those that have been found to work well in other audio fingerprinting studies
            // (specifically in A Highly Robust Audio Fingerprinting System):
            // audio frames that are 371 ms long (2048 samples),
            // taken every 11.6 ms (64 samples),
            // thus having an overlap of 31/32
            FingerprintLength     = 128;
            WindowSize            = 2048;       // 2048/5512    = 371 ms
            Overlap               = 64;         // 64/5512      = 11,6 ms
            SamplesPerFingerprint = FingerprintLength * Overlap;
            MinFrequency          = 318;
            MaxFrequency          = 2000;
            SampleRate            = 5512;
            LogBase               = 2; // 2 or 10;

            // In Content Fingerprinting Using Wavelets, a static 928 ms stride was used in database creation,
            // and a random 0-46 ms stride was used in querying (random stride was used in order to minimize the coarse effect of unlucky time alignment).
            Stride = new IncrementalStaticStride(5115, FingerprintLength * Overlap);             // 5115 / 5512 = 0,928 sec

            TopWavelets = 200;
            LogBins     = 32;

            // Each fingerprint will be LogBins x FingerprintLength x 2 Bits long
            // e.g. 128 x 32 x 2 = 8192
            StartFingerprintIndex = 0;
            EndFingerprintIndex   = LogBins * FingerprintLength * 2;

            WindowFunction    = new HannWindow(WindowSize);
            NormalizeSignal   = true;
            UseDynamicLogBase = false;

            // Number of LSH tables
            NumberOfHashTables = 25;

            // Number of Min Hash keys per 1 hash function (1 LSH table)
            NumberOfKeys = 4;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public HighPrecisionFingerprintConfiguration()
     Stride = new IncrementalStaticStride(1024);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void IncrementalStaticStrideTest()
            IncrementalStaticStride incrementalStatic = new IncrementalStaticStride(5115);

            Assert.AreEqual(5115 - 8192, incrementalStatic.NextStride);
 public LowLatencyFingerprintConfiguration()
     Stride = new IncrementalStaticStride(2048);
        public FullFrequencyFingerprintingConfiguration(bool useRandomStride = false)
            // http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/206507/Duplicates-detector-via-audio-fingerprinting
            // The parameters used in these transformation steps will be close to those that have been found to work well in other audio fingerprinting studies
            // (specifically in A Highly Robust Audio Fingerprinting System):
            // audio frames that are 371 ms long
            // taken every 11.6 ms,
            // thus having an overlap of 31/32

            // 371 ms   is	2048/5512	or  16384/44100	or 11889/32000
            // The closest power of 2 in 2's complement format: 8192 / 32000 = 256 ms
            // 4096 / 32000 = 128 ms
            //WindowSize = 8192;
            WindowSize = 4096;             // due to using this on many small samples, we need to reduce the window and overlap sizes

            // 11,6 ms	is  64/5512		or	512/44100	or 372/32000
            // The closest power of 2 in 2's complement format: 512 / 32000 = 16 ms
            // 1024 / 32000 = 32 ms
            // 256 / 32000 = 8 ms
            //Overlap = 1024;
            Overlap = 256;

            // Gets number of samples to read in order to create single signature.
            // The granularity is 1.48 seconds (11,6 ms	* 128) for SR 5512 hz
            // The granularity is 2.048 seconds (16 ms	* 128) for SR 32000 hz
            // 512 * 128 = 65536
            FingerprintLength     = 128;
            SamplesPerFingerprint = FingerprintLength * Overlap;

            // (Originally this was 32, but 40 seems to work better with SCMS?!)
            //LogBins = 40;
            LogBins = 32;

            // Each fingerprint will be LogBins x FingerprintLength x 2 Bits long
            // e.g. 128 x 32 x 2 = 8192
            // or 128 x 40 x 2 = 10240
            StartFingerprintIndex = 0;
            EndFingerprintIndex   = LogBins * FingerprintLength * 2;

            // Reduce the frequency range
            MinFrequency = 40;                  // 318;     Full Frequency: 20
            MaxFrequency = 16000;               // 2000;    Full Frequency: 22050

            // Using 32000 (instead of 44100) gives us a max of 16 khz resolution, which is OK for normal adult human hearing
            SampleRate = 32000;                 // 5512 or 44100
            LogBase    = 2;                     // Math.E, 2 or 10;

            // In Content Fingerprinting Using Wavelets, a static 928 ms stride was used in database creation,
            // and a random 0-46 ms stride was used in querying (random stride was used in order to minimize the coarse effect of unlucky time alignment).
            if (useRandomStride)
                // 0,046 sec is 2028 / 44100	or  1472/32000
                // use a 128 ms random stride instead = 4096, since every 46 ms gives way too many fingerprints to query efficiently
                Stride = new IncrementalRandomStride(1, 4096, SamplesPerFingerprint);
                // 0,928 sec is	5115 / 5512 or 40924 / 44100	or	29695/32000
                Stride = new IncrementalStaticStride(29695, SamplesPerFingerprint);

            TopWavelets       = 200;
            WindowFunction    = new HannWindow(WindowSize);
            NormalizeSignal   = true;                   // true;
            UseDynamicLogBase = false;                  // false;

            // Number of LSH tables
            NumberOfHashTables = 25;

            // Number of Min Hash keys per 1 hash function (1 LSH table)
            NumberOfKeys = 4;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void IncrementalStaticStrideTest()
            IncrementalStaticStride incrementalStatic = new IncrementalStaticStride(5115, SamplesPerFingerprint);

            Assert.AreEqual(5115 - SamplesPerFingerprint, incrementalStatic.GetNextStride());