public async Task <IActionResult> Add()
            var token = HttpContext.Request.Headers["Authorization"].Last().Split(" ").Last();

            string[] roles   = { "User" };
            var      handler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();

            if (RoleService.CheckRoles(token, roles, _userManager))
                var httpRequest = HttpContext.Request;
                var file        = httpRequest.Body;

                //checks the size of file
                var imageHandler = new ImageSecurityHandler();
                if (!imageHandler.CheckFileSize(httpRequest.ContentLength.Value))
                    _logger.LogInformation($"size is {httpRequest.ContentLength}");
                    return(BadRequest("Photo must be between 5KB and 5MB"));
                //checks the format of file
                if (!imageHandler.CheckFileFormat(httpRequest.ContentType))
                    _logger.LogInformation($"file format is {httpRequest.ContentType}");
                    return(BadRequest("Wrong file format"));

                var sub = handler.ReadJwtToken(token).Payload.Sub;

                var credentials =
                var storage = StorageClient.CreateAsync(credentials);

                var lastId = 0;
                if (storage.Result
                    .Select(x => x.Name)
                    .Count(x => x.Contains(sub)) > 0)
                    lastId = int.Parse(storage.Result
                                       .Select(x => x.Name).Last(x => x.Contains(sub))

                var detailsRepository   = new UserDetailsRepository();
                var details             = detailsRepository.GetByUserId(sub);
                var candidacyRepository = new CandidacyRepository();
                var candidacy           = candidacyRepository.GetAll().Last(x => x.OwnerId == details.Id);

                //Checks if User have candidacy
                if (candidacyRepository.GetAll().Count(x => x.OwnerId == details.Id) == 0)
                    return(BadRequest("User didnt submited candidacy."));

                //Uploading Photo to Google Cloud and updating indecies.
                var photoName = $"{sub}-profilePhoto-{lastId + 1}";
                storage.Result.UploadObject("deep-castle-261418-user-photo-bucket", photoName,
                                            MediaTypeNames.Image.Jpeg, file, null);

                candidacy.PhotoPath = photoName;


        public async Task <IActionResult> Add(int id)
            var token = HttpContext.Request.Headers["Authorization"].Last().Split(" ").Last();

            string[] roles   = { "User", "Admin", "SchoolAdmin" };
            var      handler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();

            if (RoleService.CheckRoles(token, roles, _userManager))
                var httpRequest = HttpContext.Request;
                var file        = httpRequest.Body;

                //checks the size of file
                var imageHandler = new ImageSecurityHandler();
                if (!imageHandler.CheckFileSize(httpRequest.ContentLength.Value))
                    _logger.LogInformation($"size is {httpRequest.ContentLength}");
                    return(BadRequest("Photo must be between 5KB and 5MB"));
                //checks the format of file
                if (!imageHandler.CheckFileFormat(httpRequest.ContentType))
                    _logger.LogInformation($"file format is {httpRequest.ContentType}");
                    return(BadRequest("Wrong file format"));

                var sub = handler.ReadJwtToken(token).Payload.Sub;

                var credentials =
                var storage = StorageClient.CreateAsync(credentials);

                var lastId = 0;
                if (storage.Result
                    .Select(x => x.Name)
                    .Count(x => x.Contains(sub)) > 0)
                    lastId = int.Parse(storage.Result
                                       .Select(x => x.Name).Last(x => x.Contains(sub))

                var surveyRepo = new SurveyRepository();

                if (!surveyRepo.GetAll().Select(x => x.Id).Contains(id))
                    return(BadRequest($"Survey doesnt with {id} exsit"));

                var detailsRepo = new UserDetailsRepository();
                var detailsId   = detailsRepo.GetByUserId(sub).Id;

                if (surveyRepo.GetAll().First(x => x.Id == id).AuthorId != detailsId)
                    return(BadRequest("You dont have rights to edit that survey"));

                var survey    = surveyRepo.GetById(id);
                var photoPath = $"{sub}-{survey.Id}-surveyPhoto-{lastId + 1}";
                storage.Result.UploadObject("deep-castle-261418-survey-photo-bucket", photoPath,
                                            MediaTypeNames.Image.Jpeg, file, null);

                survey.PhotoPath = photoPath;

