Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is used to add a dynamic image area on the initial page load
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender of the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">The event arguments</param>
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                lblEnabledMsg.Text = "Image map enabled";

                // Add a dynamic image area.  This is only created once when the page is first loaded.  On post
                // backs, the area is recreated from view state.
                ImageAreaRectangle r = new ImageAreaRectangle(new Rectangle(40, 57, 20, 20));

                r.Action    = AreaClickAction.PostBack;
                r.ToolTip   = "Area 5 (Dynamically added)";
                r.AccessKey = "5";
                r.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "javascript: IM_Highlight(5);");
                r.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "javascript: IM_Highlight(0);");

                // Tell the item to mark all properties as dirty so that it is restored entirely from view state
                // on post backs.  If not done, you must recreate the area on post backs.


            // The Visual Studio designer loses the custom attributes on the image area controls in the HTML when
            // the collection editor is used.  This happens to ListItem objects in controls such as the ListBox
            // and DropDown controls too.  The only workaround is to set such attributes in code as shown below
            // when the page loads.
            ((ImageAreaBase)imClickMap.Areas[0]).Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "javascript: IM_Highlight(1);");
            ((ImageAreaBase)imClickMap.Areas[0]).Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "javascript: IM_Highlight(0);");
            ((ImageAreaBase)imClickMap.Areas[1]).Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "javascript: IM_Highlight(2);");
            ((ImageAreaBase)imClickMap.Areas[1]).Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "javascript: IM_Highlight(0);");
            ((ImageAreaBase)imClickMap.Areas[2]).Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "javascript: IM_Highlight(3);");
            ((ImageAreaBase)imClickMap.Areas[2]).Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "javascript: IM_Highlight(0);");
            ((ImageAreaBase)imClickMap.Areas[3]).Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "javascript: IM_Highlight(4);");
            ((ImageAreaBase)imClickMap.Areas[3]).Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "javascript: IM_Highlight(0);");
Exemplo n.º 2

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        public ImageMapEventsForm()

            // This is used to format text for various image areas
            sfFormat               = new StringFormat();
            sfFormat.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center;
            sfFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            sfFormat.HotkeyPrefix  = HotkeyPrefix.Show;

            // A couple of fonts for some of the image areas
            buttonFont    = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 7.8f, FontStyle.Bold);
            hyperlinkFont = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 7.8f, FontStyle.Underline);

            // Get the image for the "buttons" and define the attributes used to given them their various draw
            // state effects.
            imgFiller = new Bitmap(GetType(), "ImageMapEventsForm.Filler.png");

            // Image attributes used to lighten normal buttons
            cmNormal          = new ColorMatrix();
            cmNormal.Matrix33 = 0.5f;

            iaNormal = new ImageAttributes();
            iaNormal.SetColorMatrix(cmNormal, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);

            // Image attributes that lighten and desaturate disabled buttons
            cmDisabled                  = new ColorMatrix();
            cmDisabled.Matrix00         = cmDisabled.Matrix01 = cmDisabled.Matrix02 = cmDisabled.Matrix10 =
                cmDisabled.Matrix11     = cmDisabled.Matrix12 = cmDisabled.Matrix20 = cmDisabled.Matrix21 =
                    cmDisabled.Matrix22 = 0.33f;
            cmDisabled.Matrix33         = 0.5f;

            iaDisabled = new ImageAttributes();
            iaDisabled.SetColorMatrix(cmDisabled, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);

            // Hook up the event handlers.  Since they are not accessible in the designer, we must do it
            // manually.  Hang on to the references as we use them fairly often in here.
            areaOwnerDrawOnOff            = (ImageAreaRectangle)imMap.Areas[0];
            areaOwnerDrawOnOff.Click     += areaOwnerDrawOnOff_Click;
            areaOwnerDrawOnOff.DrawImage += OwnerDrawOnOff_DrawImage;

            areaVisitWebSite              = (ImageAreaRectangle)imMap.Areas[3];
            areaVisitWebSite.DrawImage   += VisitWebSite_DrawImage;
            areaVisitWebSite.DoubleClick += VisitWebSite_DoubleClick;

            // The same draw event handler is used for the three "buttons".  The image map Click event handles
            // the area click events.
            ImageAreaBase a = (ImageAreaBase)imMap.Areas[4];

            a.DrawImage += Button_DrawImage;

            a            = (ImageAreaBase)imMap.Areas[5];
            a.DrawImage += Button_DrawImage;

            a            = (ImageAreaBase)imMap.Areas[6];
            a.DrawImage += Button_DrawImage;

            // These two just demonstrate mouse and focus event handling by the image areas
            a             = (ImageAreaBase)imMap.Areas[1];
            a.DrawImage  += MouseArea_DrawImage;
            a.MouseEnter += MouseArea_MouseEnter;
            a.MouseDown  += MouseArea_MouseDown;
            a.MouseUp    += MouseArea_MouseUp;
            a.MouseLeave += MouseArea_MouseLeave;

            // These two tend to obscure the other mouse events.
            // You can uncomment them to see them in action.
//            a.MouseMove += MouseArea_MouseMove;
//            a.MouseHover += MouseArea_MouseHover;

            a            = (ImageAreaBase)imMap.Areas[2];
            a.DrawImage += FocusArea_DrawImage;
            a.Enter     += FocusArea_Enter;
            a.Leave     += FocusArea_Leave;