Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override void GenerateInstance(IfcBuilding building)
            DatabaseIfc db    = building.Database;
            IfcBlock    block = new IfcBlock(new IfcAxis2Placement3D(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 0, 0, 0)), 2000, 800, 800);
            IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef roundedRectangle  = new IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef(db, "VoidProfile", 1800, 600, 200);
            IfcExtrudedAreaSolid          extrudedAreaSolid = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(roundedRectangle, new IfcAxis2Placement3D(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 1000, 400, 100)), new IfcDirection(db, 0, 0, 1), 700);
            IfcBooleanResult        booleanResult           = new IfcBooleanResult(IfcBooleanOperator.DIFFERENCE, block, extrudedAreaSolid);
            IfcCsgSolid             csgSolid             = new IfcCsgSolid(booleanResult);
            IfcRepresentationMap    representationMap    = new IfcRepresentationMap(csgSolid);
            IfcMaterial             ceramic              = new IfcMaterial(db, "Ceramic");
            IfcSanitaryTerminalType sanitaryTerminalType = new IfcSanitaryTerminalType(db, "Bath", IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum.BATH)
                MaterialSelect = ceramic

            IfcElement element = sanitaryTerminalType.GenerateMappedItemElement(building, new IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D(db));


            //Unique ids assigned to generate constant IfcScript  sample files, remove otherwise
            sanitaryTerminalType.GlobalId = "1HarmwaPv3OeJSXpaoPKpg";
            ceramic.Associates.GlobalId   = "0Pkhszwjv1qRMYyCFg9fjB";
            sanitaryTerminalType.ObjectTypeOf.GlobalId = "1lO$X3e3j9lfVMhNy4MzKB";
            element.GlobalId = "3$$o7C03j0KQeLnoj018fc";
Exemplo n.º 2
		protected override void GenerateData(STPModelData md, IfcBuilding building)
			IfcBlock block = new IfcBlock(md,Plane.WorldXY,	2000,800,800);
			IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef roundedRectangle = new IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef(md, "VoidProfile", 600,1800,200);
			IfcExtrudedAreaSolid extrudedAreaSolid = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(roundedRectangle,new IfcAxis2Placement3D(md,new Plane(new Point3d( 1000,400,100),Vector3d.XAxis,Vector3d.YAxis)),new IfcDirection(md,0,0,1),700);
			IfcBooleanResult booleanResult = new IfcBooleanResult(IfcBooleanOperator.DIFFERENCE, block, extrudedAreaSolid);
			IfcCsgSolid csgSolid = new IfcCsgSolid(booleanResult);
			IfcRepresentationMap representationMap = new IfcRepresentationMap(csgSolid);
			IfcMaterial ceramic = new IfcMaterial(md, "Ceramic", "", "");
			ceramic.Associates.GlobalId = "0Pkhszwjv1qRMYyCFg9fjB";
			IfcSanitaryTerminalType sanitaryTerminalType = new IfcSanitaryTerminalType(md, "Bath", IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum.BATH) { GlobalId = "1HarmwaPv3OeJSXpaoPKpg", MaterialSelect = ceramic, RepresentationMaps = new List<IfcRepresentationMap>() {representationMap } };
			sanitaryTerminalType.ObjectTypeOf.GlobalId = "1lO$X3e3j9lfVMhNy4MzKB";
			IfcElement element = sanitaryTerminalType.GenerateMappedItemElement(building, Plane.WorldXY);
			element.GlobalId = "3$$o7C03j0KQeLnoj018fc";
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected override void GenerateData(STPModelData md, IfcBuilding building)
            IfcBlock block = new IfcBlock(md, Plane.WorldXY, 2000, 800, 800);
            IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef roundedRectangle  = new IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef(md, IfcProfileTypeEnum.AREA, "VoidProfile", null, 600, 1800, 200);
            IfcExtrudedAreaSolid          extrudedAreaSolid = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(roundedRectangle, new IfcAxis2Placement3D(md, new Plane(new Point3d(1000, 400, 100), Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.YAxis)), new IfcDirection(md, 0, 0, 1), 700);
            IfcBooleanResult     booleanResult     = new IfcBooleanResult(IfcBooleanOperator.DIFFERENCE, block, extrudedAreaSolid);
            IfcCsgSolid          csgSolid          = new IfcCsgSolid(booleanResult);
            IfcRepresentationMap representationMap = new IfcRepresentationMap(csgSolid);
            IfcMaterial          ceramic           = new IfcMaterial(md, "Ceramic", "", "");

            ceramic.Associates.GlobalId = "0Pkhszwjv1qRMYyCFg9fjB";
            IfcSanitaryTerminalType sanitaryTerminalType = new IfcSanitaryTerminalType(md, new IfcElemTypeParams("1HarmwaPv3OeJSXpaoPKpg", "Bath", "", "", ""), ceramic, representationMap, null, IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum.BATH);

            sanitaryTerminalType.ObjectTypeOf.GlobalId = "1lO$X3e3j9lfVMhNy4MzKB";
            sanitaryTerminalType.GenerateMappedItemElement(building, Plane.WorldXY, new IfcElemParams("3$$o7C03j0KQeLnoj018fc", "", "", "", ""));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static double GetPerimeter(this IfcProfileDef Profile, bool addPerimetersOfVoids = true)
            // Inheritance tree of IfcProfileDef:
            //- IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef
            //  - IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids
            //- IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef
            //  - IfcCenterLineProfileDef
            //- IfcParameterizedProfileDef  (abstract)
            //  - IfcIShapeProfileDef
            //    - IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef
            //  - IfcCircleProfileDef
            //    - IfcCircleHollowProfileDef
            //  - IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef (Throw)
            //  - IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef (Throw)
            //  - IfcCShapeProfileDef
            //  - IfcEllipseProfileDef
            //  - IfcLShapeProfileDef (Throw)
            //  - IfcRectangleProfileDef
            //    - IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef
            //    - IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef
            //  - IfcTrapeziumProfileDef
            //  - IfcTShapeProfileDef (Throw)
            //  - IfcUShapeProfileDef (Throw)
            //  - IfcZShapeProfileDef (Throw)
            //- IfcCompositeProfileDef
            if (Profile is IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids)
                throw new NotImplementedException("IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids Perimeter is not implemented");
            else if (Profile is IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef)
                throw new NotImplementedException("IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef Perimeter is not implemented");
            else if (Profile is IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef)
                IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef p = Profile as IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef;
                return(RoundedRecPerimeter(p.XDim, p.YDim, p.RoundingRadius));
            else if (Profile is IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef)
                IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef p = Profile as IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef;

                // outer 2P
                double outerFillet = 0;
                if (p.OuterFilletRadius.HasValue)
                    outerFillet = p.OuterFilletRadius.Value;
                double outer = RoundedRecPerimeter(p.XDim, p.YDim, outerFillet);

                if (!addPerimetersOfVoids)
                // inner 2P
                double innerFillet = 0;
                if (p.InnerFilletRadius.HasValue)
                    innerFillet = p.InnerFilletRadius.Value;
                double inner = RoundedRecPerimeter(p.XDim - 2 * p.WallThickness, p.YDim - 2 * p.WallThickness, innerFillet);

                // value
                return(outer + inner);
            else if (Profile is IfcRectangleProfileDef)
                IfcRectangleProfileDef p = Profile as IfcRectangleProfileDef;
                return(2 * (p.XDim + p.YDim));
            else if (Profile is IfcCircleHollowProfileDef)
                IfcCircleHollowProfileDef p = Profile as IfcCircleHollowProfileDef;
                double outer = 2 * Math.PI * p.Radius;
                if (!addPerimetersOfVoids)

                double inner = 2 * Math.PI * (p.Radius - p.WallThickness);

                return(outer - inner);
            else if (Profile is IfcCircleProfileDef)
                IfcCircleProfileDef p = Profile as IfcCircleProfileDef;
                return(2 * Math.PI * p.Radius);
            else if (Profile is IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef)
                // geometry is not clear
                throw new NotImplementedException("IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef Perimeter is not implemented");
            else if (Profile is IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef)
                // geometry is not clear
                throw new NotImplementedException("IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef Perimeter is not implemented");
            else if (Profile is IfcCShapeProfileDef)
                IfcCShapeProfileDef p = Profile as IfcCShapeProfileDef;

                double raIn = 0;
                if (p.InternalFilletRadius.HasValue)
                    raIn = p.InternalFilletRadius.Value;
                double raOut = raIn + p.WallThickness;

                    (2 * Math.PI * raIn +        // internal fillet
                     2 * Math.PI * raOut +       // external fillet
                     4 * (p.Girth - raOut) +     // girt extension
                     2 * p.WallThickness +       // girt closures
                     4 * (p.Width - 2 * raOut) + // top and bottom connections
                     2 * (p.Depth - 2 * raOut)); // left connections
            else if (Profile is IfcEllipseProfileDef)
                IfcEllipseProfileDef p = Profile as IfcEllipseProfileDef;
                // http://www.mathsisfun.com/geometry/ellipse-perimeter.html
                // Ramanujan  approx 3
                double h = Math.Pow((p.SemiAxis1 - p.SemiAxis2), 2) / Math.Pow((p.SemiAxis1 + p.SemiAxis2), 2);
                    (Math.PI * (p.SemiAxis1 + p.SemiAxis2) * (1 + 3 * h / (10 + Math.Sqrt(4 - 3 * h))));
            else if (Profile is IfcLShapeProfileDef)
                // geometry is not clear
                throw new NotImplementedException("IfcLShapeProfileDef Perimeter is not implemented");
            else if (Profile is IfcTrapeziumProfileDef)
                IfcTrapeziumProfileDef p = Profile as IfcTrapeziumProfileDef;
                double diag1             = pita(p.YDim, p.TopXOffset);
                double diag2             = pita(p.YDim, p.BottomXDim - p.TopXOffset - p.TopXDim);
                return(p.BottomXDim + p.TopXDim + diag1 + diag2);
            else if (Profile is IfcTShapeProfileDef)
                // geometry is not clear
                throw new NotImplementedException("IfcTShapeProfileDef Perimeter is not implemented");
            else if (Profile is IfcUShapeProfileDef)
                // geometry is not clear
                throw new NotImplementedException("IfcUShapeProfileDef Perimeter is not implemented");
            else if (Profile is IfcZShapeProfileDef)
                // geometry is not clear
                throw new NotImplementedException("IfcZShapeProfileDef Perimeter is not implemented");
            else if (Profile is IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef) // needs to be tested before IfcIShapeProfileDef
                throw new NotImplementedException("IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef Perimeter is not implemented");
                // IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef p = Profile as IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef;
            else if (Profile is IfcIShapeProfileDef)
                throw new NotImplementedException("IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef Perimeter is not implemented");
                // IfcIShapeProfileDef p = Profile as IfcIShapeProfileDef;
            else if (Profile is IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef)
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static double GetArea(this IfcProfileDef Profile)
            // Inheritance tree of IfcProfileDef:
            //- IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef (Throw)
            //  - IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids (Throw)
            //- IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef (x)
            //  - IfcCenterLineProfileDef (x)
            //- IfcParameterizedProfileDef  (abstract)
            //  - IfcIShapeProfileDef (x)
            //    - IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef (x)
            //  - IfcCircleProfileDef (x)
            //    - IfcCircleHollowProfileDef (x)
            //  - IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef (Throw)
            //  - IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef (Throw)
            //  - IfcCShapeProfileDef (x)
            //  - IfcEllipseProfileDef (x)
            //  - IfcLShapeProfileDef (Throw)
            //  - IfcRectangleProfileDef (x)
            //    - IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef (x)
            //    - IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef (x)
            //  - IfcTrapeziumProfileDef (x)
            //  - IfcTShapeProfileDef (Throw)
            //  - IfcUShapeProfileDef (Throw)
            //  - IfcZShapeProfileDef (Throw)
            //- IfcCompositeProfileDef
            if (Profile is IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids)
                throw new NotImplementedException("IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids Area is not implemented");
            else if (Profile is IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef)
                throw new NotImplementedException("IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef Area is not implemented");
            else if (Profile is IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef)
                IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef p = Profile as IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef;
                return((p.XDim * p.YDim) - (4 * ConcaveRightAngleFilletArea(p.RoundingRadius)));
            else if (Profile is IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef)
                IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef p = Profile as IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef;

                // outer area
                double outerFillet = 0;
                if (p.OuterFilletRadius.HasValue)
                    outerFillet = p.OuterFilletRadius.Value;
                double outer = (p.XDim * p.YDim) - (4 * ConcaveRightAngleFilletArea(outerFillet));
                // inner area
                double innerFillet = 0;
                if (p.InnerFilletRadius.HasValue)
                    innerFillet = p.InnerFilletRadius.Value;
                double inner = ((p.XDim - 2 * p.WallThickness) * (p.YDim - 2 * p.WallThickness))
                               - (4 * ConcaveRightAngleFilletArea(innerFillet));

                return(outer - inner);
            else if (Profile is IfcRectangleProfileDef)
                IfcRectangleProfileDef p = Profile as IfcRectangleProfileDef;
                return(p.XDim * p.YDim);
            else if (Profile is IfcCircleHollowProfileDef)
                IfcCircleHollowProfileDef p = Profile as IfcCircleHollowProfileDef;
                double outer = Math.PI * Math.Pow(p.Radius, 2);
                double inner = Math.PI * Math.Pow(p.Radius - p.WallThickness, 2);
                return(outer - inner);
            else if (Profile is IfcCircleProfileDef)
                IfcCircleProfileDef p = Profile as IfcCircleProfileDef;
                return(Math.PI * Math.Pow(p.Radius, 2));
            else if (Profile is IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef)
                // geometry is not clear
                throw new NotImplementedException("IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef Area is not implemented");
            else if (Profile is IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef)
                // geometry is not clear
                throw new NotImplementedException("IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef Area is not implemented");
            else if (Profile is IfcCShapeProfileDef)
                IfcCShapeProfileDef p = Profile as IfcCShapeProfileDef;

                // inner area
                double innerFillet = 0;
                if (p.InternalFilletRadius.HasValue)
                    innerFillet = p.InternalFilletRadius.Value;
                double inner = ((p.Width - 2 * p.WallThickness) * (p.Depth - 2 * p.WallThickness))
                               - (4 * ConcaveRightAngleFilletArea(innerFillet));

                // outer area
                double outerFillet = innerFillet + p.WallThickness;
                double outer       = (p.Width * p.Depth) - (4 * ConcaveRightAngleFilletArea(outerFillet));

                double girthSideVoid = (p.Depth - 2 * p.Girth) * p.WallThickness;

                //     closed loop area - missing part between girths
                return((outer - inner) - girthSideVoid);
            else if (Profile is IfcEllipseProfileDef)
                IfcEllipseProfileDef p = Profile as IfcEllipseProfileDef;
                return(Math.PI * p.SemiAxis1 * p.SemiAxis2);
            else if (Profile is IfcLShapeProfileDef)
                // geometry is not clear
                throw new NotImplementedException("IfcLShapeProfileDef Area is not implemented");
            else if (Profile is IfcTrapeziumProfileDef)
                IfcTrapeziumProfileDef p = Profile as IfcTrapeziumProfileDef;
                return((p.BottomXDim + p.TopXDim) * p.YDim / 2);
            else if (Profile is IfcTShapeProfileDef)
                // geometry is not clear
                throw new NotImplementedException("IfcTShapeProfileDef Area is not implemented");
            else if (Profile is IfcUShapeProfileDef)
                // geometry is not clear
                throw new NotImplementedException("IfcUShapeProfileDef Area is not implemented");
            else if (Profile is IfcZShapeProfileDef)
                // geometry is not clear
                throw new NotImplementedException("IfcZShapeProfileDef Area is not implemented");
            else if (Profile is IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef) // needs to be tested before IfcIShapeProfileDef
                IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef p = Profile as IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef;
                // bottom flange
                double bottomflange = p.OverallWidth * p.FlangeThickness;
                // bottom flange
                double TopFlangeThickness = p.FlangeThickness; // if not specified differently
                if (p.TopFlangeThickness.HasValue)
                    TopFlangeThickness = p.TopFlangeThickness.Value;
                double topFlange = p.TopFlangeWidth * TopFlangeThickness;
                // core
                double core = (p.OverallDepth - p.FlangeThickness - TopFlangeThickness) * p.WebThickness;

                double bottomfillets = 0;
                double topFillets    = 0;
                if (p.FilletRadius.HasValue)
                    bottomfillets = 2 * ConcaveRightAngleFilletArea(p.FilletRadius.Value);
                    topFillets    = bottomfillets;
                if (p.TopFlangeFilletRadius.HasValue)
                    topFillets = 2 * ConcaveRightAngleFilletArea(p.TopFlangeFilletRadius.Value);
                return(bottomflange + topFlange + core + bottomfillets + topFillets);
            else if (Profile is IfcIShapeProfileDef)
                IfcIShapeProfileDef p = Profile as IfcIShapeProfileDef;
                double flanges        = p.OverallWidth * p.FlangeThickness * 2; // top and bottom flanges
                double core           = (p.OverallDepth - (p.FlangeThickness * 2)) * p.WebThickness;
                double fillets        = 0;
                if (p.FilletRadius.HasValue && p.FilletRadius.Value > 0)
                    fillets = 4 * ConcaveRightAngleFilletArea(p.FilletRadius.Value);
                return(flanges + core + fillets);
            else if (Profile is IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef)