Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the Newell's Normal of the polygon of the loop
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loop"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static XbimVector3D NewellsNormal(this IfcPolyLoop loop)
            double            x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
            IfcCartesianPoint previous = null;
            var count = 0;
            var total = loop.Polygon.Count;

            for (var i = 0; i <= total; i++)
                var current = i < total ? loop.Polygon[i] : loop.Polygon[0];
                if (count > 0)
                    // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
                    var xn  = previous.X;
                    var yn  = previous.Y;
                    var zn  = previous.Z;
                    var xn1 = current.X;
                    var yn1 = current.Y;
                    var zn1 = current.Z;
                    x += (yn - yn1) * (zn + zn1);
                    y += (xn + xn1) * (zn - zn1);
                    z += (xn - xn1) * (yn + yn1);
                previous = current;
            var v = new XbimVector3D(x, y, z);

        public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value)
            switch (propIndex)
            case 0:
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
                base.IfcParse(propIndex, value);

            case 4:
                _Position = (IfcCartesianPoint)value.EntityVal;

            case 5:
                _Radius = value.RealVal;

            case 6:
                _ConstantAttenuation = value.RealVal;

            case 7:
                _DistanceAttenuation = value.RealVal;

            case 8:
                _QuadricAttenuation = value.RealVal;

                this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break;
Exemplo n.º 3
        internal static IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid ProfileSurfaceSweptSolidCreate(IfcStore model, IfcProfileDef prof, List <Point3D> lstPoints, IfcDirection planeZaxis = null, IfcDirection refDir = null)
            IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid body = model.Instances.New <IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid>();
            IfcPolyline pLine = model.Instances.New <IfcPolyline>();

            for (int i = 0; i < lstPoints.Count; i++)
                IfcCartesianPoint point = model.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>();
                point.SetXYZ(lstPoints[i].X, lstPoints[i].Y, lstPoints[i].Z);

            body.Directrix = pLine;
            body.SweptArea = prof;

            var plane = model.Instances.New <IfcPlane>();

            plane.Position          = model.Instances.New <IfcAxis2Placement3D>();
            plane.Position.Location = model.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>();
            plane.Position.Location.SetXYZ(lstPoints[0].X, lstPoints[0].Y, lstPoints[0].Z);

            plane.Position.Axis         = planeZaxis;
            plane.Position.RefDirection = refDir;

            body.ReferenceSurface = plane;
            //body.FixedReference.SetXYZ(1, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public IfcBoundingBox(IfcCartesianPoint __Corner, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure __XDim, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure __YDim, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure __ZDim)
     this._Corner = __Corner;
     this._XDim   = __XDim;
     this._YDim   = __YDim;
     this._ZDim   = __ZDim;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override void Parse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value, int[] nestedIndex)
            switch (propIndex)
            case 0:
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
                base.Parse(propIndex, value, nestedIndex);

            case 4:
                _position = (IfcCartesianPoint)(value.EntityVal);

            case 5:
                _radius = value.RealVal;

            case 6:
                _constantAttenuation = value.RealVal;

            case 7:
                _distanceAttenuation = value.RealVal;

            case 8:
                _quadricAttenuation = value.RealVal;

                throw new XbimParserException(string.Format("Attribute index {0} is out of range for {1}", propIndex + 1, GetType().Name.ToUpper()));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void Parse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value, int[] nestedIndex)
            switch (propIndex)
            case 0:
                _hatchLineAppearance = (IfcCurveStyle)(value.EntityVal);

            case 1:
                _startOfNextHatchLine = (IfcHatchLineDistanceSelect)(value.EntityVal);

            case 2:
                _pointOfReferenceHatchLine = (IfcCartesianPoint)(value.EntityVal);

            case 3:
                _patternStart = (IfcCartesianPoint)(value.EntityVal);

            case 4:
                _hatchLineAngle = value.RealVal;

                throw new XbimParserException(string.Format("Attribute index {0} is out of range for {1}", propIndex + 1, GetType().Name.ToUpper()));
        public static IfcAxis2Placement3D MakeInclineToAxis3D(IfcStore m, IfcLinearPlacement lp, IfcCartesianPoint p1,
                                                              IfcCartesianPoint p2)
            var origin = MakeCartesianPoint(m);
            var locZ   = MakeDirection(m, p2, p1);
            var locX   = MakeDirection(m, 1, 0, 0);
            var curve  = lp.PlacementRelTo;

            if (curve is IIfcOffsetCurveByDistances offsetCurve)
                var    basicCurve     = offsetCurve.BasisCurve;
                double startDist      = offsetCurve.OffsetValues[0].DistanceAlong + lp.Distance.DistanceAlong;
                double offsetLateral  = offsetCurve.OffsetValues[0].OffsetLateral.Value + lp.Distance.OffsetLateral.Value;
                double offsetVertical = offsetCurve.OffsetValues[0].OffsetVertical.Value + lp.Distance.OffsetVertical.Value;
                if (basicCurve is IIfcAlignmentCurve ac)
                    var    vz      = new XbimVector3D(0, 0, 1);
                    double height  = ac.Vertical.Segments[0].StartHeight; // assume no slope
                    var    horSegs = ac.Horizontal.Segments;
                    (var pt, var vy) = Utilities.GeometryEngine.GetPointByDistAlong(horSegs, startDist);
                    var position = pt + vy * offsetLateral + vz * (offsetVertical + height);
                    var vx       = vz.CrossProduct(vy);
                    origin = MakeCartesianPoint(m, position.X, position.Y, position.Z);
                    locX   = MakeDirection(m, vx.X, vx.Y, vx.Z);
            return(MakeAxis2Placement3D(m, origin, locZ, locX));
        public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value)
            switch (propIndex)
            case 0:
                _hatchLineAppearance = (IfcCurveStyle)value.EntityVal;

            case 1:
                _startOfNextHatchLine = (IfcHatchLineDistanceSelect)value.EntityVal;

            case 2:
                _pointOfReferenceHatchLine = (IfcCartesianPoint)value.EntityVal;

            case 3:
                _patternStart = (IfcCartesianPoint)value.EntityVal;

            case 4:
                _hatchLineAngle = value.RealVal;

                this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static iso_10303 buildFailingMinimumExampleObject()
            iso_10303 iso10303 = new iso_10303();

            iso10303.uos = new uos1();
            iso10303.uos.configuration = new string[] { "i-ifc2x3" };

            iso10303.version = "2.0";

            iso10303.iso_10303_28_header                      = new iso_10303_28_header();
            iso10303.iso_10303_28_header.author               = "John Hancock";
            iso10303.iso_10303_28_header.organization         = "MegaCorp";
            iso10303.iso_10303_28_header.time_stamp           = new DateTime(2010, 11, 12, 13, 04, 00);
            iso10303.iso_10303_28_header.name                 = "An Example";
            iso10303.iso_10303_28_header.preprocessor_version = "a preprocessor";
            iso10303.iso_10303_28_header.originating_system   = "IfcDotNet Library";
            iso10303.iso_10303_28_header.authorization        = "none";
            iso10303.iso_10303_28_header.documentation        = "documentation";

            IfcOrganization organization = new IfcOrganization();

            organization.entityid = "i1101";
            organization.Name     = "MegaCorp";

            IfcCartesianPoint point = new IfcCartesianPoint("i101", 2500, 0, 0);

            IfcDirection dir = new IfcDirection("i102", 0, 1, 0);

            ((uos1)iso10303.uos).Items = new Entity[] { organization, point, dir };

        public static IfcCenterLineProfileDef MakeCenterLineProfile(IfcStore m, IfcCartesianPoint start, IfcCartesianPoint end,
                                                                    double thickness)
            var line = MakePolyLine(m, start, end);

            return(MakeCenterLineProfile(m, line, thickness));
 public static IfcPolyline MakePolyLine(IfcStore m, IfcCartesianPoint start, IfcCartesianPoint end)
     return(MakePolyLine(m, new List <IfcCartesianPoint>()
         start, end
Exemplo n.º 12
 static public IfcAxis2Placement2D Create(this IfcAxis2Placement2D ax, IfcCartesianPoint centre, IfcDirection xAxisDirection)
     return(ax.Model.Instances.New <IfcAxis2Placement2D>(a =>
         a.RefDirection = xAxisDirection;
         a.Location = centre;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public static void ProfileInsertionPointSet(this IfcParameterizedProfileDef prof, IfcStore model, IfcCartesianPoint insertionPt)
            IfcCartesianPoint insertionPoint = model.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>();

            insertionPoint.SetXYZ(insertionPt.X, insertionPt.Y, insertionPt.Z);
            prof.Position          = model.Instances.New <IfcAxis2Placement2D>();
            prof.Position.Location = insertionPoint;
Exemplo n.º 14
        internal static void BodyPlacementSet(this IfcExtrudedAreaSolid areaSolidBody, IfcStore model, double x, double y, double z = 0, Vector3D uv = null)
            areaSolidBody.Position = model.Instances.New <IfcAxis2Placement3D>();
            IfcCartesianPoint location = model.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>();

            location.SetXYZ(x, y, z);
            areaSolidBody.Position.Location = location;
Exemplo n.º 15
        internal static void BodyPlacementSet(this IfcExtrudedAreaSolid areaSolidBody, IfcStore model, IfcCartesianPoint insertionPt)
            areaSolidBody.Position = model.Instances.New <IfcAxis2Placement3D>();
            IfcCartesianPoint location = model.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>();

            location.SetXYZ(insertionPt.X, insertionPt.Y, insertionPt.Z);
            areaSolidBody.Position.Location = location;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public IfcFillAreaStyleHatching(IfcCurveStyle __HatchLineAppearance, IfcHatchLineDistanceSelect __StartOfNextHatchLine, IfcCartesianPoint __PointOfReferenceHatchLine, IfcCartesianPoint __PatternStart, IfcPlaneAngleMeasure __HatchLineAngle)
     this._HatchLineAppearance       = __HatchLineAppearance;
     this._StartOfNextHatchLine      = __StartOfNextHatchLine;
     this._PointOfReferenceHatchLine = __PointOfReferenceHatchLine;
     this._PatternStart   = __PatternStart;
     this._HatchLineAngle = __HatchLineAngle;
Exemplo n.º 17
        internal static void ProfileInsertionPointSet(this IfcRectangleProfileDef rectProf, IfcStore model, double x, double y)
            IfcCartesianPoint insertionPoint = model.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>();

            insertionPoint.SetXY(x, y);
            rectProf.Position          = model.Instances.New <IfcAxis2Placement2D>();
            rectProf.Position.Location = insertionPoint;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public IfcLightSourcePositional(IfcLabel?__Name, IfcColourRgb __LightColour, IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure?__AmbientIntensity, IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure?__Intensity, IfcCartesianPoint __Position, IfcPositiveLengthMeasure __Radius, IfcReal __ConstantAttenuation, IfcReal __DistanceAttenuation, IfcReal __QuadricAttenuation)
     : base(__Name, __LightColour, __AmbientIntensity, __Intensity)
     this._Position            = __Position;
     this._Radius              = __Radius;
     this._ConstantAttenuation = __ConstantAttenuation;
     this._DistanceAttenuation = __DistanceAttenuation;
     this._QuadricAttenuation  = __QuadricAttenuation;
 public static IfcCurveSegment2D MakeLineSegment2D(IfcStore m, IfcCartesianPoint start, double dir, double length)
     return(m.Instances.New <IfcLineSegment2D>(s =>
         s.StartPoint = start;
         s.StartDirection = dir;
         s.SegmentLength = length;
Exemplo n.º 20
        public static IfcLocalPlacement NewIfc4LocalPlacement(this IModel s, IfcCartesianPoint refPoint)
            var localPlacement = s.Instances.New <IfcLocalPlacement>();
            var placement      = s.Instances.New <IfcAxis2Placement3D>();

            placement.Location = refPoint;
            localPlacement.RelativePlacement = placement;
 static public IfcAxis2Placement2D Create(this IfcAxis2Placement2D ax, IfcCartesianPoint centre, IfcDirection xAxisDirection)
     IfcAxis2Placement2D ax2 = new IfcAxis2Placement2D()
         RefDirection = xAxisDirection,
         Location = centre
     return ax2;
Exemplo n.º 22
        public static void AssertIsMinimumExample(iso_10303 iso10303)
            Assert.AreEqual("An Example", iso10303.iso_10303_28_header.name);
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2010, 11, 12, 13, 04, 00), iso10303.iso_10303_28_header.time_stamp);
            Assert.AreEqual("John Hancock", iso10303.iso_10303_28_header.author);
            Assert.AreEqual("MegaCorp", iso10303.iso_10303_28_header.organization);
            Assert.AreEqual("IfcDotNet Library", iso10303.iso_10303_28_header.originating_system);
            Assert.AreEqual("a preprocessor", iso10303.iso_10303_28_header.preprocessor_version);
            Assert.AreEqual("documentation", iso10303.iso_10303_28_header.documentation);
            Assert.AreEqual("none", iso10303.iso_10303_28_header.authorization);

            Assert.IsNotNull(iso10303.uos, "iso10303.uos is null");
            uos uos = iso10303.uos;

            Assert.AreEqual("uos_1", uos.id);
            Assert.IsNotNull(uos.configuration, "iso10303.uos.configuration is null");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, uos.configuration.Length, "uos.configuration does not have 1 item in it");
            Assert.AreEqual("i-ifc2x3", uos.configuration[0]);

            Assert.IsNotNull(uos as uos1, "uos cannot be converted to uos1");
            uos1 uos1 = uos as uos1;

            Assert.IsNotNull(uos1, "uos1 is null");
            Assert.IsNotNull(uos1.Items, "uos1.items is null");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, uos1.Items.Length, "uos1.Items does not have 3 items in it");

            IfcOrganization org = uos1.Items[0] as IfcOrganization;

            Assert.IsNotNull(org, "org is null");
            Assert.AreEqual("i1101", org.entityid, "entityid is not i1101");
            Assert.AreEqual("MegaCorp", org.Name);

            IfcCartesianPoint pnt = uos1.Items[1] as IfcCartesianPoint;

            Assert.IsNotNull(pnt, "pnt is null");
            Assert.AreEqual("i101", pnt.entityid);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, pnt.Coordinates.Items.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(2500, pnt.Coordinates[0].Value);  //TODO shorten the number of properties needed to be called to get the value. pnt.Coordinates[0] would be perfect!
            Assert.AreEqual(0, pnt.Coordinates[1].Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, pnt.Coordinates[2].Value);

            IfcDirection dir = uos1.Items[2] as IfcDirection;

            Assert.IsNotNull(dir, "dir is null");
            Assert.AreEqual("i102", dir.entityid);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, dir.DirectionRatios.Items.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, dir.DirectionRatios[0].Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, dir.DirectionRatios[1].Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, dir.DirectionRatios[0].Value);
Exemplo n.º 23
        internal static IfcAxis2Placement3D LocalAxesSystemCreate(IfcStore model, IfcCartesianPoint locationPt, IfcDirection localXDir, IfcDirection localZDir)
            IfcAxis2Placement3D ax3D = model.Instances.New <IfcAxis2Placement3D>();

            ax3D.Location     = locationPt;
            ax3D.RefDirection = localXDir;
            ax3D.Axis         = localZDir;

 public static IfcAxis2Placement3D MakeAxis2Placement3D(IfcStore m, IfcCartesianPoint origin = null,
                                                        IfcDirection localZ = null, IfcDirection localX = null)
     return(m.Instances.New <IfcAxis2Placement3D>(a =>
         a.Location = origin ?? MakeCartesianPoint(m, 0, 0, 0);
         a.Axis = localZ;
         a.RefDirection = localX;
Exemplo n.º 25
        static public IfcAxis2Placement2D Create(this IfcAxis2Placement2D ax, IfcCartesianPoint centre, IfcDirection xAxisDirection)
            IfcAxis2Placement2D ax2 = new IfcAxis2Placement2D()
                RefDirection = xAxisDirection,
                Location     = centre

Exemplo n.º 26
        internal static IfcLocalPlacement createLocalPlacement(IfcProduct host, IfcCartesianPoint cartesianPoint, IfcDirection direction)
            IfcAxis2Placement3D axis2Placement3D = new IfcAxis2Placement3D(cartesianPoint);

            if (direction != null)
                axis2Placement3D.RefDirection = direction;
            return(new IfcLocalPlacement(host.ObjectPlacement, axis2Placement3D));
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares two objects for geometric equality
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <param name="b">object to compare with</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool GeometricEquals(this IfcCartesianPoint a, IfcCartesianPoint b)
            if (a.Equals(b))
            double precision = a.ModelOf.ModelFactors.Precision;

            return(a.IsEqual(b, precision));
Exemplo n.º 28
        public static void SetNewLocation(this IfcAxis2Placement3D axis3, double x, double y, double z)
            IModel            model    = axis3.Model;
            IfcCartesianPoint location = model.Instances.New <IfcCartesianPoint>();

            location.X     = x;
            location.Y     = y;
            location.Z     = z;
            axis3.Location = location;
Exemplo n.º 29
 private static bool Equals(this IfcCartesianPoint point, IfcCartesianPoint other)
     for (var i = 0; i < point.Coordinates.Count; i++)
         if (point.Coordinates[i] != other.Coordinates[i])
Exemplo n.º 30
        public static IfcAxis2Placement3D Translate(this IfcAxis2Placement3D placement3D,
                                                    double[] translation)
            IfcCartesianPoint newPosition =
                new IfcCartesianPoint(placement3D.Location.Coordinates[0].Value + translation[0],
                                      placement3D.Location.Coordinates[1].Value + translation[1],
                                      placement3D.Location.Coordinates[2].Value + translation[2]);

            placement3D.Location = newPosition;
Exemplo n.º 31
        private static IfcCartesianPoint ApplyQuaternion(this IfcCartesianPoint location,
                                                         Quaternion q)
            var pointQ = new Quaternion(0,
            Quaternion result = q.Multiply(pointQ.Multiply(q.Conjugate()));

            return(new IfcCartesianPoint(result.x, result.y, result.z));
Exemplo n.º 32
 public static IfcAreaMeasure Area(this IfcPolyLoop loop, IfcDirection normal)
     IfcCartesianPoint sum = new IfcCartesianPoint(0, 0, 0);
     IList<IfcCartesianPoint> pts = loop.Polygon;
     for (int i = 0; i < pts.Count - 1; i++)
         sum.Add(pts[i].CrossProduct(pts[i + 1]));
     IfcDirection n = normal.Normalise();
     return n.DotProduct(sum)/2;
Exemplo n.º 33
 public static double DotProduct(this IfcDirection dir, IfcCartesianPoint pt)
     return (dir.X*pt.X) + (dir.Y*pt.Y) + (dir.Z*pt.Z);
Exemplo n.º 34
 public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value)
     switch (propIndex)
         case 0:
             _pnt = (IfcCartesianPoint) value.EntityVal;
         case 1:
             _dir = (IfcVector) value.EntityVal;
             this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break;
 public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value)
     switch (propIndex)
         case 0:
             _hatchLineAppearance = (IfcCurveStyle) value.EntityVal;
         case 1:
             _startOfNextHatchLine = (IfcHatchLineDistanceSelect) value.EntityVal;
         case 2:
             _pointOfReferenceHatchLine = (IfcCartesianPoint) value.EntityVal;
         case 3:
             _patternStart = (IfcCartesianPoint) value.EntityVal;
         case 4:
             _hatchLineAngle = value.RealVal;
             this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break;
Exemplo n.º 36
		internal enum ShapeRep { AdvancedBrep, Brep, Tessellation } //,CSG, ClosedShell
		internal static void GenerateBasin(ShapeRep shapeRep, STPModelData md, IfcBuilding building)
			md.NextObjectRecord = 500;
			IfcRepresentationMap representationMap = null;
			if (shapeRep == ShapeRep.AdvancedBrep)
				#region advancedBrep
				IfcCartesianPoint cp1 = new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 0.0, 253.099263998677, 0.0);
				cp1.Comments.Add("geometry definition of the advanced brep");
				IfcCartesianPoint cp2 = new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 0.0, 247.792422124388, -83.9999999999991);
				IfcCartesianPoint cp3 = new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 0.0, 268.843232748677, 0.0);
				IfcCartesianPoint cp4 = new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 0.0, 247.792422124388, -93.9999999999991);
				IfcVertexPoint vp1 = new IfcVertexPoint(cp1), vp2 = new IfcVertexPoint(cp2), vp3 = new IfcVertexPoint(cp3),vp4 = new IfcVertexPoint(cp4);

				IfcEdgeCurve edgeCurve1 = new IfcEdgeCurve(vp1, vp2, new IfcPolyline(cp1, cp2), true); //140
				List<Point3d> points3d = new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(239.758213537139, 192.193559404919, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853484122, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(-239.75821353295, 192.193559404918, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, -108.13323051355, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(239.758213537139, 192.193559404919, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853484122, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(-239.75821353295, 192.193559404918, -83.9999999999991) };
				IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots nurbsCurve = new IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots(md, 3, points3d, IfcBSplineCurveForm.UNSPECIFIED, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, new List<int>() { 1,1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,1 }, new List<double>() { -7.0, -6.0, -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0,3.0 }, IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED);
				IfcEdgeCurve edgeCurve2 = new IfcEdgeCurve(vp2, vp2, nurbsCurve, true); //149
				List<Point2d> points2d = new List<Point2d>() { new Point2d(-437.751000004175, 168.150654933496), new Point2d(0.0, 295.573568531267), new Point2d(437.751000006541, 168.150654933498), new Point2d(0.0, -290.713822148428), new Point2d(-437.751000004175, 168.150654933496), new Point2d(0.0, 295.573568531267), new Point2d(437.751000006541, 168.150654933498) };
				nurbsCurve = new IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots(md, 3, points2d, IfcBSplineCurveForm.UNSPECIFIED, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, new List<int>() { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ,1}, new List<double>() { -7.0, -6.0, -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }, IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED);
				IfcEdgeCurve edgeCurve3 = new IfcEdgeCurve(vp1, vp1, nurbsCurve, true); //158
				IfcEdgeCurve edgeCurve4 = new IfcEdgeCurve(vp3, vp4, new IfcPolyline(cp3, cp4), true); //162
				points3d = new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(-239.758213535044, 192.193559378247, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853497458, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(239.758213535045, 192.193559378248, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, -108.133230500215, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(-239.758213535044, 192.193559378247, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853497458, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(239.758213535045, 192.193559378248, -93.9999999999991) };
				nurbsCurve = new IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots(md, 3, points3d, IfcBSplineCurveForm.UNSPECIFIED, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, new List<int>() { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, new List<double>() { -7.0, -6.0, -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }, IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED);
				IfcEdgeCurve edgeCurve5 = new IfcEdgeCurve(vp4, vp4, nurbsCurve, true); //171
				points2d = new List<Point2d>() { new Point2d(457.685108750143, 177.051077752302), new Point2d(0.0, 314.739310246865), new Point2d(-457.685108750141, 177.051077752299), new Point2d(0.0, -318.77998625438), new Point2d(457.685108750143, 177.051077752302), new Point2d(0.0, 314.739310246865), new Point2d(-457.685108750141, 177.051077752299) };
				nurbsCurve = new IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots(md, 3, points2d, IfcBSplineCurveForm.UNSPECIFIED, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, new List<int>() { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, new List<double>() { -7.0, -6.0, -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }, IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED);
				IfcEdgeCurve edgeCurve6 = new IfcEdgeCurve(vp3, vp3, nurbsCurve, true); //181

				List<IfcOrientedEdge> orientedEdges = new List<IfcOrientedEdge>();
				orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve1, true));
				orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve2, true));
				orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve1, false));
				orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve3, true));
				IfcFaceOuterBound faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(new IfcEdgeLoop(orientedEdges), true);
				List<List<Point3d>> surfaceControlPoints = new List<List<Point3d>>();
				surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(437.751000006541, 168.150654933498, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 295.573568531267, 0.0), new Point3d(-437.751000004175, 168.150654933496, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, -290.713822148428, 0.0), new Point3d(437.751000006541, 168.150654933498, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 295.573568531267, 0.0), new Point3d(-437.751000004175, 168.150654933496, 0.0) });
				surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(371.75340451674, 176.164956423972, -27.9999999999997), new Point3d(0.0, 288.912996848885, -27.9999999999997), new Point3d(-371.753404513767, 176.16495642397, -27.9999999999997), new Point3d(0.0, -229.853624936802, -27.9999999999997), new Point3d(371.75340451674, 176.164956423972, -27.9999999999997), new Point3d(0.0, 288.912996848885, -27.9999999999997), new Point3d(-371.753404513767, 176.16495642397, -27.9999999999997) });
				surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(305.75580902694, 184.179257914445, -55.9999999999994), new Point3d(0.0, 282.252425166504, -55.9999999999994), new Point3d(-305.755809023358, 184.179257914444, -55.9999999999994), new Point3d(0.0, -168.993427725176, -55.9999999999994), new Point3d(305.75580902694, 184.179257914445, -55.9999999999994), new Point3d(0.0, 282.252425166504, -55.9999999999994), new Point3d(-305.755809023358, 184.179257914444, -55.9999999999994) });
				surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(239.758213537139, 192.193559404919, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853484122, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(-239.75821353295, 192.193559404918, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, -108.13323051355, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(239.758213537139, 192.193559404919, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853484122, -83.9999999999991), new Point3d(-239.75821353295, 192.193559404918, -83.9999999999991) });
				List<int> uMults = new List<int>() { 4, 4 }, vMults = new List<int>() {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,1 };
				List<double> uKnots = new List<double>() { 0.0, 14.7110308353668 };
				List<double> vKnots = new List<double>() { -7, -6.0, -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0,3.0 };
				IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots nurbsSurface = new IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots(md, 3, 3, surfaceControlPoints, IfcBSplineSurfaceForm.UNSPECIFIED, IfcLogicalEnum.FALSE, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, IfcLogicalEnum.FALSE, uMults, vMults, uKnots, vKnots, IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED);
				IfcAdvancedFace face1 = new IfcAdvancedFace(faceOuterBound, nurbsSurface, false);

				orientedEdges = new List<IfcOrientedEdge>();
				orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve4, true));
				orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve5, true));
				orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve4, false));
				orientedEdges.Add(new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve6, true));
				faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(new IfcEdgeLoop(orientedEdges), true);
				surfaceControlPoints = new List<List<Point3d>>();
				surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(-457.685108750141, 177.051077752299, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 314.739310246865, 0.0), new Point3d(457.685108750143, 177.051077752302, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, -318.77998625438, 0.0), new Point3d( -457.685108750141, 177.051077752299, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 314.739310246865, 0.0), new Point3d(457.685108750143, 177.051077752302, 0.0) });
				surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(-385.042810345109, 182.098571627615, -31.333333333333), new Point3d(0.0, 301.690157997063, -31.333333333333), new Point3d(385.04281034511, 182.098571627617, -31.333333333333), new Point3d(0.0, -248.564401002992, -31.333333333333), new Point3d(-385.042810345109, 182.098571627615, -31.333333333333), new Point3d(0.0, 301.690157997063, -31.333333333333), new Point3d(385.04281034511, 182.098571627617, -31.333333333333) });
				surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(-312.400511940076, 187.146065502931, -62.666666666666), new Point3d(0.0, 288.64100574726, -62.666666666666), new Point3d(312.400511940078, 187.146065502933, -62.666666666666), new Point3d(0.0, -178.348815751603, -62.6666666666661), new Point3d(-312.400511940076, 187.146065502931, -62.666666666666), new Point3d(0.0, 288.64100574726, -62.666666666666), new Point3d(312.400511940078, 187.146065502933, -62.666666666666) });
				surfaceControlPoints.Add(new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(-239.758213535044, 192.193559378247, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853497458, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(239.758213535045, 192.193559378248, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, -108.133230500215, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(-239.758213535044, 192.193559378247, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(0.0, 275.591853497458, -93.9999999999991), new Point3d(239.758213535045, 192.193559378248, -93.9999999999991) });
				uMults = new List<int>() { 4, 4 };
				vMults = new List<int>() { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,1,1 };
				uKnots = new List<double>() { 0.0, 15.4213505620632 };
				vKnots = new List<double>() { -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 };
				nurbsSurface = new IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots(md, 3, 3, surfaceControlPoints, IfcBSplineSurfaceForm.UNSPECIFIED, IfcLogicalEnum.FALSE, IfcLogicalEnum.TRUE, IfcLogicalEnum.FALSE, uMults, vMults, uKnots, vKnots, IfcKnotType.UNSPECIFIED);
				IfcAdvancedFace face2 = new IfcAdvancedFace(faceOuterBound, nurbsSurface, false);
				IfcOrientedEdge orientedEdge = new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve2, false);
				faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(new IfcEdgeLoop(orientedEdge), true);
				IfcPlane plane = new IfcPlane(new IfcAxis2Placement3D(cp2, null,null));
				IfcAdvancedFace face3 = new IfcAdvancedFace(faceOuterBound, plane, true);
				orientedEdge = new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve5, true);
				faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(new IfcEdgeLoop(orientedEdge),true);
				plane = new IfcPlane(new IfcAxis2Placement3D(cp4, null, null));
				IfcAdvancedFace face4 = new IfcAdvancedFace(faceOuterBound, plane, false);

				orientedEdge = new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve6, false);
				faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(new IfcEdgeLoop(orientedEdge),true);
				orientedEdge = new IfcOrientedEdge(edgeCurve3, false);
				IfcFaceBound facebound = new IfcFaceBound(new IfcEdgeLoop(orientedEdge), true);
				plane = new IfcPlane(new IfcAxis2Placement3D(cp1, null, null));
				IfcAdvancedFace face5 = new IfcAdvancedFace(faceOuterBound,facebound, plane, true);

				IfcAdvancedBrep advancedBrep = new IfcAdvancedBrep(new List<IfcAdvancedFace>() { face1, face2, face3, face4, face5 });
				representationMap = new IfcRepresentationMap(advancedBrep);
			else if (shapeRep == ShapeRep.Brep)
				#region facetedBrep
				List<IfcCartesianPoint> cps = new List<IfcCartesianPoint>();

				List<IfcFace> faces = new List<IfcFace>();

				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 8.5265128291212E-14, 268.843232748677, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -40.6565545240771, 267.741230885222, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -81.1844472420702, 264.337146165631, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -121.414523219646, 258.379966740374, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -161.084488243579, 249.439282575701, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -199.732402407963, 236.816640911423, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -236.448287386336, 219.398404238099, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -269.269780991348, 195.519340118616, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -294.036921021401, 163.504056083023, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -304.879990220018, 124.598157305706, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -300.744331060112, 84.2991194842604, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -286.871978591032, 46.1280924370721, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -267.00397578777, 10.6705825582408, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -242.91417242145, -22.0789599923818, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -215.49737582355, -52.1038389186614, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -185.233564258487, -79.2577607647334, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -152.394753430662, -103.231127678777, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -117.162752124351, -123.516605031891, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -79.7327064970238, -139.366465926728, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -40.4494524879168, -149.766330003707, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -8.5265128291212E-14, -153.50296491882, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 40.4494508793845, -149.766330296203, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 79.7327043771191, -139.366466661145, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 117.162756918928, -123.516602630764, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 152.394751766558, -103.231128764915, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 185.23356996992, -79.2577561301781, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 215.497373929206, -52.103840795184, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 242.914167878755, -22.078965508489, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 267.003976250216, 10.6705832692101, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 286.871977954697, 46.1280910808867, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 300.744329678325, 84.2991139637225, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 304.879990112863, 124.598158883845, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 294.036920669161, 163.504056764251, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 269.269779973882, 195.519341068674, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 236.44828639794, 219.398404808304, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 199.73240148445, 236.816641271916, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 161.084487568103, 249.439282758701, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 121.414531991753, 258.379965126806, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 81.1844476691385, 264.337146116746, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 40.6565563813857, 267.741230783552, 0));

				IfcPolyloop polyloop = new IfcPolyloop(cps.GetRange(0,40));
				IfcFaceOuterBound faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop,true);

				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -2.36369146477955E-09, 253.099263998677, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 38.4274900386849, 252.103548079205, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 76.7439433401587, 249.028666176807, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 114.803789550381, 243.649797844599, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 152.382048016624, 235.580438211911, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 189.083091558087, 224.18969850467, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 224.125137689733, 208.456936531179, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 255.793363304913, 186.795125569967, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 280.260264776878, 157.383008003324, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 291.499069651162, 120.929075349148, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 287.781794186053, 82.8439932251812, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 274.333349777552, 46.8976139888769, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 255.041935323226, 13.6804471549583, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 231.718321168942, -16.8550204261573, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 205.26490842152, -44.72871539005, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 176.16701831263, -69.8307253653909, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 144.705875892003, -91.8966701176456, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 111.075533913924, -110.483174825384, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 75.4792575648176, -124.93688849428, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 38.2480241625981, -134.377886037238, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -1.27897692436818E-13, -137.758996454453, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -38.2480094096726, -134.377888604729, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -75.4792556281902, -124.936889137129, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -111.075539062433, -110.483172351871, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -144.705874376312, -91.8966710674264, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -176.167011118929, -69.8307309751332, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -205.264906834, -44.7287169020584, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -231.718318258428, -16.855023827089, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -255.041934669669, 13.6804461875579, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -274.333348315742, 46.8976109786559, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -287.781793945095, 82.843992280873, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -291.499069558299, 120.929076449465, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -280.260264225365, 157.383008985549, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -255.793362494351, 186.795126279187, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -224.12513653713, 208.45693715988, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -189.083091723532, 224.189698444526, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -152.382036267776, 235.580441242109, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -114.803784949771, 243.649798652405, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -76.7439536078398, 249.028665054834, 0));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -38.4274901357192, 252.103548074371, 0));

				polyloop = new IfcPolyloop(cps.GetRange(40,40));
				IfcFaceBound faceBound = new IfcFaceBound(polyloop,true);
				faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound,faceBound));

				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 7.105427357601E-14, 247.792422124388, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 22.543570345102, 247.043703986819, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 44.9796137172465, 244.728140008744, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 67.1650892668505, 240.670010701811, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 88.8758496727837, 234.574313720423, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 109.718194276454, 225.983554212619, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 128.945156504883, 214.242543022066, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 145.131083023098, 198.61702521984, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 156.028264873931, 178.980157903609, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 159.834545208795, 156.846549510419, -93.999999999999));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 157.205129966729, 134.492794130245, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 150.333031384556, 113.029267864972, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 140.585417581734, 92.698690766237, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 128.649651812238, 73.5661983153641, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 114.88081683599, 55.7059230027226, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 99.4572081299554, 39.2537668954707, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 82.4557792492348, 24.4401234195301, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 63.9015117223512, 11.6305834057239, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 43.825812852227, 1.38178464649553, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 22.3741376569279, -5.50526474040419, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 1.4210854715202E-14, -8.02430054072738, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -22.3741369000302, -5.50526490804053, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -43.8258109334306, 1.38178384202005, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -63.9015107453348, 11.6305828171828, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -82.4557778416754, 24.4401223202192, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -99.4572071589388, 39.2537659566927, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -114.880815789293, 55.7059217719804, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -128.649650827451, 73.5661969013759, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -140.585419271271, 92.6986938201311, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -150.333030863305, 113.029266577227, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -157.205128832971, 134.492789207233, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -159.834545214161, 156.846549002985, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -156.028266010736, 178.980154672375, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -145.131082712872, 198.617025613766, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -128.945159904117, 214.242540461469, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -109.718192999937, 225.983554847043, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -88.8758510792069, 234.574313243064, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -67.16508882249, 240.670010803143, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -44.9796135673833, 244.728140029868, -93.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -22.5435788308204, 247.043703417137, -93.9999999999991));

				polyloop = new IfcPolyloop(cps.GetRange(80, 40));
				faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);
				faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound));

				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -4.18794598999739E-09, 247.792422124388, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -22.5435703494529, 247.043703987136, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -44.9796137218369, 244.728140009905, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -67.1650892718133, 240.670010704167, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -88.8758496782756, 234.574313724111, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -109.718194282579, 225.983554217461, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -128.945156511477, 214.24254302742, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -145.131083029256, 198.617025224586, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -156.028264877734, 178.980157906939, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -159.834545208922, 156.846549512965, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -157.205129964107, 134.492794132934, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -150.333031380544, 113.029267867934, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -140.585417577166, 92.6986907692923, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -128.649651807611, 73.5661983182769, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -114.88081683159, 55.7059230052684, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -99.4572081259275, 39.2537668974612, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -82.45577924561, 24.4401234208308, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -63.9015117190565, 11.6305834062858, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -43.8258128490947, 1.38178464641787, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -22.374137653742, -5.50526474077583, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, -5.6843418860808E-14, -8.02430054072741, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 22.374136903413, -5.50526490696816, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 43.8258109365215, 1.38178384447853, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 63.9015107478721, 11.6305828210529, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 82.4557778435065, 24.4401223253757, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 99.4572071600111, 39.2537659629489, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 114.880815789634, 55.7059217791287, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 128.64965082716, 73.5661969092022, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 140.585419270523, 92.6986938284213, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 150.333030862371, 113.029266585776, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 157.205128832256, 134.492789215875, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 159.834545214197, 156.846549011699, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 156.028266011557, 178.980154681359, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 145.131082713423, 198.617025622727, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 128.945159903547, 214.242540469453, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 109.718192998164, 225.983554853335, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 88.8758510764901, 234.574313247461, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 67.1650888191183, 240.67001080579, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 44.9796135636075, 244.728140031113, -83.9999999999991));
				cps.Add(new IfcCartesianPoint(md, 22.5435788267922, 247.043703417465, -83.9999999999991));

				polyloop = new IfcPolyloop(cps.GetRange(120, 40));
				faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);
				faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound));

				for (int icounter = 0; icounter < 40; icounter++)
					polyloop = new IfcPolyloop(cps[icounter == 39 ? 0 : icounter + 1], cps[icounter], cps[icounter == 0 ? 80 : 120 - icounter]);
					faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);
					faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound));
					polyloop = new IfcPolyloop(cps[80 + (icounter == 39 ? 0 : icounter + 1)], cps[80 + icounter], cps[icounter == 0 ? 0 : 40 - icounter]);
					faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);
					faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound));

					polyloop = new IfcPolyloop(cps[40+( icounter == 39 ? 0 : icounter + 1)], cps[40+icounter], cps[icounter == 0 ? 120 : 160 - icounter]);
					faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);
					faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound));
					polyloop = new IfcPolyloop(cps[120 + (icounter == 39 ? 0 : icounter + 1)], cps[120 + icounter], cps[icounter == 0 ? 40 : 80 - icounter]);
					faceOuterBound = new IfcFaceOuterBound(polyloop, true);
					faces.Add(new IfcFace(faceOuterBound));
				IfcClosedShell closedShell = new IfcClosedShell(faces);
				IfcFacetedBrep facetedBrep = new IfcFacetedBrep(closedShell);
				representationMap = new	IfcRepresentationMap(facetedBrep);
			else if (shapeRep == ShapeRep.Tessellation)
				List<Point3d> points = new List<Point3d>() { new Point3d(-300.0, 150.0, 0.0), new Point3d(-260.012578, 202.771984, 0.0), new Point3d(-200.897703, 235.427328, 0.0), new Point3d(-135.653172, 254.960516, 0.0), new Point3d(-68.351281, 265.485063, 0.0), new Point3d(2.288734, 268.839531, 0.0), new Point3d(72.81782, 265.023844, 0.0), new Point3d(139.786906, 254.038063, 0.0), new Point3d(201.174906, 235.317031, 0.0), new Point3d(259.220938, 203.387031, 0.0), new Point3d(300.0, 150.0, 0.0), new Point3d(301.12175, 84.866148, 0.0), new Point3d(274.727594, 21.433672, 0.0), new Point3d(235.605922, -32.723826, 0.0), new Point3d(186.088641, -80.939688, 0.0), new Point3d(130.136258, -119.016594, 0.0), new Point3d(67.084977, -144.523266, 0.0), new Point3d(1.477218, -153.498641, 0.0), new Point3d(-64.392137, -145.234375, 0.0), new Point3d(-128.935, -119.668008, 0.0), new Point3d(-185.4365, -81.474469, 0.0), new Point3d(-235.751609, -32.555805, 0.0), new Point3d(-275.439625, 22.660475, 0.0), new Point3d(-301.2465, 85.400219, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 253.099266, 0.0), new Point3d(-65.777992, 249.952375, 0.0), new Point3d(-128.508695, 240.511688, 0.0), new Point3d(-189.983266, 222.998141, 0.0), new Point3d(-246.840234, 193.330969, 0.0), new Point3d(-286.93375, 143.116359, 0.0), new Point3d(-288.338563, 84.231891, 0.0), new Point3d(-263.388344, 25.178932, 0.0), new Point3d(-224.986906, -26.382564, 0.0), new Point3d(-176.642109, -71.667547, 0.0), new Point3d(-122.550633, -106.846461, 0.0), new Point3d(-61.391031, -130.155953, 0.0), new Point3d(1.00923, -137.756953, 0.0), new Point3d(63.202145, -129.69757, 0.0), new Point3d(123.138398, -106.540977, 0.0), new Point3d(176.955734, -71.42018, 0.0), new Point3d(224.650078, -26.756678, 0.0), new Point3d(262.387781, 23.516443, 0.0), new Point3d(288.070906, 83.103938, 0.0), new Point3d(286.93375, 143.116359, 0.0), new Point3d(248.344641, 192.212875, 0.0), new Point3d(191.622094, 222.376281, 0.0), new Point3d(129.659992, 240.269531, 0.0), new Point3d(64.742059, 250.052203, 0.0), new Point3d(-157.154922, 175.808609, -94.0), new Point3d(-136.207516, 207.772813, -94.0), new Point3d(-105.240203, 227.552281, -94.0), new Point3d(-71.061875, 239.383609, -94.0), new Point3d(-35.805801, 245.758375, -94.0), new Point3d(1.198953, 247.790172, -94.0), new Point3d(38.145594, 245.479016, -94.0), new Point3d(73.227336, 238.824875, -94.0), new Point3d(105.385414, 227.485469, -94.0), new Point3d(135.792813, 208.145344, -94.0), new Point3d(157.154922, 175.808609, -94.0), new Point3d(157.742547, 136.356797, -94.0), new Point3d(143.915969, 97.9355, -94.0), new Point3d(123.422102, 65.13209, -94.0), new Point3d(97.482477, 35.927559, -94.0), new Point3d(68.171844, 12.864227, -94.0), new Point3d(35.142449, -2.585266, -94.0), new Point3d(0.77384, -8.021682, -94.0), new Point3d(-33.731801, -3.015985, -94.0), new Point3d(-67.542563, 12.469661, -94.0), new Point3d(-97.140859, 35.603637, -94.0), new Point3d(-123.498414, 65.233859, -94.0), new Point3d(-144.288969, 98.678578, -94.0), new Point3d(-157.807906, 136.680281, -94.0), new Point3d(-300.0, 150.0, 0.0), new Point3d(-228.577453, 162.904313, -47.0), new Point3d(-157.154922, 175.808609, -94.0), new Point3d(-260.012578, 202.771984, 0.0), new Point3d(-136.207516, 207.772813, -94.0), new Point3d(-200.897703, 235.427328, 0.0), new Point3d(-105.240203, 227.552281, -94.0), new Point3d(-135.653172, 254.960516, 0.0), new Point3d(-71.061875, 239.383609, -94.0), new Point3d(-68.351281, 265.485063, 0.0), new Point3d(-35.805801, 245.758375, -94.0), new Point3d(2.288734, 268.839531, 0.0), new Point3d(1.198953, 247.790172, -94.0), new Point3d(72.81782, 265.023844, 0.0), new Point3d(38.145594, 245.479016, -94.0), new Point3d(139.786906, 254.038063, 0.0), new Point3d(73.227336, 238.824875, -94.0), new Point3d(201.174906, 235.317031, 0.0), new Point3d(105.385414, 227.485469, -94.0), new Point3d(259.220938, 203.387031, 0.0), new Point3d(135.792813, 208.145344, -94.0), new Point3d(300.0, 150.0, 0.0), new Point3d(157.154922, 175.808609, -94.0), new Point3d(301.12175, 84.866148, 0.0), new Point3d(157.742547, 136.356797, -94.0), new Point3d(274.727594, 21.433672, 0.0), new Point3d(143.915969, 97.9355, -94.0), new Point3d(235.605922, -32.723826, 0.0), new Point3d(123.422102, 65.13209, -94.0), new Point3d(186.088641, -80.939688, 0.0), new Point3d(97.482477, 35.927559, -94.0), new Point3d(130.136258, -119.016594, 0.0), new Point3d(68.171844, 12.864227, -94.0), new Point3d(67.084977, -144.523266, 0.0), new Point3d(35.142449, -2.585266, -94.0), new Point3d(1.477218, -153.498641, 0.0), new Point3d(0.77384, -8.021682, -94.0), new Point3d(-64.392137, -145.234375, 0.0), new Point3d(-33.731801, -3.015985, -94.0), new Point3d(-128.935, -119.668008, 0.0), new Point3d(-67.542563, 12.469661, -94.0), new Point3d(-185.4365, -81.474469, 0.0), new Point3d(-97.140859, 35.603637, -94.0), new Point3d(-235.751609, -32.555805, 0.0), new Point3d(-123.498414, 65.233859, -94.0), new Point3d(-275.439625, 22.660475, 0.0), new Point3d(-144.288969, 98.678578, -94.0), new Point3d(-301.2465, 85.400219, 0.0), new Point3d(-157.807906, 136.680281, -94.0), new Point3d(-300.0, 150.0, 0.0), new Point3d(-228.577453, 162.904313, -47.0), new Point3d(-157.154922, 175.808609, -94.0), new Point3d(-103.357523, 247.172063, -47.0), new Point3d(-153.068953, 231.489813, -47.0), new Point3d(-52.078543, 255.621719, -47.0), new Point3d(1.743843, 258.314844, -47.0), new Point3d(55.481707, 255.251438, -47.0), new Point3d(106.507117, 246.431469, -47.0), new Point3d(197.506875, 205.766188, -47.0), new Point3d(153.280156, 231.40125, -47.0), new Point3d(228.577453, 162.904313, -47.0), new Point3d(229.432141, 110.611469, -47.0), new Point3d(209.321781, 59.684586, -47.0), new Point3d(179.514016, 16.204132, -47.0), new Point3d(141.785563, -22.506064, -47.0), new Point3d(51.113715, -73.554266, -47.0), new Point3d(99.154047, -53.076184, -47.0), new Point3d(1.125529, -80.760164, -47.0), new Point3d(-49.061969, -74.12518, -47.0), new Point3d(-98.238781, -53.599176, -47.0), new Point3d(-141.288688, -22.935416, -47.0), new Point3d(-209.864297, 60.669523, -47.0), new Point3d(-179.625016, 16.339027, -47.0), new Point3d(-229.527203, 111.04025, -47.0), new Point3d(0.0, 247.792422, -84.0), new Point3d(35.45952, 245.798125, -84.0), new Point3d(71.015367, 239.395359, -84.0), new Point3d(104.952289, 227.684234, -84.0), new Point3d(136.019484, 207.942281, -84.0), new Point3d(157.154922, 175.808609, -84.0), new Point3d(157.77775, 136.530484, -84.0), new Point3d(143.710984, 97.530469, -84.0), new Point3d(123.041867, 64.626715, -84.0), new Point3d(96.919461, 35.394453, -84.0), new Point3d(67.443461, 12.407895, -84.0), new Point3d(34.616102, -2.748099, -84.0), new Point3d(0.55276, -8.022964, -84.0), new Point3d(-33.624148, -3.048111, -84.0), new Point3d(-67.121539, 12.207951, -84.0), new Point3d(-96.747688, 35.232555, -84.0), new Point3d(-123.226352, 64.87157, -84.0), new Point3d(-144.259, 98.61857, -84.0), new Point3d(-157.924344, 137.268734, -84.0), new Point3d(-157.154922, 175.808609, -84.0), new Point3d(-135.195516, 208.674078, -84.0), new Point3d(-104.054703, 228.091234, -84.0), new Point3d(-70.384797, 239.553859, -84.0), new Point3d(-36.026906, 245.732781, -84.0), new Point3d(0.0, 247.792422, -84.0), new Point3d(0.0, 253.099266, 0.0), new Point3d(64.742059, 250.052203, 0.0), new Point3d(129.659992, 240.269531, 0.0), new Point3d(191.622094, 222.376281, 0.0), new Point3d(248.344641, 192.212875, 0.0), new Point3d(286.93375, 143.116359, 0.0), new Point3d(288.070906, 83.103938, 0.0), new Point3d(262.387781, 23.516443, 0.0), new Point3d(224.650078, -26.756678, 0.0), new Point3d(176.955734, -71.42018, 0.0), new Point3d(123.138398, -106.540977, 0.0), new Point3d(63.202145, -129.69757, 0.0), new Point3d(1.00923, -137.756953, 0.0), new Point3d(-61.391031, -130.155953, 0.0), new Point3d(-122.550633, -106.846461, 0.0), new Point3d(-176.642109, -71.667547, 0.0), new Point3d(-224.986906, -26.382564, 0.0), new Point3d(-263.388344, 25.178932, 0.0), new Point3d(-288.338563, 84.231891, 0.0), new Point3d(-286.93375, 143.116359, 0.0), new Point3d(-246.840234, 193.330969, 0.0), new Point3d(-189.983266, 222.998141, 0.0), new Point3d(-128.508695, 240.511688, 0.0), new Point3d(-65.777992, 249.952375, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 253.099266, 0.0), new Point3d(0.0, 247.792422, -84.0), new Point3d(35.45952, 245.798125, -84.0), new Point3d(71.015367, 239.395359, -84.0), new Point3d(104.952289, 227.684234, -84.0), new Point3d(136.019484, 207.942281, -84.0), new Point3d(157.154922, 175.808609, -84.0), new Point3d(157.77775, 136.530484, -84.0), new Point3d(143.710984, 97.530469, -84.0), new Point3d(123.041867, 64.626715, -84.0), new Point3d(96.919461, 35.394453, -84.0), new Point3d(67.443461, 12.407895, -84.0), new Point3d(34.616102, -2.748099, -84.0), new Point3d(0.55276, -8.022964, -84.0), new Point3d(-33.624148, -3.048111, -84.0), new Point3d(-67.121539, 12.207951, -84.0), new Point3d(-96.747688, 35.232555, -84.0), new Point3d(-123.226352, 64.87157, -84.0), new Point3d(-144.259, 98.61857, -84.0), new Point3d(-157.924344, 137.268734, -84.0), new Point3d(-157.154922, 175.808609, -84.0), new Point3d(-135.195516, 208.674078, -84.0), new Point3d(-104.054703, 228.091234, -84.0), new Point3d(-70.384797, 239.553859, -84.0), new Point3d(-36.026906, 245.732781, -84.0) };
				IfcCartesianPointList3D cartesianPointList3D = new IfcCartesianPointList3D(md, points);
				List<CoordIndex> coordIndex = new List<CoordIndex>() { new CoordIndex(28, 2, 29), new CoordIndex(1, 29, 2), new CoordIndex(30, 1, 24), new CoordIndex(29, 1, 30), new CoordIndex(24, 31, 30), new CoordIndex(3, 2, 28), new CoordIndex(5, 4, 27), new CoordIndex(6, 5, 25), new CoordIndex(25, 5, 26), new CoordIndex(4, 28, 27), new CoordIndex(5, 27, 26), new CoordIndex(3, 28, 4), new CoordIndex(23, 32, 31), new CoordIndex(33, 32, 23), new CoordIndex(24, 23, 31), new CoordIndex(34, 22, 21), new CoordIndex(23, 22, 33), new CoordIndex(22, 34, 33), new CoordIndex(21, 20, 35), new CoordIndex(36, 35, 20), new CoordIndex(34, 21, 35), new CoordIndex(37, 36, 19), new CoordIndex(20, 19, 36), new CoordIndex(18, 37, 19), new CoordIndex(7, 6, 48), new CoordIndex(8, 7, 47), new CoordIndex(7, 48, 47), new CoordIndex(8, 47, 46), new CoordIndex(46, 9, 8), new CoordIndex(46, 45, 10), new CoordIndex(11, 10, 45), new CoordIndex(12, 11, 44), new CoordIndex(45, 44, 11), new CoordIndex(10, 9, 46), new CoordIndex(12, 44, 43), new CoordIndex(15, 39, 16), new CoordIndex(40, 39, 15), new CoordIndex(38, 16, 39), new CoordIndex(18, 17, 37), new CoordIndex(16, 38, 17), new CoordIndex(17, 38, 37), new CoordIndex(13, 43, 42), new CoordIndex(12, 43, 13), new CoordIndex(14, 13, 42), new CoordIndex(15, 14, 40), new CoordIndex(14, 41, 40), new CoordIndex(42, 41, 14), new CoordIndex(48, 6, 25), new CoordIndex(50, 72, 49), new CoordIndex(51, 72, 50), new CoordIndex(71, 72, 52), new CoordIndex(51, 52, 72), new CoordIndex(53, 71, 52), new CoordIndex(69, 70, 63), new CoordIndex(71, 54, 70), new CoordIndex(66, 67, 65), new CoordIndex(67, 68, 65), new CoordIndex(68, 69, 64), new CoordIndex(71, 53, 54), new CoordIndex(54, 55, 61), new CoordIndex(55, 56, 61), new CoordIndex(58, 60, 57), new CoordIndex(60, 56, 57), new CoordIndex(59, 60, 58), new CoordIndex(65, 68, 64), new CoordIndex(69, 63, 64), new CoordIndex(62, 63, 70), new CoordIndex(62, 54, 61), new CoordIndex(61, 56, 60), new CoordIndex(62, 70, 54), new CoordIndex(74, 73, 76), new CoordIndex(80, 125, 126), new CoordIndex(126, 76, 78), new CoordIndex(126, 77, 76), new CoordIndex(76, 77, 74), new CoordIndex(82, 127, 125), new CoordIndex(127, 82, 84), new CoordIndex(127, 83, 81), new CoordIndex(125, 81, 79), new CoordIndex(128, 84, 129), new CoordIndex(88, 130, 86), new CoordIndex(92, 131, 90), new CoordIndex(90, 132, 88), new CoordIndex(94, 133, 92), new CoordIndex(96, 134, 94), new CoordIndex(98, 135, 96), new CoordIndex(128, 85, 83), new CoordIndex(77, 75, 74), new CoordIndex(77, 126, 79), new CoordIndex(85, 128, 87), new CoordIndex(87, 129, 89), new CoordIndex(131, 93, 132), new CoordIndex(134, 97, 133), new CoordIndex(97, 134, 99), new CoordIndex(133, 95, 131), new CoordIndex(132, 91, 130), new CoordIndex(135, 98, 136), new CoordIndex(102, 137, 100), new CoordIndex(106, 138, 104), new CoordIndex(104, 139, 102), new CoordIndex(137, 103, 136), new CoordIndex(108, 140, 106), new CoordIndex(138, 107, 139), new CoordIndex(139, 105, 137), new CoordIndex(99, 135, 101), new CoordIndex(141, 110, 112), new CoordIndex(114, 143, 142), new CoordIndex(141, 111, 109), new CoordIndex(110, 141, 140), new CoordIndex(118, 144, 145), new CoordIndex(120, 146, 144), new CoordIndex(116, 145, 143), new CoordIndex(122, 123, 146), new CoordIndex(140, 109, 138), new CoordIndex(111, 141, 142), new CoordIndex(113, 142, 143), new CoordIndex(145, 117, 115), new CoordIndex(146, 121, 119), new CoordIndex(123, 124, 121), new CoordIndex(144, 119, 117), new CoordIndex(148, 173, 172), new CoordIndex(149, 174, 173), new CoordIndex(151, 176, 175), new CoordIndex(152, 177, 176), new CoordIndex(150, 175, 174), new CoordIndex(154, 179, 178), new CoordIndex(155, 180, 179), new CoordIndex(157, 182, 181), new CoordIndex(158, 183, 182), new CoordIndex(156, 181, 180), new CoordIndex(153, 178, 177), new CoordIndex(160, 185, 159), new CoordIndex(161, 186, 160), new CoordIndex(163, 188, 162), new CoordIndex(164, 189, 163), new CoordIndex(162, 187, 161), new CoordIndex(166, 191, 165), new CoordIndex(167, 192, 166), new CoordIndex(169, 194, 168), new CoordIndex(171, 196, 170), new CoordIndex(170, 195, 169), new CoordIndex(168, 193, 167), new CoordIndex(165, 190, 164), new CoordIndex(159, 184, 183), new CoordIndex(217, 216, 215), new CoordIndex(217, 215, 218), new CoordIndex(220, 219, 214), new CoordIndex(215, 219, 218), new CoordIndex(197, 220, 214), new CoordIndex(214, 213, 197), new CoordIndex(219, 215, 214), new CoordIndex(210, 208, 211), new CoordIndex(213, 212, 205), new CoordIndex(212, 211, 207), new CoordIndex(197, 213, 205), new CoordIndex(198, 204, 199), new CoordIndex(200, 199, 203), new CoordIndex(203, 202, 201), new CoordIndex(200, 203, 201), new CoordIndex(203, 199, 204), new CoordIndex(209, 208, 210), new CoordIndex(208, 207, 211), new CoordIndex(206, 212, 207), new CoordIndex(212, 206, 205), new CoordIndex(197, 205, 204), new CoordIndex(197, 204, 198), new CoordIndex(80, 126, 78), new CoordIndex(82, 125, 80), new CoordIndex(127, 84, 128), new CoordIndex(127, 81, 125), new CoordIndex(125, 79, 126), new CoordIndex(84, 86, 129), new CoordIndex(130, 129, 86), new CoordIndex(131, 132, 90), new CoordIndex(132, 130, 88), new CoordIndex(133, 131, 92), new CoordIndex(134, 133, 94), new CoordIndex(135, 134, 96), new CoordIndex(128, 83, 127), new CoordIndex(128, 129, 87), new CoordIndex(129, 130, 89), new CoordIndex(93, 91, 132), new CoordIndex(97, 95, 133), new CoordIndex(134, 135, 99), new CoordIndex(95, 93, 131), new CoordIndex(91, 89, 130), new CoordIndex(98, 100, 136), new CoordIndex(137, 136, 100), new CoordIndex(138, 139, 104), new CoordIndex(139, 137, 102), new CoordIndex(103, 101, 136), new CoordIndex(140, 138, 106), new CoordIndex(107, 105, 139), new CoordIndex(105, 103, 137), new CoordIndex(135, 136, 101), new CoordIndex(141, 112, 142), new CoordIndex(114, 142, 112), new CoordIndex(141, 109, 140), new CoordIndex(110, 140, 108), new CoordIndex(118, 145, 116), new CoordIndex(120, 144, 118), new CoordIndex(116, 143, 114), new CoordIndex(122, 146, 120), new CoordIndex(109, 107, 138), new CoordIndex(111, 142, 113), new CoordIndex(113, 143, 115), new CoordIndex(145, 115, 143), new CoordIndex(146, 119, 144), new CoordIndex(123, 121, 146), new CoordIndex(144, 117, 145), new CoordIndex(148, 172, 147), new CoordIndex(149, 173, 148), new CoordIndex(151, 175, 150), new CoordIndex(152, 176, 151), new CoordIndex(150, 174, 149), new CoordIndex(154, 178, 153), new CoordIndex(155, 179, 154), new CoordIndex(157, 181, 156), new CoordIndex(158, 182, 157), new CoordIndex(156, 180, 155), new CoordIndex(153, 177, 152), new CoordIndex(185, 184, 159), new CoordIndex(186, 185, 160), new CoordIndex(188, 187, 162), new CoordIndex(189, 188, 163), new CoordIndex(187, 186, 161), new CoordIndex(191, 190, 165), new CoordIndex(192, 191, 166), new CoordIndex(194, 193, 168), new CoordIndex(196, 195, 170), new CoordIndex(195, 194, 169), new CoordIndex(193, 192, 167), new CoordIndex(190, 189, 164), new CoordIndex(159, 183, 158) };
				IfcTriangulatedFaceSet triangulatedFaceSet = new IfcTriangulatedFaceSet(md, cartesianPointList3D, null, true, coordIndex, null);
				representationMap = new IfcRepresentationMap(triangulatedFaceSet);

			md.NextObjectRecord = 200;
			IfcMaterial ceramic = new IfcMaterial(md, "Ceramic", "", "");
			ceramic.Associates.GlobalId = "0Pkhszwjv1qRMYyCFg9fjB";
			IfcSanitaryTerminalType sanitaryTerminalType = new IfcSanitaryTerminalType(md, "Wash Hand Basin", IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum.WASHHANDBASIN) { GlobalId = "2Vk5O9OO94lfvLVH2WXKBZ", MaterialSelect = ceramic, RepresentationMaps = new List<IfcRepresentationMap>() { representationMap } };
			sanitaryTerminalType.ObjectTypeOf.GlobalId = "01OIK6g$5EVxvitdj$pQSU";
			IfcElement element = sanitaryTerminalType.GenerateMappedItemElement(building, Plane.WorldXY);
			element.GlobalId = "0dOOwKTsn8I8gwbP3LM1Yz";
 public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value)
     switch (propIndex)
         case 0:
             _axis1 = (IfcDirection) value.EntityVal;
         case 1:
             _axis2 = (IfcDirection) value.EntityVal;
         case 2:
             _localOrigin = (IfcCartesianPoint) value.EntityVal;
         case 3:
             _scale = value.RealVal;
             this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break;
Exemplo n.º 38
 public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value)
     if (propIndex == 0)
         _location = (IfcCartesianPoint) value.EntityVal;
         this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value);
 public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value)
     switch (propIndex)
         case 0:
         case 1:
         case 2:
         case 3:
             base.IfcParse(propIndex, value);
         case 4:
             _Position = (IfcCartesianPoint)value.EntityVal;
         case 5:
             _Radius = value.RealVal;
         case 6:
             _ConstantAttenuation = value.RealVal;
         case 7:
             _DistanceAttenuation = value.RealVal;
         case 8:
             _QuadricAttenuation = value.RealVal;
             this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break;
 /// <summary>
 /// Compares two objects for geometric equality
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="a"></param>
 /// <param name="b">object to compare with</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool GeometricEquals(this IfcCartesianPoint a, IfcCartesianPoint b)
     if (a.Equals(b)) return true;
     double precision = a.ModelOf.ModelFactors.Precision;
     return a.IsEqual(b, precision);
Exemplo n.º 41
 public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value)
     switch (propIndex)
         case 0:
             _corner = (IfcCartesianPoint) value.EntityVal;
         case 1:
             _xDim = value.RealVal;
         case 2:
             _yDim = value.RealVal;
         case 3:
             _zDim = value.RealVal;
             this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break;
Exemplo n.º 42
 public IXbimPoint CreatePoint(IfcCartesianPoint p)
     return _engine.CreatePoint(p);