Exemplo n.º 1
 public async Task Random(CommandContext ctx)
     IamagesAPIWrapper api = new IamagesAPIWrapper();
     var imgInfo           = api.getRandom(); // random image info
     var embed             = defaultImgEmbed(imgInfo, api);
     await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : embed).ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task ImgSearch(CommandContext ctx, string searchTag)
            var emojis = new PaginationEmojis() //emojis to be used in the pagination
                Left      = DiscordEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":arrow_backward:"),
                Right     = DiscordEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":arrow_forward:"),
                SkipLeft  = null,
                SkipRight = null

            IamagesAPIWrapper api = new IamagesAPIWrapper();
            var response          = api.postSearch(searchTag);

            if (response.FileIDs.Length != 0)                  // no search was found
                List <Page> pages         = new List <Page>(); // paginated embeds to be sent
                var         interactivity = ctx.Client.GetInteractivity();
                int         count         = 0;
                foreach (int fileID in response.FileIDs)
                    var imgInfo = api.getImgInfo(fileID);
                    var embed   = defaultImgEmbed(imgInfo, api);
                    embed.WithTitle($"Image #{count}/{response.FileIDs.Length}");
                    var page = new Page($"Images Found! Searching for: `{response.searchTag}`\nPress :stop_button: to stop interacting", embed);
                await interactivity.SendPaginatedMessageAsync(ctx.Channel, ctx.User, pages, emojis);
                await BotServices.SendEmbedAsync(ctx, "Sorry! No Iamages were found!", "Similar descriptions were either not found or something else went wrong!", ResponseType.Warning);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public async Task GetImgByID(CommandContext ctx, int FileId)
     IamagesAPIWrapper api = new IamagesAPIWrapper();
     var iamage            = api.getImgInfo(FileId);
     var embed             = defaultImgEmbed(iamage, api);
     await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : embed).ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private DiscordEmbedBuilder defaultImgEmbed(IamageModel imgInfo, IamagesAPIWrapper api)
            string thumbUrl = api.getImgThumb(imgInfo.ImageID);
            string fileType = BotServices.ConvertToString(imgInfo.FileMime);
            string purity   = BotServices.ConvertToString(imgInfo.FileNSFW);

            string desc =
                $"**ID** = {imgInfo.ImageID}\n" +
                $"**Description** = {imgInfo.FileDesc ?? "No description provided."}\n" +
                $"**ImageType** = {fileType}\n" +
                $"**Purity** = {purity}\n" +
                $"**Dimensions** = {imgInfo.FileWidth}px x {imgInfo.FileHeight}px\n" +
                $"**Created at** = {imgInfo.created_at.DateTime}";

            var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
                        .WithAuthor("Iamages Discord Bot", null, SharedData.LogoURL)
                        .WithFooter("Retrieved from Iamages API")
