Exemplo n.º 1
        private async Task Evaluate()
            IExecutionState?previous = null;

            foreach (var message in _messages)
                // Skip forward to the first message with a null state (i.e. needs evaluating)
                if (message.State != null)
                    previous = message.State;

                previous = await EvaluateSingle(message.Input, message.Response, previous);

            async Task <IExecutionState?> EvaluateSingle(IMessage input, IUserMessage output, IExecutionState?prevState)
                // Try to get code from message
                var code = input.Content.ExtractYololCodeBlock();

                if (code == null)
                    await output.ModifyAsync2(@"Failed to parse a yolol program from message - ensure you have enclosed your solution in triple backticks \`\`\`like this\`\`\`");


                // Try to parse code as Yolol
                var result = Yolol.Grammar.Parser.ParseProgram(code);

                if (!result.IsOk)
                    await output.ModifyAsync2(result.Err.ToString());


                // Setup a new state
                var state = _executor.Prepare(result.Ok);

                state.TerminateOnPcOverflow = true;

                // Execute for 2000 ticks
                var err = state.Run(2000, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(150));

                // Print out result
                if (err != null)
                    await output.ModifyAsync2(err);
                    await output.ModifyAsync2(embed : state.ToEmbed().Build());

Exemplo n.º 2
        private async Task RunYolol(string input, IYololExecutor executor, uint lines)
            // Try to parse code as Yolol
            var result = await Parse(input);

            if (result == null)

            // Prep execution state
            var compileTimer = new Stopwatch();

            var state = await executor.Prepare(result);


            // Run for N lines, 500ms or until `:done!=0`
            var exeTimer = new Stopwatch();

            var saved = state.Serialize();
            var err   = await state.Run(lines, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500));

            // Print out the final machine state
            var embed = state.ToEmbed(embed =>
                embed.AddField("Setup", $"{compileTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms", true);
                embed.AddField("Execute", $"{exeTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms", true);

                if (err != null)
                    embed.AddField("Error", $"{err}", false);

                if (_debuggerUrl != null)
                    var base64 = saved.Serialize();

            await ReplyAsync(embed : embed.Build());
Exemplo n.º 3
        private async Task RunYolol(string input, IYololExecutor executor)
            // Try to parse code as Yolol
            var result = await Parse(input);

            if (result == null)

            // Prep execution state
            var compileTimer = new Stopwatch();

            var state = executor.Prepare(result);


            // Run for 2000 lines, 500ms or until `:done!=0`
            var exeTimer = new Stopwatch();

            var err = state.Run(2000, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500));

            // Print out error if execution terminated for some reason
            if (err != null)
                await ReplyAsync(err);


            // Print out the final machine state
            var embed = state.ToEmbed(embed => {
                embed.AddField("Setup", $"{compileTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms", true);
                embed.AddField("Execute", $"{exeTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms", true);

            await ReplyAsync(embed : embed.Build());
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <(Success?, Failure?)> Verify(Challenge.Challenge challenge, string yolol)
            await Task.CompletedTask;

            IScore scoreMode = challenge.ScoreMode switch {
                ScoreMode.BasicScoring => new BasicScoring(),
                ScoreMode.Approximate => new ApproximateScoring(),
                ScoreMode.Unknown => throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot use `Unknown` score mode (challenge is broken - contact Martin#2468)"),
                      _ => throw new NotImplementedException($"Score mode `{challenge.ScoreMode}` is not implemented (contact Martin#2468)")

            if (challenge.Chip == YololChip.Unknown)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot submit to a challenge with `YololChip.Unknown` (challenge is broken - contact Martin#2468)");

            if (!challenge.Intermediate.IsOk)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot submit to a challenge with broken intermediate code (challenge is broken - contact Martin#2468)");

            // Check input program fits within 20x70
            var lines = yolol.Split("\n");

            if (lines.Length > 20 || lines.Any(l => l.Length > 70))
                return(null, new Failure(FailureType.ProgramTooLarge, null, null));

            // parse the program
            var parsed = Parser.ParseProgram(yolol);

            if (!parsed.IsOk)
                return(null, new Failure(FailureType.ParseFailed, parsed.Err.ToString(), null));

            // Verify that code is allowed on the given chip level
            if (challenge.Chip != YololChip.Professional)
                var fail = CheckChipLevel(challenge.Chip, parsed.Ok);
                if (fail != null)
                    return(null, fail);

            // Prepare a machine state for execution.
            // Two states are needed - one for user code and one for code supplied by the challenge
            var executionsContexts = (await _executor.Prepare(new[] { parsed.Ok, challenge.Intermediate.Ok }, $":{challenge.CheckIndicator}")).ToList();
            var stateUser          = executionsContexts[0];
            var stateChallenge     = executionsContexts[1];

            // Retrieve the test cases for the challenge
            var(inputs, outputs) = GetTests(challenge);

            // Begin counting how long it takes to verify (for profiling purposes)
            var timer = new Stopwatch();


            // Run through test cases one by one
            var overflowIters = (long)MaxItersOverflow;

            for (var i = 0; i < Math.Max(inputs.Count, outputs.Count); i++)
                // Set inputs in user execution state
                var input      = SetInputs(i < inputs.Count ? inputs[i] : new Dictionary <string, Value>(), stateUser);
                var output     = outputs[i];
                var savedState = stateUser.Serialize(output);

                // Check realtime timeout
                if (timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds > TimeoutMillisecondsAll)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Timed out verification: {stateUser.TotalLinesExecuted} ticks, {timer.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms runtime");
                    return(null, new Failure(FailureType.RuntimeTooLongMilliseconds, $"Execution Timed Out (executed {i} test cases in {timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds}ms)", savedState));

                // Run the user code until completion
                (failure, overflowIters) = await RunToDone(stateUser, MaxTestIters, i, inputs.Count, overflowIters, savedState);

                if (failure != null)
                    return(null, failure);

                // Set the challenge inputs _and_ outputs into the challenge state
                SetInputs(input, stateChallenge, "input_");
                SetInputs(outputs[i], stateChallenge, "output_");

                // Run the challenge code
                (failure, _) = await RunToDone(stateChallenge, MaxTestIters, 0, 0, MaxItersOverflow, savedState);

                if (failure != null)
                    return(null, new Failure(FailureType.ChallengeCodeFailed, failure.Hint, savedState));

                // Check if the challenge code has forced a failure
                var forceFail = stateChallenge.TryGet(new VariableName(":fail"));
                if (forceFail?.Type == Yolol.Execution.Type.String && forceFail.Value.String.Length != 0)
                    return(null, new Failure(FailureType.ChallengeForceFail, forceFail.Value.String.ToString(), savedState));

                // Check this test case with the current scoring mode
                var scoreFailure = scoreMode.CheckCase(input, outputs[i], stateUser, savedState);
                if (scoreFailure != null)
                    return(null, scoreFailure);

            Console.WriteLine($"Verified {stateUser.TotalLinesExecuted} ticks, {timer.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms runtime");

            // Calculate score
            var codeLength = yolol.Replace("\n", "").Length;
            var score      = scoreMode.FinalizeScore(
                (uint)Math.Max(inputs.Count, outputs.Count),

            return(new Success(score, (uint)stateUser.TotalLinesExecuted, (uint)codeLength, scoreMode.Hint, (uint)challenge.Inputs.Count), null);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static async Task <IExecutionState> Prepare(this IYololExecutor executor, Yolol.Grammar.AST.Program program, string done = ":done")
     return((await executor.Prepare(new[] { program }, done)).Single());